Fast Food: Stupidity Requirement?

People who don't try because they don't want to be there are ***** and don't deserve to have jobs. When I get a job I'll work to the best of my abilities, because I like putting forth effort when money is involved.
2) People who are shitty at their jobs because they don't "care" should quit and let someone who needs the job and will care do it. If you fuck up my cheeseburger because it's peak time, alright. Whatever. I'll be polite. But if you fuck it up at 8:30pm when I'm the only person in the drive thru because you couldn't be assed to put an extra squirt of mustard and skip the onions, then you're a bitch. And WE DON'T PLAY DAT WAY ROUND CHEYA.


If a person doesn't show interest in their job, then they should just go home and grow roots on the couch. Trust pretty much everyone that's voicing this opinion: If you're gonna sweep the floors, do it like you're the fucking man at it.

3) Am I and Norcal the only people who are polite and courteous and respectful to everyone in teh real worldz? I can't think of one time I've ever been a douchebag to anyone that wasn't my friend or family. And every one of those times I felt bad for a week afterward.

Actually, I'm with both of you and Riaku on this one. Sucks when you do an act of courtesy and it goes by ignored. Pisses me off.
I don't say "Thank you" when someone orders me. That's ******ed. Say "Sir" or "I'll get it done."
I hate Carlito because he's the only person who is shittier than Evan Bourne. Which makes him the 2nd person worse than Shelton Benjamin.
I generally put forth my best effort at work, and I've let co-workers know they aren't gonna drag my performance down. Do I like my job? Fuck no! Do I enjoy the money that my job entails? Hell, yeah, I do! If I want my pay check, I need to do my job properly, and treat my customers with respect. In no way should somebody have a job that they don't want to do properly.
I'm always nice and polite when I order food. "Please" and "thank you" all around. If my order is less than satisfactory I complain to my dining partner quietly. I've never had a fucked up order, but I have had my fair share of Crunchwraps that are neither crunchy nor wrapped particularly well. Still edible though so I don't complain.
I don't say "Thank you" when someone orders me. That's ******ed. Say "Sir" or "I'll get it done."
If its a rule, I follow it. Its my job.

Yeah, that's why I hate Carlito

I hate Carlito because he's the only person who is shittier than Evan Bourne. Which makes him the 2nd person worse than Shelton Benjamin.

If you guys are trying to ruffle my feathers then try with something else, I hate Carlito as well.
Because Bourne is shit. Jeff Hardy's big thing was doing flips from really tall things, and I loved the stupid fuck.
Eh? I was just giving an example of someone shit at their job in WWE (because Benjamin has gone) I didn't even link the fact he was Peurto Rican.
Wait, Carlito is Puerto Rican? I thought he was from some random island that wasn't Cuba. No, wait, that was Kofi.

Speaking of which, when is Puerto Rico going to become a state? We want your taxes to pay for healthcare.
Because Bourne is shit. Jeff Hardy's big thing was doing flips from really tall things, and I loved the stupid fuck.
Jeff came off like a backyarder pretending he was a wrestler. In the ring, I fail to think of a single thing he does better than Bourne.

If audience involvement is your thing, Bourne engages the crowd very well on many nights for someone who's rarely featured. He's had many matches where he's looked like a superstar, one just a couple weeks ago on Superstars. You can't fault him for not getting Jeff Hardy like reactions when he hasn't had a decade to establish that connection with the crowd. But we're talking about in-ring skills here, so while Hardy's in-ring charisma may be a factor for you, it's a null point given the time he's had to establish a main stream rapport.

Execution? Bourne all the way. While Jeff Hardy trips over himself doing simple moves at times, Bourne executes a wide variety of moves with grace and often seems to connect in ways that Hardy can rarely muster.

Not dressing like a reject? Bourne trounces Hardy at that, too.

I can't think of a way in which Hardy is superior to Bourne outside of being a draw in the main event, something Bourne can't be faulted with as he hasn't been given time to establish himself like Hardy has over the years. That aside, I can't fathom a way in which Bourne is "shit."
Jeff came off like a backyarder pretending he was a wrestler. In the ring, I fail to think of a single thing he does better than Bourne.

I would say Promo skillz, but has Bourne even given a promo yet?
If audience involvement is your thing, Bourne engages the crowd very well on many nights for someone who's rarely featured. He's had many matches where he's looked like a superstar, one just a couple weeks ago on Superstars. You can't fault him for not getting Jeff Hardy like reactions when he hasn't had a decade to establish that connection with the crowd. But we're talking about in-ring skills here, so while Hardy's in-ring charisma may be a factor for you, it's a null point given the time he's had to establish a main stream rapport.

The fact is that Hardy's reaction dwarf's Bourne's by about 10000000:1. That's one thing he does better than Bourne.

Execution? Bourne all the way. While Jeff Hardy trips over himself doing simple moves at times, Bourne executes a wide variety of moves with grace and often seems to connect in ways that Hardy can rarely muster.

Lulz. Grace. Sure, if being thrown around the ring requires grace.

Not dressing like a reject? Bourne trounces Hardy at that, too.

You forgot not having a gut and not taking drugs. Get on the ball here, Coco.

I can't think of a way in which Hardy is superior to Bourne outside of being a draw in the main event, something Bourne can't be faulted with as he hasn't been given time to establish himself like Hardy has over the years. That aside, I can't fathom a way in which Bourne is "shit."

