Fast Food: Stupidity Requirement?

I refuse to go to the McDonalds by my house. They have always fucked up my breakfast order. I ask for two sausage egg and cheese McGriddles, and I get bacon. Now I love bacon as much as the next person, but not on my breakfast sandwich when I don't ask for it.

And D-Man, the Portillos by my house has never fucked up an order for me, and their lunch is busier than any of the McDonalds in the area.
Seriously Norcal, what the fuck? You seem like the type of asshole customers we serve at Wendy's sometimes. Please don't be that type of customer. It's not my dream fucking job, who wants to base their career off a fucking fast food joint? Unless you're a manager, there's no reason to want to. It's the best I could find right now, and i'm thankful I got it, excuse me if I forget ketchup or something, check your food and say "excuse me, I asked for [w/e]." and i'll happily replace it. Like I said, I don't fuck up often, but if you're cool about it, i'll replace it quick and be nice about it. If you're a dick, i'll be slow and take my time.
you asked a question, and I answered it.

Bottom line is, do your fucking job, and do it correctly. I have no use for people's excuses, especially when their job is serving other people.

Norcs, I agree 100%. But natural human nature doesn't revolve around our service requirements. We're nothing but mere fleas on a dog's ass in a typical workday for these people. The law of large numbers exists because it's there no matter how hard we try to break it.
Where's that guy with my popcorn? this thread should take off soon.

Just please don't fuck up the order :lmao:
It's not my dream fucking job, who wants to base their career off a fucking fast food joint? Unless you're a manager, there's no reason to want to. It's the best I could find right now, and i'm thankful I got it, excuse me if I forget ketchup or something, check your food and say "excuse me, I asked for [w/e]." and i'll happily replace it.

This is basically the underlying answer that we all knew was right in front of us the whole time. The #1 reason why our orders are fucked up at these places is because those jobs are not permanent ones that people will ever give a shit about. Blame the managers for hiring such imbeciles, but not the workers. Most of them just want to skate by during the day and count the minutes until they could blow their paychecks on the latest iTunes album, hottest new pair of sneakers, or another bad baseball cap turned sideways on their heads. They could give two shits if there was enough ketchup on your burger and if you ordered no pickles.

Allow me to quote Goodfellas when I say that the workers are probably thinking nothing more than, "Fuck you. Pay me."

No ketchup on your burger? "Fuck you. Pay me."

Extra pickles? "Fuck you. Pay me."
Reminds of this one Burger King in Bismarck. They have literally fucked up my order each of the 4 times I"ve gone through their drive thru. The last time was horrible. They have the dual lanes set up, so I pull into the open lane. Sit there for about 4 minutes while waiting for someone to help me. The person in the other lane drives to the window, and I'm still waiting. Another car pulls up in the other lane and they get helped. As I contemplate backing up and going to the other lane, a car pulls up behind me, so I"m stuck. Finally after about a good 8 to 10 minutes of waiting, I get helped. Only for them to forget my damn onion rings.
I can see both sides of the argument here.

1. "I don't get paid enough to deal with this asshole who is freaking out over ketchup, so I'm just going to give him his goddamn ketchup and he'll be on his way."

2. "I don't get paid enough to deal with this asshole who is freaking out over ketchup, so I'm just going to take my sweet ass time because he's being a dick."

Basically, if you're being a dick to the guy, they don't make enough money to care about risking their job.
Seriously Norcal, what the fuck? You seem like the type of asshole customers we serve at Wendy's sometimes. Please don't be that type of customer. It's not my dream fucking job, who wants to base their career off a fucking fast food joint? Unless you're a manager, there's no reason to want to. It's the best I could find right now, and i'm thankful I got it, excuse me if I forget ketchup or something, check your food and say "excuse me, I asked for [w/e]." and i'll happily replace it. Like I said, I don't fuck up often, but if you're cool about it, i'll replace it quick and be nice about it. If you're a dick, i'll be slow and take my time.

I treat every person I come into contact with in the world with a great deal of manners and respect. Ask D-Man and IC about that.

Do you think setting up a hospital in the back of a plane, with temps in the 90s and 85% humidty in fucking diasaster area New Orleans while dead bodies littered the fucking road, and crack heads shot fucking guns at us was a dream job? No, it fucking wasnt, but like fuck if I was going to complain, or fuck up giving some diabetic their insulin. The job needed to be done, I applied for it, and I fucking did it.

