WWE SD! LD 7/29: SmackDown, Step Your Game Up!

So that Morrison/Christian match was disappointing. Solid stuff, but it never went beyond just being a short little exhibition match. **1/2 to **3/4-ish maybe. Disappointing man, I thought they would do better than that.
So that Morrison/Christian match was disappointing. Solid stuff, but it never went beyond just being a short little exhibition match. **1/2 to **3/4-ish maybe. Disappointing man, I thought they would do better than that.

You do know that Morrison came back from injury right?
You do know that Morrison came back from injury right?

Yeah I know. I was still expecting a bit more.

Cole cracking jokes about Bryan on commentary while he's doing a promo is fucking painful to listen to, and it totally ruins the flow of the segment. Whoever the fuck thinks it's a good idea to have Cole heeling it up and insulting Bryan while he's talking and cutting a promo is stupid. It's fine during a match, but during a fucking PROMO? Let the man speak, and shut the fuck up Cole.

I love Ryder on Smackdown.
That Justin Gabriel South African promo was AWESOME. Money all over that shit. Gabriel rules. Push that man! I want to see Gabriel all up in the midcard scene on Smackdown damnit, I love that guy.

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