WWE General Complaints Thread

Should we complain?

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What people tend to say are "mature content" usually translate to cringe-wrothy obviously-targeted-at-teenagers storylines and segments. I'd rather stay with PG than with a programming aimed at teens that are trying hard to not look like children.

Aside from that, I do agree with your first point. The lack of real, strong, competition makes WWE lazy. They don't have to try to make quality programming too often.
I just want multiple storylines/feuds going on the show like they did before. 2004 or earlier, pretty much everyone on the card had a feud going even if it was the midcarders or jobbers. Everyone got enough mic time and it was great. Even people like KaienTai, Crash Holly, Val Venis etc were doing SOMETHING while the tag teams were VERY strong and of course the amazing main event scene when they had 5-7 guys at a time who were over.

Last year with Rollins/Ambrose feuding was great. it was a very simple story, but it was entertaining. There was barely any swearing, no blood and no boobs. We don't need those but we do need a good effective story. Do that more often.

Don't just build the entire show around whatever Cena/Roman is doing. Have everyone doing something.
I think I agree with parts of what you are saying, but I 'm not sure. I agree that they should develop more and better storylines and stop remaking old ones. This Royal Rumble is a clear example of that. Give the midcarders and curtain jerkers a reason to perform and connect to the audience as well. If anything it will let you know who you can depend on when needed (aka Cesaro). As far as the different eras are concerned, I don't think it's fair to compare the Eras for the simple fact that times have changed. The only thing I don't like about today's brand that I loved back then was the unscripted promos. They got subjects not entire scripts. Nowadays, the superstars aren't trusted to shoot from the hip, making everything too much like theater.
People who are angry about the Rumble, say that they have a right to demand things because they are the customer.

But, I think that there seems to be a misunderstanding to where you, as a consumer, stand in the scheme of things.

Here's how it works. The WWE offers up a storyline, a match or a character. You decide whether to invest in it, and spend your money on it. Your power is to not watch, to not buy merchandise or to not attend shows.

But, somewhere along the line, WWE fans go delusions of grandeur and considered themselves bookers. They deluded themselves that they ran WWE, not Vince.

You choose to accept or reject what WWE offers. But you don't get to book and run everything in WWE, and think that you know better how to run WWE.

It is like going into a restaurant. You buy a steak. If you don't like it, you can send it back, and not go there again. But you don't get to go into the kitchen, and make your own steak instead. You don't get to say "I know better than the chef, so I will grab a pot and pan and show them how it should be done".

If you want to book WWE, have a fantasy league. I do my own booking on some of the WWE video games I had in the GM and Story Creation modes, and even shared them with others online. I even have my own site where I tell others what happened on my Raws, PPVs etc. This is why I don't get pissed off with booking so much. Because if WWE doesn't do what I think they should, I book it for my fantasy shows and do that feud instead, just the way I want it. So I see WWE stuff-ups as opportunities, not reasons for anger.

Maybe some of you on here should start up a fantasy WWE league, and book your own Royal Rumble and who wins it. I might even have a look at what you do for your fantasy league.

But when it comes to booking real WWE, Vince knows more than the fans. I'd more back the guy who has run a wrestling company for 30 years, which has made millions, which every major superstar wanted to be a part of, at one time or another, and is the sole surviving major wrestling company in the U.S.A., than some guy on the internet who has never run a wrestling company.

You don't have to worry about shareholders, advertisers, sponsors, TV stations and mainstream media, as well as wrestlers, staff and fans. You aren't going to be bankrupt if you make the wrong decisions too often. Your booking has no consequence, and won't result in financial losses if you get it wrong. You can book Daniel Bryan v Dolph Ziggler for the next ten WM main-events, and not see if Wrestlemania succeeds or fails because of it.

So, express your views, buy what you want, like what you want. But don't, for a minute, think that you could run WWE better than those in charge. You may not like everything, but if WWE didn't do some things you liked, they would have died a long time ago.

Also, don't act like you are doing WWE a favor, by rewarding them with your presence. You are in it to get what you want, so don't act untraistc and think that you supporting WWE out of some sense of charity. You use them like they use you, so don't act so high and mighty.

Wanting Daniel Bryan to win the Rumble is one thing. You can think that, and WWE can't change your mind for you on that. But acting like you want to cause a cue and take over, is overstepping the line. The WWE is like a democracy. The ones in charge make a decision, and those who they are over can speak out about those decisions, and not suffer consequence for their opposition. But I feel many fans want a dictatorship, where you sit there and make all the decisions, and Vince just does whatever you say, or else.

