WWE General Complaints Thread

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Well i agree with you on some parts..

There is no doubt that HHH is pushing his buddies. I am a fan of HHH, the superstar but as an authority figure he looks pretty bad. The NAO are still good when it comes to their name value but these two are terrible in the ring. They do not look intimidating anymore.

I am not a DB mark but I like him nonetheless. Still I must have to admit that Brian is yet to improve some of his shortcomings. Fans love him. They are crazy at him. Yes DB is a great wrestler but seriously this guy has to improve his mic skills. With the popularity and the push he received (pinning John Cena clean) still he has not being able to improve and go to the next level. He needs to be more serious and more emotional on the mic rather than being cheesy and funny with those yes chants.

Bray Wyatt is talented. You can't call him a piece of shit. He is still young and have lot of time to improve. Batista is simply boring as a face. I can't stand him unless he turns heel. The same can be said about Shamus. WWE just tries to carter to kids with his cheesy character.

Lawler needs to go heel. Other than that i don't agree that William Regal, Byron Saxton, Josh Matthews, Alex Riley, Taylor are better than him? Are you serious?

WWE should have to leave this PG cr@p which stops them from creating new stars similar to Austin Rock etc etc. If WWE was PG back in late 90's could those guys be such a great stars?

Well man I agree with you on some points too. I agree that the only way I can tolerate Batista and Sheamus is if they are heel. Same goes for Big Show. I can only tolerate him if heel. However, I still do not like any of those three guys. Big Show has atleast earned his spot though unlike Batista and Sheamus. Batista and Sheamus are where they are because they are buddies of Triple H.

I agree with your point about Triple H's buddies.

I agree with all of your points about Daniel Bryan (except I cannot stand him and want him off my screen and you don't). There are so many more deserving guys that are better in the ring and on the mic than Daniel Bryan.

As for Bray Wyatt (and the Wyatt Family) I have to disagree with you completely. I feel you either have it or you don't and Bray Wyatt definitely does not. He didn't have it as Husky Harris and he doesn\t have it as Bray Wyatt. The only reason he has the push he has is because the Wyatt Family is Triple H's top project and they are clearly his buddies. I HATE everything about the Wyatts. The gimmick is horrible, the promos are horrible, and they are horrible in the ring. It is just truly brutal. I do not understand why everyone likes them so much.

As for Lawler, yes he SHOULD go heel. He might be bearable then. I liked him back in the day as a heel. But the guy has just lost it. He is horrible. And yes I do think any of the options I listed would be better. Regal, Renee Young, etc would all be better options. If you pay close attention to Lawler's commentary you will realize how bad he truly is. He ALWAYS screws up now. (ex. calling Tamina Snuka, Tamina Snuker). He honestly should have been fired for that screw up. I mean how insulting is that to the Snuka family. If you were Tamina how would you feel? Lawler also mumbles and jumbles his words constantly. When he is screaming and jumbling his words you cannot even understand what he is saying. It is like jibrish. And lastly I CANNOT STAND his screaming. He constantly screams and it is incredibly annoying and at times piercing to the ear drums.
I'm 27 years old and I've been a wrestling fan my whole life. Since as early as I can remember. I love wrestling. I love WWE. I've followed it through everything, even though I've been frustrated at certain times with the product. I'm also a long time member of the "IWC". Since about 2000 I've been online talking about wrestling. I'm a proud member of the IWC. I dont try and act like I'm not. I see some people on the internet talking about other members of the IWC and wonder to myself...do these people not realize that THEY too are members of the IWC?

I'm one of these fans that respects all wrestlers. Yes, I love CM Punk and Daniel Bryan and I'm not the biggest John Cena fan, but I do respect John Cena. Unlike some people, I do realize that it takes more than 1 person to have a good match. We may not like John Cena, but he's part of the reason he has a lot of great matches. You may love CM Punk, but even he doesnt have classics with everyone.

With all that said, I've not posted on a discussion board about wrestling in a while. I've lurked sites and forums, but my frustration has come to a boiling point, where I just cant hold in my feelings anymore. I've given chance after chance after chance, but the lazy booking and constant not listening to the fans is enough. Its gone too far and this past mondays episode of Raw did it for me. I'll go through the things that bugged me...

