WWE SD! LD 10/7/11: Shaping Up To Be a Big Show

@RKO: I dunno. I get the feeling some moron is going to say something completely stupid and bring up the fact that el color negro is spelled the same exact way as, um, kneegrow.

I guess I'm the moron.

Yeah but it is the proper way to say black in spanish so I think booker says it to add to the black sin cara. As I for one hate the word that rhymes with NINJA. So people who say it are deff ignorant. So I see your point bro.
They should as it is better to keep orton out the scene. How is it Henry injures Khali, Big and Kane but can't take out Orton. If he "injured" Orton for a few months this means it could be a Big Show feud and then a Sheamus fued.

Having Henry "injury" Orton for a few months would of made him a heat magnet. It should of been done but the didn't.
yeah big show is also getting a good reaction , i would be interested in a match between the two ,big show probably wont take the title though.
I hope not I just want to see Henry get what he needs an that is a long time with the strap. He gains more heat then anyone on smackdown right now. Hell, he even gets more heat then ADR.

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