WWE General Complaints Thread

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Well Daniel "the chosen one apparently" Bryan hasnt moved the ratings needle, and main evented a SummerSlam which sold terribly. So if they love Bryan so much, they damn sure are not putting their money were their mouths are.

Can't blame WWE for moving in another direction.
Oh look, another one of those "WWE DOESN'T DO WHAT I WANT THEM TO DO" thread.

No one's telling you who to cheer for and never have. You're just mad because Bryan was knocked out of the main event to work a mid-card feud with the Wyatts, while Big Show (a guy you consider mid-card, yet he is the only man to hold the major titles of the 3 companies, defeated Hulk Hogan for the WHC in his debut match and has had over 20 different championship reigns) is getting a push for the WWE title.

You would think Punk, Bryan & Wyatt would be a "iwc wet dream" considering how "PUNK N BRYAN R TEH BEST" and so many slobbing on Wyatts meat the moment he debuted.

But wait, since Wyatt is on the roster, I guess he isn't cool enough anymore and that he's just fat ol' Husky Harris in a fedora and Gabriel Iglesias shirt.

Bryan became a 2 time WWE champion during this feud with Orton and people still bitch about it lmao.

I'm gonna love how after every main event when someone doesn't win, I'll have all this comedy to laugh at on this forum.
Oh look, another one of those "WWE DOESN'T DO WHAT I WANT THEM TO DO" thread.

No one's telling you who to cheer for and never have. You're just mad because Bryan was knocked out of the main event to work a mid-card feud with the Wyatts, while Big Show (a guy you consider mid-card, yet he is the only man to hold the major titles of the 3 companies, defeated Hulk Hogan for the WHC in his debut match and has had over 20 different championship reigns) is getting a push for the WWE title.

You would think Punk, Bryan & Wyatt would be a "iwc wet dream" considering how "PUNK N BRYAN R TEH BEST" and so many slobbing on Wyatts meat the moment he debuted.

But wait, since Wyatt is on the roster, I guess he isn't cool enough anymore and that he's just fat ol' Husky Harris in a fedora and Gabriel Iglesias shirt.

Bryan became a 2 time WWE champion during this feud with Orton and people still bitch about it lmao.

I'm gonna love how after every main event when someone doesn't win, I'll have all this comedy to laugh at on this forum.

You sir are correct I'd rep you but I haven't spread enough rep since I did last time.


Seriously dude I think Bryan who is now a former 3 time world champion, US champion and Tag champion will be fine. I think if they had no faith in him Barrett would have won 2011 Smackdown MITB. He has plenty of time just have some patience.
An In-Arena crowd can react to a superstar however they like and with Bryan it is a huge reaction but WWE judge whether a guy is good in the main event scene by PPV buys. Bryan vs Cena at Summerslam had its biggest superstar against its biggest up and comer with no idea any shenanigans would happen after and 70k people less bought this years than lasts. WWE took this as Bryan can not draw PPV buys and in the following shows they were proved right as buy rates where consistently down last year. WWE should be about the best wrestlers but its not because WWE is a business and whats 'Best For Business' is what makes money and Bryan simply didn't make money, I think Big Show is far less of a draw.

To anyone who is annoyed at what you call Bryans burial its not HHH or Vinces fault its everyone who didn't buy the PPV's as you gave them a reason to do it. Also I think he will win the Rumble from #1 and win the titles from Orton and Cena at Mania. In terms of match quality the Shield are 1st then its Bryan
The only reason I'll be going to wrestlemania and buy a very good seat for myself is to see DB vs Triple H, to see the Undertaker vs Lesnar, to see Cm Punk and to see Cena vs Orton (maybe)

DB is going to be a HUGE star in 2014 and I'm sure Triple H will be putting him over.
just have no idea how that is going to happen leading on after Survivor Series. I simply cannot fathom how CM Punk and DB vs Wyatt family is going to lead to Triple H vs DB at Wrestlemania 30, but I am over 95% sure that it is going to happen!

Maybe this: Big Show vs Orton at SS. Big Show is going to win with the KO punch when Triple H comes down and distracts him. DB comes and attack Triple H

Leads to a Triple Threat between Orton, DB and Big Show. DB is going to win when Triple H comes down again to the ring and interferes allowing Orton to win.