Hogan Arrives...And does nothing?
I'm not a Hulk Hogan fan, but I was looking forward to this Raw and I was actually looking forward to him. I dont want to see Hogan in a match. I dont even want to see him throw a single punch really, but to come out and simply announce what MOST people already knew and thats it? It was a joke and a bad start to the night. You didnt have to be an IWC member, to know that Hogan was going to be the host of Wrestlemania. I'm not a Jack Swagger fan, but I would have even taken the rumored Swagger/Hogan segment. Hell, even a couple second backstage segment with Hogan/Cena. Just SOMETHING to get a little rub on someone, but no. Just lazy all around.

Cesaro/Swagger & The Shield mirror images
Yes, The Shield split has been brewing longer, but now is where we are getting down to the nitty gritty as they say. What happens in both matches? Swagger interferes and costs Cesaro. Ambrose interferes and costs Reigns. ITS THE SAME DAMN THING! I can kind of ignore the fact that a lot of wrestlers are booked with no motivation. They are booked as if they are robots with no minds of their own. Like, why is Cesaro wrestling in the World Title match at the PPV and then bothering with Big E the night after? It makes no sense. Even if Big E & Swagger wrestled, that has nothing to do with Cesaro. He's supposed to be a World Title contender now. Why is he not going after someone in the Chamber? It makes no sense, but I can look past that.

I know it is simple booking. I get that the way the storylines are going, it makes sense for what happened in each match, to have happened. It just feels lazy again. It feels like they didnt want to bother with something different, so just do the same thing.

John Cena "Injury"?
What? What the hell is even the point of this? I do love this feud. It is something fresh and something I want to see. Why the need for the fake injury though? We all know about John Cena. We all know he's booked to overcome all the odds. We all know how the whole feud will more than likely be played out....

Cena vs Harper
Cena vs Rowan
Cena vs Harper & Rowan
Cena vs Harper, Rowan & Bray

That is WWE's usual style. Its not going out on a limb. Its the usual laziness. I'll be surprised if it differs much from that, but why the fake injury? If you want John Cena to be taken out on a stretcher, why not have the Wyatts just beat the hell out of him and take him out? Why an "accidental injury"? Its not as if the Wyatts are some kind of submission specialists or something, where they will capitalize on it. They wont. It makes no sense.

Brock vs Taker
I have less problem with this than most of the other stuff, but why the laziness here too? We all knew about this match. It was bound to be predictable. I dont mind predictable. Sometimes predictable is ok. This was TOO predictable. We all knew once the end came, with the table there, what would happen. Heymans promo was very predictable. What I would have liked to see was...

Lesnar comes out various times throughout the night, during random matches and destroys people. He attacks people in the back and destroys them. End of the night comes and Heyman cuts a similar promo. Talking about how Lesnar wasnt gonna get a title shot, but he wants to make history at Wrestlemania. He talks about everything Lesnar did that night and says its a sign to come for Wrestlemania, because that night, he is going to destroy the legacy of the Undertaker and take what WWE fans cherish so much about Wrestlemania, the streak.

Usos & The Brotherhood
You have The Brotherhood, who were hot in the later half of 2013 and you put them on the preshow at the PPV and then they arent even on Raw? The fans were on fire for these guys last year. Things were looking good for them and now what? They are basically irrelevent now. Cody Rhodes doesnt need to be stuck in a tag team anymore. Its time he starts branching out. He's been around for years now. Have the Rhodes face off at Wrestlemania and if you arent? At least they should have kept the titles on them until Wrestlemania.

Which brings us to The Usos who are also one of the hottest teams in WWE right now. They've been building them up well, but now what? They got their match and they lost. I still think they will win the titles at Wrestlemania, but how are things gonna be entertaining until then? We've seen every combination of Usos/NAO. Are they gonna add in more teams and give us more of the usual, 8 man tags or whatever? Just continued laziness. That Usos/Outlaws match should not have happened at Elimination Chamber.

Yes Movement
All of this brings me to what I am most frustrated about. The whole Bryan/World Title drama. As I said earlier, I have no problem with predictable. Its neccessary sometimes. I thought the way Summerslam went down was predictable and it was great to me. I loved it. I said...they should hold off on Bryan winning the title back until Wrestlemania. Since then, they've done nothing but make dumb decisions. Bryan didnt need to win the title and then be stripped of it. It was stupid. But I lived with it. I thought everything will be alright in the end. Then they had Big Show stealing the Yes chant, which was dumb. Ok, not enough to get me going.

