WWE General Complaints Thread

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"The new Japanese lady"? Christ on a bicycle. Idiot. Her WWE moniker is Asuka. Not hard to figure out, unless you're an ass. And as to your point, Charlotte is not as highon my list as Sasha, Paige, Becky, Bayley, or Asuka, but she is far and away better than that for which you give her credit.
Second the above poster. If you had been arsed you could have at least Googled Asuka's name. And as far Charlotte not being better than the bell lady, or the fan in 77A, please.

Yes she rely's on her father's legacy just a bit too much, but she's not shit in the ring. She's pretty athletic, much more so than he ever was. Not saying he was bad before everyone starts up. Charlotte should be blazing her own trail, and most likely will as she gets her footing and more experience.
Here's the thing about Charlotte being Ric Flair's daughter: I knew that Vince would exploit the hell out of that if she made it to the main roster. It's not Charlotte's fault that we're constantly reminded that she's Flair's daughter, that's either Vince's idea or one that he completely supports and Charlotte has no say in that. In NXT, it was acknowledged that she was Flair's daughter but a big deal wasn't really made about that aside from the night she won the NXT Women's Championship.

As for Charlotte being shit in the ring....no...just....just no. I've seen women in the ring who're shitty and Charlotte's not shitty by a long shot. I've also seen Charlotte put on classic matches in NXT and she's had some pretty good ones on the main roster. Is Charlotte being used to her full potential in the ring on the main roster? I don't believe so but considering that she's a woman and that this time last year she'd be fortunate to be in a filler match that might last 2 minutes, it's a nigh immeasurable improvement.
She hasn't had as much success on NXT as Sasha and Charlotte did. Nikki, like her or not, has been too important to the diva division to just go away. Same with Paige.

I actually think that after the Diva's revolution ended, Becky should've just returned to NXT. I get why Sasha and Charlotte moved up, but Becky just seemed like she was becoming a hot act on the show and never got the opportunity to have her moment.
I decided to watch Survivor Series tonight and I have shut it off after 3 matches. In those three matches the U.S. Champion, Intercontinental Champion, Tag Team Champions, Money in the Bank winner, and King of the Ring were all pinned cleaned. Why would I ever want to watch any of them compete again when I know they can be pinned so easily? I do not watch WWE very much and I carry the network for the nostalgia, but after tonight I can no longer support this abortion to pro wrestling. I will be cancelling my subscription and hoping TNA can finally get something going on POP. I would rather watch that promotion fumble and bumble over and over because at least they try. WWE is insulting and if you watch the product regularly you are a glutton for punishment. Screw the WWE, it is no longer relevant as a wrestling promotion. They are the McDonalds of the wrestling business-#1 serving a disgusting product to the unwashed masses who blindly consume it regardless of the negative health effects. I do not eat that crap and I can no longer eat this crap.
Big E is one half or one third using the Freebird rule. Anyway, I can't argue about the quality of the program. It's turning out to be the worst S Series ever.
After watching the Survivor Series PPV last night, I thought it was pretty good. Then I thought about it, and I noticed some things.

Sheamus won the WWE Championship, but no one cares.

Roman Reigns was screwed out of the title again.

Damien Sandow was buried again.

Dolph Ziggler went from being sole survivor of the main event last year to losing to some random guy from NXT.

Every single diva (except Charlotte and Paige) was left off the card again.

Bray Wyatt lost again.

John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, and Cesaro are all out.

Brock Lesnar and Sting didn't show up again.

Undertaker won, but he won't show up again until 3-4 weeks before WrestleMania.

Triple H and Stephanie are still in charge.

Nothing ever changes. Nothing. It's all the same. Every single week. New stars aren't created. Mid-carders are doing nothing. Part-timers don't show up. The Authority will cut a ridiculously long yet meaningless opening promo each week. Brie Bella will shout Brie Mode. Nikki Bella will shake her ass. New Day will be entertaining. Michael Cole will plug the Network and social media. Roman Reigns will look strong. Bray Wyatt will attack his opponent, cut 3-4 cryptic promos, lose the PPV match, and repeat this cycle over and over and over again. Why are we still watching? No one knows. No one cares.

WWE desperately needs something new and fresh because it's just the same stuff every single week. Does anyone have any ideas on what this "new and fresh" should be?
The crap that was RAW tonight made me grateful for YouTube and the Indies. Thank God I DVR RoH. Thank God I know of enough companies that YouTube their stuff that I can watch a good match somewhere. I do not have to listen to 20+ minute promos that do absolutely nothing when there are good matches somewhere.
So, after Sheamus became the new World Champion, I've been thinking. I've been thinking the reason I'm not interested in the new Champ. Why doesn't he appeal to me? Why doesn't he seem like a SUPERstar? Then I came to that result..

