WWE General Complaints Thread

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While I don't completely disagree with the OP, I hate when people assume they know what the majority of a group thinks. Just because you saw a bunch of comments that reflected something you deem stupid or whiny, doesn't mean that it's a representation of the majority's perspective within that fanbase.

Yes, I agree that people should stick it out and continue to watch storylines and careers play out but I can also understand someone else feeling inclined to rant about what they dislike. This thread assumes that the SAME people who are supportive of Roman Reigns are the SAME people who are now saying he's undeserving. Isn't it entirely possible (and plausible) that the two differing opinions are coming from entirely different people?!
I saw Raw yesterday and it was really piss-poor. I'm not complaining about that so much as 3 hours of A-show quality TV weekly is going to be hard to do for anyone so I can tolerate dips in quality.

However, with Bryan on the shelf it would be nice if they could call an audible with Undertaker coming back to report on his condition, whether it's good news or bad. If it's bad, he can tell the crowd to get behind the youth (and Lesnar?) and if it's good he can start to hype a comeback. An important 20 minute segment like that would have beaten the piss out of everything Raw tried last night. It's also important that the heat generated that night (significant) doesn't die out a mere 2 PPVs later. WWE managed to create magic on that night and right now they look utterly mediocre.

So I'm basically complaining about Raw not having a contingency for a problem they know that they have (the condition of Bryan) ahead of a coming PPV, which I am now unlikely to purchase.
1 - Commentary - Especially Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. Have JBL commentate Raw and Smackdown with someone else.

2 - Pointless Storylines - Wrestler A attacks Wrestler B. PPV match. Really?

3 - No Progression - How many times do you watch Raw and see the same thing you saw last week?

4 - John Cena - He's a good wrestler. I'll give him that. However, his gimmick is meant for kids. It is also extremely stale. He also never loses clean.

5 - Logos - I probably shouldn't be bothered by this, but the Raw and Smackdown logos look real generic and bland.

6 - 3-Hour Raws - 2-hour Raws are much easier to book and keep my attention longer.

7 - Social Media - Social Media is killing wrestling. I could care less what the #1 hashtag is, or how many Twitter followers [Insert wrestler here] has.

8 - Sports Entertainment - It's not sports entertainment. It's wrestling. They're not sports entertainers; they're wrestlers.

9 - Too Many Shows - Raw, Smackdown, and NXT are enough. No need for Main Event, Total Divas, Superstars, Legends House. The list goes on.

10 - Smackdown - Seriously, It's been a long, long time since I actually enjoyed an episode of Smackdown. Make it just as good as Raw. Move it back to Thursday nights and make it live.

11 - Divas - I've never seen a diva's match that I liked. I'm not trying to be sexist.

12 - Crowds - Sometimes, the crowd can be completely silent. I realize the product is bad, but goodness.

13 - PPV Names - This is getting ridiculous. Royal Rumble is alright, but there are so many PPVs named after match types. Elimination Chamber, TLC, Hell in a Cell, Money in the Bank, Extreme Rules. I'm just waiting when Survivor Series gets called 5-on-5.

Those 13 pretty much cover it.
a 3 hour show now has been diddled down to a 1 hour show.

Every single week we get the same crap over and over and over again. Adam Rose vs Swagger (Rose deserves a shot, but Swagger what a waste) Then we move on to the 3MB (3 man of Boringness) and then we have Bo-ring vs someone the WWE thinks has cred, but really is a waste.

I see 3mb and go okay they will lose with some worthless shenanigans. Then oh look here comes swagger here comes and loss, most likely to Adam Rose, who really doesn't have a match long enough to even register. Just Bo lieve.....I bo lieve I will go make a sand which during this boring match.