At the RR DB says he is going to win the Royal Rumble. He gets down the final 4, but is eliminated :(. He gets to enter the EC for the WWE champion but once again Triple H costs him the title. Triple H challenges him to one match (or DB does) at Wrestlemanai and it will have some kid of stipulation (if DB wins he will vs the WWE champion in a last chance Steel Cage match or a ladder match at ER. He will most likely win that :)

I'm looking forward to the Road to Wrestlemania for sure!
Just wish we could skip all the petty storylines leading up to it :D
Oh look, another one of those "WWE DOESN'T DO WHAT I WANT THEM TO DO" thread.

No one's telling you who to cheer for and never have. You're just mad because Bryan was knocked out of the main event to work a mid-card feud with the Wyatts, while Big Show (a guy you consider mid-card, yet he is the only man to hold the major titles of the 3 companies, defeated Hulk Hogan for the WHC in his debut match and has had over 20 different championship reigns) is getting a push for the WWE title.

You would think Punk, Bryan & Wyatt would be a "iwc wet dream" considering how "PUNK N BRYAN R TEH BEST" and so many slobbing on Wyatts meat the moment he debuted.

But wait, since Wyatt is on the roster, I guess he isn't cool enough anymore and that he's just fat ol' Husky Harris in a fedora and Gabriel Iglesias shirt.

Bryan became a 2 time WWE champion during this feud with Orton and people still bitch about it lmao.

I'm gonna love how after every main event when someone doesn't win, I'll have all this comedy to laugh at on this forum.

All excellent points. Personally, I would prefer Bryan being in the main event over Big Show because, frankly, I enjoy watching him do his thing a whole lot more. He's not in the main event picture now, but it doesn't mean he won't be again at some point. Even if he isn't, WWE isn't "telling" anyone who they should cheer for, they never have to my knowledge. They made a business decision on what they think will be a bigger program going forward for the near future. It's not a decision I personally agree with, and I'm certainly not the only one, but it's also not some company wide conspiracy to screw over Bryan or fans. Bryan's very useful to WWE. WWE officials know that because he can have a great match with damn near anybody and he's still extremely over. As for Big Show, at the same time, it's not exactly as though you can hear crickets chirping whenever he comes out these days. Since his return, he's possibly more over than he's ever been

As for Bryan's current program, I see nothing at all wrong with it. As Chococat pointed out, people have been going crazy over Bray Wyatt since he debuted with this character in NXT. They were clamoring for him to be brought to the main roster and he was. WWE started using him, as well as Harper & Rowan, slowly to build a presence. Then came the complaints of WWE not "using them right" before too long. And now, the Family is in the midst of feuding with CM Punk & Daniel Bryan, two of the top guys in all of wrestling and probably the two most universally over babyfaces in WWE at this time. People want something meaningful for the Family, they want to see them do more than go after random mid-carders like Kofi Kingston & The Miz, well now they're getting it.
What most of the IWC fails to realize or accept is that WWE is a multi-billion dollar business. Their first and foremost priority is making the absolute most money. They're not going to sit here and say "well gee Daniel Bryan is way over and will make the most money for us but we don't like him so we're not giving him the belt." IF he's no longer in the main event picture or he's not holding the title, there's a reason. Putting on a good match doesn't mean the guy makes the most money for the company. They have to look at longevity too. Bryan is the hottest thing right now but if they give him a long run, is he going to stay over after he drops the belt ala CM Punk? He looks like a complete fool and I believe that is holding him back. Also, I think he's decent on the mic, not terrible but not awesome either. That is holding him back as well. The underdog gimmick can only take you so far. He has to be able to sustain his character after he wins the belt and after he drops and I think that's where WWE is concerned about him.

As for the alleged "memo" by Vince saying WWE wants bigger guys in the spotlight, I'm not buying it but again, if that's what they feel will make the most money, then that's what they'll do. They've made billions upon billions by not listening to the IWC, they're not about to start now.
....but the fans legitimately chose Daniel Bryan as their guy.

It's a matter of opinion, I suppose. You're saying the fans are always right....and they chose Daniel Bryan. I say they "chose" him because Creative set him up to be chosen. They created the chant ("Yes!"), they dictated who he was going to fight and what the result would be. The fans got on board......just as WWE management wanted them to.

I can see what you're saying about being sick of having the WWE machine telling you what's going to be, yet.....don't they have to? Despite the wishes of many that WWE "listen to their fans," there are pitfalls galore in doing that. Management has to do what they think best. I can accept that some of the decisions are probably made without keeping the fans in mind, yes. But look at some of the current issues we'd like the fans to get final say on:

--We all love John Cena.....except for those of us who despise him, are bored with him....and think someone else should have his place.