It also happens with match results. If your fave loses one match, even if it eventually leads to a series of matches, where you fave stands supreme in the end, then you get upset, and want people like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and others booked like Goldberg.

In fact, maybe you want WWE to say "We give up. YOU tell us everyone we should push, every match we should make, and every result we should do for the next year, since you know all."

Occupy Raw is okay for opposing the Authority in a storyline. But WWE fans really interrupting Raw and PPVs, with their childish chanting, and acting like they owned the place is taking it too far, and with this attitude you deserve to be ignored.

So, when it comes to the WWE fans, like the Rock says:-

Wow dude. That is a lot of words to say a completely obvious thing. I don't see how I get banned routinely on this site for making short posts but if someone types up a novel about nothing it's all good. I guess I should learn to make all my responses long winded so here goes....

Your post assumes anyone who discusses WWE storylines/booking on a website like Wrestlezone thinks they actually have a say in the matter or think they should. I mean offering up other possible ideas is all part of the banter that makes this forum the way it is.

I understand for some people it's hard to accept the end of Kayfabe but it's the reality now hence the term "The Reality Era" Fans do have a say in storylines/outcomes more-so than you give credit for. Hell without the "Yes!" movement last years Mania never happens and the card is underwhelming just like 9/10 PPVs seem to be now-a-days. If not for the very well worked Triple threat main event at the Rumble that would have been the single worst WWE PPV I've ever watched. I'm DEFINITELY not the only person who feels that way.

The fact that the WWE is caught with their pants down again and have done nothing but switch to "damage control/reaction mode" since the Rumble is more evidence that the "WWE universe" has a ton of say in what goes on. If Roman went over and the fans popped for him at the Rumble we would be seeing an entirely different product on TV right now. No HHH announcement, no talk of "controversy", nothing.

So they had to switch their future plans and possible look of the Mania card for the 2nd year in a row...why?

I agree that the people that think they can book the WWE better than McMahon/HHH and co. are idiots. But there's a difference in complaining about something that the WWE does rather than saying "here's what should have happened." For most of us either Roman was going to win the Rumble or Bryan was. With pros and cons for both. Roman won, and most of the complaints - that I've read - are coming from people that are pointing out that Reigns has some improvements to make before Mania. I don't see many "here's what WWE should have done" related posts from logical people that I know are logical. It's "here's what Roman has to do to improve" or "here's what I want to see from the build up."

Those aren't examples of fans thinking that they can promote a better product. Those are valid criticisms. Like I can criticize a movie or a book without thinking I can do a better job than the author or director. At the end of the day smart fans, casuals, "people in the know," and ex-pro wrestlers that offer their feedback are all watching the same thing.

Personally I do think that judging Reigns before Mania is a bit hypocritical, because most of those same people are going to watch the show in the future. They say "well this is going to suck ass for X reasons..." but then they watch the show anyway. However most of those detractors will stop complaining about the match and get on board before the show happens. That's natural. The standoff featuring Roman and Brock last received allot of praise. So already we can see former detractors becoming invested. And this will happen to the majority. The minority of fans that continue to shit on the match up until Mania are the fans that decided long ago that Reigns/Lesnar was going to suck, and nothing was going to change their minds. IMO those are the true hypocrites.

And I think that ties into your mindset that the fans are spectators, and not promoters. If they want to watch the show then they will; if not then why bother showing up? At Mania I would still bet that the number of fans that will be happy to be there regardless of how they may have felt about the build, will make up the majority. Those there to "hijack" the show because they feel as if they can "change" the WWE, will be the minority. I think the IWC as always been this way.
Wow dude. That is a lot of words to say a completely obvious thing. I don't see how I get banned routinely on this site for making short posts but if someone types up a novel about nothing it's all good. I guess I should learn to make all my responses long winded so here goes....

Your post assumes anyone who discusses WWE storylines/booking on a website like Wrestlezone thinks they actually have a say in the matter or think they should. I mean offering up other possible ideas is all part of the banter that makes this forum the way it is.

I understand for some people it's hard to accept the end of Kayfabe but it's the reality now hence the term "The Reality Era" Fans do have a say in storylines/outcomes more-so than you give credit for. Hell without the "Yes!" movement last years Mania never happens and the card is underwhelming just like 9/10 PPVs seem to be now-a-days. If not for the very well worked Triple threat main event at the Rumble that would have been the single worst WWE PPV I've ever watched. I'm DEFINITELY not the only person who feels that way.

