Fast Food: Stupidity Requirement?

I can't remember my food order ever, I mean as long as I can remember, being messed up in any way. I've seen it happen to others, but never me. Check at the counter/in your car before you leave, always fixes the problem.
Well then thats totally different. if YOU did what YOU were supposed to do, then they are jackasses. Not what we are discussing, though.

Well not entirely, as I know that sometimes, I've forgotten to order things a certain way, I can't blame the cooks or the cashier for that, it's my fault and they did what they were supposed to do.

My point was, that it's not exactly the right thing to do to get pissed with the cashier as they are in all purposes the middle man. If you can see on your ticket that they rang it up the way you ordered it and yet it was still wrong, then you should be pissed with the cooks not the cashier.

Most of the time, the cashier is just putting the food that is handed to them on the tray or in the bag, I think the most I've seen a cashier do is drop fries. I'm just saying cut the middle man some slack, unless it's actually their fault, be pissed at the ones who are actually screwing up.

For the OP's point, the cashier screwed up getting his drink, so there is fault with the cashier and I see that the frustration is warrented. But overall, my point still stands.
Well not entirely, as I know that sometimes, I've forgotten to order things a certain way, I can't blame the cooks or the cashier for that, it's my fault and they did what they were supposed to do.

My point was, that it's not exactly the right thing to do to get pissed with the cashier as they are in all purposes the middle man. If you can see on your ticket that they rang it up the way you ordered it and yet it was still wrong, then you should be pissed with the cooks not the cashier.

Most of the time, the cashier is just putting the food that is handed to them on the tray or in the bag, I think the most I've seen a cashier do is drop fries. I'm just saying cut the middle man some slack, unless it's actually their fault, be pissed at the ones who are actually screwing up.

For the OP's point, the cashier screwed up getting his drink, so there is fault with the cashier and I see that the frustration is warrented. But overall, my point still stands.

Yea I get that. On the other hand, you will have anger passage through osmosis.

I mean as in, you will be mean to the cashier, who will then go find the repsonsible party, and be mean to them. Its like a meaness flow chart. You cant exactly hop the counter and go find the cook who fucked it up, now can you:lmao:
I work at one of those famous coffee shops, I'm one of the best barista's in all of California imo, sometimes I have to make over 100 drinks an hour, and guess what, I make mistakes sometimes, there not always my fault, but it happens. NOBODY IS PERFECT. Nobody is going to get it right 100% of the time, mistakes happen, everywhere, all the time, and you can handle it like a respectful adult, or make yourself feel better by talking down to the "simpleton" behind the counter.

I understand applying for a job, and giving it your all. That's a pretty simple concept. I also understand that there are going to be shit employees in ANY line of work, but when it comes down to it, we are all human beings, and we all deserve to be treated with the same amount of respect, weather we are killing terrorists or flipping burgers it doesn't make a difference, we all want to be treated the same, and clearly there are a lot of you that DON'T respect people in the food industry.

All in all, getting your order fucked up at tacobell means absolute SHIT in the long run, sure everyone want's it right all the time, but sometimes life throws you a curveball, and its all about how you handle it, some people strike out, and some people know just what do with it.

Also, nobody's riding the high horse at a fuckin' McDonalds.
Yea I get that. On the other hand, you will have anger passage through osmosis.

I mean as in, you will be mean to the cashier, who will then go find the repsonsible party, and be mean to them. Its like a meaness flow chart. You cant exactly hop the counter and go find the cook who fucked it up, now can you:lmao:

Well...stranger things have happened, and in today's society, I wouldn't be surprised to see someone get shot over not getting pickles on their burger. People have been shot for a lot less.

You can't always count on the cashier to transfer their anger to the cooks, unless of course you luck out and that cashier happens to be the manager.

Keep in mind here, I agree with you. It greatly pisses me off when I get a screwed up order, and how some go about fixing it in an unprofessional manner just isn't right. Working in the fast food industry is a customer service job, if you do not provide the customer with satifying service, then you have failed at your job. People used to work by the customer is always right, but that has fallen to the wayside as most people just believe that the customer is stupid and doesn't know what they want so they'll just do whatever they feel like.
Also, nobody's riding the high horse at a fuckin' McDonalds.

I beg to differ.
I work at one of those famous coffee shops, I'm one of the best barista's in all of California imo, sometimes I have to make over 100 drinks an hour, and guess what, I make mistakes sometimes, there not always my fault, but it happens. NOBODY IS PERFECT. Nobody is going to get it right 100% of the time, mistakes happen, everywhere, all the time, and you can handle it like a respectful adult, or make yourself feel better by talking down to the "simpleton" behind the counter.

