Fast Food: Stupidity Requirement?

As ******ed as some people claim that fast food employees are Freddy, the exact same can be said about the customers. I especially understand about the people that are standing in line for five fucking minutes and when their time comes to order, they call somebody on the fucking phone. Good thing my place isn't a franchise and we do good business so I just call out next and that motherfucker can come back when he's ready to order.

Mandatory Scrubs Quotation - "If someone is standing in front of me in line... and can't decide what they want in the half-hour it took to get to the register, I SHOULD be allowed to kill them"
EVERYWHERE I eat/shop I check before I leave, it's common sense. People fuck up every now and then, you're far from perfect yourself.

Never once have I claimed to be perfect or have I said I don't fuck up. But, as I said earlier, this happens ALL THE TIME. This is only the first time I've complained... It's finally hit a sadly funny low. It makes me wonder what the fuck goes through peoples minds when they hire these people... "Do you have a basic understanding of the 4th grade? You do? When can you start!!?" I mean, seriously... I understand that it's more difficult than most people think, but really? To try and justify being a douche to ANYBODY when they're entrusting you with their health... Or they're paying you with money they could have easily taken somewhere else? There's your compliment...I came to YOUR restaurant, not theirs...
Nah I don't think so. I get shit pay so I do a shit job - if they want to pay me more than £4.80 an hour I'll work better. Give and take. You pay next to nothing you get next to nothing.

Wow...again with the douchebag comments. I'd say you'd be more of the type of person that would sit at home on disability, smoking weed everyday. You knew what you were getting paid when you accepted the job, now society has to accommodate you because you're perched on that high horse of yours? Kiss my ass... That restaurant would work just as well without you standing behind the counter, I guarantee...
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2062196]Never once have I claimed to be perfect or have I said I don't fuck up. But, as I said earlier, this happens ALL THE TIME. This is only the first time I've complained... It's finally hit a sadly funny low. It makes me wonder what the fuck goes through peoples minds when they hire these people... "Do you have a basic understanding of the 4th grade? You do? When can you start!!?" I mean, seriously... I understand that it's more difficult than most people think, but really? To try and justify being a douche to ANYBODY when they're entrusting you with their health... Or they're paying you with money they could have easily taken somewhere else? There's your compliment...I came to YOUR restaurant, not theirs...[/QUOTE]

*sigh* Really? You're going to argue about this?
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2062207]Well, I can tell who's singled me out in these forums! ;) Don't click it if ya don't like it! Thanks![/QUOTE]

nice to have somebody else to troll... I mean jerk around ;):p
Nah I don't think so. I get shit pay so I do a shit job - if they want to pay me more than £4.80 an hour I'll work better. Give and take. You pay next to nothing you get next to nothing.

You think you yourself or any skills you may think you have are worth paying more than that? The simple fact that you seem incapable of carrying any degree of pride in your job is a pretty clear indication that no right minded employer should ever pay you not only the above amount but anything more.

This is where your employer tells your dumb ass "No, you work for me. You work hard and you will be rewarded. You work like shit and you won't be. You work shitty enough and we will replace you. This isn't a pick and choose scenario; you will work for me to the level in which I tell you to or you will find yourself whistling a blue tune all the way to the unemployment line."
Nah I don't think so. I get shit pay so I do a shit job - if they want to pay me more than £4.80 an hour I'll work better. Give and take. You pay next to nothing you get next to nothing.

Is this a "take your ball and go home" moment? It totally is, man.
This is basically the underlying answer that we all knew was right in front of us the whole time. The #1 reason why our orders are fucked up at these places is because those jobs are not permanent ones that people will ever give a shit about. Blame the managers for hiring such imbeciles, but not the workers. Most of them just want to skate by during the day and count the minutes until they could blow their paychecks on the latest iTunes album, hottest new pair of sneakers, or another bad baseball cap turned sideways on their heads. They could give two shits if there was enough ketchup on your burger and if you ordered no pickles.

Allow me to quote Goodfellas when I say that the workers are probably thinking nothing more than, "Fuck you. Pay me."

No ketchup on your burger? "Fuck you. Pay me."

Extra pickles? "Fuck you. Pay me."

You know, I used KFC to pay for my fresh Buccos fitted, Pitt Season Tickets, the fresh cut hair, the authentic jerseys and some 180 dollar Jordans. O wait...
Nah I don't think so. I get shit pay so I do a shit job - if they want to pay me more than £4.80 an hour I'll work better. Give and take. You pay next to nothing you get next to nothing.

This may be the dumbest thing I've read since a Wikipedia entry trying to describe the Buffyverse. You're basically telling your boss, who was goodly enough to give a dumbass a job he doesn't deserve, that if he wants a good job performance, then he needs to give you a raise? Listen, I've got a shit paying job, too. At least I have the courtesy to give my job the best effort possible. If they give a raise, great. If the bosses decide it's not a good idea, big deal. I won't change my performance based on that.