It was Royal Rumble when I really almost lost it. I knew Bryan wasnt gonna be in it. But they heard the fans. We can sit here as members of the IWC and run our mouths about what we love and dont love all we want, but its the fans in the building and the way they react and their voices that the WWE should follow. The fans are the ones who help make stars. Bryan should have been in the Rumble. They could have called an audible, even though he wasnt booked to be in it. He didnt even have to win, just give the fans something. Nope. Not only do they not do that, but they let Rey Mysterio go out there. They dont even capitalize on what would have been gold in BNB going out there.

Then Batista wins. Like...this is Wrestlemania 30...THIRTY!!! Your biggest Wrestlemania ever possibly and you want it headlined by 2 people who no one has any interest in? I like Randy Orton. I do. I think he's a hard worker and he's good in the ring. Boring at times, but I think he deserves a spot in the main event. NOT against Batista. I enjoy Batista when he is a heel, I dont like this. He doesnt deserve it like others who have worked hard. It wont be the best match. What they are doing with him now seems so forced.

I still held back though. I didnt want Bryan to win the Chamber, but I wanted something interesting to happen. I can accept the way it went down, Bryan getting screwed and Cole going ape shit at the end, I thought they were going in the right direction. Then Raw happened. They have a lame backstage segment, instead of having something in front of the live crowd. Then they force it on us like "the fans want to see HHH vs Bryan." NO! The fans want Bryan to win the belt at Mania. Those fans in the arenas, they want the big pop at the end of the night. It doesnt matter what we sit here and say. This diatribe of a blog doesnt matter. Those fans in the arenas every week want it. Give it to them.

They can still salvage this. I wouldnt mind a HHH vs Bryan match. I think it will be great. But Bryan HAS to win and they should add the stip that if he wins, he gets added to the title match and he wins that. They've had Bryan in multiple matches on Raw & SD for months, so it makes sense. They have waited and waited and waited, pull the trigger when it makes sense. At the biggest PPV of all. You can only wait so long, before people cant take it and get bored.

I'm a WWE fan. I'm a wrestling fan. I will continue watching no matter what, because of my love of it, but if something doesnt change soon, my faith in them will be gone completely. Its already barely hanging by a thread.
Nothing like a John Cena joke fest to ruin a feud and bury an up and coming worker. Too bad refusing to work with him would cost you a push and your job.

Ridiculous. He's really going to still be burying the youth in 10 years isn't he.....
I was at the show last night and the crowd kept trying their best to get into it but the majority of matches were just atrocious. Their had to be at least 4-5 matches that got boring chants. My 12 year old nephew went to sleep during the 3rd hour and only woke up when pyro went off. WWE needs to fix this or they will start to lose crowds.
Rybaxel vs The Rhodes Brothers
Paige vs Alicia Fox
Batista and Orton vs The Usos
Rusev vs Woods
Fandango and Layla vs Santino and Emma

Those matches, all those matches, where's the storyline behind them?

Why should we care?

When you're trying to convince for example your friends who are non-wrestling fans to watch WWE, you used to tell them oh it's not just two men in tights wrestling, there's a storylines behind them.

Well now there isn't anymore. It's just two men in tights wrestling.

Triple H is so focused on the wrestling aspect of WWE, is so focused on what internet wrestling fans say, he's going to drive this company out of business.

He's going to turn this company into a big ROH.
Rybaxel vs The Rhodes Brothers
Paige vs Alicia Fox
Batista and Orton vs The Usos
Rusev vs Woods
Fandango and Layla vs Santino and Emma

Those matches, all those matches, where's the storyline behind them?

Why should we care?

When you're trying to convince for example your friends who are non-wrestling fans to watch WWE, you used to tell them oh it's not just two men in tights wrestling, there's a storylines behind them.

Well now there isn't anymore. It's just two men in tights wrestling.

Triple H is so focused on the wrestling aspect of WWE, is so focused on what internet wrestling fans say, he's going to drive this company out of business.

He's going to turn this company into a big ROH.

Hogan v. Jobber 1
Warrior v. Jobber 2
Savage v. Jobber 3
The Steiner Brother v. The Jobber Team

Where's the story for this? Here's the answer - THERE DOESN'T NEED TO BE ONE.

The story only matters when there's a payoff. In the mean time, keep the fans on a simmer by pitting good guy v. bad guy on the free television.
Rybaxel vs The Rhodes Brothers

Two tag teams on the outside looking for a solid win to get closer to a tag team title match.

