Fast Food: Stupidity Requirement?

Dude, those mozzarella sticks are SO fucking good.

I wonder if there is an Arbys near D-man's house....

Their mozzarella sticks are outstanding. I'm glad my homie and best man for my wedding's sister is the manager of Arby's. I get hooked up on the cheap constantly whenever I'm chillin with him.
I wanted to go to Arbys the other day, but they tore the one near my house down. :(

I went to Subway instead, so it's cool.
Actually, NorCal has a point from earlier. A lot of the mistakes are made out of the simplicity. It's really no excuse, though. I, as an example, work at a local pizza place for one of my jobs. I make maybe one mistake all night, and always claim responsibility. I only blame the customer when it IS their fault, i.e. standing at the counter demanding I change this thing, no I changed my mind, I don't want onions, etc. But even then, I'm a cordial motherfucker. I smile, tell them ok, and tell them to have a nice day. When they call back and complain (which doesn't always happen, but will occasionally), I'm nice and sincere on the phone. I figure it's my ******** bosses job to be a jerk, not mine.

However, it is greatly appreciated when someone is nice back, as most of my customers tend to think I'm lower than them just because I have a job and don't leech off the government like roughly 65 per cent of them. And, that's not me being a dick, that's me being truthful.
There are no Arby's in P.R. Or Jack In The Box. Or Sonic. Or In And Out Burger. Or Papa Johns. Or Olive Garden. YOU BASTARDS KEEP EVERYTHING TO YOURSELVES!!!

But we do have El Meson, Pollo Tropical and Taco Maker. You will never have them.
Which is absolutley outrageous. Your JOB which is paid for through MY money, is not to be a personality evaluator, its to make my fucking food the way I ask for it to be made, and to do it quickly. This is the most absolute BULLSHIT excuse I hear from people. and it drives me fucking crazy.

Have a little bit of fucking character.

This is something I agree with wholeheartedly... If you don't like your fucking job, QUIT!
After reading your posts twice over Gunz buddy Lol.... I have just one question.
You got fired from a fast food place when you was younger didn't you?

I did, but that's irrelevant to my point. The guy that fired me was a racist prick... My point here is, I don't wanna have to pull back around the building and wait in line because somebody was screwing around or not paying attention. I come here, because I want something quick and good to eat and I shouldn't have to feel like I'm putting too much faith in someone to do their fucking job. I shouldn't have to leave the parking lot thinking "God, I hope it's right this time..."
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2060653]I did, but that's irrelevant to my point. The guy that fired me was a racist prick... My point here is, I don't wanna have to pull back around the building and wait in line because somebody was screwing around or not paying attention. I come here, because I want something quick and good to eat and I shouldn't have to feel like I'm putting too much faith in someone to do their fucking job. I shouldn't have to leave the parking lot thinking "God, I hope it's right this time..."[/QUOTE]

I know we are supposed to make the order correctly and all, but you're also supposed to check your order before leaving. There should be a plaque inside the building saying it.
I know we are supposed to make the order correctly and all, but you're also supposed to check your order before leaving. There should be a plaque inside the building saying it.

I usually do, save for McDonalds. I don't feel I should have to, as they have that whole "Double Checked for Accurancy" policy. They say they double check it, so why triple check? Also, if somebody fucks up my order, I'll take what I get as long as there are no mushrooms involved. That's the only time you'll see me send something back to the kitchen/come back to McDonalds to point it out.
I know we are supposed to make the order correctly and all, but you're also supposed to check your order before leaving. There should be a plaque inside the building saying it.

Seriously, that fixes this issue a hundred percent. Just check it before you leave, I do it in the drive thru, the people behind you can wait.
1) Arby's is literally down the road from my house. Well, down the road and over the bridge. But still. I think a Beef -n- Cheddar for dinner is called for.

