Book This! - General Discussion

Here we go, this is the right thread. Stupid Theo, gotta go get drunk and shit.

So I got a new laptop. It will make a potential BT much easier. I still have that 93 one in mind, but that's all on my tablet. I have plenty of options. 93, NXT, or even a brand split using today's roster if I can find a workable partner. Peep, where are you haha.

We had chemistry big fella. Can't explain it any other way. I know I kept pushing myself because I knew you had to follow it and I wanted to keep reading your stuff, lol. We just clicked. Right place, right time, right people.

I'll try and check back in if you post anything but I'm done on BT. Just too much time, so much effort when everything is already so busy. The saddest thing is I can't even watch wrestling any more. I just get no enjoyment out of it. The product wasn't great when I stopped watching (2012) but even then, I just couldn't sit down and watch a great promo or a match. It has lost its spark for me and it's a shame.

Choxy - just click the little arrow in that last quote and it'll jump to where and when you posted.
Good stuff. Seems like the content may be picking back up. GCB being cryptic as always. I personally haven't heard from my partner in almost 2 months. So the status of the 2002 thread is somewhere between unknown and dead.
My kid brother mentioned to me about doing a BT brand split with the modern roster. Would certainly bring a challenge with the lack of main event quality stars, but would definitely be cool to develop whoever I wanted as main event level guys. Doors are wide open on that one.
My kid brother mentioned to me about doing a BT brand split with the modern roster. Would certainly bring a challenge with the lack of main event quality stars, but would definitely be cool to develop whoever I wanted as main event level guys. Doors are wide open on that one.

Just said to Nightmare the other day that a modern day brand split would be very interesting. The challenge of rebuilding SmackDown would be just as big as building new stars IMO.
GCB - I don't know many Sheffield United fans to ask this but I wanted to know - thoughts on Ched Evans?

He's more and more pathetic with each day - he's still denying he even did anything wrong.

Don't believe everything you read in the media. They'd have you believe we're all walking round with EVANS 9 on the back of our shirts, Ched Evans masks singing "He'll shag who he wants!" all the time.

Thoughts - very, very tough situation for a football club to be in. I've got little sympathy for Evans but I'm worried about the way my football club is being painted right now. I don't see that we've yet done anything wrong and I don't think signing him would necessarily be wrong either. Whilst I would certainly rather we didn't sign him - I'd rather we signed another striker or gave our current crop more chance - footballing wise, unfortunately, it is a bit of a no brainer. Two years ago, he scored 35 goals in the division we're in and almost fired us to promotion. When he was convicted, we fell to pieces and handed the automatic promotion spot to Wednesday (urgh, awful) and failed in the Play Off. Footballing reasons only - we cannot ignore a proven League 1 goalscorer on a free transfer.

Obviously, it isn't just a footballing decision though.

This is where it gets tough. Like I say, the media are painting our fanbase and our club as being Ched Evans supporters, singing his name and outing his victim. On Tuesday night, for example, there were 19,300 at Bramall Lane for a game against the might of Yeovil Town; terrific attendance considering there were about 50 from Yeovil. Around 100-200 chanted "Super Ched Evans" whilst the rest shook their heads. The rest are either vehemently against his return, can't make their minds up or think he should come back but not as a hero like the 100-200 seem to think. The media are full of the 100-200 chanting his name but not one mention of 19,000 standing and applauding in the 7th minute for the death of a 7 year old United fan last week. The bad press is making us seem a right bunch of knobheads right now when, in reality, it's a minority.

Personally, I can't decide although I'm swaying towards being against it. My opinion is that whatever the crime, you have to trust your justice system to get it right - both the conviction and the sentence. I don't believe that 2.5 years is the right sentence for Ched's crime but if the court ruled that way, I don't think people have the right to punish him further. It's so tough to say that. I think Ched should have been sentenced for longer but now he is out, as I would say for any crime, he should get to resume his life and be rehabilitated. I'm not against his return completely but I'd certainly rather we found another way to bring in a goalscorer.

As for Evans, he's going to need incredibly thick skin to return - whether it is Sheffield United or anywhere. I have little sympathy - he is a convicted rapist although I would suggest he made terrible mistakes and I certainly don't see that he deliberately raped her. I think he made unbelievably bad decisions that led to him raping her. I think his case is a real lesson for a lot of young men that have drunken one night stands and could, technically, be raping young women unable to consent due to their drunken state. In that sense, his return to football could be a "good" thing as the exposure could ensure less rapes happen as people are more aware of Ched's mistakes and how it came about.

