Really? REALLY?! I'm Fuckin' flabbergasted; I just read this whole thread and am fucking disgusted to say the least... the very least. Fuck! Fuuuuuck....
I don't even know where to begin.
Actually scratch that, yes, I do. First, IF you have a job, ANY job, in this global economic crisis count your fucking blessings and go in tomorrow and thank your boss(es) for the opportunity to be employed and make any wage at all.
Second, you are a wage slave... deal with it. Is the system perfect? FAAAAR from it. But for the love of God, MAN-the-fuck-UP, put on that FUNployee name tag, and do your fucking job with the biggest shit eating grin possible. Hard work builds character and you'll be better for it. Shockingly, sometimes life is about doing what you
need to do not what you
want to do. Babies;You're coming off like babies. Actually, "pussy bitches" is more like it, but hey PO-tay-TO/PO-TA-O amiright?
One of the most puerile comments in this thread...
Nah I don't think so. I get shit pay so I do a shit job - if they want to pay me more than £4.80 an hour I'll work better. Give and take. You pay next to nothing you get next to nothing.
Do you know why you are making shit money at a shit job friend? It's because your attitude towards work is shit, pure and simple.
We can't all be paid lots of money. We all can't have easy jobs (if those even exist) that pay well and are nothing but fun fun fun. We can't all be Doctors, Lawyers, VP corporate execs., Dot-com entrepreneurs, Pro-athletes, pop-stars and celebritards on TMZ. We can't all be rich fucking millionaires who never have to give thought to their finances. As long as people keep shitting and making messes someone will have to scrub the toilets and take out the trash. Accept that and move on. Or we could bitch about those jobs being demeaning, until immigrants come in and do it for dirt cheap, but then we'll just complain about how "THEY TUK R JOBS".
Work is work. I know that seems like it should be obvious but apparently it's not. Staggeringly enough work ISN'T play time.
You: "Work =/= Play you say???? Blasphemy!"
Me: "No, really, it's true!"
It's not fucking romper room where the goal is for you to be entertained, stimulated, or just "kill time" 'til your shift is through. It's by and large not even supposed to be fun, sorry.
Fuck! I hear people bitching about not being allowed to txt or have cellphones out on the floor etc. Are you kidding me? I don't care how boring your job is, or if you have down time, or whatever asshole excuse you think you have that warrants you to be doing anything other than your job when you're at work.
Regardless of said (erroneous) excuses you are being paid for that hour of your time. For those sixty minutes they own you and you're sole focus is the fucking job you're being paid to do. Why is that such a hard concept to understand? Eh, but I digress...
I fully believe, to the bottom of my very core, that people who have some of the attitudes like the ones in this thread will more than likely have a difficult time in life and have few, if any, to blame other than themselves. People who are lazy and/or untrustworthy in little, powerless, menial situations and stations will never, and should never, be trusted to excel to positions of importance or prominence; And it's rightly so. Who on earth would believe that the guy who can't do anything right and/or has such a shit attitude at minimum wage should ever be payed more and given more responsibility?
Finally, to those who question
my work experience: A. Fuck off. B. I worked in fast food/retail/sales for years (but that has fuck all to do with anything and if you think otherwise you still don't "get it") C. Kindly see 'A' once more.