I understand applying for a job, and giving it your all. That's a pretty simple concept. I also understand that there are going to be shit employees in ANY line of work, but when it comes down to it, we are all human beings, and we all deserve to be treated with the same amount of respect, weather we are killing terrorists or flipping burgers it doesn't make a difference, we all want to be treated the same, and clearly there are a lot of you that DON'T respect people in the food industry.

All in all, getting your order fucked up at tacobell means absolute SHIT in the long run, sure everyone want's it right all the time, but sometimes life throws you a curveball, and its all about how you handle it, some people strike out, and some people know just what do with it.

Also, nobody's riding the high horse at a fuckin' McDonalds.

No one is riding a high horse around here.

See the problem is, folks want it both ways. "Oh, my job is so useless and sucky, so its ok if i fuck it up, and its not comparable to what you do, but you need to respect me and treat me like everyone else, even the same as someone who DOES do what you do"

So which is it? So you are enough or a low character peice of garbage to go through your day pissing and moaning about your shitty job and purposely not trying, but we should respect you and be nice to you? I think fucking not.

I respect, and expect the same effort from every person the same. From the special ed person who sweeps the fucking parking lot at taco bell, to the fucking President of the United States.

If you are paid to do a job, you dont fucking complain about it, and purposely fuck it up, you do your damn job, to the fullest extent of your ability, or you dont deserve to have a job, especially one whose paycheck consist of OTHER people's hard earned fucking money.
That's the thing though, SSC. I realize that making a coffee (especially as a barista) can be complex and requires a lot of effort, and when you're handling multiple orders during a peak time, things are likely going to be chaotic. If you screw up a latte, I'm likely going to either just have the latte as is anyway, or just have you fix it to a point where it's to my liking. I have a lot more respect for baristas and people who actually work, than the people like Freddy who screws up orders by not including things that were ordered, or straws, or ketchup packets and are unapologetic about it "by taking a long time to give it to the customer".
No one is riding a high horse around here.

See the problem is, folks want it both ways. "Oh, my job is so useless and sucky, so its ok if i fuck it up, and its not comparable to what you do, but you need to respect me and treat me like everyone else, even the same as someone who DOES do what you do"

So which is it? So you are enough or a low character peice of garbage to go through your day pissing and moaning about your shitty job and purposely not trying, but we should respect you and be nice to you? I think fucking not.

I respect, and expect the same effort from every person the same. From the special ed person who sweeps the fucking parking lot at taco bell, to the fucking President of the United States.

If you are paid to do a job, you dont fucking complain about it, and purposely fuck it up, you do your damn job, to the fullest extent of your ability, or you dont deserve to have a job, especially one whose paycheck consist of OTHER people's hard earned fucking money.

For the most part, we're on the same track here, I bust my ass at my job, because I want that respect, in fact, I NEED that respect. I'm not in anyway defending people who want respect, but do nothing to earn it, get them the fuck out of my way so I can get shit done. I'm more talking about people who will disrespect you because of your job, "You work at a fast food place, why should I have any respect for you" that's the attitude I'm talking about. Not showing respect because you make more money or some other lame excuse like that, and there is plenty of that type of disrespect for everyone in the customer service industry.

That's the thing though, SSC. I realize that making a coffee (especially as a barista) can be complex and requires a lot of effort, and when you're handling multiple orders during a peak time, things are likely going to be chaotic. If you screw up a latte, I'm likely going to either just have the latte as is anyway, or just have you fix it to a point where it's to my liking. I have a lot more respect for baristas and people who actually work, than the people like Freddy who screws up orders by not including things that were ordered, or straws, or ketchup packets and are unapologetic about it "by taking a long time to give it to the customer".

I don't agree with screwing up someones order because the give a little attitude, especially if its at fault of my own. That gets nothing done, and only makes things worse, for everyone. As I said above, its more the lack of respect you receive because of the job itself.
You know what I've noticed? People who worked at Taco Bell in Italy (Food Court on base) had a lot more pride in their work than Taco Bell workers here. Three times now I have bren served the sorriest looking crunchwrap when I am the only customer in sight. And I'm always nice!
No one is riding a high horse around here.

See the problem is, folks want it both ways. "Oh, my job is so useless and sucky, so its ok if i fuck it up, and its not comparable to what you do, but you need to respect me and treat me like everyone else, even the same as someone who DOES do what you do"

So which is it? So you are enough or a low character peice of garbage to go through your day pissing and moaning about your shitty job and purposely not trying, but we should respect you and be nice to you? I think fucking not.

I respect, and expect the same effort from every person the same. From the special ed person who sweeps the fucking parking lot at taco bell, to the fucking President of the United States.