Considering a Bourne match is:

1) Challenger goes through his entrance, while Bourne was given his entrance during the commercial break.

2) Bourne kicks the challenger a few times, then gets thrown around.

3) Bourne either gets his ass fucked up and pinned, or he gets a lucky break (ala Stupid Fuck King Santino) and gets that Shooting Star Press off.

His matches are shit, and the crowd only cares when he gets that SSP off. His promo skillz, considering I think he's only had one promo, are shit.

Jeff Hardy has multiple good matches against a variety of opponents, and sold realistically. A thing that Shawn Michaels AND Evan Bourne could learn from. That realistic selling made the crowd care about everything that happened, no matter where he was on the card.

Hardy and Bourne tie on Promo Skillz. But everything else Hardy blows him out of the water on. Including "Not being a waste of air."
I would say Promo skillz, but has Bourne even given a promo yet?
Strange. I remember talking about ring skills.

*scrolls up*



The fact is that Hardy's reaction dwarf's Bourne's by about 10000000:1. That's one thing he does better than Bourne.
Which I readily acknowledged. Talk to me in a few years when Bourne's had a chance to set up a proper rapport with the audience, then we'll talk.

As for now, he gets fine reactions. On ECW he did. Just a couple weeks back on Superstars, he was the star of a tag match (not involving Santino...) where he was cheered like he was a big deal. It's not as though he's working in front of crickets every night, and that's especially not the case when he gets the time to work a match. Just nights where he's stuck in pointless filler matches on Raw.

Lulz. Grace. Sure, if being thrown around the ring requires grace.
His flying knee connects better than just about every strike in Hardy's moveset, his hurricanranas and out-of-nowhere roll-ups would make Jeff Hardy blush. His execution is fantastic.

His matches are shit, and the crowd only cares when he gets that SSP off.
Only when he's stuck in filler matches on Raw.

Jeff Hardy has multiple good matches against a variety of opponents, and sold realistically. A thing that Shawn Michaels AND Evan Bourne could learn from. That realistic selling made the crowd care about everything that happened, no matter where he was on the card.
So guys like Rock and Shawn Michaels are worse than Jeff Hardy because of their selling? Really?

If that's your only real knock against Bourne in a post where you ignore any offensive move he has other than the SSP, I don't know why I'm bothering. X is right when constantly says your wrestling posts are suspect. Highly suspect indeed.
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2059963]And I have worked in Fast Food before. I'm not saying that everybody who does is ******ed, I'm just wondering why the ones that are, are allowed to operate this equipment and be in charge of peoples' food. The people that work at the McDonalds inside the Wal Mart here are fucking phenomenal. They're always on the ball, they're always nice, even when they're obviously having a shitty day, they never screw up an order, and they always try and go that extra mile, no matter what it is. I'm sure you're very good at your job and by no means am I trying to knock the hard work you put in, but for fucks sake, can we keep these assclowns out? I was not a dick to this girl. I didn't get pissed until this crap with the bowl happened at home.

*Edit* I'm sure I'm taking this entirely too far, but seriously... How many times have any of you gone to a fast food joint and had your orders fucked up, and it was the simplest of things that was fucked up? I'm sick of it!!![/QUOTE]

I think if anyone has certain required tastes of what they want they shouldn't go to a fast food restaurant to attain them. You would be much better off going to a restaurant or even fixing an easy meal yourself because most fast food workers are going to screw your order up no matter what the circumstance. If someone wants a fast meal where they can pick and choose what they want, a restaurant like Subway or Quiznos is the best bet.

Maybe pick up a pizza since that is less hassle. There are a lot of people that screw around behind the counter, but they are bound to screw up a few orders. Next time order inside since they are less likely to screw up your order face to face.
Sorry, fast food isn't that hard. It gets busy for sure, but you're making one dollar burgers. This isn't Wolfgang Puck's restaurant and shit. It's not difficult. I had to run a kitchen that was putting out $12,000 worth of food a day. Food that actually had to be made from scratch and prepared, not frozen fries. I have to deal with not just idiotic customers, but drunk ones.

I definitely don't believe that everyone that works fast food is stupid. Everyone has to start somewhere and do whatever it takes to make shit work. Much respect. It really isn't that difficult though.
Maybe pick up a pizza since that is less hassle. There are a lot of people that screw around behind the counter, but they are bound to screw up a few orders. Next time order inside since they are less likely to screw up your order face to face.

Don't you count on that, while we're a decent bunch of people at my work (we're about 10 people or so) and if we decide to order some McDonalds food, we usually send a guy over to order it at the counter, order it in one menu per bag etc. and we still succeed in 50% of the times missing 1 or 2 of the menu's or a missing burger, or missing fries..

Usually we call them out on it although, and some of the times we get a free round of ice cream.
Via Armbar said:
Sorry, fast food isn't that hard. It gets busy for sure, but you're making one dollar burgers. This isn't Wolfgang Puck's restaurant and shit. It's not difficult. I had to run a kitchen that was putting out $12,000 worth of food a day. Food that actually had to be made from scratch and prepared, not frozen fries. I have to deal with not just idiotic customers, but drunk ones.

I definitely don't believe that everyone that works fast food is stupid. Everyone has to start somewhere and do whatever it takes to make shit work. Much respect. It really isn't that difficult though.
Yeah, we have to deal with drunks too. There's one of those "Family" Sports Bars sharing our parking. They walk to the drive-though and leave beer in the area. I hope they get indigestion.

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