Fast Food: Stupidity Requirement?

There's a flier in the McDonalds near my house about hiring workers in the state. The website is "".

...So uh


I get a terribly shitty pay. Its not even enough to last me 2 weeks. But you know what, I still work myass off. The fuck if my boss forgets my name. In time she'll know. Why? Because I'll be the one standing out. I'll be the one working him ass off no matter what. And when she does, thats when the rewards come. When I gain some status. But you won't get to know that feeling.

Its 50/50. Both customer and employee have to work it out. If one is an ass then the other one will be too.

Or you could save yourself the effort and change your name to Twat Cummings.

I can guarantee there won't be a single repercussion.
You'd be surprised how many people actually refuse to work in a Fast Food restaurant, due to the amount of stress thats involved. Someone, (NorCal?) said they screw up because its so easy and they basically slack off.

While part of that is true, its not entirely the only thing. The job is only easy once you learn it. And half the time, a shit ton of people never get passed "learning it". Not morons, mind you. Actual people with brains. The stress is just too much of an overload to so many, that they quit before they ever have the true full chance to learn the entire job.

Now then, do I side with you on your anger in having a food order fucked up? Absolutely. Regardless what your job is, its your responsibility to get it right. I mean, whether its remembering to large size the meal and leave out the corn. Or which patient needs a new heart and which patient is getting a vasectomy. BIG difference, but still, their job to understand and get right.
Unless you've worked in fast food, you don't know how stressful it can be (especially if you're relatively new to the job and still learning all the different combinations for a lot of different meals.

I just got hired by KFC near me and they have HEAPS of different combination meals which until you learn them, you won't know them off by heart and you will stuff up every now and then. The managers won't expect you to pick it up right away. Working in fast food takes some time and training to perfect everything.

I worked at Subway about five months ago and it was very stressful being new and having to remember different combinations of meat and taking peoples order without looking at the board behind you is tough for a while before you get settled in.

So go easy on fast food workers, they're not trying to fuck you around, they're probably still learning.
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2062264]I can't even believe I'm seeing posts like this... You are justifying being a douche to your customers because your employer pays you shitty? How can you, as an employee of the restaurant I patronize, justify treating me like shit, because of what your boss decided to pay you? How does that even register in your mind as ok? If the whole world felt this way, I can only imagine what shit would be like... It's ridiculous to even think it, but to actually say it... :banghead:[/QUOTE]

Bull fucking shit. It is okay because this shit is only temporary and places like this there are pretty much no room for advancement. Like I said if employers offered more, employees might do a little more. Money and incentives are very persuasive. Like I said if you offer someone 15 dollars and someone 10, who do you think is going to work harder, or who do you think is going to take more pride in there? When I worked at KFC I made 6.15 an hour which isn't much. My friend made assistant manager pay without really being assistant manager. Tell me who worked harder?
Really? REALLY?! I'm Fuckin' flabbergasted; I just read this whole thread and am fucking disgusted to say the least... the very least. Fuck! Fuuuuuck....
I don't even know where to begin.
Actually scratch that, yes, I do. First, IF you have a job, ANY job, in this global economic crisis count your fucking blessings and go in tomorrow and thank your boss(es) for the opportunity to be employed and make any wage at all.
Second, you are a wage slave... deal with it. Is the system perfect? FAAAAR from it. But for the love of God, MAN-the-fuck-UP, put on that FUNployee name tag, and do your fucking job with the biggest shit eating grin possible. Hard work builds character and you'll be better for it. Shockingly, sometimes life is about doing what you need to do not what you want to do. Babies;You're coming off like babies. Actually, "pussy bitches" is more like it, but hey PO-tay-TO/PO-TA-O amiright?
One of the most puerile comments in this thread...
Nah I don't think so. I get shit pay so I do a shit job - if they want to pay me more than £4.80 an hour I'll work better. Give and take. You pay next to nothing you get next to nothing.
Do you know why you are making shit money at a shit job friend? It's because your attitude towards work is shit, pure and simple.
We can't all be paid lots of money. We all can't have easy jobs (if those even exist) that pay well and are nothing but fun fun fun. We can't all be Doctors, Lawyers, VP corporate execs., Dot-com entrepreneurs, Pro-athletes, pop-stars and celebritards on TMZ. We can't all be rich fucking millionaires who never have to give thought to their finances. As long as people keep shitting and making messes someone will have to scrub the toilets and take out the trash. Accept that and move on. Or we could bitch about those jobs being demeaning, until immigrants come in and do it for dirt cheap, but then we'll just complain about how "THEY TUK R JOBS".
Work is work. I know that seems like it should be obvious but apparently it's not. Staggeringly enough work ISN'T play time.