Let's name the top talents that WWE has created in a span of five years from 1995 going forward:

Undertaker (he was World Champion before, but during that time he became a real main-eventer)
Stone Cold
Kane (he was main eventing during 1998 and 1999 and also stayed relevant for years to come)
Triple H
The Rock
Mick Foley

Kurt Angle
Chris Jericho
Brock Lesnar
Chris Benoit
Eddie Guerrero

John Cena
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Jeff Hardy
CM Punk

CM Punk (re-introduced)
Daniel Bryan
Sheamus (? So-So)
The Miz
Alberto Del Rio

I'm not listing the Shield guys, or Bray Wyatt, because I believe that they haven't yet reached a full main-event status...

So here's the problem: If you compare the last five years with any other five years, you see that these were the least producing ones, in terms of creating new fesh stars. Also, the stars that were created (Miz, Sheamus, Del Rio) were never given a proper and continuous push, but were rather being put in and out of the main-event picture, taking losses to everyone and would go from jobbers to World Champions in a span of 1-2 months. That has as a result, fans not buying these guys as main eventers, as draws.

It seems that WWE's part-time policy has come back to bite them. In a time when all of the names from previous generations are gone (Cena, Orton, Triple H, Lesnar, Rock), there's noone, absolutely noone on the roster, that has the aura of a draw, of a true World Champion. Miz, Sheamus and Del Rio have become complete jokes due to creative mostly. Right now, WWE stands headless. This is what has forced the company to give the belt to Sheamus, the last of his kind actually.

WWE's state right now, is the state the company is going to have in the near future, when all the old stars retire and no new stars are made.

Fans have been screaming about building new stars for years and I can't understand how could the 'E not forseen this. The reason the "part-timer" programm began, was in order for the WWE to keep the fans busy while they were supposed to build new SUPERstars. But instead of doing so, they forced the part-timers in the main event constantly, in order to make easy money now, instead of taking care of the future.

The thing I can't understand though is this: How can they still make millions of money, when the ratings are low? How can they still sell out arenas in every city? That's what I don't understand, and of course, when they're making still money, there's no way their way of doing bussiness is going to change.

I just wanted to point out the obvious.
I am watching raw AFTER SURVIVOR SORRY....I mean series. What the hell am I seeing?

So let me make sure I understand Survivor Series greatness used to be 5 man teams battling it out as a team. But this year like the last few have been lack luster.

THEN.....WAIT....THEN. they decide, hey let's build the ECWtf we old team, a nation of NOT domination and what will soon go down as the dumbest thing since Mae young hand birthing. "THE FAMILY". This is the stuff you should have done at summerslam and moved forward with towards survivor series....NOT ThE OTHER WAY AROUND. holy hell.

I am just dumbfounded at this direction of thinking. I wonder it I sit her with this paint can open all day maybe I can get it.
1)First of all, for all the douchebags- This is not a "WWE sucks", "Attitude Era was better", "I hate the WWE" thread. So don't absurdly claim that "This thread reeks of....." like two individuals from WZ did, in another thread I had created about a few weeks back. If you do want to criticize me or my claims/opinions/experiences, make valid points. If you have nothing to say other than a half-hearted, completely absurd line, don't say it.

2)When one watches Raw, or any live sporting event for that matter, there's always unpredictability and surprises, since we don't know what could happen and who's going to win. And in the case of professional sports, that element is practically indestructible and inevitable on account of those being REAL and not scripted.

3)That being said, I really enjoyed Raw from last week, as did many others. It was only my second or third LIVE raw ever, so I've hardly known what it's like to watch Raw in 2000 and not know what's going to happen- what's Austin going to do next, and so on. I was really enthralled throughout the show, and savoured Roman Reigns winning the WWE WHC. I felt like- Okay, Raw's more fun when live. But they also put some effort in last week's episode. All the pieces of the puzzle fit in.

4)I also came to this realization-they can only create so many of these shocking/surprising/unpredictable experiences on Raw today, so as to make the viewer watch the entire show without blinking his/her eye. Back in the year 2000, they had so many stars and so much happening that you got to experience it almost every week. "What's gonna happen next? What's HHH gonna do? When is The Rock gonna show up? Will Mick Foley win the championship?, and so on".

