WWE RAW LD 7/25/2011 - The King is Dead, Long Live the King

The wrestling business is just like the tobacco business. You hook them when they're young.

I've said for years the WWE has put on a great product. Even before the Nexus, the WWE had some damn good programming. The problem was too much programming, it was too watered down.

It wouldn't make good financial sense, but the way to really boost Raw ratings would be to eliminate Smackdown. Imagine having to wait a full week to find out what's going to happen.

You hook them when they're young, but you have to keep them as they get older. Hence the cyclical nature

I agree with you about the product and the oversaturation in the expanded role of television and internet coverage. I have always remained a fan of WWE and admit that it wasn't as bad in the post attitude and early PG era as some would have us believe, but much of the time it wasn't "must see tv" either. The Nexus angle had run of being just that, then there was the build to Mania and the return of the Rock, and now this rebel Punk angle. For the first time in a long time, for the last year I anxiously anticipate the next show and I think that's the reaction most fans are having
You hook them when they're young, but you have to keep them as they get older.
The WWE already does keep them. Do you not watch their "Did you know" segments? The WWE does very well in that demographic already.

I agree with you about the product and the oversaturation in the expanded role of television and internet coverage. I have always remained a fan of WWE and admit that it wasn't as bad in the post attitude and early PG era as some would have us believe, but much of the time it wasn't "must see tv" either. The Nexus angle had run of being just that, then there was the build to Mania and the return of the Rock, and now this rebel Punk angle. For the first time in a long time, for the last year I anxiously anticipate the next show and I think that's the reaction most fans are having

I suppose tonight's rating will tell the truth of that.
Yes, that's what I meant. The WWE wouldn't give Punk the title unless he was coming back quickly. I said weeks before the MITB Punk had already re-signed.

Nah, pretty sure this aint right either.

I guess im the only person who remembers it, but news came out the week after WM that Punks contract was up in September, and that Cena had requested to do a big program with him before he left...So that Cena was going to be the person who sent him packing, along with giving a push to Punk, so he could feel what its like to reach his potential, and maybe re-sign after some extended time off.

Its in the news offerings from the week after WM, im sure if anyone cared to go looking for it, they could find it. Me and KB referenced it a few times in the weeks right after Extreme Rules, because Punk began squashing people.

Well, what we are seeing seems an awful fucking lot like what I just said, right?

Thats all it is. Cena will win at SummerSlam, and Punk will go away for a while. If he re-signs, itll probably be to return to work with SCSA at Wrestlemania. Maybe Triple H, now that he is in the TV character he is now.
I'd have to watch again to verify that, but assuming that's true I'm guessing it's because he went batshit crazy. That's what got him over as a face in the first place, he's just gotten away from it in recent months
Oy vey. The only difference between this Orton and that of 2009 is the degree of cowardice and the win-loss record. That's it.
Nah, pretty sure this aint right either.

I guess im the only person who remembers it, but news came out the week after WM that Punks contract was up in September, and that Cena had requested to do a big program with him before he left...So that Cena was going to be the person who sent him packing, along with giving a push to Punk, so he could feel what its like to reach his potential, and maybe re-sign after some extended time off.

Its in the news offerings from the week after WM, im sure if anyone cared to go looking for it, they could find it. Me and KB referenced it a few times in the weeks right after Extreme Rules, because Punk began squashing people.

Well, what we are seeing seems an awful fucking lot like what I just said, right?

Thats all it is. Cena will win at SummerSlam, and Punk will go away for a while. If he re-signs, itll probably be to return to work with SCSA at Wrestlemania. Maybe Triple H, now that he is in the TV character he is now.

I don't remember that news. The problem I have with your scenario (aside from all the current reports which stated otherwise in regards to Punk's contract) is how would you write Punk out of storylines, if his real contract expires in September? You can't say his contract expired, if he's working with the WWE again, it's obvious (in kayfabe terms) he has a new contract. I guess he could get "injured" or go the Undertaker route and just be gone, but it seems to be a pretty big storyline incongruity.
But you would agree Cena clearly had MORE fans, would you not? I mean, I think Cena had the louder pop, but I think we would both agree more fans were on Cena's side than Punk's, would we not?

