WWE General Complaints Thread

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I was just curious what happen to that rule that Vince put in place about a Diva that appears on Total Divas can't be the Divas Champion. Nicki is the current Divas Champion unless is it because the new season has not started. I also would like to say what are they doing on that show Total Divas, they are going to let them eat brownies with pot in them and than they can act like fools. I hope the Divas don't really act like that, that show shows them to be idiots. I can't wait for Charlotte to come up and take care of all of them, also Bella's and the rest of you remember the wellness program. I hope the Bella's don't get special treatment just because who they are with ( John Cena & Daniel Bryan ).
What is going on, why are they having a house show on the same night as Raw. They think the ratings have been low recently, even with Edge and Christian and no Roman, Dean, Usus, Bray well maybe I will watch.
That closing segment was as painful as anything I've ever seen. Not only was it interminable, repetitive and meandering, but it was delivered by a man with the voice of a 12-year-old boy. Sorry, but for me Rollins's mic work kills him dead. I cannot take him seriously.

Bret Hart or Chris Benoit weren't great verbalisers, but I perceived them as men who were capable of kicking ass. Rollins doesn't have that same presence. While talking he comes off as a girly teenager trying to impress a group of more popular kids so he can hang with them. The voice is high, his delivery is hammy and "try-hard"... ugh. Dreadful.

Don't get me wrong, Rollins has good points. He's a tremendous athlete, looks great in a photograph, and can go with anybody on the roster. But that all gets swamped down by his mic work. Seriously, they need to get this kid off the stick. Maybe the voice could work if they presented him as an effeminate character. But no, he's a guy who dives off balconies, crashes through tables, puts heads through concrete blocks, and attempts to paralyse retired wrestlers. Doesn't work. Sure, Lesnar's voice is quite high, but have you seen him? The guy is frightening and his brutal physicality makes his mic deficiencies seem insignificant. Rollins's aren't so easily overlooked, especially when he's being put in positions that fully expose how awful he is on the stick.

My OPINION folks (don't get angry). What's yours?
He can hold his own and talks clearly. He doesn't seem uncomfortable with long-winded promo segments. I really think he should change his ring gear, it's hard to take him seriously in the vinyl muscle shirt thing... other superstars regularly make fun of it, why wear it? It would be hard for ANYONE to pull off, "effiminate" and "high voiced" or not. I like him as a cowardly heel, with the J&J security gimmick. I am just a little lost with his direction right now. He does his best work in the ring.
Oh look, it's creepy old man, who hates everyone and everything.

Seth Rollins was excellent. He is an excellent heel at the moment. His voice is one of the clearest voices ever, you can understand everything he says and he sounds that guy that you want to punch in the face because he is so childish, yet so annoying. Excellent.

His promo was awesome. Nothing repetitive. Commentary ruined what he wanted. They called that he wanted the Authority back, even though he hadn't mentioned it yet. It took all the fun out of it.
He can hold his own and talks clearly. He doesn't seem uncomfortable with long-winded promo segments. I really think he should change his ring gear, it's hard to take him seriously in the vinyl muscle shirt thing... other superstars regularly make fun of it, why wear it? It would be hard for ANYONE to pull off, "effiminate" and "high voiced" or not. I like him as a cowardly heel, with the J&J security gimmick. I am just a little lost with his direction right now. He does his best work in the ring.

I really think he SHOULD NOT change his ring gear. At least not very much. Maybe a few colours like silver, dark red or green but nothing to his actual attire.

If he goes to trunks he'll just be another guy in trunks. YAWN! See it all too much before.

So what if wrestlers make fun of his gear? He's a HEEL, it's good to have something the faces can make fun of so it helps the fans like the faces more.

I think Rollins is doing an excellent job on everything he's had to do so far. Great in the ring, great on the mic and good overall look.

Anyone who hates Rollins better get used to it because WWE has had far too many start/stop pushes over the years and if they stop pushing Rollins it's going to take a long time to get another heel with as much consistent heat and ring ability to be in any Main Event that could come up.
Oh look, it's creepy old man, who hates everyone and everything.

Seth Rollins was excellent. He is an excellent heel at the moment. His voice is one of the clearest voices ever, you can understand everything he says and he sounds that guy that you want to punch in the face because he is so childish, yet so annoying. Excellent.

His promo was awesome. Nothing repetitive. Commentary ruined what he wanted. They called that he wanted the Authority back, even though he hadn't mentioned it yet. It took all the fun out of it.