If you are paid to do a job, you dont fucking complain about it, and purposely fuck it up, you do your damn job, to the fullest extent of your ability, or you dont deserve to have a job, especially one whose paycheck consist of OTHER people's hard earned fucking money.

Oh God, NorCal I love ya. This is the problem with most people over here. They have a job and rather than make the most of it they complain about it. People seem to be spoiled and believe that everyone has equal rights. But that only works in court. At work, you need to work and show you are there for a reason and not just to fill up an empty space.

Of course I don't blame some employees for screwing up. They have it embedded in their DNA. One of our kitchen workers is too dumb and can't even notice a garbage disposal. Orders come in and rather than rushing to get the bread, he stares at the screen. If somebody doesn't keep an eye on him, he might screw up an order. I'm guessing this is the kind employee that causes the orders to mess up.
For the most part, we're on the same track here, I bust my ass at my job, because I want that respect, in fact, I NEED that respect. I'm not in anyway defending people who want respect, but do nothing to earn it, get them the fuck out of my way so I can get shit done. I'm more talking about people who will disrespect you because of your job, "You work at a fast food place, why should I have any respect for you" that's the attitude I'm talking about. Not showing respect because you make more money or some other lame excuse like that, and there is plenty of that type of disrespect for everyone in the customer service industry.

You will never find anyone who gives more respect and kind treatment to a worker in the fast food, or any indurstry for that matter, as long as they are doing their best, and do a good job, and take pride in it.

If ANYONE knows that money does not make the man, its me. The vast majority of wealthy folks do jobs that make fuck all difference, REAL difference, in day to day lives.

Many folks male WAY more money than people such as myself, teachers, cops, firefighters, and yes, fast food workers, cooks, and waiters / waitresses. We, however, make the world go round.

Just as one should not be disrespected simply becuase of that sort of occupation, it also should not be something they do a shitty job of, becuase of it being that sort of occupation.

If you can't do the job, don't turn in the application. If you do it, take pride in it, and whoop ass at it, then you are the fucking man, ten times over.

If you are gonna sweep streets, be the best fucking street sweeper on the damn planet.
See the problem is, folks want it both ways. "Oh, my job is so useless and sucky, so its ok if i fuck it up, and its not comparable to what you do, but you need to respect me and treat me like everyone else, even the same as someone who DOES do what you do"

So which is it? So you are enough or a low character peice of garbage to go through your day pissing and moaning about your shitty job and purposely not trying, but we should respect you and be nice to you?

Good point, and it applies to any line of work; not just fast food. In my workplace, I've noticed that many of the people who are saying:

"They don't pay me enough to......."

...are the same ones who can't understand why other people are promoted over them. They never seem to grasp that looking for reasons to do less than your best often translates into failure to advance.

You can try to explain it to them, but it seldom makes any difference.
Attitudes like this are why lots of folks at Mcdonalds end up having it become their long term plan.

The fact that no one cares how you do your job, and you take advantage of that shows how low character you are.

Low character people generally accomplish very little in life.

No, it means I put effort into stuff I deem important. Nothing wrong with that.
No, it means I put effort into stuff I deem important. Nothing wrong with that.

and the fact that your job, which you are paid using other people's hard earned funds to do isn't one of those things show what kind of person you are. and there IS something wrong with that.
All this talk of fast food now. I"m making wifey bring home Arby's for me for supper tonight.
You will never find anyone who gives more respect and kind treatment to a worker in the fast food, or any indurstry for that matter, as long as they are doing their best, and do a good job, and take pride in it.

If ANYONE knows that money does not make the man, its me. The vast majority of wealthy folks do jobs that make fuck all difference, REAL difference, in day to day lives.

Many folks male WAY more money than people such as myself, teachers, cops, firefighters, and yes, fast food workers, cooks, and waiters / waitresses. We, however, make the world go round.

Just as one should not be disrespected simply becuase of that sort of occupation, it also should not be something they do a shitty job of, becuase of it being that sort of occupation.

If you can't do the job, don't turn in the application. If you do it, take pride in it, and whoop ass at it, then you are the fucking man, ten times over.

If you are gonna sweep streets, be the best fucking street sweeper on the damn planet.

I can't help but overwhelmingly agree with all of this.
No, it means I put effort into stuff I deem important. Nothing wrong with that.

Unfortunately, what you deem important and what is in reality important is different. You may not deem your short term job as important, the reality of it is, that every job you hold, from fry cook to horse shit collector is important in some way.

There is actually something wrong to just put forth effort into areas that you deem important. It can, and more than likely will effect you later on in life when you're going for those long term plans.

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