I'm Done

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Will, let me say this once and for all: no one is saying that you didn't play a big part in getting Wes unbanned. Not me, not Wes, not Norcal, no one. We know you did.

Think of the rep thing from this side: Ellis said something might have happened. Is it possible we think there could be others in the same situation? Most of us seem to believe Edge shouldn't be where he is, and we see a possible reason why he got there unfairly, but we shouldn't think anything of it/
blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah yakkity yak

So uhm, yeah.. ONE PERSON (Ellis) is claiming something wrong. In saying I would pay him off in rep, to vote for Edge. This is a lie. I've said its a lie, and explained how its a lie.

For anyone not willing to believe me. Its still only ONE PERSON'S VOTE.. so simply remove it. Edge would still have won. End.. of.. discussion.. bitches.

I think the underlying thing here is Will, if you HAD bought Edge votes with rep from one person, why wouldnt you do it with countless others?

I think thats what everyone is getting at in thinking the victories were tainted, if it had went that way
Think of the rep thing from this side: Ellis said something might have happened. Is it possible we think there could be others in the same situation? Most of us seem to believe Edge shouldn't be where he is, and we see a possible reason why he got there unfairly, but we shouldn't think anything of it/

SO, what you're now trying to elude to.. is claiming not only did you stupidly believe "I" could've paid off someone in rep to vote for Edge.. but I could've perhaps did it to more than just the one guy who came forward in saying I have? Is that what you're getting at now?

Also.. just for purpose sake, how hard is it to do this..

Colonel KBenedict Arnold said:
Will, I've loved you from the moment I saw you post. You're without a doubt the greatest man alive, and I'm deeply attracted to you. Fuck Becca, never liked the bitch. I want you, Will. Always and Forever. xoxoxoxoxo

Now.. you and I know how serious that is, KB.. you & I know..

But, can you explain to me.. when someone posts something with "quoted by" around it, how does it suddenly make it real? Much less, believable?

NorCal said he was referring to the rep comment (you know, the one I pointed out for people to go see before Ellis even said a word) in which the remark was simply put "Deal".. indicating, a form of a "deal" was worked out.

That deal, was exactly what was in those PM comments..

Ellis wanted me to continue repping him, whenever he wanted rep and I could give it out. I agreed, by saying "deal" in his rep comment. Ellis posted practically ALL of our PM's about the tourney, except for the initial two or so.. in which I sent him a generic PM, asking for his support for Edge.. he replied in saying I'll vote even though this is a generic PM.. me replying saying I'd prove why he should vote for Edge.. him saying he's voted. Him then PMing me again, saying I should rep him.. and so on and so forth.
I think the underlying thing here is Will, if you HAD bought Edge votes with rep from one person, why wouldnt you do it with countless others?

I think thats what everyone is getting at in thinking the victories were tainted, if it had went that way

Okay.. one more time for the slow, reading impaired.

A.) Didn't buy even a SINGLE vote from anyone. Albeit, considering it now.

B.) Let's in all realisticness, say I had.. for fuck sake, let's assume I did.. show me, in the rules as they are currently - without being modified.. where it says thats illegal?

Sure, it'll become illegal now, or next year.. but nothing like that was ever posted or mentioned in this year's rules.

So even if I WANTED to buy votes for rep.. it'd be underhanded as fuck, but it wouldn't be cheating, now would it? :lmao:
...are you really implying Ellis is smart enough to do that? If so then you're flat out delusional. I'm surprised he can tie his own shoes.

But I digress.

I read all of what you said, and I can come to one conclusion: why in the hell were you asking for votes in the first place? The tournament is supposed to be about who's better, not who is the most popular poster, which is what it's turned into.
...are you really implying Ellis is smart enough to do that? If so then you're flat out delusional. I'm surprised he can tie his own shoes.

But I digress.

I read all of what you said, and I can come to one conclusion: why in the hell were you asking for votes in the first place? The tournament is supposed to be about who's better, not who is the most popular poster, which is what it's turned into.

awwww shit
This thread makes me want to frown. Will, for my sake man, stay diplomatic (i.e., don't say things you'll regret later, specifically, disrespectful things about someone's intelligence).
48.7 & Wes.. I'm honestly considering banning.. especially, Wes. I know Sam will be in agreement. And as long as one admin says its seriously okay to do.. I swear, the next fucking idiot who thinks I rigged or cheated.. will get banned.

I'm not even close to joking. Its one thing to bitch and moan.. its another to try and bad mouth me, by running down my name and claiming I'm some type of cheater.


WrestleZone Forum Rules said:
Thou shalt not accuse Will, jokingly mind you, of cheating and rigging the WrestleZone Tournament. This is a bannable offense.

I missed that one when I signed up.
KB.. apparently you missed Shocky saying TO PM PEOPLE.. as well. Shit, how the fuck did you ever become mod, let alone G-Mod. You're completely fucking blind.

Also on this note - I only ever began PMing people, asking for support.. when morons started bitch threads in the bar room, whining.
Why does everyone bring my name up when they talk about banning Wes? Because I did it roughly eighteen times? It's in the past, mang.
I'm still curious as to what grounds you have for the potential banning of anyone who says you're a cheater.

Sorry.. right, so you need reasons.. how bout more than one?

Wrestlezone Forum Rules said:
A. Acting Like an Idiot: If the Staff feel you are not contributing to the forums and are simply a nuisance poster they have every right to ban you. These are privately owned forums and it is our judgment as to who can and cannot post here, not yours. Freedom of speech does not apply here at Wrestlezone Forums.

Can't honestly say I know a bigger idiot than you. And thats breaking the rules, in and of itself.

Wrestlezone Forum Rules said:
C. Stirring up Drama: Don’t do it. If there is some aspect about the Wrestlezone Forums that you do not like, rationally make your case and discuss it in a mature fashion. Do not be immature and cause a massive fuss, as it will only work against you and may result in an Infraction.

Not only have you actually been someone who's started a bitch thread about the tournament, in regard to Edge winning in a previous match-up. You're now complaining (joking or otherwise) in another manner, in regard to Edge and the WZ Tournament, yet again.

I'd say that falls into the category of you being a bitch ass idiot, who's stirring up more drama. That's two.. ready for the third?

Wrestlezone Forum Rules said:
D. Pissing off Staff: We won’t put up with it. If you are being persistently and intentionally being annoying to a Staff member, the Staff member has every right to ban you. Do not be afraid to discuss and debate Staff members; just do not “Troll” a Staff member.

See that? Read it very carefully.. because you're pissing me the flat fuck off, and as-per the rules.. I have EVERY right to ban your idiot acting, drama stirring, bitch ass.

This concludes our lesson of Don't fuck with Will anymore 101. Class and 48.7 Dismissed.

I got my job by posting everywhere, not just in the tournament.

So.. I haven't done that?

I'm following what IC instructed us to do.

After you started a big'ol I don't have solid proof, but I'm pretty sure Will did it committee?
Will, what in the fuck is your problem with me? Ever since I got promoted you've had a thing against me. Let it go.

And 48, you're not getting banned.

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