2) People who are shitty at their jobs because they don't "care" should quit and let someone who needs the job and will care do it. If you fuck up my cheeseburger because it's peak time, alright. Whatever. I'll be polite. But if you fuck it up at 8:30pm when I'm the only person in the drive thru because you couldn't be assed to put an extra squirt of mustard and skip the onions, then you're a bitch. And WE DON'T PLAY DAT WAY ROUND CHEYA.

3) Am I and Norcal the only people who are polite and courteous and respectful to everyone in teh real worldz? I can't think of one time I've ever been a douchebag to anyone that wasn't my friend or family. And every one of those times I felt bad for a week afterward.

4) I'm watching this show on hauntings on Discovery Channel. I don't know why bitches always think it's a good idea to fuck with ghosts that are throwing their shit around the house, but I wonder if Natural Selection applies to ghosts killing them with an ectoplasm covered cock slap to the face.
I work at McDonald's in the summer and you sound like a douche - do you think anyone there gives a shit how well we do our job? For most of us it's not a long term plan. The fact that you assume everyone there is some kind of an idiot means you probably deserve to get extra lettuce or whatever it is you're crying about.

I agree with Norcal... And to you, I say fuck you. This is the FIRST time out of the many dozens of fucked up orders that have come and gone that I've actually complained. Forgive me for thinking you're actually capable of doing your fucking job. I work in a bank... One fuck up and somebody's money is lost, misplaced, etc. I don't have the luxury of becoming complacent or being a douche to an asshole customer. Where else am I supposed to transfer these annoyances to? Do I go to a fast food restaurant and treat those people like shit because my day was shitty? No. It's not their fault. Just like it isn't my fault that the other 200 customers they served that day being a douche to them isn't MY fault. Not to mention, if asked for "NO CORN" in my food, maybe I'm allergic to it? It was hidden in the bottom. Is it REALLY worth a fucking lawsuit to be a fucking prick to somebody? Think about that, you fucking high and mighty, holier than thou prick. My Boss' girlfriend is deathly allergic to tomatoes. Why should she have to check her order every time she buys food to make sure she doesn't end up in the emergency room? It's not our job to check the quality of your fucking work, so don't tell me that I'm a dick because I like my food a certain way. Like I said, if you don't like the job, fucking quit. Simple.
I usually do, save for McDonalds. I don't feel I should have to, as they have that whole "Double Checked for Accurancy" policy. They say they double check it, so why triple check? Also, if somebody fucks up my order, I'll take what I get as long as there are no mushrooms involved. That's the only time you'll see me send something back to the kitchen/come back to McDonalds to point it out.
I've always hated dealing with the mushrooms. They aren't supposed to be cooked in a grill for God's Sake.
3) Am I and Norcal the only people who are polite and courteous and respectful to everyone in teh real worldz? I can't think of one time I've ever been a douchebag to anyone that wasn't my friend or family. And every one of those times I felt bad for a week afterward.
I hate what people do but I'm always polite. Except when they don't lock the fucking bathroom door.
No, it means I put effort into stuff I deem important. Nothing wrong with that.


Shows what a selfish douche you are... And so many people feel like you do, it's sickening. The customer ALWAYS comes first, no matter the line of work. Have fun collecting unemployment the next time you apply that philosophy.

*EDIT* I am ALWAYS nice to these people. I only carry these gripes home. I'm polite and courteous in every way possible, which is why I'm so pissed off about the constant barrage of fuckups I receive. And I shouldn't have to check my order. The person that puts it in the bag is the guy reading the screen to make sure it's all there. I don't get paid to do his job, he does...
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2060729]This RIGHT HERE^^

Shows what a selfish douche you are... And so many people feel like you do, it's sickening. The customer ALWAYS comes first, no matter the line of work. Have fun collecting unemployment the next time you apply that philosophy.[/QUOTE]

Oh, and I will say this. Killjoy was not botching every post in this thread. He sucked dick on one, when he posted a weird picture of a guy on a blow-up horse.

