WWE General Complaints Thread

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People are so sick and tired of seeing Triple H 30 minutes on RAW with Stephanie Mcmahon EVERYTIME. Something new needs to happen. A new angle. A new storyline. Just end. This. Shit.

This is awful. Getting so sick and tired of seeing Kane, Triple H, Orton - EVERY SEGMENT are the same on RAW.

"Why don't you fight these guys"

This is a RAW Episode: Triple H and Stephanie coming out, taunting crowds and smiling. Interruption by Cena/other wrestler whoever.

Triple H doing a plan. Talking to Kane/Orton. Result: Jobbing or doing some damage.

It's so predictable and so bad it's fucking sickening.

End this fucking authority angle now with Steph/Triple H.
People are so sick and tired of seeing Triple H 30 minutes on RAW with Stephanie Mcmahon EVERYTIME. Something new needs to happen. A new angle. A new storyline. Just end. This. Shit.

This is awful. Getting so sick and tired of seeing Kane, Triple H, Orton - EVERY SEGMENT are the same on RAW.

"Why don't you fight these guys"

This is a RAW Episode: Triple H and Stephanie coming out, taunting crowds and smiling. Interruption by Cena/other wrestler whoever.

Triple H doing a plan. Talking to Kane/Orton. Result: Jobbing or doing some damage.

It's so predictable and so bad it's fucking sickening.

End this fucking authority angle now with Steph/Triple H.

They've been running the same angle for 20 straight years. The whole "evil authority" angle needs to die. Creative needs to come up with something at least semi-fresh instead of trying to live off the same ol same ol under the excuse of "well it worked before". Sure "it worked before": It was actually fresh then. Now it's so far beyond stale that the maggots won't even touch it anymore.
Shockingly, I agree with the last Stone Cold Steve Austin fan on earth.

Remember the bad old days, back in the 2000s, where HHH got his reputation to begin with? The 20 minute speeches from HHH every single week? Well not only does he hog an inordinate amount of time on Raw every single wee, but he gives out long interviews online every week we're expected to watch.

And he's not even an active fucking wrestler anymore.
Agreed. HHH is no longer effective when he does these long speeches every single week. Its not annoying in the way proper heat is generated; it is "turn over for 10 minutes" annoying.

HHH used to do this back in the day he was a regular main eventer; he used to be on Raw talking for 30% of the entire show in one segment or another.

The authority storyline; whoever it involves; vince, dixie, bischoff, Commissioners, General Managers, Sheriffs, Chief of staff, COO, the authority or director of operations, it is all stale. It needs to be gone. Matches just need to occur like they did in the mid 1990s. Let the announcers who interview people announce the matches at PPVs; bit like when Vince or JR would interview wrestlers and the matches be signed there and then.

They can always go back to an authority storyline in a few years.
Coming off the best raw in ages we see people complaining :/ ugh. It's crazy to me that people can't enjoy one episode of raw. Ambrose was amazing, Miz was good, almost every match had a reason/storyline to it and people still complain. It's beyond me what you people want.
Coming off the best raw in ages we see people complaining :/ ugh. It's crazy to me that people can't enjoy one episode of raw. Ambrose was amazing, Miz was good, almost every match had a reason/storyline to it and people still complain. It's beyond me what you people want.

Best Raw for 2 parts only, though.

The stuff with Dean Ambrose was all good and the IC Triple Threat match was great.

Everything else? Waste of time. I'm not counting vignettes because they weren't live and no clear path was laid out.

Was there ever a Raw back in the Attitude Era where there were 3 Diva segments that were totally indifferent to each other?

How come the Tag Champs didn't even have a match?

That's why people still complain.

And they should. If fans are too easily pleased then that allows WWE the luxury of half-assing their shows.
Best Raw for 2 parts only, though.

The stuff with Dean Ambrose was all good and the IC Triple Threat match was great.
Most of the show was devoted to Ambrose and furthering his storyline. I loved that,

Everything else? Waste of time. I'm not counting vignettes because they weren't live and no clear path was laid out.
The vignettes are supposed to peak your interest, they can't give away too much which they didn't. It was brilliant work.