The fact that the WWE is caught with their pants down again and have done nothing but switch to "damage control/reaction mode" since the Rumble is more evidence that the "WWE universe" has a ton of say in what goes on. If Roman went over and the fans popped for him at the Rumble we would be seeing an entirely different product on TV right now. No HHH announcement, no talk of "controversy", nothing.

So they had to switch their future plans and possible look of the Mania card for the 2nd year in a row...why?


But, that's what YOU think!

Some will agree with you. But others won't.

So, unless every fan thinks the same, then who gets to decide things. Will it be like "Lord Of The Flies"?

No, one person has to make the final decision to pick Option A or Option B, and then live or die by that decision. However, it is his decision to make, not yours or anyone else's, and you can like it, lump it or leave it. But you can't change it.

If I was Vince, I would back myself (which has worked more in the past than many of you like to admit). I would make a WMXXXI main event, and stick to it, outside of death or injury. If a small minority wants otherwise, then put up or shut up, and protest with your wallet.

BTW, I think a lot of people here are just sheep, and just act offended about the RR, because they don't want to fight with some of the stronger posters, who bully people here. They don't have the guts to say how they really think, but join in to "belong". Peer pressure is strong, so many here who say they don't like Roman v Brock, may actually secretly love it, but that isn't the popular view, or one which makes friends, so the insecure pretend to want otherwise.

I didn't hear the fans complain when Vince threw up his idea of "The Attitude Era" (and I am waiting to here haters say how they, not Vince, drove the creation of "The Attitude Era"). I didn't hear fans say "That isn't what I would have done to take it to WCW". You trusted Vince's judgement then. So, do you only trust it when it agrees with what you want?
You say that, but tell every single Seahawks fan they're not a play caller after last nights Super Bowl...

If Pete Carroll ignored lynch and decided to throw short passes every play he won't have a job long, because he's not using the strength and it won't be successful (success determined by winning games)

If people hate reigns, and get their passion for ziggler and bryan beat out of them by bad booking (compare ryders reactions over the years) they'll give up and turn to ufc or something they're getting satusfaction in this situation success is number of viewers

The cross over is that you need to play to what will make you strongest by ignoring the customer you're not going to sell as much
If I was Vince, I would back myself (which has worked more in the past than many of you like to admit). I would make a WMXXXI main event, and stick to it, outside of death or injury. If a small minority wants otherwise, then put up or shut up, and protest with your wallet.

That's all good and fine. And I agree that Vince should go with his gut mostly because as documented many times he's been correct far more times than he has fallen flat in failure with his decisions.

That being said...you either have to be super dense or delusional if you think it's a "small minority" that is annoyed with how the Rumble was booked. It has nothing to do with people who are pro-Roman or anti-Roman. It has everything to do with the fact Big Show/Kane buried nearly every single guy in the rumble who is even moderately over. Which only strengthened the backlash when Roman predictably eliminated both of them at the same time. LOL such weak writing.

...and you'd think at least Kane/Show would have a post rumble feud or get absolutely verbally undressed by Trips for letting in-squabbling destroy the Authority's game plans. Yet not a single word. It's gross and egregious arrogance by a company with no competition and no accountability.
You really REALLY seem to have endorsed a "Obey or DIE" ultimatum in your most recent posts. Fine and all, but you've essentially forgotten that there is NO fandom whatsofuckingever in this universe that is not rife with the sort of 'anti-loving' behavior you accuse the so-called crybabies of doing. That's the dark side of fanaticism- you don't often meet people who are perfectly willing to follow whatever happens no matter how asinine.

And here's the bigger problem; either said fanbase, the whiny part, is evolving and taking to outright disgruntlement... or WWE itself has finally exposed too much of its eroded foundation to the public eye. Because make no mistake, the genie's out of the lamp now. And taking a communist stance on the matter doesn't help a darn bit.
I agree with a lot of this. I am not a booker, and i should let them play out their story before bitching about it. Right now, if I'm being honest, I'm mad at another booker though. That damn Roger Goodell. Booking the strong Seahawks against the strong Patriots. Doesn't he know with the crowd reaction the underdog Raiders should have headlined the super bowl. Those fans are passionate. How could he see that reaction week in and week out and not, at the very least make it a triple threat super bowl. Thats what the fans really wanted.
People who are angry about the Rumble, say that they have a right to demand things because they are the customer.

