WWE SD! LD on 7/15: Cooked Viper Anyone?

He's been on WWE tv X. He won't struggle for bookings.

Being a nobody curtain-jerker who gets 5 minutes of TV time max in a month isn't exactly going to have people lining up around the block to book him. If he was an actual somebody in the WWE, I'd agree, but his current position isn't going to earn him any bookings just because he's been on TV for a few minutes.

Like I said, I'm sure he can get indy bookings if/when he's fired, but he's not going to have major indies like ROH, CZW, Chikara, PWG, etc lining up to call him.
When was the last time Justin Gabriel did that one moonsault of his from the top rope?

Edit: A springboard moonsault, not top rope. Mah bad.
The ginger ninja should not be allowed to touch a mic for another 2-3 years, give him sometime to improve.

Great show as always tonight, been really enjoying it.
Whoever thought it was a good idea to give Heath Slater a microphone, I assure you, it was not.

Gabriel babyface singles push FINALLY starting now? Rad.
YES! This Punk video assures amazing.

Now Heath Slater, that's who would get indy bookings. I can see the headlines now.

Former Summerslam headliner main events indy show!
"In anybody else's hands, this is a microphone. In my hands, it is a pipe bomb."

Punk is awesome.
Christian pissing off Orton is actually pretty smart on his part. Since he can win the title by DQ and seeing how Orton will be more interested in punishing him then pinning him, he's made a very good plan.
Surprisingly short main event tonight, they usually give them 15-20 minutes. No complaints though, the less Kane I see the better.

Pretty good show tonight.
Pretty good Smackdown as usuall. Smackdown is slowly becoming the better brand. And when Punk leaves Raw, Smackdown will be the clear cut winner 4real.
I got to about Sheamus Vs Sin Cara.. and I seriously couldn't watch anymore because of Michael Cole... he is driving me up a fucking wall.. it just gets worse and worse... something needs to be done about him.
I haven't seen the entire show, but I liked what I did see.

Also, I am going to fucking end anybody who complains about Slabriel splitting up on the talent grounds.

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