WWE RAW LD 2/21/2011 - He's Here!

One thing that I think about of late is how much Miz is having less of Riley around, we saw it against King and we saw it last night in the poorly booked Tag Title match. They could have just stuck it in one match, but the one bit that comes out of this is that Miz is someone to be reckoned with, he's taking more of a stage and getting the victories and shots in without Riley getting involved as much. He got some good mileage coming out of last night's Raw to say the least.
The hate in this LD is unbelievable. I thought it was a fun show, though oddly I wasn't feeling the energy I usually feel when watching, except during the Cole/King part. I see no reason to bitch about the tag team belt situation. Belts are parts of storylines, just like everything else in wrestling.

Maybe the show was a little underwhelming in feeling (I didn't even get all that excited when Triple H returned, oddly enough), but that isn't to say it was bad by any means.
I groaned audibly. Even my review of several Triple H matches from 2000/2001 over the last couple days can't get me excited about him in 2011.
The hate in this LD is unbelievable.

Yes, anyone daring to have a different opinion on last night's show is clearly unbelievable. How dare we not share your raging erections at the epicness of last night that was the Bellas vs. Eve/Gail, 8 minutes of by-the-numbers formula tag wrestling, the tag belts being buried, and two middle aged men staring at eachother without saying a word.

Holy fuck am I on the WWE Universe forum or something? People are allowed to have different opinions. Even Mozz, quite possibly the biggest WWE mark on the entire forum apart from you and KB, thought last night's show wasn't very good.

Please put away your boners guys.
Not saying it's okay but I see no hope that it's going to get any better. The tag team division could have actually been good in 2003 with teams like La Resistance and the World's Greatest Tag Team but having two separate belts killed it for me.
The Bellas aroused me more than they normally do last night. Television time well wasted. Almost worthy of an actual erection as opposed to the usual "I'm marking out!! Look at me mark out!!!" fake erections I see around here.
Wasnt impressed with last night. The tag belt thing was stupid, not becuase the tag belts matter, but becuase it was a useless burying. If the match was gonna end the way it did, they should have just done it. Mizena winning the belts in the first place was lame as fuck, but to then drop it right back....bleh.
Cena had a pretty good promo. I wouldn't put it on the Rock's level though. Not because we haven't heard from the Rock in years, but it was more electric. Cena was kind of reluctant, but he gave us an old school promo that we haven't heard in a long time. The Miz didn't do bad either with his comeback besides stumbling on a few words trying to mimic The Rock.

Triple H and Undertaker's return was a bit underwhelming. It's great that they are back for Mania, but couldn't Triple H appeared out of nowhere and give Taker a pedigree or throw a pie or something?

Cole cut a damn good promo on King. He almost crossed the line with the mom reference, but it was alright. I can't comment on the matches since they didn't last long. The tag team main event was a joke. Not a bad Raw, but it isn't the best Raw ever just because its close to Mania.

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