--We all want to see Rey Mysterio back....except for those who want him to retire.....and those who will accept him in the ring, but want him kept out of the title picture....and those who believe his only value to WWE is in the number of kid's masks he sells.

--We all want Hulk Hogan to be a part of WWE.....except for those of us who think his time has long past.....and those who would accept a few non-wrestling appearances but don't want him beating up current superstars at major PPVs.....and those who think his ego and demands would outweigh any value he might bring.

It would be nice to think WWE heeds it's fans wishes, but for each individual fan who thoughtfully states what he wants, there's another fan who wants something entirely different and says it just as effectively.

Who do they listen to?
I'm sorry, did you just say Creative made up the Yes chant? you don't read interviews do you? Bryan brought it to the WWE himself, he got inspiration from MMA fighter Diego Sanchez. WWE didn't start it at all, I don't know how you could say that, but you did and it was ridiculous! Vince has a hard on for big guys, and it sucks. Bryan will have a long career moving forward, but he got held back for right now..They established him as a top guy, but he deserves a long title reign..I think he'll get it next year, but they're still going to shove big guys down our throats. And for those that say Bryan can't evolve his character, I guess you don't watch WWE do you? he's evolved the most in four years. From the generic submission specialist with no charisma gimmick, to the overly cocky and abusive boyfriend to AJ while he was WHC, to the comedy character in Team Hell No with Kane, to the Weak Link character that broke up Team Hell No, and now to Cena 2.0 while Cena was injured, and now he's back to a more darker serious character taking on the Wyatts....that's evolution, sorry none of you could see it.
I seriously wonder how TV users have the energy to stay awake through these dragged out feud promos and recaps. Like Smackdown for instance was airing a full match recap of Raw for almost an half an hour.

Does WWE ever want to to put on a show or do they care more about promoting stuff than their an actual program?
Its time to open up and leave.

First of all GREAT last segment for RAW, but everything else CRAP JUST CRAP once again nothing to be intrested by, this hole year has been so boring that dont know what to say and i think this RAW "slammy" App piece of shit just conclues this year.

WWE App / Salmmy, why i mean why they do that voting thing when everybody knows it doesnt matter what we are voting. WWE just gives those slammys to those that they want to and thats what we saw tonight, makes me wanna cry for the shame.

Now i am going to stop watching live these WWE's stupid things that they call "bestforbusiness" and only read results and spoilers, maybe watch dolph/paige and others if wwe gives them something to be watched on.

during the whole build up to TLC and now after the unification of the titles the wwe has continued to say how this is 50 years in the making and how its history making and all this other stuff about how special an occstion this is. theres just one problem with all of that. this has already happend before.

for a while in 2001 and 2002. there was 1 mainevent champion untill the brand split went into full effect. im sure most of you know all the details of the undisputed wwe championship. my question is how can the wwe so blatently disregard their own history? its not like this happed 40 or 50 years ago. its only been 10 years. how can they say its history making when its not?
You're all dumb. Vince McMahon doesn't care what you think. His dad did. That's why he made Gorgeous George and Antonino Rocca great, because they got a reaction out of fans!

No point in complaining.
I haven't commented on a wrestling board in almost 15 years. I'll now bore the current smarks of today... but I find today's product so confusing. This is going to be so cliche and will probably be ignored and labelled as pointing out the obvious, but as an old fuck...what the fuck happened?

The only contact I have to wrestling are current podcasts from Austin, Jericho and Youtube clips of anything I want to search (amazing).... But I find it so odd that someone who no longer watches can point out the obvious to a product that is in need of an injection of general emotion. Which is why I can have such a clear view because I'm so detached from it. I watched religiously from 1984-2002. I randomly check in and see so many obvious choices who should be leading the WWE (groan) that are actually interesting and provide something new and entertaining.

Damien Sandow (this guy is like Ric Flair, Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect and Rick Martel in one. Besides the gimmick... his in ring ability is awesome.)

Dolph Ziggler: You all know why... he is more crisp than fresh romaine lettuce.

Daniel Bryan: we all know why... I know the current angle is trying to achieve a pay off. But honestly, why are they fucking with the fans so much with him?... They literally have a VERSION of Stone Cold on there hands (underdog vs. authority). Selfish ***** will do it later when it doesn't matter. This is like turning Austin/Hall heel for no good reason, not utilising what you got and start milking the sonofbitch.