5)Unpredictability also doesn't have to mean that there should be a Steve Austin who comes out every week and stuns people, comes out driving some Truck, and so on. We can't expect that in 2015, and we certainly shouldn't. But while watching Raw today, I was thoroughly bored. And once again, it's on the WWE because they thought, "We have a new champion, let's relax for another few weeks. They'll watch anyway".

Since I wasn't feeling surprised/shocked/enthralled by what I was watching, the whole experience of watching it live became like a tedious journey in a train with all the windows closed. NOTHING was surprising. Not an element. Everything was watered down, predictable to death. It's like they've done it a thousand times, could've done something else, and yet stuck to doing what's easiest- and hence, what's most lacking in vitality.

Instead of protracting my viewpoint any further, I'll just give you one tiny example of what I think they could do, a little thing, and let you guys take over:-

When Paul Heyman was going on about how only The Undertaker was man enough in 2015 to go against The Beast, why didn't Dean Ambrose show up? That's exactly what I was waiting for, someone to show up. I'm not saying Dean Ambrose was supposed to get into a programme with Lesnar right then. Lesnar is a seasonal commodity. But should that prevent Ambrose and Kevin Owens and the like to confront Paul Heyman and tell him that they've got it? That's how you create stars. You've got to have a guy like Dean Ambrose insinuating he's going to kick Lesnar's ass, for months, and it'd still be effective despite Lesnar not being there.

And this is where the creative team or whoever the fuck writes the show fail. These simple little things. This is what makes exciting TV. I'd have jumped up had Dean showed up and confronted Heyman. The arena would've been shocked. But no. Just go the usual way, let them say what they always say, move on to the next match, and end. Since the WWE isn't going to be creative with their show, I'm not really going to watch Raw Live each and every week because watching it live entails far too many commercial breaks and investment of 3.5 long/tedious hours. And I understand it's my own personal feeling and my decision.

I hope this should suffice to make some of you guys see my point, though most won't.

To end on a positive note- I loved the Seth Rollins segment, Seth Rollins himself, and the fact that Seth freakin' Rollins showed up

Now bring on all your positive/negative reactions.
Beatdown with a chair......kickout.

Hit one spear out of nowhere, MATCH OVER!!!

Shit is so tiring. Cena did the same thing for 10 years. Take punishing abuse for minutes, including multiple finishing moves, and kick out @ a 2.9975 count...then jump up, hit one slam off of his shoulders and the opponent is dead.

Every single match can't be a comeback from beyond the grave ending. And ifthey really are that pressed to tell that story every time, then have the comeback fall a little short sometimes.

It is beyond lame at this point. And I like Reigns. He's putting on solid matches otherwise. But damn, change it up with the endings.
Beatdown with a chair......kickout.

Hit one spear out of nowhere, MATCH OVER!!!

Shit is so tiring. Cena did the same thing for 10 years. Take punishing abuse for minutes, including multiple finishing moves, and kick out @ a 2.9975 count...then jump up, hit one slam off of his shoulders and the opponent is dead.

Every single match can't be a comeback from beyond the grave ending. And ifthey really are that pressed to tell that story every time, then have the comeback fall a little short sometimes.

It is beyond lame at this point. And I like Reigns. He's putting on solid matches otherwise. But damn, change it up with the endings.

Man, FUCK whoever moved my post. Lame motherfucker. It was a perfectly valid topic. We got some ******** calling women wrestlers "hookers" and that's cool, but an actual discussion post and y'all throw it in this bullshit thread.

THIS is a "general complaint", assholes.
Here's my problem with wwe, it's those wwe fans that think they know more about the wrestlng business then the peoples that have been in the business for year. It's fans that chant "you still sucks" at roman reins even when he'. proving that he can perform on a main event level. It those fans that chant "you can't wrestles" at some wrestlers because they hate them. These chant are very disrespecful and take away from the matches.