Paige vs Alicia Fox

New talent with a fluke title win goes out to show people what she can really do against a veteran.

Batista and Orton vs The Usos

Follow up from the previous week where we wait to see how/if The Usos can redeem themselves.

Rusev vs Woods

New guy out to show all how good he is.

Fandango and Layla vs Santino and Emma

These two have squared off for a while. Time to see if adding Layla will help Fandango or hurt him. But mostly comic relief.

Those matches, all those matches, where's the storyline behind them?

It's not hard to figure out the stories. Professional wrestling is pretty simple.
If anyone asks why I hate that guy despite his popularity.......a promo like that is the answer. And this is hardly a rare thing. He does this crap all the time.

What purpose did that jokey-jokey burial of a promo serve? It didn't get himself over(because he's corny and not funny), it didn't get Bray over at all, and it devalued the feud.

Can't stand this clown. He doesn't "get it". The direction he took for that promo made absolutely no sense whatsoever in the context of this feud. No wrestling aptitude AT ALL, even after all these years.
If anyone asks why I hate that guy despite his popularity.......a promo like that is the answer. And this is hardly a rare thing. He does this crap all the time.

What purpose did that jokey-jokey burial of a promo serve? It didn't get himself over(because he's corny and not funny), it didn't get Bray over at all, and it devalued the feud.

Can't stand this clown. He doesn't "get it". The direction he took for that promo made absolutely no sense whatsoever in the context of this feud. No wrestling aptitude AT ALL, even after all these years.

wow...i disagree

I thought that promo was one of the best back and forth promos in awhile, probably since Punk vs Rock. Cena didn't bury anyone, Wyatt held his own and imo came out on top. Imo that was Wyatts best promo he's done so far.
Bray Wyatt has being going on about how John Cena is fake. He lives in a mansion and his girlfriend is "plastic". John Cena is standing up the ramp from three monsters and he is making jokes. That's the whole point. He played it serious... and won. Now he is back to regular John Cena. Making jokes and living his perfect live.

It wasn't Cena's greatest promo of all time but it fits the feud and validates what Bray ( a crazy person) is saying. The promo made perfect sense.
Really? Are we going to complain about every promo Cena cuts?

You should've known by now, this is Cena. He's not going to change.

Either, like him for what he is or hate him for it.
I find this funny because while watching that promo I was thinking to myself that it was one of his more bearable outings. It takes a lot for me to defend Cena on the mic because it does tend to get repetitive and old, I'll admit that his cinnabun joke was incredibly stupid but outside of that I appreciated it for what it was worth. He did a good job playing against what Bray was trying to do, I enjoyed his little push joke and set up their extreme rules match well. That's about all you can ask from Johnny boy and I thought he delivered, simple as that.
I find this funny because while watching that promo I was thinking to myself that it was one of his more bearable outings. It takes a lot for me to defend Cena on the mic because it does tend to get repetitive and old, I'll admit that his cinnabun joke was incredibly stupid but outside of that I appreciated it for what it was worth. He did a good job playing against what Bray was trying to do, I enjoyed his little push joke and set up their extreme rules match well. That's about all you can ask from Johnny boy and I thought he delivered, simple as that.

Please explain the cinnabun joke. I totally did not get it.
If you don't like his promos just hit the mute button or don't watch. I thought the promo was OK. Or you can look at it this way: Cena is over, Cena is the man in WWE, Cena is the top draw, Cena is the face of the WWE, and Cena is putting over Bray. Bray will get his win over Cena, it will be big, and its part of the process.

Wrestling 101....

You don't have the new guy defeat the top dog at the start of the feud. You have the top dog defeat the new guy, while making the new guy look impressive. Then if that new guy is goo enough to hang, good enough to draw, then later on in the feud the new guy gets that big win and is over that hump.

Besides all that, I don't even get where the beef is with the Cena promo, I mean if it was Rock would you expect him not to make jokes? If its CM Punk you expect him not to make jokes? Wait he already did. But because Cena does, you hate him for it? Your clueless man.
While it wasn't his greatest, it was FAR from the most unbearable I've ever heard from Cena. I can take happy go lucky Cena in small doses and that's the biggest dose we've had of him in a very, very long time. For over a year now, Cena's been playing it a lot more serious than he has in the past and, for me, that's been a very welcome change. John Cena can cut a damn good promo, I just happen to enjoy him much more when he's in a serious mind set.