Was there ever a Raw back in the Attitude Era where there were 3 Diva segments that were totally indifferent to each other?
But they all had a story and an arch to them. Tyson Kidd actually seems to have a personality now! I mean seriously, the bella's weren't that interesting but I think it's the best segment those two have had, and added to the arch. With Brie now being placed where Nikki was when brie abandoned her. Made total sense. And AJ and Paige are Aj and Paige and can make anything interesting imo.

How come the Tag Champs didn't even have a match?
Because matches aren't what make them, Gold and Stardust are very unique characters. And who wants them to be in another match with the Uso's, or in a "waste of time match" against jobbers. You have to save some things and I loved their segment, it was good. I didn't know the tag champs needed to have a match every week to appease fans.

That's why people still complain.
Yeah, because stories becoming more interesting and furthering them is just silly. Makes no difference, if Tyson Kidd is actually given a personality, or that there was an amazing triple threat match, and who cares if Dean Ambrose is the center of the show, let's all complain that star and gold dust weren't in a match. Or that AJ Lee and Paige are taking up too much of our time :/. And I've ignored the tension between Lesnar and the Authority/Rollins. The only waste of time was Hogan's babbling.

And they should. If fans are too easily pleased then that allows WWE the luxury of half-assing their shows.
They didn't half ass this show at all. It was a really good show, but some people are impossible to please.
Write what you see on RAW when you watch an episode.

This is what I see.

Sick and tired of seeing same old shit.

A RAW Episode: Opening segment begins with Cena/Ambrose/whoever other wrestler. Interruption by Authority. Backstage: Triple H talking to Randy Orton/Kane. Doing some jobbing or damage to anybody in the mainevent. Mainevent: Interference by Kane/Seth/Orton. RAW ends.

Triple H/Stephanie loves the spotlight and take up 30 minutes on RAW with segments/backstage promo etc. It's getting ridiculous.

End the Authority angle now.
Well this is the very first thing you said that I agree with.
I continue to watch it every week even though, its always the same, at least they are changing the things they say, cuz if the wouldnt, it would be "RAW 6.10.14 CTRL-C and CTRL-V RAW 13.10.14"
whatever, they should start some more storylines, even if they wouldnt take too long, but just bring some life and versatility to the episodes.
Whilst the storylines are all virtually repeats most of the time, I think most fans would agree, that the Main Selling point is seeing New Superstars and how they play their respective roles(case in point, Ambrose being compared to Austin, Cena to Hogan, etc.)
Can we discuss attending a Smackdown event? I have been to two Smackdown events in my area and the first one was great,not was a few years ago when Orton was a main focus and it was before Kane's return to the mask. Also, as many people know when you attend Smackdown you also get to see a few other shows and at that time I got to see Smackdown, nxt, and superstars and each match was great and refreshing and different. However when I attended Smackdown recently I saw the same superstars wrestle each other in Smackdown, main event and a 3rd thing I can't remember what it was and it was just disappointing. I saw Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro, and the Usos wrestle for every event and it was just a let down not to see more of the roster. This is where we can say that wwe is lazy. Fans are getting bored of seeing the same people wrestle in every event. The people at home are sick of it and I guarantee the people at the event are aswell.
Am I alone in thinking that they're doing it wrong with Dean Ambrose? They're supposedly trying to make this guy the next big thing as a loose cannon face, yet they refuse to give the guy any momentum.