What the fuck are you talking about? Why do you have to be a customer to demand things? Anyone can demand things. Anyone can discuss things.

I'm pretty sure you live in a country that allows you to demand things. If not, I am sorry for you.

I hope the point you are trying to make is that the demanding goes too far when it begins to affect others who do not share your demands. That is a frustrating situation.

But, I think that there seems to be a misunderstanding to where you, as a consumer, stand in the scheme of things.

You should figure out what rights are before you move on to this topic but let's see what you've got.

Here's how it works. The WWE offers up a storyline, a match or a character. You decide whether to invest in it, and spend your money on it. Your power is to not watch, to not buy merchandise or to not attend shows.

Here's how it also works. If you've invested in it and it fails to live up to expectations it is socially acceptable to share your complaints, ask for your money back, and not invest in the future.

But, somewhere along the line, WWE fans go delusions of grandeur and considered themselves bookers. They deluded themselves that they ran WWE, not Vince.

Yeah, you are right, check out what this cunt wrote about the biggest booking decision of 2014:

This is why I continue to say that Brock was the absolutely wrong person to end the Streak. He had nothing to gain by ending the Streak, as he was already dominant and being pushed.

But Bray Wyatt ending it? Now, that would have been different. If WWE wanted a shock factor, Bray beating Taker, after even Brock couldn't, would cause even more jaws to drop.

Secondly, it would have made Bray an A-lister. Before, he was seen as a bit of a gimmick wrestler. But a win at WM over Taker (if the Streak had been intact until then), would have made him big for years.

Thirdly, this mega-push would have groomed him for what I always saw him as :- The new Undertaker, circa 21st century. He would still continue to be Bray Wyatt, but he would get the Casket Matches, the Buried Alive Matches, the Last Ride Matches. When Undertaker goes, so do these matches (as it doesn't make sense with many others), but Bray could carry these matches on after Taker is gone. He could be the new, creepy, intimidating character of the WWE, that everyone wants to take down. Ending the Streak could have made Bray Wyatt (and by extension, Windham Rotundo) a Legend of the industry.

But they would have had to have him go undefeated and be dominant, up until WM. Then, if he ended the Streak, WWE Titles, WM main events and HoF induction awaited him, if he took the ball and ran with it. But now it has been ruined for all time, just because Vince had to appease Lesnar's ego.

This fucker is questioning Vince and assuming he made this decision based on Leanar's desire. What a douche bag. I hope he stays out of this thread.

You choose to accept or reject what WWE offers. But you don't get to book and run everything in WWE, and think that you know better how to run WWE.

What planet do you live on where people don't get to think? Never mind, I see the irony in your statement when you comment on thinking .

It is like going into a restaurant. You buy a steak. If you don't like it, you can send it back, and not go there again. But you don't get to go into the kitchen, and make your own steak instead. You don't get to say "I know better than the chef, so I will grab a pot and pan and show them how it should be done".

People booing or complaining on the internet is a far cry from illegally trespassing on private property and stealing food and using someone else's kitchen equipment.

If you want to book WWE, have a fantasy league. I do my own booking on some of the WWE video games I had in the GM and Story Creation modes, and even shared them with others online. I even have my own site where I tell others what happened on my Raws, PPVs etc. This is why I don't get pissed off with booking so much. Because if WWE doesn't do what I think they should, I book it for my fantasy shows and do that feud instead, just the way I want it. So I see WWE stuff-ups as opportunities, not reasons for anger.

What are you a therapist?

Should I start a thread talking about my website and fantasy complaining leagues where I take shitty posts on WZ and show how they should have been fixed.

Maybe some of you on here should start up a fantasy WWE league, and book your own Royal Rumble and who wins it. I might even have a look at what you do for your fantasy league.


But when it comes to booking real WWE, Vince knows more than the fans. I'd more back the guy who has run a wrestling company for 30 years, which has made millions, which every major superstar wanted to be a part of, at one time or another, and is the sole surviving major wrestling company in the U.S.A., than some guy on the internet who has never run a wrestling company.

So what were your feelings on Lesnar ending The Streak?