Last night's promo was half goofy/half serious and, in this particular instance, it worked for me because of the direction the story seems to be going. During WrestleMania season, Cena was sweating Bray Wyatt to such a degree that he let the guy get into his head. As a result, he ALMOST threw Cena off his game enough to beat him. This time around, Cena is more along the lines of his usual self; he feels more in control because he endured Wyatt's head games and came out on top at WrestleMania. As a result, Cena challenged Wyatt this time around at Extreme Rules confident that he'll come out with a win. That's why, in the end, I think there's a very strong chance that Wyatt wins at Extreme Rules given the various rules of a steel cage match. Wyatt can win this match in a way that won't possibly cause Cena to look weak, which is just about impossible when you take into account the fact that WWE has consistently booked John Cena stronger than any other talent on the roster in the past 10 years.
Someone started a thread similar to this after Cena did the promo on Bray Wyatt when he called Wyatt homeless. I didn't care for it then and I don't care for it now. I thought this feud was being booked to put Wyatt over and now it doesn't look that way. Wyatt's promos are based on Cena being a phony and a monster, I'm sure Cena is going to come out on the winners side of this feud because WWE doesn't want Cena to look like a phony with all his PR stuff going on outside the ring.

I agree with the OP, I don't like the buffoonery from Cena either. It takes away from the mystique of Wyatt's character and suggests that he shouldn't be taken seriously. I think WWE should do a better job of protecting Wyatt's character, like they did Undertaker, Mankind (1996), and Kane (1997).

Wyatt is one of a very short list of guys right now in Wwe that is good on the mic as well as in the ring and to have Cena come out and basically make a mockery of a future main eventer is ridiculous booking. I don't think it it helps either guy when he starts cutting comedy promos... And he's not even funny to boot!
Really? Are we going to complain about every promo Cena cuts?

You should've known by now, this is Cena. He's not going to change.

Either, like him for what he is or hate him for it.

Really? It's literally the first and only time I've EVER posted about John Cena.

If you have nothing to offer on the promo, why respond?

Miss me with the "advice" too. Thanks.
If you don't like his promos just hit the mute button or don't watch. I thought the promo was OK. Or you can look at it this way: Cena is over, Cena is the man in WWE, Cena is the top draw, Cena is the face of the WWE, and Cena is putting over Bray. Bray will get his win over Cena, it will be big, and its part of the process.

Wrestling 101....

You don't have the new guy defeat the top dog at the start of the feud. You have the top dog defeat the new guy, while making the new guy look impressive. Then if that new guy is goo enough to hang, good enough to draw, then later on in the feud the new guy gets that big win and is over that hump.

Besides all that, I don't even get where the beef is with the Cena promo, I mean if it was Rock would you expect him not to make jokes? If its CM Punk you expect him not to make jokes? Wait he already did. But because Cena does, you hate him for it? Your clueless man.

* Your.

LOL, that speaks volumes.

"Don't watch it or mute it".....that also speaks volumes.

I already told you WHY I disliked the promo. You can agree or disagree and that's fine. Telling me to "mute it" or calling me clueless? Not fine. Suck it.
Basically the story is "Behind Chuck Norris' beard, there is no chin, only another John Cena".

It'll never change, but we dont have to like it. The only think I find even remotely interesting is how the main event scene plays on with out him, he only barks louder about everything having to go through him.
This was posted by "Brandon King" as a comment to an editorial:

"This is my "rant" I posted on WWE's facebook page, I know it will probably be deleted, and they will never see it, but I'm sick of it, listening to pwtorch, CSR, and reading Mark Madden's column has set me off: Your stock is down, your tv deal was no where near what you expected, you lost $340 million in ONE DAY, your product is horrid, your heels are cheered, your faces are booed, the commentating is terrible at best, you plug your nose and call yourself "sports entertainment" instead of wrestling, and your wrestlers "superstars and divas." Well Superstars don't entertain, THEY WRESTLE. Adam Rose? Flop, any chance his gimmick had was ruined by Cole telling everyone to party and acting like a dweeb. Daniel Bryan is injured and reports show he will be out for THREE MONTHS! and who do you have waiting in the wings? John Cena? STALE, Orton? Unfortunately when he turned heel you chopped his balls off, Batista? Not staying? Reigns? To green, Cesaro, to soon, Brock Lesnar? I'd love it, but he won't work the dates, Big Show? You cut his balls of when you made it seem like a 400 pound giant wouldn't be able to get a job anywhere else, and wasted all his money, and then you made him cry, hire a lawyer to steal Daniels spot for a title match, oh then you have Lesnar destroy him in the ring, basically you neutered him too. CM Punk? Don't get me started I wish he was back. You should have a line of guys ready for the title, and fans excited to see who will be next, but you don't' you have a line of guys who aren't ready or don't deserve the title yet, or have held it to long or been booked horribly. I am a fan of WWE and a fan of WRESTLING, but you have done nothing right, you screw up your core business which is as much as you hate to admit it is, WRESTLING, and botch every possible avenue of business you stick your nose in. Fix this crap."