I'm not saying that he should dominate everyone he comes across, but it seems as though every Monday, the show starts with bad ass Dean Ambrose, and ends with him on his back. It's as though they're giving him scripts meant for Daniel Bryan or even later years Mick Foley, which may work for a gritty odds-defier, or a semi-retired legend with nothing left to prove,but when trying to create what they seem to be going for with Ambrose, he needs to come out on top once in a while. If not, he's basically a loopy Zach Ryder.
The t.v viewers are down so that brings the t.v. ratings down and people do not want to invest in the network. Raw and Smackdown: we need better storylines and new feuds and this authority thing is getting old. It was a good start this past week 10/27 thru 10/31. Give me a shot at the writing I can help HHH and Steph. It will help when injured wrestlers come back as well, bring back former wrestlers as guest appearances promote it like next week on Raw Rock will be here. I think the biggest problem besides all the injuries is having a part time champion, Brock has to go. If he does not want to be a full time t.v. wrestler than he can not be the world champion, that goes for all the wrestlers. They can be part time missing house shows and a few t.v. shows but not when you are a title holder, you need to be there at the pay per views as well. I say let Brock go after Wrestlemania when he loses to Roman, do not give him a new contract, I know he has 3 more matches left on his current contract but please if you could let him go away sooner. This all could bring back viewers, put WWE network on cable t.v. that would also help.
I saw the IGN rating for the new WWE2K15 game before it was released in the UK, where I live, and I have to agree that it is mediocre!

The game has a more up to date roster which is all well and good, but I still think this whole game is no better than 2k14 and actually worse in lots of ways.

-A daily download limit of comm creations.....who thought that was a good idea? I certinly don't!

- commentary still sucks, they say the wrong names, and incorrect information about what is happening in the match.

-universe mode you cannot create one sole roster (as there currently is), you still have to have raw and smackdown.

-The Shield are still together as a tag team? And no update in music or ring ae for any of them!

Does anyone else have any gripes or faults to report? I just really think its a real let down!
My 5 main complaints

1. Cowardly heels, it would be nice to see heels get good clean wins over quality opponents

2. Unify the United States and Intercontinental titles, ; it would make the mid card so much stronger , give better matches and a lot better storylines, Hell in a Cell a have the titles hang above the cell would of been a fantastic 6 to 8 man match, Survivor Series a 6 to 8 man elimination match would be fantastic , an 6 to 8 man TLC match at TLC would be great , or even just have Ziggler and Rusev start a feud

3. The Tag team division is a joke, Gold and Stardust are pure gold though the USos honestly are kind of stale, Wyatt family is good though they have been buried ( though with proper storylines they could easily been back) Los Matdores really really hahaha, and Slater Gator a great comedic team don't get me wrong I love those guys though as tag champs I don't know about that, and Miz and Mizdow I like them both though there partner ship has a very short shelf life and - why not have Kane and Rollins win the titles soon kind of like the 2 man power trip or even like Flair and Orton

4. Why the hell is Kane jobbing so damn much and why are both Kane and Big Shows choke slams mean absolutely nothing anymore, personally I think both Kane and Big Show shouldn't be in action nearly as much as they are

5. Squash matches Rusev vs Zach Ryder, Rusev vs R Truth did that really do anything for anyone?

Last one more clean finishes
Complaints eh ...... well here's 5

1. Part time Champion; yeah Brock gets heat for the no shows, great for playing the heel, but the Champ needs to be on the shows

2. Lack of real Superstars; atm we only have Cena and Orton for full time top tier performers, the rest like the shield trio and wyatt all need another good solid year to get up to their level. I dont count part timers like Taker or Rock thats more of a Legend deal

3. No crusierweights division; I would make an argument for the rebirth of the hardcore division but il only get told to wake up and get with the times so how bout the crusierweight division, when the belt was on smackdown we got fast paced electric action and it gave the smaller guys on the roster something to aim for.

4. Adam Roses Bunny; will only enjoy this motherfuckers screen time if he in ring with Austin or a real life Tiger, seriously pointless gimmick needs to die soon

5. Hulk Hogan; I find myself sighing whenever its announced he is appearing, he did great things for wrestling but maybe its time he buggered off so i dont have to listen to him stumble through promos or listen to commentators lick his nut sack, thank you hulk now goodbye off to florida with you now brother
I saw the IGN rating for the new WWE2K15 game before it was released in the UK, where I live, and I have to agree that it is mediocre!