I also tell everyone "Thank You" for anything they give me or do for me. It comes from when I was little. Whenever someone gave me anything my mom would wait a few seconds, then say "Well, if you're not going to say 'Thank You' you can just give it right back." She made me give back candy and stuff all the time. So what do I do now? Say "Thank You" after every little thing. You could give me a ball of paper and I'd say Thank You. I might be annoyed that you gave me a paper ball, but I say Thank You.

Which reminds me. What the fuck is with people not saying "Thank You" when you hold the door open for them? Especially when they're in that nether zone of "Not far away enough to let the door start closing, but far enough away so that you have to wait for them to catch up." The nerve of some people.
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2060729]
Shows what a selfish douche you are... And so many people feel like you do, it's sickening. The customer ALWAYS comes first, no matter the line of work. Have fun collecting unemployment the next time you apply that philosophy.[/QUOTE]

This is so much better than saying the customer is always right. Because when one of them tells you he wants a burger without meat because he doesn't like salads and is a veggie, clearly he ain't right. On the head at least.
No, it means I put effort into stuff I deem important. Nothing wrong with that.
You're being paid to serve people who will hopefully come back and continue giving the company you work for their money, thus making your existence in that realm justifiable. The least you could do is swallow your fucking pride and give them their money's worth, just like you'd expect of any service worker who you'd give your hard earned money to.

Don't be such a brat. Man the fuck up.

Oh, what's that? Someone was rude to you and you think that justifies your behaviour? Too bad. Don't be such a soft cunt about it.

You're not paid enough for what you do? You should be happy you're employed at all you considering the quality of work you put in. There's a huge number of people out there who would LOVE to have your job right now or any job at all and would glady put in a quality performance if it meant they'd have some money coming in. But I suppose you're too fucking special to count your blessings, right?

Man, I'm way bitchy lately.
Gunnz has a point. For example, I have a regular customer who cannot eat any pork products, as a result of his religion. Because of this, he asks that we don't use the regular pizza slicer, since it has trace amounts of pork on it. Why should he worry about breaking a custom in his faith, if I'm having a bad day? My boss on the other hand, doesn't do this, and then gets pissed when the guy calls back saying he found a chunk of sausage, or a pepperoni, and tells him to "either man up, or stop ordering from this establishment. We have no reason to make special requests on something so small."
Oh, and I will say this. Killjoy was not botching every post in this thread. He sucked dick on one, when he posted a weird picture of a guy on a blow-up horse.

I also tell everyone "Thank You" for anything they give me or do for me. It comes from when I was little. Whenever someone gave me anything my mom would wait a few seconds, then say "Well, if you're not going to say 'Thank You' you can just give it right back." She made me give back candy and stuff all the time. So what do I do now? Say "Thank You" after every little thing. You could give me a ball of paper and I'd say Thank You. I might be annoyed that you gave me a paper ball, but I say Thank You.

Which reminds me. What the fuck is with people not saying "Thank You" when you hold the door open for them? Especially when they're in that nether zone of "Not far away enough to let the door start closing, but far enough away so that you have to wait for them to catch up." The nerve of some people.
At work its a rule to acknowledge an order by saying "thank you". Even when they tell you to take out the trash or sweep the floor.
[QUOTE="The Living Legend" Johnny Gunnz;2060729]*EDIT* I am ALWAYS nice to these people. I only carry these gripes home. I'm polite and courteous in every way possible, which is why I'm so pissed off about the constant barrage of fuckups I receive. And I shouldn't have to check my order. The person that puts it in the bag is the guy reading the screen to make sure it's all there. I don't get paid to do his job, he does...[/QUOTE]

EVERYWHERE I eat/shop I check before I leave, it's common sense. People fuck up every now and then, you're far from perfect yourself.
I generally don't say "Thank You" while at work, at least to customers. There is logic behind this, though. Usually the customer says thanks, and I find it kind of redundant to say it back. So, I'll say "No problem, ma'am/sir. Have a nice night." However, if the lady friend and I are dining out, I of course say thank you. It's common courtesy, and I was raised to be courteous...

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