You don't have to worry about shareholders, advertisers, sponsors, TV stations and mainstream media, as well as wrestlers, staff and fans. You aren't going to be bankrupt if you make the wrong decisions too often. Your booking has no consequence, and won't result in financial losses if you get it wrong. You can book Daniel Bryan v Dolph Ziggler for the next ten WM main-events, and not see if Wrestlemania succeeds or fails because of it.

So, express your views, buy what you want, like what you want. But don't, for a minute, think that you could run WWE better than those in charge. You may not like everything, but if WWE didn't do some things you liked, they would have died a long time ago.

There you go again telling people how to think.

BTW, show me where anyone seriously said they could do a better job over the past 30 years with WWE than Vince.

Also, don't act like you are doing WWE a favor, by rewarding them with your presence. You are in it to get what you want, so don't act untraistc and think that you supporting WWE out of some sense of charity. You use them like they use you, so don't act so high and mighty.

Who are you talking to is seriously considering they do WWE favors or treats them like a charity?

And why not address them where they posted instead of grandstanding with no evidence?

Wanting Daniel Bryan to win the Rumble is one thing. You can think that, and WWE can't change your mind for you on that. But acting like you want to cause a cue and take over, is overstepping the line. The WWE is like a democracy. The ones in charge make a decision, and those who they are over can speak out about those decisions, and not suffer consequence for their opposition. But I feel many fans want a dictatorship, where you sit there and make all the decisions, and Vince just does whatever you say, or else.

First off, do you use words that you don't understand?

And second, please show me where anyone seriously expects Vince to do what they want.

It also happens with match results. If your fave loses one match, even if it eventually leads to a series of matches, where you fave stands supreme in the end, then you get upset, and want people like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and others booked like Goldberg.

OK, that is an OK point. People should not overreact. I agree. Stories take time. But remember, if those people don't sound off about their feelings, Vince may think they are apathetic and go a different direction.

Did you ever think Vince uses these strong reactions to a point? In 30 years, do you really think he has always ignored the fans and only went the way he wanted? Is it possible he builds strategy on both the positive and negative reactions?

In fact, maybe you want WWE to say "We give up. YOU tell us everyone we should push, every match we should make, and every result we should do for the next year, since you know all."

So if WWE offers you a position, you ignore it. Are you sure you are a fan?

Occupy Raw is okay for opposing the Authority in a storyline. But WWE fans really interrupting Raw and PPVs, with their childish chanting, and acting like they owned the place is taking it too far, and with this attitude you deserve to be ignored.

Totally reasonable.

So, when it comes to the WWE fans, like the Rock says:-


That's cute. Now tell us what you thought about Brock beating Taker last year.
I can't see how simply offering opinions makes you suddenly believe your the greatest wrestling booker of all time, We are all entitled to our own opinion and to voice those opinions, I think the fans do dictate a lot of what happens in the WWE, I think the ratings, buyrates and sales which equates to money which at the end of the day is everything to a business. John Cena for example got his share of critics over the years but he was still making money for the company even though it was probably from mainly the younger demographic. If a certain wrestler appeals to no demographics I can't see the WWE keeping that wrestler around for long.
Would the alternative be to start censoring websites and forums like this and banning anyone to say anything negative about WWE? Its impossible for the WWE or any company to please everyone 100% of the time. The WWE aren't perfect but to be fair I think there are certain IWC members that will never be pleased or happy with the product but for some reason continue watching.
Occupy Raw is okay for opposing the Authority in a storyline. But WWE fans really interrupting Raw and PPVs, with their childish chanting, and acting like they owned the place is taking it too far, and with this attitude you deserve to be ignored.

How about...
If you buy your ticket, then cheer whoever the fuck you want to cheer, Boo whoever the fuck you want to Boo, chant whatever the fuck you want to chant, and tell everyone who doesn't like it to suck your dick.

That's how it works.

As for your long-winded and self-serving diatribe(the hypocrisies of which GSB has already cited for you), there's a difference between the fans thinking they know best and should be booking the show, and the fans merely speaking out(as they are entitled to do as paying consumers) about the fact that the company refuses to consistently embrace the unquestioned most over and popular performer they employ, who also happens to be the best worker between the ropes on the planet, while instead trying to shove him below clearly inferior options just to try and prove they know better than the audience, despite the fact that their own bad decisions are resulting in their profits and their viewership becoming progressively smaller.
What the fuck are you talking about? Why do you have to be a customer to demand things? Anyone can demand things. Anyone can discuss things.

I'm pretty sure you live in a country that allows you to demand things. If not, I am sorry for you.

