WWE RAW LD 3/28/2011 - On Destiny's Doorstep

I honestly am not a big fan (mark) of cena because of his lack of ability to actualy show ability in the ring, and im a huge fan (mark) of the rock, BUTTTT when i saw rocky setting up for the people's elbow i couldn't wait for cena to hit the FU (AA) and once he did it i completley MARKED THE F*** OUT!!!
I'm not a big fan (mark) of you because of your lack of ability to show ability to know anything about wrestling.

Cena has a shitload of in-ring ability. He's not Daniel Bryan in terms of holds because he shouldn't be, he's a brawler, and he needs to do the stuff that the fans paid their hard earned money to see (the "5 moves of doom").
A Cena Heel turn won't even be seriously discussed until the kids stop cheering for him. When they stop really caring for him, then he'll change.

Fair point. But think about how much more effective it would be if he turned while the kids still loved him. I was still young when Hogan turned and it devastated me. Looking back, it was perfect. For it to be as effective as it can be, you have to do it when it will garner the most reaction.
Cena will not be turning heel!

He said everything he had to say to The Rock, and the AA on him was just to send a statement that he's not fooling around anymore with The Rock.

He said he's proud his fan's are kids, he's proud the way he dress, act's, and who he's came ot be. That's not really a saying of a guy who is a heel.

He will not turn hell for this storyline, neither would The Rock. It'll be Hogan/Rock, but both of them will be face. Who the fan's side with is basically personal opinion, but there is no need for Cena to turn heel to face Rock. He may have a more serious gimmick if he was to face him, or be maybe a tweener (that's the most he's got to being a heel).

It won't be like HBK/Hogan in 2005. Shawn turned heel so the fan's would soley be behind Hogan. The fan's are soley behind Rock already. Cena won't turn heel for one fued, becuase if he was to turn heel, he would stick with it. It would be like when Hogan and Austin turned heel, it would be that big, and they would'nt just turn him face again after one fued.

And, he's got fued's with Del Rio, Rhodes, Ziggler he's still got to go through.

So no, he does'nt have to turn heel for a fued with the Rock. Maybe more serious, or a big maybe a tweener, but that's it. He'll turn heel when his fan's get tired of him, which won't be happening for a long while. Or TNA become's competition, which won't happen ever.
Okay, phew, added back the tag match recap/review bit. Stop scaring me like that Open Office.

Amazing show, again. Best go-home show I've ever seen. One of the few cases where almost no wrestling didn't hurt the show at all.
Fair point. But think about how much more effective it would be if he turned while the kids still loved him. I was still young when Hogan turned and it devastated me. Looking back, it was perfect. For it to be as effective as it can be, you have to do it when it will garner the most reaction.
You're right to an extent. You can't turn him while the kids ADORE him, as he's too popular still, and you need to milk as much merchandise money as possible from the Cash-Cow that is Cena. However, you DO turn him before the fans turn completely on him, because that gives the illusion that you let the fans down, instead of the fans letting the superstar down.

The Hogan timing was pretty perfect, as he was still over (just not as much as before).
So yeah....every match other than Cody vs. Rey was hyped tonight. Not bad.
And they all were hyped solidly-awesomely, which is why I enjoyed the show so damn much (and actually felt you were too harsh in your rating)
Cena will not be turning heel!

He said everything he had to say to The Rock, and the AA on him was just to send a statement that he's not fooling around anymore with The Rock.

He said he's proud his fan's are kids, he's proud the way he dress, act's, and who he's came ot be. That's not really a saying of a guy who is a heel.

He will not turn hell for this storyline, neither would The Rock. It'll be Hogan/Rock, but both of them will be face. Who the fan's side with is basically personal opinion, but there is no need for Cena to turn heel to face Rock. He may have a more serious gimmick if he was to face him, or be maybe a tweener (that's the most he's got to being a heel).

It won't be like HBK/Hogan in 2005. Shawn turned heel so the fan's would soley be behind Hogan. The fan's are soley behind Rock already. Cena won't turn heel for one fued, becuase if he was to turn heel, he would stick with it. It would be like when Hogan and Austin turned heel, it would be that big, and they would'nt just turn him face again after one fued.

And, he's got fued's with Del Rio, Rhodes, Ziggler he's still got to go through.

So no, he does'nt have to turn heel for a fued with the Rock. Maybe more serious, or a big maybe a tweener, but that's it. He'll turn heel when his fan's get tired of him, which won't be happening for a long while. Or TNA become's competition, which won't happen ever.

HBK turned face after the match with Hogan with the handshake. It's Rock/Hogan all over again.
Okay, phew, added back the tag match recap/review bit. Stop scaring me like that Open Office.

Amazing show, again. Best go-home show I've ever seen. One of the few cases where almost no wrestling didn't hurt the show at all.

Open Office? Why have you not upgraded to Libre Office?
Open Office? Why have you not upgraded to Libre Office?

Never heard of it actually. Is it better?

Ha, nice sig Sly. Cena was incredible in that segment with The Rock tonight, some of his best work ever I think.
Never heard of it actually. Is it better?
OpenOffice is now owned by Oracle, which is a BAD thing.

LibreOffice continues the philosophy of open source software. Right now, it's not much different (although slightly better), but it's not run by Oracle, so it's automatically better.

Ha, nice sig Sly. Cena was incredible in that segment with The Rock tonight, some of his best work ever I think.
Twilight' Team Edward and Team Jacob have nothing on Team Cenation.

It was a great promo.
Great show and great ending tonight. Fans across the world will be rabid to see Rock get his hands on Cena. Almost as much if not more then Lawler getting his hands on Cole. Cena held his own. I wish the segment would have gone on earlier and lasted a bit longer, but it was still one of the best segments of the year. HBK's involvement really helped add intrigue to Triple H and Taker's match. It's too bad that no matter what he does, Miz is still an afterthought when it comes to Cena and Rock.
Its just happened. I may never have been an actual Anti-Cena guy, but after tonight....this is hard.. but here it goes...I am a big Cena fan. It was a long time coming but Cena just spoke and solidified what people should realize by now that PG/R/B/V/DG or whatever Era, Cena has had his nose to the grind stone for this company since he has been here and has loved every second of it. He lives and dies for the company. Some people will be cynical and say its the same thing, "I am here for the fans" speech. Its true though I can not think of a work horse as strong as Cena outside of Taker, or a man who's love of his company is so clear.

Well done Cena, I am now a full fledged fan. Do not expect to see me in those god awful shirts anytime soon though.
Great raw. I'm yet to watch the tag team match and the thing after it? but it was a great raw without it.

Bring on Mania baby!

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