Point: It's not you're fucking call what kind of pay rate you get, by threatening to do a shit job. Man up, and be professional.
Nah I don't think so. I get shit pay so I do a shit job - if they want to pay me more than £4.80 an hour I'll work better. Give and take. You pay next to nothing you get next to nothing.

I read this over and over again, and it reminded me of something Chris Rock once said... "Minimum wage is your boss' way of saying 'Look...If I could pay you less, I would." In your case, I'd say it fits. Maybe you're looking at it from the wrong side of the fence? Maybe you should be looking at it from the opposite side of the "You get what you give" fence. With an attitude like that, you'd be the perennial toilet and trash guy at most places. Maybe you should find a department store and apply for a "Maintainence" position. If you're so used to getting shit on, try cleaning it up all day... Might do your ass some good.
Honestly I believe in what they're saying. If you want good work pay more. I'm tired of making 7.90 and hour when my market is a 7 billion dollar a year business. It makes no sense, you pay us shitty you get shitty service. Its not right. But it is what it is. Nobody wants those type of jobs so the fast food industries are stuck with getting whatever applies. They don't get to pick who works for them because its a shit job.

They might not even pay you more but places should be thankful for your services. Give you a little something extra here and there. If places made there employees feel wanted they might put in the extra effort to do a top notch job.
Honestly I believe in what they're saying. If you want good work pay more. I'm tired of making 7.90 and hour when my market is a 7 billion dollar a year business. It makes no sense, you pay us shitty you get shitty service. Its not right. But it is what it is. Nobody wants those type of jobs so the fast food industries are stuck with getting whatever applies. They don't get to pick who works for them because its a shit job.

They might not even pay you more but places should be thankful for your services. Give you a little something extra here and there. If places made there employees feel wanted they might put in the extra effort to do a top notch job.

I get what you are saying, but you are replaceable. As is every employee that works those kind of jobs. To avoid shit pay, make sure you have enough of an education and skill set to allow your job options to grow. That's it. If you have more to offer, you will get paid more. I guarantee that.
Honestly I believe in what they're saying. If you want good work pay more. I'm tired of making 7.90 and hour when my market is a 7 billion dollar a year business. It makes no sense, you pay us shitty you get shitty service. Its not right. But it is what it is. Nobody wants those type of jobs so the fast food industries are stuck with getting whatever applies. They don't get to pick who works for them because its a shit job.

They might not even pay you more but places should be thankful for your services. Give you a little something extra here and there. If places made there employees feel wanted they might put in the extra effort to do a top notch job.

I can't even believe I'm seeing posts like this... You are justifying being a douche to your customers because your employer pays you shitty? How can you, as an employee of the restaurant I patronize, justify treating me like shit, because of what your boss decided to pay you? How does that even register in your mind as ok? If the whole world felt this way, I can only imagine what shit would be like... It's ridiculous to even think it, but to actually say it... :banghead:
Nah I don't think so. I get shit pay so I do a shit job - if they want to pay me more than £4.80 an hour I'll work better. Give and take. You pay next to nothing you get next to nothing.
I get a terribly shitty pay. Its not even enough to last me 2 weeks. But you know what, I still work myass off. The fuck if my boss forgets my name. In time she'll know. Why? Because I'll be the one standing out. I'll be the one working him ass off no matter what. And when she does, thats when the rewards come. When I gain some status. But you won't get to know that feeling.
Honestly I believe in what they're saying. If you want good work pay more. I'm tired of making 7.90 and hour when my market is a 7 billion dollar a year business. It makes no sense, you pay us shitty you get shitty service. Its not right. But it is what it is. Nobody wants those type of jobs so the fast food industries are stuck with getting whatever applies. They don't get to pick who works for them because its a shit job.

They might not even pay you more but places should be thankful for your services. Give you a little something extra here and there. If places made there employees feel wanted they might put in the extra effort to do a top notch job.
Its 50/50. Both customer and employee have to work it out. If one is an ass then the other one will be too.
I get pissed too, but what are you expecting? You know who is working in there. Do you want a college degree required to be able to work the drive-thru? The people that we complain about, the lazy ones/dumb ones, are pretty much there for a reason.

Everyone still goes back to fast-food joints even after they have their orders messed up. You aren't going to fix the system.
I get pissed too, but what are you expecting? You know who is working in there. Do you want a college degree required to be able to work the drive-thru? The people that we complain about, the lazy ones/dumb ones, are pretty much there for a reason.

Everyone still goes back to fast-food joints even after they have their orders messed up. You aren't going to fix the system.