You: "Work =/= Play you say???? Blasphemy!"

Me: "No, really, it's true!"

It's not fucking romper room where the goal is for you to be entertained, stimulated, or just "kill time" 'til your shift is through. It's by and large not even supposed to be fun, sorry.
Fuck! I hear people bitching about not being allowed to txt or have cellphones out on the floor etc. Are you kidding me? I don't care how boring your job is, or if you have down time, or whatever asshole excuse you think you have that warrants you to be doing anything other than your job when you're at work.
Regardless of said (erroneous) excuses you are being paid for that hour of your time. For those sixty minutes they own you and you're sole focus is the fucking job you're being paid to do. Why is that such a hard concept to understand? Eh, but I digress...
I fully believe, to the bottom of my very core, that people who have some of the attitudes like the ones in this thread will more than likely have a difficult time in life and have few, if any, to blame other than themselves. People who are lazy and/or untrustworthy in little, powerless, menial situations and stations will never, and should never, be trusted to excel to positions of importance or prominence; And it's rightly so. Who on earth would believe that the guy who can't do anything right and/or has such a shit attitude at minimum wage should ever be payed more and given more responsibility?
Finally, to those who question my work experience: A. Fuck off. B. I worked in fast food/retail/sales for years (but that has fuck all to do with anything and if you think otherwise you still don't "get it") C. Kindly see 'A' once more.
Ahem. Listen jackass, we're not all lazy and dumb. To even generalize like that is ridiculous. Would you like it if I pointed out that people who do office work are afraid of actual labor?

And didn't say EVERYONE was lazy and dumb, genius. I said the people "we complain about", which certainly wouldn't be people who do their job correctly.

Fucking stereotypes. You know, you really should learn to bite your fucking tongue. Just because the goddamn TV paints it that way, doesn't make it the case.
Bite yours and read what I actually said. Every word this time.

Believe it or not, it may not need a college degree, but it can be one of the hardest jobs out there.

I actually worked fast-food for a few months when I was 16.

Just name me one job that requires you to have a sandwich cooked, wrapped and ready for serving in under a minute.

Just one? Fast-food.

Do you want me to take that as a valid point, or just an angry rant after you got fired up over something you misinterpreted?

It may take 3 minute to be actually given to you, but we need to do it on the fly. Are you that quick? I doubt it.

I never touched the food. I'm pretty, so they put me up front:shrug:

You seem to have been too lazy to read the whole thread and read my posts.

If laziness = not reading through 16 pages of the same thing being said 25 different ways and not prioritizing the posts of Riaku, then yes, qualify me as lazy.
My best one - I ordered a CBO in McDonalds (CBO being cheese bacon onion, on chicken). I asked for it plain, specifying as in no salad or mayo, just in case they had a blonde moment and gave me nothing.

I go and open my burger - there is just a chicken burger. I was not happy
Rather than going through this thing again and responding to every person who is bitching saying that fast food jobs are hard I just say this: that's bullshit. Sorry guys. There is nothing wrong what so ever with working those jobs. Do what you need to do to make a living for yourself and your family. You get yours booboo.

Just don't act like those are harder than they really are. I've had two fast food jobs. One was my first job ever at Jack in the Box and the second was at Quiznos. Both sucked ass. The people I worked with were moronic and the management was arguably worse. The pay sucked as did the customers. With all that being said, there was no way either of those jobs were hard. They both got busy around lunch and dinner but there was never a time when I was telling myself "Man, this is too much. I can't handle this back breaking milkshaking and onion ring frying."

People are in control of their lives. They make it what they can. If you want more pay, find ways to get better jobs. None of the people that work fast food here seem to be too stupid to get better jobs if they want them. Success can be achieved by those who seek it out.
Rather than going through this thing again and responding to every person who is bitching saying that fast food jobs are hard I just say this: that's bullshit. Sorry guys. There is nothing wrong what so ever with working those jobs. Do what you need to do to make a living for yourself and your family. You get yours booboo.

Just don't act like those are harder than they really are. I've had two fast food jobs. One was my first job ever at Jack in the Box and the second was at Quiznos. Both sucked ass. The people I worked with were moronic and the management was arguably worse. The pay sucked as did the customers. With all that being said, there was no way either of those jobs were hard. They both got busy around lunch and dinner but there was never a time when I was telling myself "Man, this is too much. I can't handle this back breaking milkshaking and onion ring frying."