Sheamus a once great champion has been dumped on to the most insignificant title in the WWE, since he has gone face he has dropped off, But instead of bringing him back to his glory in evolution they give it to Rollins. Heel turns happen so much in all wrestling companies the fans are kinda like ummm whatever. ( John Cena heel turn is the only one that would be a shock)

The show has so much lameness you are just suffering through it until the last hour when the good starts coming out.
Most people call it the pg era, I call it the superhero era. So, when does it end? When do other faces in the company actually get a shot? I know that these questions have been posted and posted and posted, but after tonight, it's really bothering me. Did I know about the Summerslam poster leak? Yes, was I prepared for Cena winning tonight? Yes, but still it irks the hell out of me that they keep putting the strap on the same old wrestlers. This is getting old and repetitive and it's seriously getting harder and harder for me to pick up my remote on Monday nights and even have the audacity to flip over to Raw which has gone to complete shit. Vince has lost millions upon millions over the past few months, and obviously, he doesn't give two shits. It seems like we are going to keep getting low rating matches and programs shoved down our throats. I'm so sick of the superhero bullshit. It's getting stale and making me really wish that a WCW was still around or hell, even an ECW. At least then, I could watch something else. Although, ROH has really caught my attention as of late and their pay per view BITW was 1000 times better than MITB. Anyways, your thoughts?
So I just got done watching MITB and I was highly disappointed with a majority of the show. The actual MITB match was decent but the rest of the show sucked.

How does John Cena winning the titles help the company? It doesn't!!!!! The fans are more against Cena as of late but yet the suits and ties think it will help. There is no great story line they can build from this only because Cena has faced everyone and rebooting any feuds will be boring.

Rumors are filling the internet about Cena vs Lesnar at Summerslam which I believe is true. Again the WWE will deliver another snooze fest.

If anyone from WWE reads this, please do all of the fans a favor! Come up with new ideas and better creative writing to spark our interest!
So I just got done watching MITB and I was highly disappointed with a majority of the show. The actual MITB match was decent but the rest of the show sucked.

How does John Cena winning the titles help the company? It doesn't!!!!! The fans are more against Cena as of late but yet the suits and ties think it will help. There is no great story line they can build from this only because Cena has faced everyone and rebooting any feuds will be boring.

Rumors are filling the internet about Cena vs Lesnar at Summerslam which I believe is true. Again the WWE will deliver another snooze fest.

If anyone from WWE reads this, please do all of the fans a favor! Come up with new ideas and better creative writing to spark our interest!

I can totally understand WWE putting the strap on Cena this time. He's a reliable champion and the biggest name the company have and if Brock Lesnar is set to win the title at Summerslam (which I believe he will be), then he is going to need to beat a Face for the belt- which would have been Daniel Bryan. However, with his injury the 'E had to give someone a short run in order for Lesnar to beat them. Cena was the right choice.

It couldn't be Orton or Del Rio as they are both heels. While I believe Reigns, Cesaro or Wyatt will all be World Champions, a month long title reign would have been pointless and done more damage than good to them in the long run. As for Sheamus...he's a mid card champion right now, why would they put the big belt on him? Cena was the logical option to carry the title for a short period before dropping it to Lesnar.

I firmly believe Roman Reigns will win the WHC at WrestleMania next year, and WWE need to build him properly not have him just leave The Shield and immediately get the World Title. He should win the Rumble and then face the Champion at 'Mania.
First off, let me say this isn't a big deal issues, just a saying that irks me that I keep hearing repeated in the wrestling world.

"It's not bragging if you back it up".

Kid Rock, the overrated rock star, made a song with that phrase, Dolph Ziggler had a catchphrase saying it, and now Seth Rollins help up his Money in the Bank briefcase and also made the claim.

My knit-pick issue? The phrase makes absolutely no sense.

The truth is, one can ONLY brag when you indeed "back it up", because bragging is gloating to people when you do something well.

So it IS bragging when you back it up, but you do the backing first, and then you brag.

I don't know why that bothers me, but it does. Stop it Ziggler, Stop it Seth.. you sound like fools. We all know Kid Rock is one.. so no worries there.
It's not that people hate the wwe it just isn't as great as it once was stuff like the divas matches are terrible and they're noting like the women's matches back in the day, fair enough they're trying to better themselves but they are too dramatic sch as Total Diva's where they bitch and moan I see that and I can't take them seriously when it comes to their in ring work. The creative don't help matters AT ALL by giving shit storylines to the wrestlers and the matches are constantly repeated like the opening match on Raw then it's the main event on Smackdown then they put it in randomly on the Raw show.