Ahem. Listen jackass, we're not all lazy and dumb. To even generalize like that is ridiculous. Would you like it if I pointed out that people who do office work are afraid of actual labor?
I get pissed too, but what are you expecting? You know who is working in there. Do you want a college degree required to be able to work the drive-thru? The people that we complain about, the lazy ones/dumb ones, are pretty much there for a reason.
Fucking stereotypes. You know, you really should learn to bite your fucking tongue. Just because the goddamn TV paints it that way, doesn't make it the case. Believe it or not, it may not need a college degree, but it can be one of the hardest jobs out there. Just name me one job that requires you to have a sandwich cooked, wrapped and ready for serving in under a minute. It may take 3 minute to be actually given to you, but we need to do it on the fly. Are you that quick? I doubt it. You seem to have been too lazy to read the whole thread and read my posts.

Everyone still goes back to fast-food joints even after they have their orders messed up. You aren't going to fix the system.
I'll give you that one.
I get pissed too, but what are you expecting? You know who is working in there. Do you want a college degree required to be able to work the drive-thru? The people that we complain about, the lazy ones/dumb ones, are pretty much there for a reason.

Everyone still goes back to fast-food joints even after they have their orders messed up. You aren't going to fix the system.

Look... *sigh* I'm not asking you to have a college degree. I'm not asking you to be a fucking genius. Hell, I'm not even asking that you complete high school... All I'm asking is that when you go to work and clock in, you're giving your job 100%. Doesn't matter if you work at a burger joint, wrapping burritos, or putting a sandwich together... Just do what you're getting paid to do. I go to work everyday and do what's expected of me and then some. I plan on moving UP in my company. I don't plan on being a Bank Teller for the rest of my life...I'm shooting for management in the near future and possibly further. "Bank Manager" will look a helluva lot better on a resumé than "Disgruntled Bank Teller"... To those of you in the food industry who show up to work everyday and put effort into your job, I commend you. I know it isn't easy... but for those of you with no expectations or standards, that's something you'll carry with you into every aspect of your life. You may not realize it now, but when you're older, and you look back on your life, you'll realize that the time you spent being a dick to your customers and putting sub par effort into your work, could've been spent being the best at what you did, regardless of how mundane or small it was. These things that you carry around are not just your attitudes, but serious character flaws. The things that you say or do, reflect on you and the people around you. People who call you friends will be judged on the company they keep and someday you'll realize that you not only held yourself back, but wasted so much potential. I feel sorry for you, because I know what it's like to waste potential. I've been there. If you continue to go through life acting like somebody always owes you something, you'll fade into obscurity, finding yourself replaced by somebody who was willing to give it their all. And lets face it... Nobody WANTS to be Nature's "D-Student". Well, at least I didn't think so until I started this thread. If mediocre is as high as your willing to shoot for, than by all means... But stay at home and do it and stop tainting society with your negative outlooks and holier than thou attitudes, because honestly? At the end of the day, nobody gives a shit about your gripes or concerns, because you don't give 2 shits about them...
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2062372]Look... *sigh* I'm not asking you to have a college degree. I'm not asking you to be a fucking genius. Hell, I'm not even asking that you complete high school... All I'm asking is that when you go to work and clock in, you're giving your job 100%. Doesn't matter if you work at a burger joint, wrapping burritos, or putting a sandwich together... Just do what you're getting paid to do. I go to work everyday and do what's expected of me and then some. I plan on moving UP in my company. I don't plan on being a Bank Teller for the rest of my life...I'm shooting for management in the near future and possibly further. "Bank Manager" will look a helluva lot better on a resumé than "Disgruntled Bank Teller"... To those of you in the food industry who show up to work everyday and put effort into your job, I commend you. I know it isn't easy... but for those of you with no expectations or standards, that's something you'll carry with you into every aspect of your life. You may not realize it now, but when you're older, and you look back on your life, you'll realize that the time you spent being a dick to your customers and putting sub par effort into your work, could've been spent being the best at what you did, regardless of how mundane or small it was. These things that you carry around are not just your attitudes, but serious character flaws. The things that you say or do, reflect on you and the people around you. People who call you friends will be judged on the company they keep and someday you'll realize that you not only held yourself back, but wasted so much potential. I feel sorry for you, because I know what it's like to waste potential. I've been there. If you continue to go through life acting like somebody always owes you something, you'll fade into obscurity, finding yourself replaced by somebody who was willing to give it their all. And lets face it... Nobody WANTS to be Nature's "D-Student". Well, at least I didn't think so until I started this thread. If mediocre is as high as your willing to shoot for, than by all means... But stay at home and do it and stop tainting society with your negative outlooks and holier than thou attitudes, because honestly? At the end of the day, nobody gives a shit about your gripes or concerns, because you don't give 2 shits about them...[/QUOTE]

Exactly what Gunnz said. I've turned up to work injured, sick, upset and sleepless (not to mention intoxicated) and still pull it together because its work. If you don't give a shit, then it looks like you'll get future endeavoured without getting any best wishes.

And I can make anything at my work. I'm sure I can replicate this miracle taco you speak of. Shit, I can make a McDonalds cheeseburger, an actual pizza, a KFC Twister, a doner/chicken/mixed kebab... all at my work without having to exit the shop in need of supplies. The possibilities are endless.

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