The game has a more up to date roster which is all well and good, but I still think this whole game is no better than 2k14 and actually worse in lots of ways.

-A daily download limit of comm creations.....who thought that was a good idea? I certinly don't!

- commentary still sucks, they say the wrong names, and incorrect information about what is happening in the match.

-universe mode you cannot create one sole roster (as there currently is), you still have to have raw and smackdown.

-The Shield are still together as a tag team? And no update in music or ring ae for any of them!

Does anyone else have any gripes or faults to report? I just really think its a real let down!

:wtf: oh man i was lookin forward to new game, is their an actual story mode??? and on 2k14 i managed to only get one roster just delete show from calender
I've noticed over the last few weeks especially that Raw just feels insufferably long and boring, even more than usual. Tonight was amongst the worst I can recall though, the 3 hours that just ended felt like 20. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, as I've recently been rewatching a lot of attitude era Raws, and with some fresh perspective on things, I think I've come to a few quick fixes that WWE could do to put things back in the right direction without seriously altering their product.

1.) EVERY character needs a storyline of some kind. Doesn't have to be huge, but they need something, anything. Case in point, Ziggler and Sheamus, up until a week ago these guys were holding the two mid-card titles, but with no champion for months they should basically be carrying the company, right? Nope. Neither one of them is doing anything of note. Ziggler had a bunch of matches with Cesaro, and Sheamus with Russev, but neither were really what I would consider feuds, neither of them had a goal or purpose, or were building towards any kind of PPV, they're just kind of there, and these are the guys who should be at the TOP of the card. What about the guys at the bottom?

2.) The commentating team needs focus/direction. Each commentator should play a role. 1. Straight man-calls the action in the ring, generally sides with the faces. 2. Color/comedy-makes jokes generally sides with the heels. 3. Product shill guy-rambles about the app, the network, the guest host, etc. Agrees with the straight man. This is a simple formula, that would hopefully cut down on the inane chatter about god knows what. The current team talks pure shit about half the show, I think I heard them talking about football, voodoo, etc. tonight, it was 20 mins ago and I don't even remember because it did nothing to sell Survivor Series, and when they were trying to sell it they were so boring and monotone, my brain out tunes them. JR's excitement level didn't allow for you to ignore him.

3.) There is no unpredictability. In tonight's Raw, the only small examples would be Rowan joining team Cena, and Cesaro pretending to join. Neither made any sense whatsoever, but at least they weren't totally obvious moves. In the attitude era, there was a swerve every 5 minutes and you could barely keep up with who was heel or face, and yes it was stupid, but at least it kept you on your toes. The whole "anything can happen in WWE" mentality hasn't existed for at least 2 years now, with the exception of the streak ending. That Dolphins1920 guy on Reddit, is probably just your average fan because I can successfully predict the outcome of about 95% of the current product.

4.) Match variety. I understand the roster isn't as deep as it has been in the past, but that said, they simply have to find a way to mix things up. I feel like I've seen some similar combination of the same matches each week for the last 2 months, it's especially bad in the tag division. They need to make better use of the full roster, guys like Ryder, Kidd, Gabriel, Slater, O'Neil, Fandango, R-Truth, etc. Maybe start swapping guys in and out of NXT from time to time? Or have a mid carder work a main-eventer. Also, stop giving away a PPV match with a different stipulation the same week you want people to watch the PPV, this is booking 101! If two guys are feuding they shouldn't lay a hand on each other until the PPV, that way you actually care to see it, and it feels fresh.

5.) The show is too formulaic. Every show I can think of in recent memory has started/ended with Cena or the Authority. This is simple, mix it up occasionally. Open with an exciting match, close with a promo/debut/vignette/etc. something to build intrigue for the following week.