It's just depressing to see how crap wrestling has gone and TNA is no better (but that's a different story). Like I said people don't hate wwe I think they feel stressed out purely for that fact that they grew as diehard wrestling fans and enjoyed watching wrestling throughout the 80's and 90's, they are doing decent storylines now with Ambrose and Rollins but I don't like how they've put both titles together and because they have such a large roster now it's bad and everyone has just been lost in the shuffle.

The commentary I can just about listen too I miss the old Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler I feel that over the years Michael Cole had become poo.

Overall the wwe is just in a bit of a state they're not pushing decent stars IMO the "diva's" division and "tag team" divison is shocking because there is hardly anyone in those divisions that can put on decent matches :/ I feel like crying sometimes when I watch wrestling and spend most of my time fast forwarding it.
I've lost almost all interest in the WWE, and synonymously, in wrestling, which is apparent from my absence here amidst all you wrestling nerds and addicts of a kind.

I just checked Raw results, as is customary for me to do so. So Brock Lesnar is back. Yay. The part-timer main-event trend continues, until Roman Reigns and Cesaro are elevated. I already wonder, what are they going to do once all possble main-events featuring Bray Wyatt, Cesaro, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and others are done? What are they going to do after 2 yrs when there is no more John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and certainly no more Undertaker ? You think Daniel Bryan is a main-eventer? Daniel Bryan flopped. Injury or no injury. Wrestling is as hopeless and yet for some eternal optimists desperately waiting for another blockbuster main-event, as full of hope, as ever.

The main-event slot of Raw featured Brie Bella and Stephanie McMahon in another verbal combat. Powerful woman beats up a helpless employee(or former employee) ? Bourgeois stands tall against the Proletariat. Factory owner abuses the worker. How entertained were you?

This is the same disgusting aspect/side of the WWE popularized by Vince Mcmahon since 1997 and how many more segments of it? It disgusts me. And to think of the horridness of acting represented by that Bella bitch. Stephanie Macmahon as a matured-up **** in her late 30s makes up for nothing but abomination on national TV. I was excited partially for the WWE few months ago. Now I'm not. No CM Punk. The Terrible and Disgusting Aspects(HHH and Stephanie Mc****) will always overshadow real talents(Cesaro). A part-time beast is hungry for yet another paycheck. I can never be a wrestling fan again. Can you?

What are you looking forward to in Wrestling? Do you really watch 5 hours a week of WWE programming? How much of it is entertaining and how much trash?
I agree with the lack of story lines and same old thing every week. Raw has been lacking in the last few weeks, it seems as if they were not ready for Summer Slam. If you look at the card (no U.S. title defense or no tag team title match) it just seems like they are not prepared for Summer Slam.
Here's a minor bitch, and it's about Ric Flair.


In Hogan's birthday segment, Lesnar comes out, intimidates everyone, throws his weight around. Everyone from Mean Gene to Nash to Hall to Piper to Hogan manages to look serious/worried/a bit scared. But no, not Ric Flair, who has a huge stupid grin on his face, particularly when he thinks the cameras aren't on him because Lesnar is about to square up to Hogan.

He's done this before quite recently as well - dropping Evolution an obvious and very stupid wink after coming out to endorse the Shield in their feud. Not making a great argument for why you should be used more on camera, buddy. Just act like the professional you used to be.
Words can't really describe how I feel about the WWE product anymore. Calling it horrible would be a cheap way out...

Let's start with the Wyatts. Back in 2013 and at the beginningof 2014, they ran through everyone, even Daniel Bryan who was on a roll. You know how it goes, Bray and the rest get run over by Cena, then they get run over by Cena again, they win some unimportant feud with Jericho, they Bray didn't even make mention of and now they are all getting their asses handed to them by a guy who cried because he had no money last year... Bray apparently with face Big Show at NOC, and I don't know exactly why and where this will lead. WHY?