It is a mix of general stuff that are talked about on many threads but I thought it would be wise to post his reply here on the forums to discuss about it. It seems like it's the best thing that has been said in quite a while and in my opinion describes the position that the company is in at its finest. I wanna hear your thoughts about it.
A lot of people complain about the business insulting fans intelligence. Bray Wyatt comes to the ring and blows out an ELECTRIC lamp.
Seriously!!! The I.W.C is terrible! On Wrestlezone there is an article about Roman Reigns and a push for WM 31. There is talk about him possibly facing Lesnar or The Rock (either one in my opinion would be awesome) and you still complain! The same I.W.C that called for "The Shield" to break up and Reigns to break away as the guy to lead us into the next generation, has all of a sudden decided that Reigns is too green or undeserving or better yet, only in the position he is because he's related to "The Great One".

Can everyone just enjoy the ride like we used to or is it the cool thing to do to hate the guys who are getting pushed. My opinion is relax, enjoy the ride and accept the fact that the WWE is gonna push Reigns. (Who i.m.o is a great talent.) Your thoughts?
While I agree with you about just enjoying the ride, I suggest you keep this in mind when addressing the "IWC":

1) The "IWC" is made up of a whole bunch of people with a whole bunch of opinions.
2) Some people change their mind a lot. It happens, and it's okay.
3) The people who praised Roman Reigns then might not be the same people who are complaining now.
I agree that people should relax and enjoy the ride, but people are still welcome to voice their own opinions at the end of the day, whether we agree with them or not. Believe me, Wrestlezone is one of the coolest and most chilled forums I've ever been on. Admittedly, I'm on the forum side a lot more than the main site, and I'm sure there are a different demographic of people who just read and comment on the actual articles.

On a certain other forum I won't mention, the hate and lack of reasonable discussion is astounding, and Reigns has generate quite a negative following, which I find pretty perplexing. But as I said, I guess they're welcome to their opinions. Speaking personally, I'd love to Reigns take on The Rock, but I'm not naive enough to say Reigns doesn't have some improvements to make. I do believe he is still a superstar in the making though, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for him. Same goes for Rollins and Ambrose too though.

What does piss me off about the whole thing though is when people start to compare Reigns with Rollins and Ambrose, which I think is ridiculous. They have three different ring styles, different levels of experience, and are booked to do different things. As if Reigns not jumping 20-30 ft off a barricade makes him that much worse than Rollins, when Rollins is one of a very small group who'd be willing to do that. Two different builds and styles. That is admittedly one thing that gets me fired up about "IWC".

Over the last few days I've been getting in some heated discussions with some fans (not on WZ, this place is the definition of chilled!), I've let it piss me off, and have realised that you simply won't change their opinion, and to be honest, why should they? People are allowed to be wrong. :D But in all seriousness, I'm now just looking to enjoy the product and follow who I want to follow, and whoever disagrees with my opinions or dislikes the superstars I like the most, that's fine. You're not going to enjoy it as much if you let the real smarky fans into your head too much, believe me.
Here's the thing, no matter who gets pushed the IWC will ALWAYS complain. It seems as though according to the IWC, unless you can work a 5 star match with every single opponent known to man, you don't deserve a push. It pisses me off too, people have been bashing John Cena for years about it and people just won't stop. If Seth Rollins was getting the push, people probably wouldn't hate because he meets the criteria for your typical "IWC" flavor of wrestler.

Roman Reigns, like him or not is going to be a big deal because he fits what WWE are looking for in a top tier star. I have now come to the conclusion that no matter what, people here all have opinions. You cannot change those opinions and you cannot change folks minds, you just take them in and let them go. I have learned to stop doing this and stop trying to change people's minds. Lets face it, you support who you want and if someone doesn't like that, F them right? who cares...:)

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