His video statement earlier this week was awful - I get that he is still claiming innocence so he was never going to come out and show as much remorse as some people hoped he might. But to not mention the victim at all was crass. He could have mentioned her when he was apologising for the pain and suffering his actions caused although I suspect his legal team advised against it. In the circumstances, I think he should have kept his head down and shut up rather than upload the statement that he did. If he gets back into football - and I'm 99% sure he will, somebody will sign him - I'd like to see him give his goal bonus or a percentage of his wages to rape charities. Whether they'd accept it, I'm unsure but the gesture would help I reckon.

It's such a complicated, controversial, delicate situation with so many different aspects to it. I can understand most arguments but I can't fully agree with any; the only thing I am sure about is that my football team are being slammed when I don't think they've done much wrong. When he was innocent until proven guilty in 2011-2012, sods law was that he scored 35 goals and fired us to the brink of promotion before wrecking our season when he was found guilty. We did not pay him the last two months of his contract (some papers claim we did but a fan forum asked the chairman in late 2012 about that and it was denied) when he was sent down and we have refused to talk about it, officially as a club, since. For months, the papers have speculated about him returning to United without any substance at all; there has been no official word from United until a couple of weeks back. When our co-chairman spoke a couple of weeks back, he stated that the board were having discussions about whether we would be interested and recognised that it would be a controversial, sensitive subject. That was the last word from Sheffield United on it apart from Nigel Clough, the manager, confirming the same stance a week ago.

We're damned if we don't and damned if we do. If we don't, people will be unhappy that we're denying Ched Evans the right to be rehabilitated - mainly our own supporters as it would not cause the furore nationally. If we do, we'd better be ready for a shitstorm of epic proportions. It's so, so tough; I'm glad I don't have to make any kind of decision on it.
Well said. I don't think Sheffield United fans are being tarred with the same brush from what I've read (Guardian) - I realise it's a very small minority who are so supportive of him.

The main thing for me is that he can't accept what he's done or even apologise. I figured that was one of the things you had to do to get out of a 5 year sentence half way through. Show remorse. Apologise. It's all about him. How he's been wronged. That video he released was about how sorry he was to his girlfriend while not even mentioning the poor girl he raped. He makes me sick and his girlfriend is quite pathetic sticking by him.

I've seen a lot of people talking about rehabilitation. I personally don't think he deserves to play football again. Yes, he has served his time (well, not really) but I don't think a convicted rapist should be allowed to return to such an elevated position. That's the big pointer. Why can he not just get another job? No one is denying him that.
Well said. I don't think Sheffield United fans are being tarred with the same brush from what I've read (Guardian) - I realise it's a very small minority who are so supportive of him.

The main thing for me is that he can't accept what he's done or even apologise. I figured that was one of the things you had to do to get out of a 5 year sentence half way through. Show remorse. Apologise. It's all about him. How he's been wronged. That video he released was about how sorry he was to his girlfriend while not even mentioning the poor girl he raped. He makes me sick and his girlfriend is quite pathetic sticking by him.

I've seen a lot of people talking about rehabilitation. I personally don't think he deserves to play football again. Yes, he has served his time (well, not really) but I don't think a convicted rapist should be allowed to return to such an elevated position. That's the big pointer. Why can he not just get another job? No one is denying him that.

Like I say, I think part of the lack of apology to the victim is likely to be his appeal. Whilst he has gone from "innocent until proven guilty" to "guilty until proven innocent" now, he does have the right to maintain his innocence. It's quite likely, I speculate, that he does regret his actions that night but expressing that could put his appeal in jeopardy. It will be telling to see what he says once his appeal is rejected (if it is rejected, of course) as to whether or not he shows remorse then.

I think the main argument is role model vs. rehabilitation - for most people, that's where it comes down to. Do you believe he deserves to be rehabilitated? In most cases, I suspect the answer to that is actually yes. Once you've done the time (whether that is right or wrong in terms of length), most would say you deserve to get on with your life. But then it comes down to whether you believe he deserves to get on with his life with his football career? I think most people who are undecided have that dilemma - I certainly do. I am uncomfortable with him representing my football club because of his crime; but I believe you have the right to rehabilitation once you're out. There's my dilemma.
Like I say, I think part of the lack of apology to the victim is likely to be his appeal. Whilst he has gone from "innocent until proven guilty" to "guilty until proven innocent" now, he does have the right to maintain his innocence. It's quite likely, I speculate, that he does regret his actions that night but expressing that could put his appeal in jeopardy. It will be telling to see what he says once his appeal is rejected (if it is rejected, of course) as to whether or not he shows remorse then.