6.) WAY less emphasis on social media. I realize this is probably the least likely to change, but heres the truth. They are doing this because they want attention and ratings, but this isn't resulting in that. What it is doing is annoying the same loyal fans that have been watching forever. In the times when wrestling was getting its highest ratings ever social media didn't even exist. It had ratings because it was a good product, period. I feel the exact same about the network. Instead of saying it's $9.99 every other breath, why not try the Field of Dreams approach…"If you build it, they will come." Create a product that is so compelling that people actually want to watch it and talk about it. If they put half as much effort in to the building of exciting story lines and characters as they do in to twitter, the app, .com, youtube, Facebook, tout, the network, etc. etc. They wouldn't have to try anywhere near as hard because people would be talking about this stuff voluntarily.

Anyway, just a few things that stood out from tonight that I thought could easily be improved. If you've got any others I'd love to hear them.
1.) EVERY character needs a storyline of some kind. Doesn't have to be huge, but they need something, anything. Case in point, Ziggler and Sheamus, up until a week ago these guys were holding the two mid-card titles, but with no champion for months they should basically be carrying the company, right? Nope. Neither one of them is doing anything of note. Ziggler had a bunch of matches with Cesaro, and Sheamus with Russev, but neither were really what I would consider feuds, neither of them had a goal or purpose, or were building towards any kind of PPV, they're just kind of there, and these are the guys who should be at the TOP of the card. What about the guys at the bottom?

2.) The commentating team needs focus/direction. Each commentator should play a role. 1. Straight man-calls the action in the ring, generally sides with the faces. 2. Color/comedy-makes jokes generally sides with the heels. 3. Product shill guy-rambles about the app, the network, the guest host, etc. Agrees with the straight man. This is a simple formula, that would hopefully cut down on the inane chatter about god knows what. The current team talks pure shit about half the show, I think I heard them talking about football, voodoo, etc. tonight, it was 20 mins ago and I don't even remember because it did nothing to sell Survivor Series, and when they were trying to sell it they were so boring and monotone, my brain out tunes them. JR's excitement level didn't allow for you to ignore him.

3.) There is no unpredictability. In tonight's Raw, the only small examples would be Rowan joining team Cena, and Cesaro pretending to join. Neither made any sense whatsoever, but at least they weren't totally obvious moves. In the attitude era, there was a swerve every 5 minutes and you could barely keep up with who was heel or face, and yes it was stupid, but at least it kept you on your toes. The whole "anything can happen in WWE" mentality hasn't existed for at least 2 years now, with the exception of the streak ending. That Dolphins1920 guy on Reddit, is probably just your average fan because I can successfully predict the outcome of about 95% of the current product.

4.) Match variety. I understand the roster isn't as deep as it has been in the past, but that said, they simply have to find a way to mix things up. I feel like I've seen some similar combination of the same matches each week for the last 2 months, it's especially bad in the tag division. They need to make better use of the full roster, guys like Ryder, Kidd, Gabriel, Slater, O'Neil, Fandango, R-Truth, etc. Maybe start swapping guys in and out of NXT from time to time? Or have a mid carder work a main-eventer. Also, stop giving away a PPV match with a different stipulation the same week you want people to watch the PPV, this is booking 101! If two guys are feuding they shouldn't lay a hand on each other until the PPV, that way you actually care to see it, and it feels fresh.

5.) The show is too formulaic. Every show I can think of in recent memory has started/ended with Cena or the Authority. This is simple, mix it up occasionally. Open with an exciting match, close with a promo/debut/vignette/etc. something to build intrigue for the following week.

6.) WAY less emphasis on social media. I realize this is probably the least likely to change, but heres the truth. They are doing this because they want attention and ratings, but this isn't resulting in that. What it is doing is annoying the same loyal fans that have been watching forever. In the times when wrestling was getting its highest ratings ever social media didn't even exist. It had ratings because it was a good product, period. I feel the exact same about the network. Instead of saying it's $9.99 every other breath, why not try the Field of Dreams approach…"If you build it, they will come." Create a product that is so compelling that people actually want to watch it and talk about it. If they put half as much effort in to the building of exciting story lines and characters as they do in to twitter, the app, .com, youtube, Facebook, tout, the network, etc. etc. They wouldn't have to try anywhere near as hard because people would be talking about this stuff voluntarily.

