Fast Food: Stupidity Requirement?

The lobby closes at 10. Drivethru was open til 2. What bothered me was she asked after I said could I take your order?! Like.. nah, we're closed.. I normally take orders anyways though.

Lol... I have to agree, tis a stupid question. I can understand pulling up the speaker and asking "Hey...are you guys still open?" but to be asked "Can I take your order?" only to be met with the same question is stupid and deserves a "Pickle Slice Fastball" to the fucking face. Oh... I'm also starting to sympathize with those of you in the fast food industry... I recently saw some of the "Fire in the Hole" videos that are floating around on youtube, and I have to say I'm rather disgusted. For those of you not familiar with this asshattery, it's basically a car full of morons, who order their food, and once they get it, RIGHT before they pull away, someone yells "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" and the driver hurls his drink or food at the person in the window. These people need to be lined up, shirtless, along a wall in the "Frisk" position while the victim of said prank takes a CB Antenna and lays down some kendo stick-like lashings across their fucking backs.
:lmao: Gunnz, that shit happened in Mount Pleasant's McDonald's and the employee who got the drink tossed on him jumped THROUGH the fucking drive-thru window, into the car which was still fucking PARKED! :lmao: (yeah, they put the car in park first and forgot to take it out when they threw the drink.)

Needless to say, a lot of the employee's gathered 'round the window, while no one cared that the driver was being beaten bloody. Great service had by all. LOL
Oh, I'd feel sorry for the sorry sons of bitches who would pull something like that on me. The drive through is long and I know I fit through the window. Not to mention you have to do a total 360 to get out. We did have some jackasses who walked to the drive through window to get an order. The lobby was closed. Come to think of it, the fact we actually took their order just totally kills the need to close the lobby and then the drive through. Close it all at once and clean. You know you'll be interrupted if the drive through is open.
I don't have to worry about anything like this, except for meatballs. We take them out about 10 minutes before closing time so we can remove the rest in the bin, throw them to the trolley to take out and clean the containers properly.

The worst thing we have are customers coming in after 9.30pm, 30 minutes before closing time and usually the time when we run out of meatballs (on busy nights) and request for meatballs. They either get shitty about it and talk you into giving a discount because their preference isn't available, walk out of the store or abuse you. If we finish a container of meatballs after 7-7.30pm, we can't pull out another one. Most of the time, I assume the role of a blond person if they persist with the arguing and use psychology to lure them into a verbal trap. Works everytime, they leave or apoligise.
Customers looking for a discount are always at a disadvantage.

They came to your place for a reason. If they leave, sure you lose business and money. However - you need to look at the situation at hand. If you're a food business that closes with everyone else, then they risk more by leaving hungry and can't go else where. So they're more likely to just buy from you and be pissed off.. than leave without anything.

This relates to me when Customers threaten to go to other video stores when we won't "erase/delete" their late fees. While apart of me could care less and believe late fees shouldn't be around.. another part of me understands that if we begin deleting late fees, then movies won't be returned until the customer "feels like it".. and that causes us to lose even MORE money in the long run. So, no, I won't be deleting late fees because you choose to threaten going else where. News flash.. they have circumstances as well that you must obey and follow.
People always try to get free food. We do not give out free food for any reason whatsoever. The district manager came in one night and ordered four 10 piece nuggets, that cleaned out all our nuggets so I had to drop some more which takes roughly three/four minutes. This lady after the manager ordered two 5 pieces, and one of our Jr. Frosty's. I told her it'd be a few minute wait on the nuggets and proceeded to take the next order. When there was about a minute and fifteen seconds left on the timer I went and got her frosty and brought it to her. She apparently didn't know they were that small and asked if she could get a bigger size because she had to wait "so long on her food" I told her we couldn't do that. She threw a damn fit, like.. yelling at the top of her lungs and was bothering other customers and saying shit like.. "What time is it sir?!?" "9:27.." "9:27?! I've been waiting here for THREE MINUTES, I can't believe this shit. PLUS THEY GIVE ME MY FROSTY AND IT'S GOING TO MELT!!" She was acting like a complete and total imbecile. I was trying to like, not laugh, not get mad. "Ma'am, the lady before you ordered all of our nuggets, I HAD to drop some, or you.. wouldn't have got any? There's really no need for an attitude and for you to curse at me." She asked for the manager and he was like, "Yeah, you had to wait a few minutes, the nuggets are done. Here, we don't give free food out. Have a nice evening ma'am." She was super upset.
:lmao: Gunnz, that shit happened in Mount Pleasant's McDonald's and the employee who got the drink tossed on him jumped THROUGH the fucking drive-thru window, into the car which was still fucking PARKED! :lmao: (yeah, they put the car in park first and forgot to take it out when they threw the drink.)

Needless to say, a lot of the employee's gathered 'round the window, while no one cared that the driver was being beaten bloody. Great service had by all. LOL

I wouldn't help the stupid sumbitch either, as he very well got the assbeating he deserved. These people do not deserve to be harassed at their place of work for any reason. I don't even know what to say... To see grown ass people doing such stupid childish shit is beyond words...
So... I went back to the place that was the cause of this thread and, to my amazement, they didn't fuck up my order... The guy at the window was nice and very polite. See? It IS possible! I guess the socially inept people were off that night... 2 Thumbs up for the staff this time!
I worked 44 hours this week. 4 hours overtime. I'm exhausted man, they're firing everyone and the remaining closers are having to work twice as hard. I usually average 30-33 hours a week. So meh.

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