I hope the point you are trying to make is that the demanding goes too far when it begins to affect others who do not share your demands. That is a frustrating situation.

You should figure out what rights are before you move on to this topic but let's see what you've got.

Here's how it also works. If you've invested in it and it fails to live up to expectations it is socially acceptable to share your complaints, ask for your money back, and not invest in the future.

Yeah, you are right, check out what this cunt wrote about the biggest booking decision of 2014:

This fucker is questioning Vince and assuming he made this decision based on Leanar's desire. What a douche bag. I hope he stays out of this thread.

What planet do you live on where people don't get to think? Never mind, I see the irony in your statement when you comment on thinking .

People booing or complaining on the internet is a far cry from illegally trespassing on private property and stealing food and using someone else's kitchen equipment.

What are you a therapist?

Should I start a thread talking about my website and fantasy complaining leagues where I take shitty posts on WZ and show how they should have been fixed.


So what were your feelings on Lesnar ending The Streak?

There you go again telling people how to think.

BTW, show me where anyone seriously said they could do a better job over the past 30 years with WWE than Vince.

Who are you talking to is seriously considering they do WWE favors or treats them like a charity?

And why not address them where they posted instead of grandstanding with no evidence?

First off, do you use words that you don't understand?

And second, please show me where anyone seriously expects Vince to do what they want.

OK, that is an OK point. People should not overreact. I agree. Stories take time. But remember, if those people don't sound off about their feelings, Vince may think they are apathetic and go a different direction.

Did you ever think Vince uses these strong reactions to a point? In 30 years, do you really think he has always ignored the fans and only went the way he wanted? Is it possible he builds strategy on both the positive and negative reactions?

So if WWE offers you a position, you ignore it. Are you sure you are a fan?

Totally reasonable.

That's cute. Now tell us what you thought about Brock beating Taker last year.

Wow. You are one angry individual with a foul mouth. I didn't use offensive language or get personal with you, so your post shows what type of human being you are.

Secondly, yes I complained about Vince booking Lesnar beating the Streak, and I stand by it. I never said that WWE does everything right, but they do a hell of a lot more right than wrong, so I can forgive the occasional snafu.

Besides, let's look at this. I am complaining about ending the one enduring thing for the last 30 WMs- the Streak. Whether it should go and who he loses it to matters. Maybe it was Undertaker's call, not Vince's, and if so, the Taker was wrong IMO, and it could have been used on a new guy, not Lesnar.

My complaint was far more important than whether some anorexic vegan main-events Wrestlemania, and I made that complaints only once. I didn't write endless posts about it. In fact, the end of the Streak should have angered people more than who main-events Mania (personally I think that they should get by this whole problem by putting on Sting v Triple H last at WM, thus making that the main event).

I don't always agree with WWE, but I mostly do. However, what have you ever commended them for. When have you ever agreed with a booking decision of theirs? You haven't because you are a hater.
Wow. You are one angry individual with a foul mouth. I didn't use offensive language or get personal with you, so your post shows what type of human being you are.

Not sure how I got personal with you. I don't know you as a person, I only know you as a horrible poster. And as far as offensive language goes, I promise to not swear in this post so you don't have to put your big boy pants on when you read it

Secondly, yes I complained about Vince booking Lesnar beating the Streak, and I stand by it. I never said that WWE does everything right, but they do a hell of a lot more right than wrong, so I can forgive the occasional snafu.

So you complained about The Streak ending the way it did and others are complaining about The Rumble and Reigns getting the title shot at Mania. What is the difference?

Besides, let's look at this. I am complaining about ending the one enduring thing for the last 30 WMs-

Who did the UT beat at the first Mania? Never mind.

the Streak. Whether it should go and who he loses it to matters. Maybe it was Undertaker's call, not Vince's, and if so, the Taker was wrong IMO, and it could have been used on a new guy, not Lesnar.

So as long as you think it is worth complaining about something it is OK but the opinions and values of others are not worth it. Kind of self righteous now, don't you think?

My complaint was far more important than whether some anorexic vegan

I'm sorry, who is angry? And who is getting personal? And do you realize that anorexics don't eat and vegan do? And do you also realize that some people may be sensitive to using anorexic so flippantly and arrogantly?

main-events Wrestlemania, and I made that complaints only once. I didn't write endless posts about it.

So there is a limit in you eyes on number of complaints allowed. This is getting good. Keep telling people what to do.