Oh well, didn't have much luck in encouraging people to remain calm about someone else having a different opinion.

Sure, his voice is clear, and I never said otherwise. It's about the pitch. As for repetition, he said "John", I'm guessing, 50 times. He repeated several lines immediately after saying them. He repeated several words immediately after saying them. Seems you're seeing what you want to see on that one.
It's a riot now on WWE.

People are so sick and tired of the same old bullshit.

Triple H mictime 30 minutes back on every RAW. Stealing the spotlight and taking up time where other WWE stars could talk.

Every RAW is the same. All the fans are so sick and tired of Authority angle and Triple H.

Triple H ego will kill this company.
The Authority angle itself isnt bad, but you are right. HHH has it in his head that he's the star of the show, but he isn't. He never would have even been a main eventer if HBK has not broke his back in 98. HHH is and always has been a overrated hack.

He takes of 30 to 45 minutes of air time every week and pretends people want to see him.
Come on now, Triple H was honestly the best wrestler in the world back in 2000 and the guy was destined for the main event regardless of HBK getting injured in 1998. That comes from a guy who stopped watching Raw in 2003 because of Triple H and the ego that the OP is talking about. I genuinely can't stand him as a character since the brand split occurred, never have and never will. He is still a very good wrestler, not a great wrestler mind, not since his injury in 2001 has he been great, but he is a very good one.

That said, it's not just Triple H's fault that he and the Authority take up so much air time. The McMahons have always felt they are massive draws to the product, hence why they appear whenever ratings are down. They once were too but times have definitely changed having one guy/group take up so much air time with talking isn't what people want in 2014. You could see a clear distinction in the heat the Authority were drawing last night and the heat Seth Rollins was drawing. The Authority were getting go away heat whilst Rollins was getting proper heel heat.

The sad fact is that the Authority will piggy back Rollins' popularity for their own ends, diminishing it as they go and then wonder why Rollins couldn't grasp the John Cena brass ring in a year or two. They've done it to CM Punk and Daniel Bryan as well.
Firstly, Triple H doesn't run the main roster shows. It is still very much in the hands of Vince McMahon so if you want to direct any blame for anything, my advice would be to start there if you are really compelled to complain.

Secondly, the role of Triple H is designed to infuriate fans such as yourself because he is taking up the spotlight and continuously talking throughout that time. Nobody is supposed to like the Authority. You coming on here to complain about it means you have fallen into the trap. He, alongside Stephanie McMahon and Seth Rollins, are suppose to constantly take up time to get you angry at them. They are three of the best talkers in the game right now so relax and enjoy it. At least it isn't Roman Reigns talking for 30 minutes with a scripted promo.

Lastly, the Authority angle is one of the most tried and true methods in helping characters get over. Look at what it did for Stone Cold and Daniel Bryan, two of the most popular stars in history. Before they can get these characters over, they first must annoy and gain so much negative heat that the crowd is begging for someone to take them down. Long speech after long speech every RAW gets you to that objective.

tl;dr - Triple H has done a very good job in persuading you on his character being a real a-hole. Take a step back, remember that this is a television series and appreciate the good efforts when they come up.
The Authority should have been different from the start as the angle had so much potential in a modern WWE which is need of changed.
The 'face' of the company aspect with Orton was great (minus too many title changes with Bryan). The inclusion of Kane was poor as was J&J security. Including Rollins was brilliant though.

If they use the Authority to put over new talent it could have been brilliant. Unfortunately, minus Rollins, it has been just another story to get HHH, Big Show and Kane on TV. A henchman from the start, such as Ryback or Barrett would have been good. Why not get a tag team involved to do the dirty work for Rollins or Orton, it could add another angle to the tag division.

Last night was an absolutely awful edition of RAW minus Barrett vs Ziggler. Admittedly I liked the heel authority figures changing the stipulations partially through the match. Wyatt vs Ambrose was ok but I want an actual wrestling match between the two.

Ziggler vs Barrett (around 10mins with lots of stops) Reigns vs Big Show (5mins), Divas (2mins), Ambrose vs Wyatt (20mins), Uso's vs Dusts (4mins), Handicap (10mins), Big E vs Rose (2mins).