Punk is wasted and if he wants to retire...FINE, let him be like Paul Heyman (sadly but not surprisingly the best promo guy period).

Kane needs to retire... SO does Mark Henry. I am shocked that fans still make excuses for him. Henry never was and still is a horrible worker. Fans clamour over his heel character from a few yrs ago and it's fucking embarrassing. How starved for entertainment were the fans that he became acceptable as a 'good heel'? How dare you. I've rewatched it all, watch Bully Ray early 2013 (not a TNA mark) for at least showing how a good heel is supposed to be currently. TNA crowds suck, but damn... he does all the right things.

I know this is so obvious, and want to randomly mention Dean Ambrose (the other Shield guys are great too)... but I honestly find it schizophrenic that a company so hellbent on pleasing the masses, ignore talent that are obviously SO over (but currently are slowly losing steam). Again, I know this is such a cliche stance.... but fuck it, my keyboard entitles me to waste space.

I hated watching WWE after 2002, and now have watched some amazing matches on youtube since... I just never thought I'd actually connect or actually like ANY current stars that they've produced. Although, guys like I mentioned above, are workers that old school and appreciative fans can get into.... but they exquisitely botched it. This is all meaningless, and surely countless fans have aired the same issues.... but I guess I feel the need to selfishly vent randomly because it feels good.

This shit used to be so exciting and important to me. Now it's become what everyone used to tease me about in 1992... lame, fake and predictable. Bring on the sarcasm and ultra witty quips.. But I just want what you want, a good product.

In closing (if you've even cared to read this far) I finally realised that I am so disappointed because wrestling HAD all the components of EVERY single source of entertainment: athleticism, storytelling, theatre, pop culture, engagement, merchandising, advertising, MUSIC (something ppl don't give it enough credit for) and fucking inspiration. They used to be heroes. Where else can you get all that in 1 goddamn product?

Ah well.... Back on my high horse. It's just sad that I can only connect to this amazing artform through retired wrestlers on Twitter... and oddly, Botchamania (JESUS!).

PS. Bret Hart is the greatest worker and nobody sells better than Scott Hall. Fuck yourself forever in Pontiac, Michigan. Wooooo!

The END.
Its been about a month since TLC where the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships got unified so I think it's time to get peoples opinions on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Let me start off by saying that I was excited that the WWE was going to unify the two world championships. I thought it would give us a fresh main event scene, with plenty of stars fighting other who gets shots at the title and that unification would the WWE World Heavyweight Championship plenty of prestige and importance.
A lot of fans including myself also thought that with only one World Championship, that the prestige of other championships such as the Intercontinental Championship and the United States Championship would improve, becoming a stepping stone to the main championship.


I like Randy Orton, but ever since he became the first Unified Champion, the WWE has became less and less interesting. That excitement that everybody thought would be there with the one major championship doesn't exist. The main event scene isn't fresh, it's still the same two guys fighting each other and it feels like the feud between Orton and Cena could just be over the WWE Championship. This is the WWE World Heavyweight Championship! It is supposed to feel important, and it is supposed to have the prestige of the two biggest championships in wrestling history. Instead, it feels like the Championship is second rate. Smackdown also now feels like it may as well be WWE Superstars, which is saying something since Smackdown has felt unimportant for years now. And what about making the Intercontinental and United States Championships seem more important. That hasn't happened at all. Both titles still seem like a joke and are as irrelevant as ever!
Now I know it has only been a month and a lot of you are probably thinking that I'm overreacting but the excitement that the WWE World Heavyweight Championship should have around it just isn't there at the moment. Maybe they should revert back to two separate belts, I mean, the championships haven't been unified, there is still two belts that Orton is carrying around. I think that two championships being separate would make the main event scene more exciting and unpredictable than it is at the moment but I'm willing to give it some more time. At the moment though, the Unification just isn't working.