Anyway, just a few things that stood out from tonight that I thought could easily be improved. If you've got any others I'd love to hear them.

Okay, I'm gonna play devils advocate with you? Just to argue some points and hopefully keep this thread from becoming a hate WWE thread.

1. You want every single character to have a story? This is the problem with 1 brand. With 2 brands, half the guys were gone doing their thing on the other brand. People still sat around with no story. While it might bother you that Ryder has no story, I'll sacrifice that in hopes that the Authority loses at Survivor Series. Not every guy needs a story, I do agree it should be more than the like 25% they give now, it's just too many guys for Raw. Adam Rose has a story now, which a lot of people hate on. Just saying, not everyone needs one. Champs do though like you said, but I think that has more to do with prestige on the belt than anything. Moving on.

2. The commentators aren't too bad sometimes. Yea they all play funny guy during jobber matches, I agree it's stupid. They should be having me believe that Adam Rose could be champ one day, but it's Adam Rose! I'd be surprised if he has a job next week. The commentary team works if you want them to be comedians, and if you want a respectable match usually they're better.

3. I'm glad you say that too many swerves are bad, but you're asking for swerves on the go home show. AJ the face attacking Brie a face was expected right? Brie coming out to AJ's music, expected? The Bunny trying to hump Adam Rose...expected? Sometimes things are expected because they're logical. The interference in Sheamus/Big Show for instance, if you're at war with 2 countries and they're shooting at each other depleting their soldiers, why not go in drop some bombs and knock em both down? Ryback was way too predictable though! I do agree with that, but for the casual fans Ryback is being given a lot of attention which might be useful for his push.

Also, a lot of unpredictability is ruined by the internet. I'm not, defending the WWE on this one but really. We hear every single storyline possible before the WWE even hints at it. So how can you be unpredictable when people are constantly analyzing every single shred of your show? Yet if there's no reason, it's a swerve that makes no sense at all(i.e all of Bray's character)

4. If you would've said this a couple weeks ago I'd be all about it. When we had 6 man tags start 3 of 4 Raws in a row. But this week aside from the Kidd/Rose match, I believe every match was new? Or at least hasn't happened in a month or so to my memory. Brie/Nikki happened at HiaC in October? They are pushing some of your list, Slater and Titus O Neil had a team a little over a month ago "Slater Gator" and it got shat upon by the IWC and the arenas. They wrote Swagger off with injury I believe? And Luke Harper and Erik Rowan are getting singles pushes. I specifically remember people saying they wouldn't if the Wyatt Family broke up. If the WWE used every wrestler the show would just be 6 man tag after 6 man tag.

5. Who else can start the show? 9 guys were a part of the angle today, so none of them are aloud to start, even though the main event for the PPV in 6 days is based on these 9 guys. Not too mention they keep building this match as Authority or no Authority, if one team loses those 5 will be losers for months to come based on the GM. The ending has changed? This week it was a contract signing, last week it was a match? Hell even the first match changed. For like a month straight it was Usos + partner v Dusts + partner. This week they were the main event match! It does change up, even Rose moved to the first hour, usually he's on the third hour. I don't agree with this point. If they had more star power those stars would be the opening match, Reigns had first match one night while Cena main evented. But Reigns, Bryan, Barrett, Orton are out now.

6 . I didn't see this as an issue tonight, the Network plugs get old but the use of Twitter isn't bad. Go on Youtube for somebody trying to make it modern Youtube, I promise they plug a Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, secondary Youtube, Instagram or another website. It's how the world is now.

I personally don't think modern WWE is that bad. Key word being that. The problems are everywhere. Chris Jericho mentioned it on the podcast or whatever he was on: "If I lose, I'm a jobber. If I win, I'm burying the talent. I can't win in this situation." What's the WWE to do? Too many swerves people complain it doesn't make sense. Not enough and it's boring to some. How can WWE win?