That is 55minutes of wrestling in a 3 hour show. Why don't they learn why people are enjoying NXT. Simple storytelling, character development and decent matches!
The writers are killing WWE. I mean really, that ending to last night's RAW when they "fired" Cena, Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback, was pretty weak.
I say just let wrestling be wrestling. One of the biggest problem that people have with wrestling is that instead of just watching it and accepting it for what it is, they spend too much time trying to figure out why it isn't what they want it to be. If you're tired of WWE's product, stop watching it. Make the effort to get into someone else's offering.

Certainly, there is a genuine dislike for Tple H with a lot of people for various reasons. He really didn't become seen as "the man" on any level until The Rock and Austin left, but he played his role as a heel very well. Now he is doing it on another platform. The fans who are too busy blurring the lines can't see that he's working them now like he worked them then. I don't think Trips being a heel is a problem. I just don't think there is just not a strong enough hero to match his evil.
Firstly, Triple H doesn't run the main roster shows. It is still very much in the hands of Vince McMahon so if you want to direct any blame for anything, my advice would be to start there if you are really compelled to complain.

Secondly, the role of Triple H is designed to infuriate fans such as yourself because he is taking up the spotlight and continuously talking throughout that time. Nobody is supposed to like the Authority. You coming on here to complain about it means you have fallen into the trap. He, alongside Stephanie McMahon and Seth Rollins, are suppose to constantly take up time to get you angry at them. They are three of the best talkers in the game right now so relax and enjoy it. At least it isn't Roman Reigns talking for 30 minutes with a scripted promo.

Lastly, the Authority angle is one of the most tried and true methods in helping characters get over. Look at what it did for Stone Cold and Daniel Bryan, two of the most popular stars in history. Before they can get these characters over, they first must annoy and gain so much negative heat that the crowd is begging for someone to take them down. Long speech after long speech every RAW gets you to that objective.

tl;dr - Triple H has done a very good job in persuading you on his character being a real a-hole. Take a step back, remember that this is a television series and appreciate the good efforts when they come up.

Nothing you said there is really wrong... but that doesn't make any of it right.

Remember the term "X-Pac Heat"? If no one does, it was a term designed for the massive amount of go away heat that X-Pac would get on a nightly basis near the end of his WWE run. Some would try and argue that he was getting a loud reaction and was a heel, so he must have been doing his job well. The truth was though, that people were just sick of the job he was doing, and the loud reaction was them saying please just get off my screen before you make me turn the channel.

That's kinda how I feel about the current WWE booking. I get what they're trying to do... for the most part. I understand the logic behind most of it, or at least the rational with things that don't seem to be that logical. But I don't like it, and as a result, I'm watching less WWE than I ever have in my life.

The 'evil GM' role is a tried and tested method of getting a mega face over... although I would argue that the Authority didn't get Daniel Bryan over... he already was, and they failed to put him to the next level. But the evil GM role is also so played out now. I mean it's been almost 20 years since Vince McMahon tried putting Steve Austin in a suit as his corporate champion, then put one on Mankind to get revenge for him when Austin wouldn't do it. Since that time, we've seen so many incarnations of the evil GM, that it holds zero interest.

I get that they're kinda backed into a corner right now with a combination of all the injuries in the main event, and the ridiculously stupid limited appearance contracts they like to hand out now, and the need to book their major angles around guys that aren't even there as a result... but there HAS to be something better than this Authority angle.
Well as much as I hate to say this HHH is going out there and doing what he's told to do. Does it suck, of course it does, we've had the Authority in place since Summerslam 2013. They don't look like they're going anywhere soon so we just have to put up with them.

The thing that is so annoying is the predictability of the matches. Was anyone surprised that the faces got stomped all over last night? I know I wasn't. It was almost a guarantee that Kane would interfere in at least one of them and the stipulation's put in place would benefit HHH and his group.

The fans are tired of seeing it, the crowd reaction said as much. Normally crowds in Texas are pretty good, last night they were dead, and no wonder, the show sucked. It the same old, same old. They could have actually saved a lot of money last night by just replaying a RAW from about 2 months ago, it would have almost been the same.

The only difference was the firing of Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan, and the insertion of Rollins into the main event at the Rumble. Both instances not shocking either. Faces have to run the gauntlet to get a main event match, HHH just puts Rollins and Orton into them for no good reason than that's what he feels like doing at the time.