If you hate it so much, if you dont care so much, then fucking quit. If you dont like people getting pissed when YOU FUCK UP THEIR ORDER, then dont fuck it up. If they are nice about it, cool, if they arent, your job isnt to be a personality evaluator its to prepare their food, so fix YOUR MISTAKE quickly and with a smile on your face. Their attitude about the situation has NOTHING to do with how you should do your job.

Like I said, get a little character.
I'd just like to thank Freddy for proving why people give fast food workers such a hard time.

If you fuck up someone's order, they have the right to be annoyed. If you then take forever because of one guy at the drive-thru being annoyed at your fuck up and you "take your time" getting the packet of ketchup or whatever because of a grudge, guess what, the next guy is going to be annoyed because you're the incompetent who took forever getting a packet of ketchup. Then I bet you go ahead and do the same thing to that next guy. That discourages business in a number of ways:

1.) The first guy whose order you fucked up is not likely going to come back.

2.) The next guy (and subsequent customers) are not going to want to go back there, because "the drive thru is too slow"

3.) If someone decides to pull in and they see a line at the drive-thru, they're not going to want to wait in said long line.

Furthermore, if YOU fuck up my order, and I'm annoyed about it, and then YOU (the person who fucked up) decide to take forever bringing me a fucking packet of ketchup or the item I paid for that never got put in the bag, you better fucking believe that I'm calling the place, asking to speak to the manager and telling on you. Then, I'm calling corporate and doing the same thing.

Don't think it doesn't work, it does.
While I do agree with the OP, I understand that people do make mistakes. I also agree with Norcal, but in the same instant, my job in the military is like the fast food industry where when someone gets a wrong part, they flip out on me, like it's my fault that the Depot sent them a broken widget, or that the battery they received from a contractor wasn't charged like it was supposed to be, or even better, when the maintenance org. gives me the wrong stock number and then they bitch at me for ordering the wrong part when all I did was order exactly what they told me to, such is the plight of being a middle man.

A lot of times, the cooks aren't the ones taking the flak in the fast food industry, but the person you look at and give the order to. Granted, if that person doesn't press the right button, then it's going to be wrong regardless. That can't happen in my career field, because a wrong button press will order a completely different part.

As far as the OP goes though, all I can say is that I despise mayo, and everywhere, including Wendy's, I ensure to tell them no mayo, because the Wendy's I go to, usually soaks everything in mayo before wrapping it. Well about half the time I get a chicken sandwich soaked in mayo. So much so, that I've just started ordering everything plain, just so I don't have to put up with the mayo, I split the veggies on my wife's sandwich just to get what I'm missing.

However, I once ordered a double cheese burger at Burger King, in the dining area mind you, I ordered it plain because I wasn't in the mood for someone to fuck up, and I got to hear the cooks in the back start asking the cashier, if a cheese burger plain has cheese on it. The cashier looked at me and asked me. The people working were around my age, and the only customer's they were serving was I and my roommate. There was no one in the drive thru and no one else in the dining area.

Also, not that I have any food allergies but that is something to take into account. Someone may be ordering no onions because they are allergic to them, you just never really know when someone is taking off stuff that normally comes with a meal.

My 2 cents.
While I do agree with the OP, I understand that people do make mistakes. I also agree with Norcal, but in the same instant, my job in the military is like the fast food industry where when someone gets a wrong part, they flip out on me, like it's my fault that the Depot sent them a broken widget, or that the battery they received from a contractor wasn't charged like it was supposed to be, or even better, when the maintenance org. gives me the wrong stock number and then they bitch at me for ordering the wrong part when all I did was order exactly what they told me to, such is the plight of being a middle man.

My 2 cents.

Well then thats totally different. if YOU did what YOU were supposed to do, then they are jackasses. Not what we are discussing, though.
I think that if a mistake happens and the customer is nice about it, the worker should apologize and fix it. If the customer is a dick about it, the worker should just fix it and bitch about it later with friends. To INTENTIONALLY mess up someone's order is a sign of complete unprofessionalism and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I think that if a mistake happens and the customer is nice about it, the worker should apologize and fix it. If the customer is a dick about it, the worker should just fix it and bitch about it later with friends. To INTENTIONALLY mess up someone's order is a sign of complete unprofessionalism and you should be ashamed of yourself.

It doesnt matter if they are a dick about it or not, YOU fucked it up, YOU didnt do your job, then you need to appologize and fix it. Be a fucking adult, and have some character.
If the customer is a dick about it, the worker should just fix it and bitch about it later with friends.