People are in control of their lives. They make it what they can. If you want more pay, find ways to get better jobs. None of the people that work fast food here seem to be too stupid to get better jobs if they want them. Success can be achieved by those who seek it out.

hey wow, looks like we have our...fourth? Adult to post in this thread!!!
Rather than going through this thing again and responding to every person who is bitching saying that fast food jobs are hard I just say this: that's bullshit. Sorry guys. There is nothing wrong what so ever with working those jobs. Do what you need to do to make a living for yourself and your family. You get yours booboo.

Just don't act like those are harder than they really are. I've had two fast food jobs. One was my first job ever at Jack in the Box and the second was at Quiznos. Both sucked ass. The people I worked with were moronic and the management was arguably worse. The pay sucked as did the customers. With all that being said, there was no way either of those jobs were hard. They both got busy around lunch and dinner but there was never a time when I was telling myself "Man, this is too much. I can't handle this back breaking milkshaking and onion ring frying."

People are in control of their lives. They make it what they can. If you want more pay, find ways to get better jobs. None of the people that work fast food here seem to be too stupid to get better jobs if they want them. Success can be achieved by those who seek it out.

I mostly agree, and this is probably my favorite post so far, but..

A decent amount of people working there really can't go higher, and usually the ones that have a future are inexperienced and don't stay there that long.

Its not that hard of a job, but it has its learning curve, and it doesn't have a great retention rate so you are constantly training people.

All i'm saying is that you know what you're getting when you go there. That's no excuse for laziness, and deliberately bad service is inexcusable, but we shouldn't act like we're going to fine dining and get flawless service.
Try working as Tech Support then come to me and bitch about your job. Not saying I don't like my job or anything, but it's probably more frustrating since customers don't see you face to face, they don't have the social inhibitions that would prevent them from acting like *****.
This thread is amazing. I made it to page 9 before I had to stop reading. I was taught- and I still believe- that you work hard at everything you do. That means if I'm cleaning shit out of a toilet, I'm going to be the best damn shit cleaner you've ever seen. If I'm making a burger at McDonald's I'm going to make it to the best of my ability.

It's called work ethic, people. And having this quality means that you respect yourself and others. Intentionally messing up at your job makes you look like a complete waste of space. It does not prove any point other than you are useless. If you mess up an order at a fast food place, be accountable for it. It's called "food service", which means you are serving the public. If the customer is being an asshole, that's the perfect opportunity for you to be the bigger person. Have a little respect for yourself- apologize and fix it. End of story.
Try working as Tech Support then come to me and bitch about your job. Not saying I don't like my job or anything, but it's probably more frustrating since customers don't see you face to face, they don't have the social inhibitions that would prevent them from acting like *****.

Being a It supporter as a whole is a troublesome bitch Ty, but even though I do agree that a tech supporter probably gets some of the dumbest questions, I still have to admit that some of the tech support people at the manufacturers are plain idiots at times to deal with.

Especially Sony.
Being a It supporter as a whole is a troublesome bitch Ty, but even though I do agree that a tech supporter probably gets some of the dumbest questions, I still have to admit that some of the tech support people at the manufacturers are plain idiots at times to deal with.

Especially Dell.

Fixed that for you.

But yeah I agree. The biggest problem is that a lot of call center tech support companies will hire anyone off the street, often times people who haven't touched a computer in their life, and then send them out to troubleshoot IT issues. I've seen this with a previous tech support job I had a couple years ago. They hired 50 year old people with absolutely no computer knowledge whatsoever. Now my current job is local in house tech support if you will. When customers call for support, they reach us directly at the company's office rather than a call center 3000 miles away or overseas. That and I'm also an admin for the network and servers, and primary system builder due to my experience as a system builder and computer technician for my job prior to this one.

Edit: And this story is referring to call centers that are still in the US. Centers overseas in India, well I can't explain it other than one support person over their stated that the night time crew (night time in India that is) is when the best support people are working. That's roughly around the 4-7 AM time frame for us here.
Bite yours and read what I actually said. Every word this time.
I did. I still wonder what do you mean by "The people that we complain about, the lazy ones/dumb ones, are pretty much there for a reason". I don't what you meant. Me coming from the front end, I know those guys don't last long.
I actually worked fast-food for a few months when I was 16.
Just one? Fast-food.
facepalm/ Ay...
Do you want me to take that as a valid point, or just an angry rant after you got fired up over something you misinterpreted?