Next week the faces will have the stage, and then the week after it will be the heels. That's how we'll continue until the WWE realizes that the Authority has run it's course and finds another way to take them out. There really isn't anything more for them to do than hasn't been done already, so it's time for the WWE to put a general manager in place and get rid of the Authority for good.
Well as much as I hate to say this HHH is going out there and doing what he's told to do. Does it suck, of course it does, we've had the Authority in place since Summerslam 2013. They don't look like they're going anywhere soon so we just have to put up with them.

The thing that is so annoying is the predictability of the matches. Was anyone surprised that the faces got stomped all over last night? I know I wasn't. It was almost a guarantee that Kane would interfere in at least one of them and the stipulation's put in place would benefit HHH and his group.

The fans are tired of seeing it, the crowd reaction said as much. Normally crowds in Texas are pretty good, last night they were dead, and no wonder, the show sucked. It the same old, same old. They could have actually saved a lot of money last night by just replaying a RAW from about 2 months ago, it would have almost been the same.

The only difference was the firing of Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan, and the insertion of Rollins into the main event at the Rumble. Both instances not shocking either. Faces have to run the gauntlet to get a main event match, HHH just puts Rollins and Orton into them for no good reason than that's what he feels like doing at the time.

Next week the faces will have the stage, and then the week after it will be the heels. That's how we'll continue until the WWE realizes that the Authority has run it's course and finds another way to take them out. There really isn't anything more for them to do than hasn't been done already, so it's time for the WWE to put a general manager in place and get rid of the Authority for good.

A few months ago, a few years ago, a decade or two ago... it's all basically a rerun in WWE land these days.

What I'd like to see instead of the usual GM character replacing the Authority, is a return to a Jack Tunney like President. Someone who isn't on TV every week, and only appears to make announcements when it fits the storyline to do so. And even then, one who simply makes unbiased decisions that shows no favoritism one way or the other. Kind of like the President of any major sports league (NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, ect).

The interactive, biased authority figure role is played out. Time to move away from it.
This clown is a HEEL commentator, and he absolutely buried the brand new heel tag team. He's saying they'll never be as good as LOD and that they were beating a worthless team so it doesn't prove anything....huh? That makes no sense at all. Dumb. Not to mention he did it at a point in the match where the commentators should've been marveling at how these guys mean business. Especially a heel. He buried them the second hegot the chance.

Inexcusable. Unless the APA is coming back to put the Ascension over at Mania.....that would be the only way his comments could make sense.
This clown is a HEEL commentator, and he absolutely buried the brand new heel tag team. He's saying they'll never be as good as LOD and that they were beating a worthless team so it doesn't prove anything....huh? That makes no sense at all. Dumb. Not to mention he did it at a point in the match where the commentators should've been marveling at how these guys mean business. Especially a heel. He buried them the second hegot the chance.

Inexcusable. Unless the APA is coming back to put the Ascension over at Mania.....that would be the only way his comments could make sense.

Yeah true. I didn't think about that. I hate they're going the Ryback route to try to establish The Ascension so hopefully they move on to something new because it's going to get old quick.

Yeah facing APA would be their best bet. If NAO can come back, why not APA
This clown is a HEEL commentator, and he absolutely buried the brand new heel tag team. He's saying they'll never be as good as LOD and that they were beating a worthless team so it doesn't prove anything....huh? That makes no sense at all. Dumb. Not to mention he did it at a point in the match where the commentators should've been marveling at how these guys mean business. Especially a heel. He buried them the second hegot the chance.

Inexcusable. Unless the APA is coming back to put the Ascension over at Mania.....that would be the only way his comments could make sense.

Why the hell did my thread get moved here? There's a post about Booker T's commentating on the main board. What's wrong with a JBL one? Very relevant topic IMO, when he's flat out burying the new tag team that's being pushed.

This forum is overmoderated like shit. Hope the mods actually get paid to nitpick like that.
Yeah true. I didn't think about that. I hate they're going the Ryback route to try to establish The Ascension so hopefully they move on to something new because it's going to get old quick.

Yeah facing APA would be their best bet. If NAO can come back, why not APA

Yeah, their booking has been terrible. That's a whole other topic I could easily get ranting on, lol. But I couldn't get over how the heel commentator was acting like that. Just seemed very odd.
They can't draw.

Their match at Hell in a cell was the worst PPV mainevent in WWE history when it comes to expectation of two so called "stars".

Let's face it. Dean Ambrose looks like a goof, and his ring-style make you feel, what's wrong with him? Aspberger? ADD?

His micskills are horrible. Absolutly horrible. He can't work a crowd.