Seth Rollins, the architect of the Shield, or should I say, the "I can't get things doneon my own" of the Shield? When it counts, he just can't get the job done by himself. How am I supposed to take that guy seriously when he needs Kane, Orton and HHH to barely win anything important? Roman pinned him clean on Raw, and while this might be good for Roman, after he beat Orton at Summerslam too, where does this lead Rollins? Sure he will be a future WWEWHC (except if he goes against Cena), but right now, he is almost a joke.... WHY?

The feud over the WWEWHC is in the middle of the show, instead of letting it go last. You have the attraction, Lesnar and you waste him as a mid-show segment guy... On top of that, what segment do you have main event Raw? Sometimes we get Brie vs Stephanie, sometimes we get Brie vs Stephanie AGAIN and now we get Henry vs Rusev??? WHY????

AJ vs Paige vs the Bellas seems so good right now. So much more interesting that anything else going on at the moment. In fact, I'm tuning in to WWE programming to watch the Divas more than I do for anything else. This goes both ways. AJ and Paige have created some really good chemistry and segments and I really enjoy their feud, but it says a lot about the rest of the show... If, to me at least, feuding over the Divas title is more important and entertaining than any other part of the show, then something is wrong... really wrong.

After Jericho was done with Bray, just without any explanation as to why their feud ended, he moves to a program with Orton, because Jericho called him some name or something, and now we get a Jericho vs Kane because...? Orton didn't even run in to screw Chris and Kane is even more of a joke now. WHY?

I just hope they don't screw Cesaro and give him the title on Sunday. Same for the Rhodes brothers. Cody is just amazing right now.

No wonder why wrestling fans are being called names... the product is just terrible. Dean was carrying the show for a little while, but now that he is missing, it is just unbearable. At least, we still have NXT...
I can agree with many fans that WWE today feels like a big mess and most of feuds are nothing special. I totally hated seeing Bray Wyatt feud with Cena end with nothing special, then the Jericho feud continuing his downhill fall. Also, I miss seeing Dean wrestling. But I was getting tired of the back-to-back brawling, with no end in sight, against Seth Rollings.
Yep the product is damn near unwatchable at the moment, there is no excitement in the product. Everything from the commentators, older wrestlers (big show, mark henry, kane), storylines presentation just seems tired and dated. The pushes for new stars like from The Shield, Wyatt Family, Cesaro have been halted, not sure why but they have. This is what always happens to the WWE product, seems to be a cycle they go in the last couple of years then they have an amazing push/storyline that just lights it up a little for example Nexus, Summer of Punk, Rock/Cena, Daniel Bryan/Authority.

Problem is the product is in such a horrid state that alot of people are wondering when the next big storyline that truly captivates is going to come, or if it even is going to come at all. Reigns is interesting at the moment, but still developing so asking him to carry the show is kind of stupid. I will be interested once Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins stop feuding as to where they will go. What will be next? Feels like they need something big to happen, maybe they could get Sting to debut in the next couple of months instead of Mania season. But that will only happen when Raw gets ratings below 2.5 which i think it deserves to at the moment.
I dont even watch the product apart from mania rr survior series and summerslam. The product at this time is just to poor. I feel sorry for people who watch raw every week, its a mockery.
Whoever decided to splatter the word ''Half-time'' all over Raw is a bit dense.
All it did was remind me of Monday Night Football and caused me to change the channel.
I think it would be bad for business to let Brock continue as Champion, he is not going to be on Raw Monday, and he won't even be at Hell in a Cell. How can you have a Pay per view without a World title match. With all the talk about Brock holding the title he leaves after Wrestlemania when does Seth get his chance to turn in his case for a shot.
I still think it is bad for business to let Brock keep the title nothing against him only his part time status. With all of the injuries, wrestlers leaving, and wrestlers who may or may not be coming back now is not a good time for a part time champion, we need the champion at all the pay per views and Monday night Raw's. It is starting to get boring same fights Authority vs. Roman or Daniel ( when he was there ), than Paul coming out to talk about the champion who can't be there as usual. It is kind of a joke right now I hope tonight brings something new for Raw tomorrow night, I have been watching Raw since it started but now I find myself not as excited about tomorrow night, I would always get excited the day after a pay per view new stories new feuds. We need some help new champion, change Rusev, hurry back soon Dean,Roman,Daniel and please come back CM Punk,Sting,Batista. Start tonight by letting Seth cash in and Dean come back tomorrow night start new feuds for Sheamus and Dolph unless you choose to let the titles change hands. I would bring in Charlotte now and let gold/star dust win so they can start a feud with Big show and Mark Henry. I would love to write stories for the WWE who can I talk to.
Kid rock bawwitdaba? Wtf? How played out is that shit? Seriously?