No, I'm just asking you what other job out there needs you to have a meal cooked in 3 minutes. A gourmet restaurant can't it. Emeril can't do it. My mother can't do it.
I never touched the food. I'm pretty, so they put me up front:shrug:
Cute. You called me ugly. Thank you Captain Obvious.

If laziness = not reading through 16 pages of the same thing being said 25 different ways and not prioritizing the posts of Riaku, then yes, qualify me as lazy.
Ah dude, I'd really love to see you act this way in person. I could make a fortune out of betting on how many people you tick off.
Fixed that for you.

I have NEVER had a problem with the Danish tech support from Dell.

Sony on the other hand, I'm guaranteed 90% of the times I call them, that there's a problem on their behalf, I shall share a small story.

I call to the main number on their site, for the robot voice to tell me "call this number..." I call that number, press in all the information etc. get a female tech support who tells me they cannot register the RMA case because it's purchased in America, I get told they cannot redirect me to the English hot line right now, and they'll call back to redirect me.

I get a call 20 minutes later, and get redirected, for the English tech support to tell me "who sent you to this number, this is the incorrect line, we cannot redirect you back, you have to re-dial"

I re-dial, get told, that it was the right number, and they'll call me back when they can redirect again, they call me back, "we can't redirect you just yet" they call me back again 5 minutes later "yeah, we're gonna have to send you an E-mail with information"

I get an e-mail 4 hours later, in French.

Okay, not so small a story.

But yeah I agree. The biggest problem is that a lot of call center tech support companies will hire anyone off the street, often times people who haven't touched a computer in their life, and then send them out to troubleshoot IT issues. I've seen this with a previous tech support job I had a couple years ago. They hired 50 year old people with absolutely no computer knowledge whatsoever. Now my current job is local in house tech support if you will. When customers call for support, they reach us directly at the company's office rather than a call center 3000 miles away or overseas. That and I'm also an admin for the network and servers, and primary system builder due to my experience as a system builder and computer technician for my job prior to this one.

I've had a coworker deal with that before, he called HP support about the retail CD's for their operative systems, and the female who was a receptionist started going through the troubleshooting process with him, and he kept telling her "look, let me talk to a technician, you're obviously not qualified to help me with this" and she just kept going, until he got a hold of her boss, who was just as big of an asshole, at least according to him.

But on the other hand, there certainly is some companies and people who are perfectly qualified and very very nice people to talk to, I've never had ANY problems talking to Dell and partially Acer (I had one time, that's another story)
I did. I still wonder what do you mean by "The people that we complain about, the lazy ones/dumb ones, are pretty much there for a reason".

Not complicated. You complain about bad workers and don't complain about good ones.

I don't what you meant. Me coming from the front end, I know those guys don't last long.

Which leads to another influx of the same people. Constant cycle.

No, I'm just asking you what other job out there needs you to have a meal cooked in 3 minutes. A gourmet restaurant can't it. Emeril can't do it. My mother can't do it.

What point does this make? You are just defining what fast food is. Thanks for the info.

Cute. You called me ugly. Thank you Captain Obvious.
Did I? Just called myself pretty.

Ah dude, I'd really love to see you act this way in person. I could make a fortune out of betting on how many people you tick off.
I do get ticked off a lot, but I have great composure. However, this I laughed at. Get off your high-horse. Your posts don't have a magnet on them for non-lazy eyes :lmao:

Anything else you want to know about me?:rolleyes:
Are you as much of a brainless twat in real life as you are on here?

Honest question.

NOTE: This isn't in reference to the above post. The above post is fine. I meant in general.
I do get ticked off a lot, but I have great composure. However, this I laughed at. Get off your high-horse. Your posts don't have a magnet on them for non-lazy eyes :lmao:

Anything else you want to know about me?:rolleyes:


I don't wanna.
Meh. I work fast-food, i'm not ashamed. I do my job damn well. As a matter of fact, i'm going to work in like 10 minutes and work 5-2AM. I thank God I have a job everytime I get ready to go to said job. I get to work with cool co-workers. I meet some cool people. Not all the customers are dicks, some are pretty cool and fun to conversate with. I work hard and they give me lots of hours to reflect it.
See Fredicles, that's cool but your earlier post made it seem like you were one of those dicks that took their time or fucked up the food.


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