I think the main argument is role model vs. rehabilitation - for most people, that's where it comes down to. Do you believe he deserves to be rehabilitated? In most cases, I suspect the answer to that is actually yes. Once you've done the time (whether that is right or wrong in terms of length), most would say you deserve to get on with your life. But then it comes down to whether you believe he deserves to get on with his life with his football career? I think most people who are undecided have that dilemma - I certainly do. I am uncomfortable with him representing my football club because of his crime; but I believe you have the right to rehabilitation once you're out. There's my dilemma.

Yeah that's what I was trying to get at. No one is denying him a normal life - it's just a bit much giving him such an elevated position (stature, money, role model) after this.

I wouldn't want someone like him at Spurs that's for sure.

I'm also sure there are plenty of people backing him, who would say what he did wasn't even rape, as sick as that sounds. Have you had much of that around the club?
We had chemistry big fella. Can't explain it any other way. I know I kept pushing myself because I knew you had to follow it and I wanted to keep reading your stuff, lol. We just clicked. Right place, right time, right people.

I'll try and check back in if you post anything but I'm done on BT. Just too much time, so much effort when everything is already so busy. The saddest thing is I can't even watch wrestling any more. I just get no enjoyment out of it. The product wasn't great when I stopped watching (2012) but even then, I just couldn't sit down and watch a great promo or a match. It has lost its spark for me and it's a shame.

Choxy - just click the little arrow in that last quote and it'll jump to where and when you posted.
Someone hacked me or something (Shrug)
Yeah that's what I was trying to get at. No one is denying him a normal life - it's just a bit much giving him such an elevated position (stature, money, role model) after this.

I wouldn't want someone like him at Spurs that's for sure.

I'm also sure there are plenty of people backing him, who would say what he did wasn't even rape, as sick as that sounds. Have you had much of that around the club?

I think most fans accept the verdict. Some are sceptical and trot out the line about "How can only one of them be guilty?" but having read the case notes, I do understand why Evans was found guilty and the other guy not. You're always going to get idiots who let the fact it is Ched Evans, the 35-goal striker and the answer to all our striking problems, cloud their judgement and just say he is/was innocent. There isn't many - thank goodness - but there are a couple. I suspect if it was the reserve left back, their view would be different.
I'll say it right now. Our project is a YouTube series. It's a formula I did back in high school before I tried writing shows. It's perfect for the amount of free time we have, and honestly it's perfect for I'd say the majority of people's attention span. We'll see how it works. Last time around I did this I was able to get over 100 subscribers to my channel and the videos had plenty of views and lots of discussion in the comments. We'll start a thread up here and post links to the new videos when they're up. Hopefully you guys will give it a look.
I'll say it right now. Our project is a YouTube series. It's a formula I did back in high school before I tried writing shows. It's perfect for the amount of free time we have, and honestly it's perfect for I'd say the majority of people's attention span. We'll see how it works. Last time around I did this I was able to get over 100 subscribers to my channel and the videos had plenty of views and lots of discussion in the comments. We'll start a thread up here and post links to the new videos when they're up. Hopefully you guys will give it a look.

Yeah this. Neither of us have the time nor energy to write a full show but I think we're gonna come up with some badass stuff. We picked a great time period too.
I'll say it right now. Our project is a YouTube series. It's a formula I did back in high school before I tried writing shows. It's perfect for the amount of free time we have, and honestly it's perfect for I'd say the majority of people's attention span. We'll see how it works. Last time around I did this I was able to get over 100 subscribers to my channel and the videos had plenty of views and lots of discussion in the comments. We'll start a thread up here and post links to the new videos when they're up. Hopefully you guys will give it a look.

Sounds good to me. Have you got a link to the old channel as a little taster?
Unfortunately no. My channel kept getting suspended for copyright infringement becuause of the music I was using and youtube eventually shut me down all together. So I'm starting from zero again.

Shame mate. Looking forward to the new stuff though.

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