What do you guys think of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? Do you think that the Unification has worked? Do you think it has helped the main event scene and that is is good that there is only one major championship? And do you think the unified title is being treated as importantly as it should be?
Can we please make a new section for bashing everything wwe, so that threads like these are put else where. Its been a freakin month with one title defense. Chill. The mid card titles need better wrestlers to carry them. Big E and Ambrose arent going to restore prestige to those belts because there names arent big enough and imo THEY SUCK. Unless Punk, DB, Cena, Jericho, Lesnar, Batista, or Orton carry one of them and actually feud with another person on this list than its not going to happen. I dont even know why Ambrose even has a belt when he never defends it. They dont even mention that he's a champ. Has he ever had a feud for his title?
The unified title hasn't even gotten past the first feud yet. In fact, I don't even think the title has been defended yet. Give it time. Brock Lesnar inserting himself soon is not interesting to you?

I would write more but I'm astounded by how fast you gave up. I really don't get what you expected to happen so quickly.
I personally always held the opinion that two titles were better than one, since the WHC was idea for wrestlers that fall under the "great performer but not WWE Champion material" category... Let's see ear where things go in this new year and Wrestlemania season. I hope the titles split up again. The WWE will do it too, if they feel that its not working out as planned.
I used to believe there was a point to complaining. If your complaints are well thought out they should be heard and considered. However, it's grown increasingly obvious to me over my decades of being an on and off wrestling fan that the WWE has no intention of improving or innovating. They are happy with remaining stagnant and barely above water as long as they reach their t-shirt quota. I started watching again when I thought they were going to turn over a new leaf with Daniel Bryan. When I realized it was just another ruse to boost ratings, I stopped watching. I'm not a huge Daniel Bryan fan but it was something new. Apparently WWE doesn't do "new". WWE progresses slower than molasses and I'm tired. Dead tired. I have other things in my life that don't disappoint me constantly. I have no need for WWE and their absence from my life will leave no void that can't be filled by something of greater quality.

I know nobody on here gives a shit but I wanted to put this in writing somewhere to get it off my chest.
I used to believe there was a point to complaining. If your complaints are well thought out they should be heard and considered. However, it's grown increasingly obvious to me over my decades of being an on and off wrestling fan that the WWE has no intention of improving or innovating. They are happy with remaining stagnant and barely above water as long as they reach their t-shirt quota. I started watching again when I thought they were going to turn over a new leaf with Daniel Bryan. When I realized it was just another ruse to boost ratings, I stopped watching. I'm not a huge Daniel Bryan fan but it was something new. Apparently WWE doesn't do "new". WWE progresses slower than molasses and I'm tired. Dead tired. I have other things in my life that don't disappoint me constantly. I have no need for WWE and their absence from my life will leave no void that can't be filled by something of greater quality.

I know nobody on here gives a shit but I wanted to put this in writing somewhere to get it off my chest.

You'll be back. I bet you watch next week, and then the next week. I bet you say you will never watch again, and then will order Rumble, Wrestlemania XXX, etc.

I have heard this threat a hundred times before, and you know what, they always come back. If you don't watch WWE anymore, then how will you be able to come on here and complain about it?

I know you will come back, and so does the WWE. They count on it!

However, I may be wrong, and you may be genuine. I dare you to quit watching. I double dare you, and will be interested at how long it will be before I see you appear on these boards again, complaining.
The only way to affect the WWE is through their bottom line. If you're tired of their crap then just don't buy the network. I mean it's the core audience that is going to that crap anyway right? The average fan doesn't care about streaming every single ppv in history. I have never been sick to my stomach after a ppv til tonight. I mean really? Bryan isn't even in the rumble? I've been a fan ever since Wrestlemania 3 and I've always took the complaints with the WWE product with a grain of salt. I mean if you don't like it don't watch right. I've always been able to understand the WWE's point of view for the most part. Hogan vs Flair at WM8? If Hogan is leaving then you can't put Flair over Hogan because that would make WCW seem superior. Screw Bret out of the title? You can't have Bret walk into the competition without dropping the belt first. The invasion angle? Sure it would have been great but the top WCW guys had huge contracts that wasn't worth the financial risk. The whole Katie Vick nonsense? That was horrible but WWE was trying to use the whole "shock factor" that worked so well in the attitude era. Orton cashing in on Bryan at Summerslam. Gave Orton a great heel turn, but you know I just can't understand the reason for tonight. Bryan is super over. Wrestlemania is about giving fans what they want. Bryan is garnering main stream attention and.....they crap on him. I don't really care if Bryan beats Orton clean on Raw tomorrow night and then goes undefeated for 5 years. I'm not giving WWE another cent. Screw the network.
Is this a joke? You do realize that WrestleMania is what matters, not the Royal Rumble, right? If Bryan still goes on to win the title at Mania, who the hell cares about whether or not he was in the Rumble? This has to be a joke. You can't possibly be serious.

