WWE SD! LD On 7/1: Finally, Somebody Other Than Big Show or Kane Got His Ass Kicked!

Alright, to be fair, I can tell you are not a racist. It depends on the context and who says it.

If some guy says it as a joke, I won't be that offended but if Don Imus or Kramer says it within 5 feet of me, then theres a problem.

Absolutely. No reason to be a racist, everyone is equal. Jokes are funny though, didn't mean to piss in your cheerios man. Lets enjoy the rest of Smackdown!
In fact it was your race that actually took to the word, and started using it as a way to describe a friend of theirs. So what the fuck is the problem.

Alright. Try yelling out the N Word in any black neighborhood and then use the same arguement, your using now and then you'll see what the problem is.
Alright. Try yelling out the N Word in any black neighborhood and then use the same arguement, your using now and then you'll see what the problem is.

You might be correct here, but if your black neighborhood uses the word, and then beats up on some white, mexican, or chinese person for using it, at least in a certain context...I.E, as a joke. Then lets see who the real racist is then.
You might be correct here, but if your black neighborhood uses the word, and then beats up on some white, mexican, or chinese person for using it, at least in a certain context...I.E, as a joke. Then lets see who the real racist is then.

True. It depends on the neighborhood, if its a middle class surburban black neighborhood then they probably wont be that offended.

If its a urban low class black neighborhood, they would react the same way they react to everything else, with violence

But, its all good, nothing to get that worked up over. Its 2011, not 1961.
That was a very good match. I'd probably give it ***, but I wouldn't argue if someone bumped it up a few.
You'd think that they would have mentioned that being Cara's first loss... but, then again, I'm not sure they've said too much about him being undefeated recently either.
Was that Sin Cara's first loss?

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