Why not use drowning pool bodies...

It might seem whatever to alot of you but its a played out overused song from 1999...

They need to branch out, they need to try new things...

This is not acceptable at all.
I still think it is bad for business to let Brock keep the title nothing against him only his part time status. With all of the injuries, wrestlers leaving, and wrestlers who may or may not be coming back now is not a good time for a part time champion, we need the champion at all the pay per views and Monday night Raw's. It is starting to get boring same fights Authority vs. Roman or Daniel ( when he was there ), than Paul coming out to talk about the champion who can't be there as usual. It is kind of a joke right now I hope tonight brings something new for Raw tomorrow night, I have been watching Raw since it started but now I find myself not as excited about tomorrow night, I would always get excited the day after a pay per view new stories new feuds. We need some help new champion, change Rusev, hurry back soon Dean,Roman,Daniel and please come back CM Punk,Sting,Batista. Start tonight by letting Seth cash in and Dean come back tomorrow night start new feuds for Sheamus and Dolph unless you choose to let the titles change hands. I would bring in Charlotte now and let gold/star dust win so they can start a feud with Big show and Mark Henry. I would love to write stories for the WWE who can I talk to.

I appreciate your viewpoint but I would say it is a good thing Brock is WWE Champ. This is the perfect, and only time for him to be champ again in WWE. He brings legitimacy back to the top title in WWE. Sure, he isn't around all the time but he will be at big PPVs between now and WM. And he has the best talker, Heyman to represent him the rest of the time. Plus, this is only, like I said, a temporary thing. At max, I see him being champ from now until WM 31. Then one guy gets over huge on Lesnar because he beats the beast and Lesnar goes away. Maybe Lesnar has a few more 'personal' matches to finish off his contract but the major pay off will happen at WM 31. Then after WM 31 Lesnar will not likely make the WWE title picture complicated.

Kid rock bawwitdaba? Wtf? How played out is that shit? Seriously?

Why not use drowning pool bodies...

It might seem whatever to alot of you but its a played out overused song from 1999...

They need to branch out, they need to try new things...

This is not acceptable at all.

I agree. I thought it was a very odd choice to have Kid Rock's song from 1999 as the song for WWE 2k15! Yeah, even Bodies would have been A LOT better for an 'older' song.

But, at least it isn't the new Raw or SmackDown theme song and you hear it every episode! Not like when SmackDown had Green Day's pop rock song for I think a couple years as the SD theme song.

MY complaint about WWE is that Raw no longer has an intro video and music OR pyro. They are cheapskates right now and it sucks. Main Event is more entertaining because at least it starts off with a video, music and pyro.
WWE has its fair share of problems but after watching Raw tonight I have pinpointed a few things:

First off I am getting sick and tired of this whole Damien Mizdow thing....I mean I get that Damien's career as a serious wrestler is pretty much done but him being paired with a nobody like the Miz is sad.

I think what pisses me off more than anything is they are both such bad actors especially when it comes to Damien mocking everything the Miz does. For instance during the match with Sheamus when Damien went to the announcers table....Damien couldn't even mouth the words correctly that the Miz was saying....Very bad acting and it's getting very old.