In fact, the end of the Streak should have angered people more than who main-events Mania (personally I think that they should get by this whole problem by putting on Sting v Triple H last at WM, thus making that the main event).

:lmao: Make sure you only say that once and don't complain when it doesn't come true.

Your lack of self awareness is sad.

I don't always agree with WWE, but I mostly do. However, what have you ever commended them for. When have you ever agreed with a booking decision of theirs?

Most recently I really enjoyed Bryan/Rollins, Miz and Mizdow has been a lot of fun, Wyatt and Ziggler was terrific, the break up of the Dust Brothers has had a couple decent moments, USO #1 vs Cesaro was very good, Ryback and Harper delivered, the casket match was a good time, the championship match at the Rumble was one of the best matches of recent memory, I even complimented the two tags matches before it at The Rumble. That is the last couple of weeks. Do you still want to stick by you accusations?

You haven't because you are a hater.

Be a better thinker. You can do it. Just slow down and pretend you don't need to feel superior to others and there is more important stuff going on in your life and the world than WWE complaints before you hit "Submit Reply". You'll be happier for it or at least more content.
Watching Daniel Bryan's Journey to Wrestlemania had to pause it at the mention of DB's release in 2010 and I finally realized that's when I stopped watching the WWE fulltime.

I still haven't pressed play.
Hey guys, did ya miss me? It's been quite a while, and I haven't really been up-to-date on wrestling as much as I once did. I'm literally an on-and-off fan. But today, I want to talk about the little things that just grinds my gears. You know, the things that can be fixed instantly and don't require too much effort (although that doesn't apply to some of these). So, let's get right to it.

Theme Songs made by CFO$- BUM tititi BUM tititi *louder BUM* tititi BUM *louder BUM* BUMMM (repeat x30). I just wrote the average theme song composed by CFO$. Okay, so that was the Ascension theme, but you get what I mean. Why do these songs all sounds so generic? Whatever happened to vocals? Why did Downstait, Saliva and all those other people stop collaborating with the WWE Music Group? Now to give credit where credit is due, I love Finn Balor's new theme. And although I just now ripped on it, The Acension have a good theme too. But the good songs are just too few and far between. I liked Dean Ambrose's song at first, but now it sounds like a Jobber's theme on Velocity. And the worst thing about it, is that I've heard some of these songs as background music for sports highlights (I heard Jamie Noble's song on NFL AM, as well as Daniel Bryan's old "Big Epic Thing"). God, do we miss Jim Johnston. Speaking of music...

Cesaro's theme song- OH COME ON WWE! Why does he still have this as his song? Is this punishment or something? God it's terrible. The first song with the tornado sirens was cool, but I hated it after it got remixed. But then they took out the only cool part about his song, the siren. And now, he comes out to a damn ambulance siren. And it's not even the cool one! It's like one of those sirens you hear from the old 60's Italian movies. Plus, I feel like he's going to come out in a chainmail chest piece and call everybody "FEHHHTTTESSES". Just give him his Miracle song back and give the guy a main event push for God's sake. (But I'll take the old song and just be happy with that.)

Roman Reigns- When I say Roman Reigns, I'm not talking about the fact that he's being jammed down our throats. I think he'll be a good face of the company. But what I do hate is everything else about him. Why isn't he wearing actual wrestling gear? What ever happened to that?! Oh, and his theme song sucks too. And why does he still act like, and look like, he's a member of The Shield? Come on man, move on witcha life! Dean and Seth did! And this is why I boo the guy. That is all.

NXT Ring Names- I'll admit, NXT has gotten better at their naming process, but it still has it's question marks. Buddy Murphy, Jason Jordan, Tye Dillinger, they sound more like Undrafted NFL Rookies more than anything. Actually, Buddy Murphy is simply called Buddy now, but that's even worse! He went from being County Sheriff to my pet Golden freaking Retriever. Why not give him a barking noise before his theme song and make him wear a collar (Sounds more like British Bulldog circa 1999, come to think of it). But at least they're giving the women full names now.

The Burial of Tony Chimel- I don't know about you guys, but Tony Chimel is my favorite ring announcer of all time. The way he said "weighing" was just awesome to me. But now, he's taken a back seat to Justin Roberts and Lillian Garcia. Albeit those two aren't TERRIBLE, they're nothing compared to the G.O.A.T, Tony C. Maybe he's just tired of it, maybe management doesn't like him, who knows, but I need a little more RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRATED RRRR, SOUPerstar in my life. If you catch my meaning.

