Y'know, I just realized something. A bunch of people are pissed that Khali and Truth are in the match because they "have nothing to do with" the angle or they have no reason to be in there.

If that's the argument, then why the fuck should Triple H be in there? He's been gone since before NXT was over? He's got less to do with the angle than Khali and Truth.

But...but it's Triple H! He can be involved in whatever angle he wants!!!!
No he didn't. Guessing nothing will come of that.

So what was it 3 weeks ago, that he was all pissed off at Khali and seemingly walked out on him, then the next week he comes out with Khali and all seems good between the two, now this week he doesn't come out with Khali when he joins the Raw Army, I sure nothing will come of it but if Singh turned on Khali at SS and became Nexus's manger it would explain why Khali was added to the match
I wanted Bryan Danielson to be one of the members on Cena's team so badly at the end of the show. I was 99.9% sure there was no chance in hell of that happening, but I still managed to get my hopes up about it regardless. I was so letdown when Bret's music hit, even if I'm a huge fan of the guy.

But yeah.... disappointed by that. It was still a decent Raw though. I loved the Miz/Sheamus segment. For the first time in a while I felt kind of markish watching it. Now, I am not a Miz fan in the least bit, but holy fuck did it all of a sudden come over me tonight that I wanted him to beat Sheamus. To the point where I was getting kind of frustrated at the referee for not starting the match. I was like, "Man, this is complete bullshit. Who the fuck cares if he's conscious or not? Start the fucking match!" And then of course R-Truth came down to ruin everything. It was a really well done segment though. Very suspenseful.
I loved the show tonight, I'm glad I decided against the LD because I payed attention to the whole show and marked out legit a few times, I was standing up hoping final countdown would hit at the end but Bret makes sense, even though I'm not loving it.
I was thinking Triple H, I really was. Or I was hoping it would be Brian Danielson.

I still would not be surprised to see someone, whether it be R-Truth, or Khali, or Bret Hart, be replaced at the last minute by either of these guys.

Either Bryan Danielson comes in (and not Daniel Bryan either) to fight against Nexus.

Or HHH comes back to fight against them, only to heel turn and reveal himself to be their leader.

There's definitely some sort of a swerve coming. Nexus won't beat the RAW guys outright. And I can't see the RAW superteam beating Nexus and potentially killing all of the momentum they've built over the last few months.
Why do people think Rock is coming back?

It simply isn't going to happen anytime soon and if it does, it's one night only.
Not really. I never was a big Rock guy. He wouldn't be anything close to what he was physically back in the day. If he came back as a guest host that would be fine but not in the ring.

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