[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2062372]Look... *sigh* I'm not asking you to have a college degree. I'm not asking you to be a fucking genius. Hell, I'm not even asking that you complete high school... All I'm asking is that when you go to work and clock in, you're giving your job 100%. Doesn't matter if you work at a burger joint, wrapping burritos, or putting a sandwich together... Just do what you're getting paid to do. I go to work everyday and do what's expected of me and then some. I plan on moving UP in my company. I don't plan on being a Bank Teller for the rest of my life...I'm shooting for management in the near future and possibly further. "Bank Manager" will look a helluva lot better on a resumé than "Disgruntled Bank Teller"... To those of you in the food industry who show up to work everyday and put effort into your job, I commend you. I know it isn't easy... but for those of you with no expectations or standards, that's something you'll carry with you into every aspect of your life. You may not realize it now, but when you're older, and you look back on your life, you'll realize that the time you spent being a dick to your customers and putting sub par effort into your work, could've been spent being the best at what you did, regardless of how mundane or small it was. These things that you carry around are not just your attitudes, but serious character flaws. The things that you say or do, reflect on you and the people around you. People who call you friends will be judged on the company they keep and someday you'll realize that you not only held yourself back, but wasted so much potential. I feel sorry for you, because I know what it's like to waste potential. I've been there. If you continue to go through life acting like somebody always owes you something, you'll fade into obscurity, finding yourself replaced by somebody who was willing to give it their all. And lets face it... Nobody WANTS to be Nature's "D-Student". Well, at least I didn't think so until I started this thread. If mediocre is as high as your willing to shoot for, than by all means... But stay at home and do it and stop tainting society with your negative outlooks and holier than thou attitudes, because honestly? At the end of the day, nobody gives a shit about your gripes or concerns, because you don't give 2 shits about them...[/QUOTE]
Exactly what Gunnz said. I've turned up to work injured, sick, upset and sleepless (not to mention intoxicated) and still pull it together because its work. If you don't give a shit, then it looks like you'll get future endeavoured without getting any best wishes.
And I can make anything at my work. I'm sure I can replicate this miracle taco you speak of. Shit, I can make a McDonalds cheeseburger, an actual pizza, a KFC Twister, a doner/chicken/mixed kebab... all at my work without having to exit the shop in need of supplies. The possibilities are endless.