Dean Ambrose said Attitude Era was terrible crap, and hinted "bad jokes, middle-fingers a sex jokes" hinting to Austin about middle-finger while he tries to "attitude" himself. What a hypocrite.

When it comes to Seth Rollins, he's not star. Doesn't look like one. Not good on the mic, has improved a little. But he can't work. He can't do nothing right at all, they should have kept him as a face.

Even if you have other opinions, this is mine. And people need to have different opinions without being trashed like some of my threads have.

For me, they are not stars by a long shoot.

And Hell in a cell when they had a face to face confronation just proves it.
Man, if you don't think Ambrose is any bit entertaining in the ring and you think for a second he can't talk on a mic (I'd love to hear you try) and you don't think Rollins has any star potential then I'm not sure why you are even watching WWE these days.

You'd be a lot happier just re-watching all your Attitude Era love.
Lots of discussion on here about Rumble, the booking and writing and storylines (or lack thereorf) the WWE is giving its fan base.

It got me thinking about the real issues that go beyond just the roster and a lack of talent. To me, there are simultaneously 2 problems going on:

1) As has been discussed before, a lack of competition pushing WWE to provide a consistently quality product. The writing and angles and lack of development of characters is nothing more than laziness. WWE isn't stupid. When they want to give us quality, they can and do. But they simply appear unmotivated and it's hard to blame them.

This is part of the reason monopolies are illegal and while WWE technically doesn't have a monopoly on pro wrestling, they kind of do. Without another major player like WCW pushing them for a ratings war and a competitive balance, WWE doesn't need to provide quality content be it for all 3 hours of a RAW show or from week to week across all programming formats.

Now, combine that with...

2) The insistence on making the product 100% PG and geared for kids, thus ignoring the generation who grew up with the 90's golden era and the attitude era.

Kids don't know better, obviously. They don't understand the writing and stories going on and how it's being written. They see their favorites compete and get happy with a win or sad with a loss and are happy like we all once were. How each match and things that happen surrounding them impact a wrestler's future or another event in a few weeks or months is irrelevant to them. Meanwhile, anyone over age 16 or so is irrelevant to WWE.

What it all boils down to is WWE doesn't care about its adult audience and isn't motivated to provide a good product. Until their numbers dip to the point of genuinely scaring them or they decide to take their older audience more seriously, this isn't going to change anytime soon.
I partially agree.
1) the Roman Reigns mega push began at Royal Rumble 2014. Then the Daniel Bryan mania swept the WWE universe and he became the focus of the WWE and rightly so. Sadly he got injured but then so did Roman Reigns. Reigns MAY have been ready to headline WM 31 had he not been injured. And now he is booed out the arena at Royal Rumble because the WWE fans wanted to see DB win and seek his revenge on WWE authority by him regaining the WWE title at WM31. He is their chosen one and anyone will be booed if they go against Daniel Bryan now. I mean - HBK - the best wrestler in WWF/WWE history; one of the greatest ever in the world in the history of wrestling is SO respected by the fans - they go crazy when he even appears on the tron. But when he ran in to DB in Feb/March 2014 - he was booed! BOOED out the arena. I would bet even the Rock would suffer the same fate. And it is okay to think Roman Reigns will handle the boos like the Rock did in 1997 and turn Heel and be a bad ass heel - 1, reigns is not as good on the mic as he is in the ring, and 2, all WWE promos are scripted these days and even the best written promo would not match anything like Stone Colds "Austin 3:16" promo, or anything the rock said in 1998-2004. Or Bret Hart's "from coast to coast the USA fans can kiss my ass" or even Mick Foleys "this is your life/commisioner/Cactus Jack" promos. The thing that made those promos were not really that the WWE was PG14 or Rated R - it was that there was more realism to them and all of them had performed in places around the world - that is what helped them get themselves over - like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan have.

My point is - as good as Reigns is, and how good he could be, it is the wrong time and they may have made another error like they did with Ryback or with Batista's 2014 return. I just hope he does not go the same way as Ryback did.

2) I think that WWE can still be entertaining to adults - look at the WWE Title match at Rumble 2015. And to be fair to WWE - anyone who I loved to see compete when I was a kid has long since retired apart from the Undertaker.

This means that one day, if business declines - they can revist the Attitude Era with more grown up storylines - but I must admit I think that Attitude era was so good because the storylines meant something - not cos there was profanity or naked chicks with their tits out in the ring every week.

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