SmackDown Isn't Fun- Okay, SmackDown has been boring to watch for the past several years. But here's an easy solution to the problem: 1) Keep the RAW Recaps at a minimum, and 2) Stop making every match either One on One or a Tag Team match. One on One matches are usually the highest of quality, but it gets stale when you watch it all the time. Triple Threat, Fatal 4-Way, Falls Count Anywhere, and Tornado Tag Matches are an easy way to fix this problem. Oh, and can we make a new 24/7 Title like the old Hardcore Championship? Those where the best!

Well, those are the ones that I can think of right off the bat of my head, I'll let you guys do the rest. Tell me what YOU think should be fixed, or just something that bugs you. I'd love to hear everyone's response.
NXT Ring Names- Buddy Murphy is simply called Buddy now, but that's even worse! He went from being County Sheriff to my pet Golden freaking Retriever.

The Buddy Murphy thing is kind of a joke between myself and a friend of mine. It has to be one of the crappiest, least imaginative names for a wrestler ever... and his name is just "Buddy" now? Catchy. Good luck with that on a search engine without putting "Buddy NXT". Not too many Buddy's out there to be confused by.
Roman Reigns- When I say Roman Reigns, I'm not talking about the fact that he's being jammed down our throats. I think he'll be a good face of the company. But what I do hate is everything else about him. Why isn't he wearing actual wrestling gear? What ever happened to that?! Oh, and his theme song sucks too. And why does he still act like, and look like, he's a member of The Shield? Come on man, move on witcha life! Dean and Seth did! And this is why I boo the guy. That is all.

Why is Dean Ambrose dressed like a homeless trucker? Why is Bray Wyatt dressed like Max Cady?

Much like Roman Reigns, it fits their respective characters. Reigns is still that Enforcer/Powerhouse type, so his gear along with the Shield music still fits him.
Actually, Buddy Murphy is simply called Buddy now, but that's even worse! He went from being County Sheriff to my pet Golden freaking Retriever. Why not give him a barking noise before his theme song and make him wear a collar (Sounds more like British Bulldog circa 1999, come to think of it).

I'll give you points for creativity. The joke is funny. But not accurate. Blake and Murphy dropped their first names, not last names. So it's not just "Buddy" it's just "Murphy". Although to be honest, I don't think that's it. I think they're just introduced as "Blake and Murphy" as a tag team, since they have no team name. The announcers still occasionally say Buddy and Wesley, so I'm not too sure if their names were officially changed, or if it's just their tag team name.

As for the rest, it just seems like you ranting instead dog bringing up points to discuss, so while I agree with some of your points, I don't have anything else to say.
I actually prefer Smackdown than Raw simply because it's shorter, better paced and relies more on in-ring storytelling than overly long backstage skits or opening segments.
As for the rest, it just seems like you ranting instead dog bringing up points to discuss, so while I agree with some of your points, I don't have anything else to say.
Well I was ranting, but I also tried opening the discussion up by asking if there were any other "little things" about WWE that people were irked by and what not. Albiet that part was a little hard to see, at least I put it on there.
Roman Reigns- When I say Roman Reigns, I'm not talking about the fact that he's being jammed down our throats. I think he'll be a good face of the company.

What makes you think that?

But what I do hate is everything else about him. Why isn't he wearing actual wrestling gear?

I don't think ring gear fits his character. Maybe get rid of the vest but keep the black cargo pants.

The Burial of Tony Chimel- I don't know about you guys, but Tony Chimel is my favorite ring announcer of all time. The way he said "weighing" was just awesome to me. But now, he's taken a back seat to Justin Roberts and Lillian Garcia. Albeit those two aren't TERRIBLE, they're nothing compared to the G.O.A.T, Tony C. Maybe he's just tired of it, maybe management doesn't like him, who knows, but I need a little more RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRATED RRRR, SOUPerstar in my life. If you catch my meaning.

Chimel is my favorite too and not sure why he is not used a lot more. Roberts was let go a few months ago, btw and Lillian is back on Raw.

One thing I think REALLY needs to be fixed is the IC title and the fact that it has no prestige these days. Now, without the WHC it should really be pushed to what is was in the 80s and 90s. It could be a great tool for getting guys over like it used to. Instead it jumps around and when guys like Barrett have it they seem to lose in non-title matches more than they win. I just don't get it.

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