WWE RAW LD 2/28/2011 - Game Start

I love how Stormtrooper pretends like he knows what the fuck the Rock was thinking/feeling the last 7 years. Do tell us more about Dwayne Johnson's thoughts since you apparently are able to read minds now as well as travel back in time.

And yes, Fozzy does suck. Really, really, really badly. They're fucking garbage.
Look, I pose a question to those defending Rock, because I'm starting to see this debate dig itself deeper and deeper into a ditch.

What exactly did you disagree with on John Cena's promo last week?

I disagree with his, and seemingly everyone, that his leaving is a bad thing, or an indictment on him as a performer, and how much he cares. The man had a meal ticket to get away from the sport. How exactly is that bad again?
And you really believe that The Rock was completely ignoring wrestling? That he wasn't watching. Besides that, I'm willing to venture out and say that making a movie takes up a wee little more out of your schedule then appearing on "I Love the 80s, Part One Million". Besides that, sure, Jericho spent fifteen years wrestling. His fifteen years left about half of the impact of the four or five years of The Rock's pride. Rock did more for wrestling in a third of the time
1. Never said he wasn't busy. What I said is that he ignored wrestling. He did ignore wrestling, there's no doubt about it. If he didn't, then he would have made a couple appearances, and not have killed the entire roster the one time he ever did anything (which was only because they were inducting his family AND giving him a monster payoff). We won't even get into the fact that they completely ignored RIC FUCKING FLAIR at his HOF induction (the TV portion of it at least), editing the majority of his speech because of time restraints.
2. Jericho was pretty fucking busy while not wrestling. While he wasn't making mega-budget films, he was fucking busy.
3. So Jericho left his blood, sweat and tears in the ring for twice as long as Rock (Rock was 1996-2004, Jericho was 1990-2005), and Rock gave MORE? No, Jericho spent his whole adult life in the business. Rock failed at one venture (football) then did the only thing left for him to do, and got out as soon as he could for greener pastures (again, good for him for getting out of the ring). Don't even think for a second that Rock gave more of himself then Jericho did, cause you and I both know that's a load of fucking shit and you know it.

Because guest hosts and game shows aren't enough to stabilize him. Look, let's be real. Do you really think that if Chris Jericho could sustain himself as an actor in Hollywood, he'd ever come back?
actually, yes, I do. Just like I don't expect him to come back again, because he'll be too busy touring the world making music, writing a third book, acting, hosting various TV shows, etc.

That's what I thought.
and you thought wrong.

This is what, his second sabbatical. He's said often, just like The Rock, that his interest isn't solely in wrestling. The only difference is, Jericho can't sustain himself solely on his other interests.
and since Jericho's return wasn't probably about the money, who cares.

Right, because a publicist wouldn't come to The Rock the next day, and tell him that was career suicide.

Face it, defending The Rock at that time would have been career suicide. The WWE was toxic waste at that time. Why should the Rock want to touch it?
And like Jericho's publicist didn't tell him the same thing? Again, face it, Jericho defended WWE, Rock ignored it. If Rock loved it, he would have at least tried to defend it somewhat. He didn't.

If something you loved was facing a public death, which wrestling seemingly was for a while, wouldn't you at least say something, even if it was just a half-ass attempt?
Storm, I'm starting to disagree with you here. Can you really blame The Rock for not wanting to wrestle anymore even if he loved it? We bash so many wrestlers for not knowing when to hang up their boots, so why should we bash The Rock for getting out of the game before it was too late? I applaud The Rock for his ability to remove himself from Wrestling and transition into Hollywood. I don't take this to mean that he doesn't love professional wrestling, I just think that it means he gave us everything he could in the WWE and he is ready to move on.
When did I say I wanted The Rock to wrestle? I never said that. I'd be fine if he never wrestled again (yes, I'd LOVE to see him put over Cena at Mania 27 or 28). I'd have been happy over the past 7 years if he didn't ignore us, only taking us in after 7 years and a monster payoff. I won't forget years of being angered about his ignoring us for 1 month of sheer joy. ESPECIALLY if it's going to be at the expense of not only a guy who is the face of the company today, but also a guy who has gotten unreasonably shit on for YEARS by the very fucking people Rock is catering to (not specific people, but older fans who hate Cena for doing exactly what Rock did years before).
1. Never said he wasn't busy. What I said is that he ignored wrestling. He did ignore wrestling, there's no doubt about it. If he didn't, then he would have made a couple appearances, and not have killed the entire roster the one time he ever did anything (which was only because they were inducting his family AND giving him a monster payoff). We won't even get into the fact that they completely ignored RIC FUCKING FLAIR at his HOF induction (the TV portion of it at least), editing the majority of his speech because of time restraints.
2. Jericho was pretty fucking busy while not wrestling. While he wasn't making mega-budget films, he was fucking busy.
3. So Jericho left his blood, sweat and tears in the ring for twice as long as Rock (Rock was 1996-2004, Jericho was 1990-2005), and Rock gave MORE? No, Jericho spent his whole adult life in the business. Rock failed at one venture (football) then did the only thing left for him to do, and got out as soon as he could for greener pastures (again, good for him for getting out of the ring). Don't even think for a second that Rock gave more of himself then Jericho did, cause you and I both know that's a load of fucking shit and you know it.

actually, yes, I do. Just like I don't expect him to come back again, because he'll be too busy touring the world making music, writing a third book, acting, hosting various TV shows, etc.

and you thought wrong.

and since Jericho's return wasn't probably about the money, who cares.