Second thing is the Divas division started making strides in improving when Paige and AJ started feuding but does anyone really care about the total divas divas? Does anyone really care about the Brie vs Niki Feud anymore.

Hell no at least I don't....Seems Nikki comes out and says the same lame shit every week just in a different way and sometimes it's not really all that different. I just wish they would end it already

The other thing is during the divas tag match with Natalya they had Tyson Kidd some to ringside.....This is detrimental because the whole time he was out there he was playing on his phone...What kind of message is that sending to the fans....I mean if a fellow WWE superstar doesn't care about the divas matches you are sending a message to the WWE Universe that they shouldn't care either.

Now I know it's to continue the storyline on Total Divas but the show needs to be separate from the wrestling.....I'm just saying it's all about perception.

Thoughts anyone?
WWE has its fair share of problems but after watching Raw tonight I have pinpointed a few things:

First off I am getting sick and tired of this whole Damien Mizdow thing....I mean I get that Damien's career as a serious wrestler is pretty much done but him being paired with a nobody like the Miz is sad.

The first thing I'd like to say is that Miz is amazing at the moment, he might be the most consistent heel in WWE right now. His work is flawless, and he annoys the heck out of everyone which is his job. Miz is getting real heat which is hard these days considering that most fans love heels today.

I think what pisses me off more than anything is they are both such bad actors especially when it comes to Damien mocking everything the Miz does. For instance during the match with Sheamus when Damien went to the announcers table....Damien couldn't even mouth the words correctly that the Miz was saying....Very bad acting and it's getting very old.
No offense but I really do think this is part of the gimmick. Miz as an "A lister" is a joke as is, but the whole Mizdow character as anything but a stooge at this stage makes no sense, so of course it's annoying and bad. It's obviously bad. But it's annoying in a good way. Fans hate miz, no one cheers for him and he's a top talent right now. He's doing his job perfectly, and you hating him and hating how Damien is being is part of that.

Second thing is the Divas division started making strides in improving when Paige and AJ started feuding but does anyone really care about the total divas divas? Does anyone really care about the Brie vs Niki Feud anymore.
Funny thing is that the whole show played well even the diva segments weren't as bad as they have been. Nikki improved this week, not great by any means same with brie and they're doing a good job getting multiple talents involved which is always good. This is the first time I was actually interested in a full raw in a long time.

Hell no at least I don't....Seems Nikki comes out and says the same lame shit every week just in a different way and sometimes it's not really all that different. I just wish they would end it already
Nikki didn't do bad tonight I saw improvement.

The other thing is during the divas tag match with Natalya they had Tyson Kidd some to ringside.....This is detrimental because the whole time he was out there he was playing on his phone...What kind of message is that sending to the fans....I mean if a fellow WWE superstar doesn't care about the divas matches you are sending a message to the WWE Universe that they shouldn't care either.
Tyson Kidd was ignoring anything to do with Nat, and finally they are doing something with him. Honestly, today's show made me think of the Russo days where everyone had something and that's amazing and good. Seeing Kidd evolve into a character that could actually be interesting is good. So he ignores a diva's match so? I think it would be twice as annoying if he was enthralled with it. At least, it seemed real, and I liked that. Why would Tyson Kidd care about this match? It seems like Tyson is tired of being in the shadows, which makes sense so he's going to show that as long as he's "Nat's Husband" and nothing more, he's not going to care. The gimmick not only makes sense but is brilliant.

Now I know it's to continue the storyline on Total Divas but the show needs to be separate from the wrestling.....I'm just saying it's all about perception.

Thoughts anyone?
The only thing I didn't like was that the Authority got the best of Ambrose at the end of the show. This was the best raw in forever, from the opening segment to the closing segment. The only thing that could've made it better imo would've been Ambrose having the upper hand once more at the end.

The thing that impressed me most was I don't think there was a real "random" match tonight. They all had some type of story involved which is terrific.

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