Goodbye, Folks

Yeah because you were probably writing a reply to the thread when it was still in a different section, you can post in it in the trash section now.
I shall pray for her when I go to bed tonight. I know how you feel man. In regards to both your mother and losing a ton of time on the forums. I haven't lost a mother but I have lost someone who I was just as close to as my mother 2 years ago. I wish you and your whole family the best bro, and good luck.
And this is why I love the mods. Thank you, x and NorCal. You two are the greatest... Hopefully, you'll hear from me soon, folks
Well, Fizzy, unfortunately now... That little punk was my sign off.... Remember me fondly boys.... I'll be back....

*Vanishes with that swopshing special effect*

I'll be baaaaaaaaaack ........................
Sorry to hear about your mother, hope everything works out.

Peace Tenta.

I'll be making a tribute Sig for anyone wanting one..... it's about Tenta.
:worship: :worship: :worship: :worship:

Come back when ya get the time bro, we'll miss ya.

Who will take over the JTMFTG now?
You're simply a star in the forums, bud. After what you did to that twat smuggling piece of shit, you earn the Lariat Badge of Honor and Glory. I just made it up, and you're the first recipient.
Man, Tents. I'm gonna miss you so much until you get back, but I understand. I hope everything goes well.

Keep yo head up.

I'll send you my cell number, just in case.
Holy crap... I just noticed this thread.

Tenta, I can't even explain how much my heart goes out to you and your family. On this forum, I've been known to post everything from thought-provoking facts and opinions to toilet-humor. However, when someone has a serious issue and they address it on here, I respect their honestly and courage in posting it for the entire world to read and I try to show the real side of me that would do anything for a friend (just ask IC25). I'm sure that there aren't many on this forum that wish anything but good luck, health, and fortune to you and your mother in this trying time. You and I have exchanged some deep PM's and posts on here, and I respect you in the highest regards.

We should all take a moment, raise our drinks, and tip our hats to Tenta for everything he's done on here. The time he's spent on this forum has been well documented and respected, and I look forward to your return.

On a lighter note, maybe your absence gives me a prayer in hell for winning the Rookie of the Year in 2009, because we all know that no one else has a chance of winning if you're still around... HAHAHAAHAH.

Cheers, bro.
Rookie of the year just got blown wide open lol.

Check your PM's Tents. I will miss you.
Tenta, really can't imagine what your going through right now. I'm best wishes are with you bro! I hope that everything works out for the best, you will be in my thoughts and prayers....
Tenta, from my quiet observations of many of your posts, I can say you sir are a good man. I wish you and your family all the best.
I know I'm late on this, but I don't care. I don't really fuck around in the Bar Room much, but every now and then, I like to cycle through your posts and see what you're up to. I have been a huge fan of yours, back to the days of us being 100 something posts noobs. You were one of the first people to ever give me positive rep on these forums, which meant a lot to me at the time. I have followed you more than any other poster on here, and while i have a slight edge over you in quantity, you dwarf me in quality. You are THE man Tenta. I cannot fathom what you are going through, but I wish the best for you and your family.

The only other man who is brave enough to tell potential significant others about his obsession with professional wrestling on first-date-type situations.


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