Save this nonsense for WrestleMania. If Bryan doesn't win the title, WWE will deserve all the criticism anybody throws their way. There's no defending that. But who cares how he gets there? It's the end result that matters.
JJ15776, you forget to realize some people payed for the Royal Rumble Pay-Per-View for this garbage, the only good match was Bray Wyatt VS Daniel Bryan, and Bray Wyatt won that, a major upset for the night, arguably the greatest upset of the night was when Daniel Bryan was not #30 in the Royal Rumble. Waste of money and three hours of my time.
What is NOT main event material is the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan. Between the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan being pushed down the viewers throats it is ruining professional wrestling. I have been watching WWE since I was five years old and I am now beginning to find it unbearable. I skip through on average about two and a half hours of Raw each week and only actually watch about a half hour of it. Triple H having more control over WWE is a VERY bad thing. He is ruining WWE. All he is doing creatively is pushing all of his buddies and the people he likes down our throats. The Wyatt Family is Triple H's main project and look at them. Pathetic. He is also very high on Daniel Bryan as well. Then of course his buddy Sheamus. Then he brings Batista back and shoves him down our throats. Then of course you have his buddies Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, HBK, the Outlaws. While plenty of huge talents in the locker room simply do not get pushed because they aren't Triple H's buddies.

First off the whole Daniel Bryan fad is ridiculous. The yes! chants are extremely annoying and ridiculous. It is just a far worse version of the what! chant that is for more annoying. Daniel Bryan is a midcard talent at best and that is where he belongs. Daniel Bryan is ruining the WWE. I doubt even one person will agree with this but everyone says Daniel Bryan works his ass off and deserves everything handed to him but he doesn't anymore than several other talents in the locker room that are better than him. The following guys all deserve to be in Daniel Bryan's position just as much, if not more than him; The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Kane etc. A lot of these guys were even booed at the Rumble because of Daniel Bryan which is completely ridiculous. The fact that a guy like Randy Orton (who works his ass off and is consistently great in the ring) is being overshadowed by Daniel Bryan and probably not going to get to main event Wrestlemania because of it is unacceptable. Randy Orton deserves to main event Wrestlemania and Daniel Bryan will probably cost him that opportunity.

As for the Wyatt Family, they are also being pushed down our throats and ruining the WWE. Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris) is an overrated piece of shit. He was bad enough as Husky Harris and is now even worse as Bray Wyatt. I cannot stand anything about him or the Wyatt Family. He is awful in the ring and his promos are awful. His promos are just unbearable. The whole gimmick is horrendous.

Honourable mentions for people that are ruining WWE are Sheamus, Batista, The Big Show, and Jerry Lawler.

Sheamus has always been a piece of shit from day 1 and the only reason he has the push he has is because he is Triple H's workout buddy. His promos are unbearable.

Batista has always been overrated and his return has been horrendous. He is another guy being pushed down our throats because of Triple H.

As for Big Show, he just needs to retire. Enough is enough. His character is awful. If he was a heel I could live with it. But I cannot stand him as a face. Especially when he comes out with that smile on his face waving to the crown. The guy is supposed to be a monstrous giant. He is also a horrible actor and horrible on the mic but you can just tell he thinks he is this great actor, which REALLY annoys me.

As for Jerry Lawler, he needs to retire as. His commentary is unbearable and horrendous. All he does is screw up and make stupid jokes and scream in a high pitched voice. Enough is enough. He has always been an overrated commentator but now it is just ridiculous. I cannot stand his commentary. The guy called Tamina Snuka, Tamina Snuker for fuck sakes. A comment he should have been fired over as he did it on live tv. It is insulting to the entire Snuka family. Lawler just needs to leave he is a washed up has been. There are plenty of more capable commentators that deserve to be on the Raw panel. Mainly Renee Young! But there is also William Regal, Byron Saxton, Josh Matthews, Alex Riley, Taylor (the NXT backstage announcer). Any of which would be better than Lawler.