Yes- we definately agree on that. The Punk fans are just louder. Cuz guys are louder then women & kids.

It's like: in the genes or something. Haha!
Here's the real question: If the WWE is finally serious about Punk, why would he take any time off? He's hot now. Don't give the people a few months to forget about him. Assuming Punk was burned out because of him being misused, this direction has likely rekindled his fire. Why imagine he's going anywhere?
SO...I just got home after an epic night of bar-hopping and tattoo-gettin', and I'm starting Raw on my DVR right now with the title match. Anyone want to tell me if I'm in for a good show or not (WITHOUT spoilers)?
SO...I just got home after an epic night of bar-hopping and tattoo-gettin', and I'm starting Raw on my DVR right now with the title match. Anyone want to tell me if I'm in for a good show or not (WITHOUT spoilers)?

Just got in from work about 20 minutes ago, about to start up the DVR myself.
Right on JMT, I'm sure I'll like it if you did brotha.

Miz-Mysterio has been pretty damn good so far.
Here's the real question: If the WWE is finally serious about Punk, why would he take any time off? He's hot now. Don't give the people a few months to forget about him. Assuming Punk was burned out because of him being misused, this direction has likely rekindled his fire. Why imagine he's going anywhere?

I do have to doubt that he would follow in Hardy's footsteps.
Yeah I doubt Punk would want to take time off now right when he's as hot as he's ever been.

Just finished the WWE title match, great little match, ***1/4 ish. Red hot crowd and Miz and Mysterio were both feeling it.
I don't remember that news. The problem I have with your scenario (aside from all the current reports which stated otherwise in regards to Punk's contract) is how would you write Punk out of storylines, if his real contract expires in September? You can't say his contract expired, if he's working with the WWE again, it's obvious (in kayfabe terms) he has a new contract. I guess he could get "injured" or go the Undertaker route and just be gone, but it seems to be a pretty big storyline incongruity.

What do you mean? Cena whips him, and then he is gone. His contract "expired on July 17" remember? Once they get the belt back, they have no reason to have him around. Seems pretty easy to me lulz.

And yes, that news most certainley did exist. i think the newer reports are just simply people trying to act like they know more than they do. How did the original time frame of September just suddenly disappear? Its bullshit, and the theory easily fits into what is going on right now.
What do you mean? Cena whips him, and then he is gone. His contract "expired on July 17" remember? Once they get the belt back, they have no reason to have him around. Seems pretty easy to me lulz.
In storyline terms, why would Punk come back if he didn't have a contract? The WWE already has their new champion, they don't need him, so why put him on their show (again, in storyline terms) if they didn't have him under contract?

In storyline terms, he has to be under contract, otherwise things don't make sense.
What do you mean? Cena whips him, and then he is gone. His contract "expired on July 17" remember? Once they get the belt back, they have no reason to have him around. Seems pretty easy to me lulz.

And yes, that news most certainley did exist. i think the newer reports are just simply people trying to act like they know more than they do. How did the original time frame of September just suddenly disappear? Its bullshit, and the theory easily fits into what is going on right now.
The original reports also deal with Punk being burned out because he was being marginalized. Assuming they intend to keep him this hot, why would he not have resigned?
Here's the real question: If the WWE is finally serious about Punk, why would he take any time off? He's hot now. Don't give the people a few months to forget about him. Assuming Punk was burned out because of him being misused, this direction has likely rekindled his fire. Why imagine he's going anywhere?

you meeeaaannn take him out now at the height of his blazing hot heat, and have him return out of nowere to an amazing defeaning reaction>

As has been repeated, how do you keep this going? by taking him away, and providing a giant spike for WM.

He will probably be over ten times when he comes back. I mean, I can show countless examples of it happening. Hey there, Triple H from 2002 and 2007, how are you dude?

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