And like Jericho's publicist didn't tell him the same thing? Again, face it, Jericho defended WWE, Rock ignored it. If Rock loved it, he would have at least tried to defend it somewhat. He didn't.

If something you loved was facing a public death, which wrestling seemingly was for a while, wouldn't you at least say something, even if it was just a half-ass attempt?

When did I say I wanted The Rock to wrestle? I never said that. I'd be fine if he never wrestled again (yes, I'd LOVE to see him put over Cena at Mania 27 or 28). I'd have been happy over the past 7 years if he didn't ignore us, only taking us in after 7 years and a monster payoff. I won't forget years of being angered about his ignoring us for 1 month of sheer joy. ESPECIALLY if it's going to be at the expense of not only a guy who is the face of the company today, but also a guy who has gotten unreasonably shit on for YEARS by the very fucking people Rock is catering to (not specific people, but older fans who hate Cena for doing exactly what Rock did years before).

Let's just get a few things cleared up.

1. Yes, The Rock totally did more for Chris Jericho could ever hope to. While The Rock was headlining the greatest era in business for professional wrestling, Jericho was merely a cog in the mid card. Jericho was a nice appetizer for the crowd; everyone paid their money to see The Rock, with Austin, with Mankind, with Triple H.

The argument is simple; Steve Lombardi spent more time in wrestling than Brock Lesnar. You really going to tell me he did more for wrestling than Brock?

Also, you're again expecting The Rock to put his best interests aside for yours. That's ok. That's what makes you a fan. But don't be disappointed when he in fact doesn't. Everything else I laugh at, especially that Chris Jericho would come back to wrestling if he had the Rock's career in Hollywood. L.O.L.
I love how Stormtrooper pretends like he knows what the fuck the Rock was thinking/feeling the last 7 years. Do tell us more about Dwayne Johnson's thoughts since you apparently are able to read minds now as well as travel back in time.

FINE, Jesus fucking Crist, you don't let up do you.

MAYBE Dwayne Johnson loves the WWE and its fans. He's just done the absolute fucking worst job of all fucking time SHOWING it.

Again, I hate to keep going back to what Cena said. Rock TELLS us that he loves us (and the WWE, all while running away from it). Cena (and in my case Jericho, and everyone else seemingly) PROVES it (by actually being there).

And yes, Fozzy does suck. Really, really, really badly. They're fucking garbage.
and because you, almighty Jesus of Music, are the sole purveyor of Musical Wisdom. There are plenty of people whom actually like Fozzy (myself included), and not because they're "garbage" (as you oh so wrongly put it), but because they're a pretty good Metal band.
Cena (and in my case Jericho, and everyone else seemingly) PROVES it (by actually being there).

Funny, I don't recall Cena having the opportunity to do something more. His movies were shit, and no one cared. Given the same opportunity Rock was given, and Cena would probably leave too. It would be the smart move, anyway.
When are people gonna realize that stepping down isn't the same as abandoning the business. The Rock stepped down. There was NOTHING else for him to do. Brock Lesnar abandoned the business. He had the company in his hands and his career ahead of him. But left to go suck at football. Unbelievable for a guy with his physique.
Look at everyone trying to blame the Buffalo crowd for Raw last night. That show sucked major ass. If I paid $50 for seats, I would have been furious. It was a bad show all around.
I love how Stormtrooper pretends like he knows what the fuck the Rock was thinking/feeling the last 7 years. Do tell us more about Dwayne Johnson's thoughts since you apparently are able to read minds now as well as travel back in time.

And yes, Fozzy does suck. Really, really, really badly. They're fucking garbage.

Your face.

I know you believe yourself to be the end-all be-all of musical knowledge, but I happen to really enjoy and appreciate Fozzy, even beyond being a Jericho fan boy. I've seen them 3 times in concert, and each show they do, the energy and enthusiasm they all bring to the show is infectious.

And anyone else who has an issue with hair metal may kindly suck my left nut.

Yes, X, I still love you.

>This argument.
FINE, Jesus fucking Crist, you don't let up do you.

MAYBE Dwayne Johnson loves the WWE and its fans. He's just done the absolute fucking worst job of all fucking time SHOWING it.

And there's your problem. You think he needs to "show" you and "prove" to you he loves the business. He fucking doesn't. He doesn't owe you or me jack fucking shit.

and because you, almighty Jesus of Music, are the sole purveyor of Musical Wisdom. There are plenty of people whom actually like Fozzy (myself included), and not because they're "garbage" (as you oh so wrongly put it), but because they're a pretty good Metal band.

Thanks for calling me the Jesus of Music, strange since I never really talk about music on here anymore, ever. But no, Fozzy just suck. They're derivative and cheesy metal at it's worst. You should probably check out some metal that doesn't suck.

Your face.

I know you believe yourself to be the end-all be-all of musical knowledge

What? Why? Because I think some of your apparently favorite bands suck? I assure you, I am not the only who feels this way about Fozzy or Live broseph of bromingham.

but I happen to really enjoy and appreciate Fozzy, even beyond being a Jericho fan boy. I've seen them 3 times in concert, and each show they do, the energy and enthusiasm they all bring to the show is infectious.

And anyone else who has an issue with hair metal may kindly suck my left nut.

Yes, X, I still love you.

Requests for oral sex and a decree of your love...it's a good day.

Really can't stand the majority of hair metal though, sorry.

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