One person can look at it as the customer being a dick, I look at it as negative reinforcement. And if you fuck up an order, it absolutely should come with the territory.

A couple weeks ago, I stopped off at a McDonalds and ordered an unsweetened Iced Teas and a grilled honey mustard snack wrap.

Now keep in mind, the iced tea is $1 and comes in one size.

The old woman behind the counter (who was a fucking cunt from the getgo) starts trying to fight me on what size of the iced tea I wanted. She asks me what size I wanted it in and I said, "I thought it came in one size..." "DO YOU WANT IT SMALL, MEDIUM, OR LARGE!?!?!??!?!?!" Then, I get my snack wrap and see it's crispy chicken when I asked for grilled. "No, you ordered crispy".

Again, another reason why I hate dealing with the people that work at these places.

And Freddy, not to be a dick, but I actually really kind of hope the owner of your Wendy's catches you in the act of being an asshole because of you fucking an order up. I'd hate to have my business lose revenue because the kid at the drive thru window decides to go out of his way to inconvenience customers directly and indirectly.
WOW! I can honestly say that your fast foods are total pieces of shit. Seriously. No such problem at my Mickie D's. When a special order comes in, a receipt is printed next to the screen with every specific detail of it. If you don't want cheese on your burger we'll know. If you want extra mayo and no mustard, we'll know. If you don't want the sesame seeds on your buns, we will know. And probably make fun of you. Our Customer Satisfaction Rate is 100% Good. So good that as a reward each employee gets a free movie ticket. Come on over here, there's a 100% chance of leaving satisfied. WOO!
I work at McDonald's in the summer and you sound like a douche - do you think anyone there gives a shit how well we do our job? For most of us it's not a long term plan. The fact that you assume everyone there is some kind of an idiot means you probably deserve to get extra lettuce or whatever it is you're crying about.
I work at McDonald's in the summer and you sound like a douche - do you think anyone there gives a shit how well we do our job? For most of us it's not a long term plan. The fact that you assume everyone there is some kind of an idiot means you probably deserve to get extra lettuce or whatever it is you're crying about.

Attitudes like this are why lots of folks at Mcdonalds end up having it become their long term plan.

The fact that no one cares how you do your job, and you take advantage of that shows how low character you are.

Low character people generally accomplish very little in life.
My point was that people complain about things they perceive to be unfair (ie a customer being a "dick" to them) but whether or not they're dickish, you still fucked up so you need to fix your mistakes. Let it go and complain about it later with your friends or family in your own home. To intentionally screw someone's order up because of a perceived slight is unprofessional and immature.
I work at McDonald's in the summer and you sound like a douche - do you think anyone there gives a shit how well we do our job? For most of us it's not a long term plan. The fact that you assume everyone there is some kind of an idiot means you probably deserve to get extra lettuce or whatever it is you're crying about.

All it takes is a phone call to the manager and a call to corporate and there goes your short term plan.

Psssst... you're easily replaceable. You'd be pissed too if you ordered something and a few things YOU PAID FOR were missing. Get off your high horse.
I think it's just that one BK to be honest with you. And I think I went a little grandiose with the use of literally.

That's cool. Many people do.

My two favorites were:

Gorilla Monsoon once said: "Shawn Michaels is literally exploding on Bret Hart" which made me watch in dreaded fascination at the what had to be the end of Becca's favorite wrestler.


Someone from another wrestling forum said: "The fans were so loud at Madison Square Garden that they literally blew the roof off the place" which made me wonder about the falling debris that bombarded the area at 33rd St. and 8th Avenue. Those poor passers-by.:icon_cry:
I work at McDonald's in the summer and you sound like a douche - do you think anyone there gives a shit how well we do our job? For most of us it's not a long term plan. The fact that you assume everyone there is some kind of an idiot means you probably deserve to get extra lettuce or whatever it is you're crying about.

Woah buddy. Even if it isn't a long term plan, you choose to be loyal to the place. Just because you probably won't be there in 2 months or years does not mean you should slack off. I have a 2 year contract and if all goes as planned I see no reason of resigning in 2012. That however does not stop me from doing my best. I always go to work to do my best. Even when the people there damn near disgust me, I always give them what they want. If its a Big Mac without the meat or a cheeseburger without cheese, it will be ready as asked in under 55 seconds. Its a promise.

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