They pushed Luke Harper and Dolph Ziggler as the first match, people still complain. Ryback is getting pushed, complaints. Reigns pushed to the moon, complaints. The WWE physically can't make everyone happy, they target the IWC and the casuals are bored. If they target the casual fans, the IWC complains...hell both will complain regardless.

Again, don't take this response as hate towards you xD because it really isn't! I'm just bored and wanna play the other side for this thread.
I really don't have any real huge complaints. I'm really not the type of person that likes to nit pick every little thing. As a whole, I think the WWE is fine. The only real issues I have are as follows:

1. John Cena...Vince thinks he's Superman, will never ever turn him heel (why? because of merchandise sales.) and is always in the main event. He has been the golden boy for the last 12 years and is so stale it's absolutely ridiculous! Give someone else a chance to be the face of the company.

2. There is way too much focus on social media...During every match or promo, Cole will always say 'hashtag this, hashtag that, follow us on twitter, like us on facebook, blah blah blah, the #1 trend in the world is...' WHO GIVES A CRAP! I certainly don't. I want to watch a wrestling match not hear about social media.

3. $9.99... Almost every other word that comes out of the commentators' mouths is 9.99. Alright guys, we get it. I know the network is new and they want to get it out there, but like, every 5 minutes? I didn't know this was a network infomercial.

4. No Champion....Where is Brock Lesnar? I thought he was our 'reigning, defending WWE Champion'. At the moment, we have no champion. It makes the WWE belt meaningless. Brock is simply a part time wrestler carrying around a belt for nothing. He doesn't deserve to be our champion. Someone with passion, heart, and who will defend it deserves to be champion. Brock is such a bad champion!

That is all.
I have one small complaint:

Where have the number one contender matches gone?

If you go back and watch the Attitude Era, there were ALWAYS number one contenders matches. And not just for the WWE Title. They should have them for every belt. Having a number one contender match instantly makes me want to watch a match, no matter who is involved. It gives a story intrigue and allows for an easily written feud. NXT does this well. "You're coming for my belt? Bring it!" Or "I'm coming for your belt. Get ready!" is such an easily written feud and it doesn't require a Bunny costume or boring ass "So and so is my bitch for a month!" stipulation to work.

Less is more. Simple is better. This is why NXT is so popular among disgruntled WWE fans, I think. They don't flood the show with nonsense, it's all business and all logical.
I have one small complaint:

Where have the number one contender matches gone?

But aren't they usually really obvious. Miz versus Ziggler for number one contedership for the IC belt, who wins. Ziggler obviously! Ziggler has a "feud" with Luke and is a face to Luke's heel. Not saying predictable is bad but it's a stipulation modern WWE doesn't need in most situations. When they did need it (Lesnar for Royal Rumble) they addressed it with HiaC Cena/Orton.

I do sorta agree but they'd need to make it believable that both guys could win the match.
Not sure if anyone has listed this as a complaint yet, but I have a complaint about Great Khali's salary. How could the WWE justify him earning more than guys like Dolph Ziggler or Mark Henry??? Am I'm missing something here?
I don't know how other feel nut I feel that is a blow to the talent and to the fans. I feel like if you say that than you mine as well give the tittle to the bunny. Better yet give it to turro. sorry don't really pay attention when he's on. I been trying to find what people think but have not seen any comment about it.:banghead:

yes about your 4. vince said inpodcast title does matter storys matter
Yes we should complain and complain until they start doing things we like.
To move forward I think they are going to need a crucial decision, do they want WWE for kids or more teen and up oriented.

But if they stop JBL, Cole and King sound so damn scripted, it would make watching wrestling ALOT more enjoyable. Im not saying they are bad. But I want them to call out wrestlers and fans. When they are in the UK, when the crowd is chanting Booooring or chanting for macho man. If they pretend its not happening makes it seem less then stellar for me.
Let the wrestlers get themselves over.
Like in the old days when you had to stand out, the boys need to show the fans and sell us on them. Not some writer trying to sell me Fandango.

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