Fast Food: Stupidity Requirement?

Wait what are you talkin' bout?!?!? I was saying he could tie one hell of a clinh knot, I wanna go fishing with that guy.

Speaking of Gunnz, where did he come from? I never saw him until recently and he seems like he's been here for awhile.

I was here for the longest time, mainly because I became unemployed a couple years back, because I caught "Walking Pneumonia", my D-Bag boss fired me for it, and I sat at home for 6 months, and this place was like my release. Someone hacked my email account, and I had to get a new computer (Totally unrelated) and I couldn't remember my password. So, for months and months, I tried to get back in here...and I FINALLY was able to recover my email information, so here I am, all over again. Ask NorCal, NSL, Fromthesouth, or even SlyFox... They remember... (They should...bastards...) I'm pretty sure SlyFox was trying to have me killed at one point...And you just don't mess with NorCal. You really only need to try once to realize this mistake.
See Fredicles, that's cool but your earlier post made it seem like you were one of those dicks that took their time or fucked up the food.


Nah, I don't do that. I said there are people who if you're a dick will take their time and/or fuck your food up. We're always busy so we can't really afford to take our time and whatnot. We were a madhouse tonight. I was floating around doing various things. Dishes, coordinating the orders, fries, grill, sandwiches. Oi. Right up until 1:15 we were busy as hell.
End of the year awards. I believe D Man opened a thread to discuss it early and it got over 3000 posts. Around maybe 200 of those were about the actual awards. It was closed about 3 times.
To stay on topic, 2 customers came in late last night. One says "I think its closed". The other responds "You're inside". Major laughing ensued.
To stay on topic, 2 customers came in late last night. One says "I think its closed". The other responds "You're inside". Major laughing ensued.

This actually annoys the crap out of me. Not your post, but the customer bit.

Apparently somewhere in this world is the unwritten law/rule that if a customer comes inside at 10:59:59 and you close as 11:00.. you must stay open until they are done with their purchase, and time spent in your store. BULLSHIT.

At the video store, if a customer comes inside within 5 minutes to close. I always ask (in general, but especially near closing) if I can help them find anything they're looking for. And I politely remind them the store closes soon, and give the exact time. Come closing time, I will walk around to each specific customer still in the store and tell them that we're now closing and whatever they have I can help check them out with.. some will argue with the "You have to stay open until I'm done looking" bit.. to which I (politely) reply with.. "Actually, our computer system shuts itself down after a specific time. So if you aren't done by the time it is, you'll have to wait until tomorrow."

That line is true to an extent. (our system needs set before midnight) I merely make it sound like it'll be set within 5-10 minutes.

I've only ever had 1 set of customers refuse to listen to the fact we were closed. And thats when my Asst. Manager actually went and shut off all the lights in the store, except the security ones. :lmao:

Now then, as far as restaurants go. Since I'm getting out late and close to close for most of them.. I'm always nice enough to ask if I can still order without screwing up any of their closing stuff before I order. Only once has a place told me they've already cleaned everything, and I agreed to not order and go else-where. Normally, me asking is (to them) good enough to take my business because I was being nice up-front, first.
Yeah, a few people asked if we were still open. There always are that same few. "You don't close for 1 minute though. Why can't I get a Baconator and a Large Frosty?" We normally shut the frosty machines down 30 minutes before close because they need time to wash out and all that stuff. Some lady pulled in the drivethru; -headset beeps- Me: "Welcome to Wendy's, Can I take your order?" "Are you still open?" -blank stare- "Yes.." "Oh, okay." :confused:
Some lady pulled in the drivethru; -headset beeps- Me: "Welcome to Wendy's, Can I take your order?" "Are you still open?" -blank stare- "Yes.." "Oh, okay." :confused:

This I'd excuse for a couple reasons.

1. You could be closed inside, and even to me I hate how places close their lobby yet stay open in drive-thru for another 3-4 hours.

2. Sometimes a place (McD's, in my case, 3 weeks ago) will have a sign posted on their door that they're closed for 'upgrades' (or anything, really) and then you'll notice traffic through drive-thru because, shockingly, they're still open there. :confused: talk about real confusing.

So yeah, I understand driving through to ask if a place is still open - then ordering. I was once turned away because they legit were closed, yet some dumbass was still wearing the headset while cleaning. :wtf:
The owners of the pizza place I work at, they require us to still take orders up to TEN FUCKING MINUTES after we close! I mean we never do, as the customers don't know this information, and we don't see any point for them to know it.
The owners of the pizza place I work at, they require us to still take orders up to TEN FUCKING MINUTES after we close! I mean we never do, as the customers don't know this information, and we don't see any point for them to know it.

I laughed.

Hopefully you're the only food establishment nearby. Otherwise good luck with your future endeavors.
I laughed.

Hopefully you're the only food establishment nearby. Otherwise good luck with your future endeavors.

There's a cluster of places nearby. The reason we don't think they should know that, is because we've closed at ten for five years, if they don't get by now, they never will.
Lets be realistic with this situation though, guys. If the business hours say "6am - 10pm", realistically, they should be taking orders up until 10pm. If they closed most of their shit down at 9:30pm, they should post the hours as closed at said time. But I'm with the employee on this one. Nothing pisses me off more than a last minute customer. When it's 5 minutes til the end of your shift, the last thing you really want is someone who couldn't decide until that last minute to choose you. At this point, I would EXPECT shitty quality food, because I would be the douche in this case... On the flipside of that though, if you're going to advertise as being open til a certain time, you should be fully operational until that time.
The lobby closes at 10. Drivethru was open til 2. What bothered me was she asked after I said could I take your order?! Like.. nah, we're closed.. I normally take orders anyways though.
I worked in a "gourmet" fast food restaurant. We never had a closing time. My boss just told us when to take off the hot dogs from the grill when he felt we didn't have enough people coming in. It was a great system for us, but it pisses off a few customers each year.

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