I am curious to see if anyone agrees with me.
What is NOT main event material is the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan. Between the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan being pushed down the viewers throats it is ruining professional wrestling. I have been watching WWE since I was five years old and I am now beginning to find it unbearable. I skip through on average about two and a half hours of Raw each week and only actually watch about a half hour of it. Triple H having more control over WWE is a VERY bad thing. He is ruining WWE. All he is doing creatively is pushing all of his buddies and the people he likes down our throats. The Wyatt Family is Triple H's main project and look at them. Pathetic. He is also very high on Daniel Bryan as well. Then of course his buddy Sheamus. Then he brings Batista back and shoves him down our throats. Then of course you have his buddies Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, HBK, the Outlaws. While plenty of huge talents in the locker room simply do not get pushed because they aren't Triple H's buddies.

First off the whole Daniel Bryan fad is ridiculous. The yes! chants are extremely annoying and ridiculous. It is just a far worse version of the what! chant that is for more annoying. Daniel Bryan is a midcard talent at best and that is where he belongs. Daniel Bryan is ruining the WWE. I doubt even one person will agree with this but everyone says Daniel Bryan works his ass off and deserves everything handed to him but he doesn't anymore than several other talents in the locker room that are better than him. The following guys all deserve to be in Daniel Bryan's position just as much, if not more than him; The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Kane etc. A lot of these guys were even booed at the Rumble because of Daniel Bryan which is completely ridiculous. The fact that a guy like Randy Orton (who works his ass off and is consistently great in the ring) is being overshadowed by Daniel Bryan and probably not going to get to main event Wrestlemania because of it is unacceptable. Randy Orton deserves to main event Wrestlemania and Daniel Bryan will probably cost him that opportunity.

As for the Wyatt Family, they are also being pushed down our throats and ruining the WWE. Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris) is an overrated piece of shit. He was bad enough as Husky Harris and is now even worse as Bray Wyatt. I cannot stand anything about him or the Wyatt Family. He is awful in the ring and his promos are awful. His promos are just unbearable. The whole gimmick is horrendous.

Honourable mentions for people that are ruining WWE are Sheamus, Batista, The Big Show, and Jerry Lawler.

Sheamus has always been a piece of shit from day 1 and the only reason he has the push he has is because he is Triple H's workout buddy. His promos are unbearable.

Batista has always been overrated and his return has been horrendous. He is another guy being pushed down our throats because of Triple H.

As for Big Show, he just needs to retire. Enough is enough. His character is awful. If he was a heel I could live with it. But I cannot stand him as a face. Especially when he comes out with that smile on his face waving to the crown. The guy is supposed to be a monstrous giant. He is also a horrible actor and horrible on the mic but you can just tell he thinks he is this great actor, which REALLY annoys me.

As for Jerry Lawler, he needs to retire as. His commentary is unbearable and horrendous. All he does is screw up and make stupid jokes and scream in a high pitched voice. Enough is enough. He has always been an overrated commentator but now it is just ridiculous. I cannot stand his commentary. The guy called Tamina Snuka, Tamina Snuker for fuck sakes. A comment he should have been fired over as he did it on live tv. It is insulting to the entire Snuka family. Lawler just needs to leave he is a washed up has been. There are plenty of more capable commentators that deserve to be on the Raw panel. Mainly Renee Young! But there is also William Regal, Byron Saxton, Josh Matthews, Alex Riley, Taylor (the NXT backstage announcer). Any of which would be better than Lawler.

I am curious to see if anyone agrees with me.

Well i agree with you on some parts..

There is no doubt that HHH is pushing his buddies. I am a fan of HHH, the superstar but as an authority figure he looks pretty bad. The NAO are still good when it comes to their name value but these two are terrible in the ring. They do not look intimidating anymore.

I am not a DB mark but I like him nonetheless. Still I must have to admit that Brian is yet to improve some of his shortcomings. Fans love him. They are crazy at him. Yes DB is a great wrestler but seriously this guy has to improve his mic skills. With the popularity and the push he received (pinning John Cena clean) still he has not being able to improve and go to the next level. He needs to be more serious and more emotional on the mic rather than being cheesy and funny with those yes chants.

Bray Wyatt is talented. You can't call him a piece of shit. He is still young and have lot of time to improve. Batista is simply boring as a face. I can't stand him unless he turns heel. The same can be said about Shamus. WWE just tries to carter to kids with his cheesy character.

Lawler needs to go heel. Other than that i don't agree that William Regal, Byron Saxton, Josh Matthews, Alex Riley, Taylor are better than him? Are you serious?

WWE should have to leave this PG cr@p which stops them from creating new stars similar to Austin Rock etc etc. If WWE was PG back in late 90's could those guys be such a great stars?

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