My motto is that if you don't like a show, stop watching it and that's motto applies to wwe. If the fans that like to bitch and moan about wwe don't like what wwe is giving them, stop watching the show, going to live events and buying merchandise. They're are so many other promotion out there that need a following to make money. Promotion like roh, tna or lucha underground are their especially for that reason, to give an altrnative to fans that don't like what wwe is giving them so instead of ruining shows with your stupid chant and bitching and moaning about the wwe product, just quit watching and wat h some of the oter indy promotion that have a tv show.
Instead of a - Dean Ambrose Sucks- thread. I might as well use this very handy thread here to bitch and moan instead. Dean Ambrose has a good character, he's good on the mic, but his matches SUCK. He has one good match a year AT BEST. For some strange reason he gets a good reaction for his entrance still. Fans at Extreme Rules finally started to clue in and booed the boring as shit cage match he had with Jericho. I pray that Ambrose doesn't win the MITB match to keep him away from the main event. He doesn't deserve to be in the main event picture with his boring matches.
Here's my problem with wwe, it's those wwe fans that think they know more about the wrestlng business then the peoples that have been in the business for year. It's fans that chant "you still sucks" at roman reins even when he'. proving that he can perform on a main event level. It those fans that chant "you can't wrestles" at some wrestlers because they hate them. These chant are very disrespecful and take away from the matches.

My motto is that if you don't like a show, stop watching it and that's motto applies to wwe. If the fans that like to bitch and moan about wwe don't like what wwe is giving them, stop watching the show, going to live events and buying merchandise. They're are so many other promotion out there that need a following to make money. Promotion like roh, tna or lucha underground are their especially for that reason, to give an altrnative to fans that don't like what wwe is giving them so instead of ruining shows with your stupid chant and bitching and moaning about the wwe product, just quit watching and wat h some of the oter indy promotion that have a tv show.

I agree with what you say about fans trying to hijack the show with their stupid chants. But fans also pay the money to go see these shows and Reigns himself has said as long as they are doing something when he comes out even a negative reaction, he's still getting a reaction. That's all Vince cares about. Maybe fans should smarten up and do what I and others do, just sit there, don't cheer him and don't boo him. When they hear no reaction at all then things might change.

What I don't agree with is your assumption that just because we don't like a certain performer or a certain match, or PPV, we somehow have lost the right to say anything about it unless we are praising it to high heaven. And why should I stop watching WWE just because I don't like a certain person, I don't watch to see them I watch to see others.

It's like when people say "Don't go to live shows, keep your money in your pocket." Do you realize that every wrestler on the card would suffer if that happened and everyone had that same mentality. Plus I live in Toronto, I have yet to see a Lucha Underground show come here. TNA and ROH as well make infrequent trips, so the WWE is the only one that comes every 3-4 months.

Now as a fan of Cesaro, Ambrose, Rollins, Styles and most others on the roster, I'm not going to let an appearance by Reigns or Sheamus or Del Rio stop me from going and watching the ones I do like. When their matches are on will use that opportunity to go have a bathroom break or like I said before quietly use the time to figure out why my camera settings always screw up on me.
I agree with what you say about fans trying to hijack the show with their stupid chants. But fans also pay the money to go see these shows and Reigns himself has said as long as they are doing something when he comes out even a negative reaction, he's still getting a reaction. That's all Vince cares about. Maybe fans should smarten up and do what I and others do, just sit there, don't cheer him and don't boo him. When they hear no reaction at all then things might change.

What I don't agree with is your assumption that just because we don't like a certain performer or a certain match, or PPV, we somehow have lost the right to say anything about it unless we are praising it to high heaven. And why should I stop watching WWE just because I don't like a certain person, I don't watch to see them I watch to see others.

It's like when people say "Don't go to live shows, keep your money in your pocket." Do you realize that every wrestler on the card would suffer if that happened and everyone had that same mentality. Plus I live in Toronto, I have yet to see a Lucha Underground show come here. TNA and ROH as well make infrequent trips, so the WWE is the only one that comes every 3-4 months.

Now as a fan of Cesaro, Ambrose, Rollins, Styles and most others on the roster, I'm not going to let an appearance by Reigns or Sheamus or Del Rio stop me from going and watching the ones I do like. When their matches are on will use that opportunity to go have a bathroom break or like I said before quietly use the time to figure out why my camera settings always screw up on me.

I agree with you on certains being from montreal, I've got even less options about the companies that are doing live events, what I'm saying it's not to stop chanting for your favorite but at less show respects to the performers that bust their ass to entertain the fans. Chant like "you still sucks" or "you can't wrestles" are disrespecful to the performers, chanting for anybody but the performers in the ring is disrespecful. Chanting boring durig a match s disrespecful. I agree that fans paid to see the product but that doesn't give them the right to chant what ever they want. That what I meant with my previous post. If you hate the product that much that you want to disrespect the performers then go watch something else. In the us, they have so much options as far as indy promotions that you can support and they let you chant what ever you want. That's all I want to say, modern fans especially those from the iwc seem to lack respect for the wwe performers and that what I hate the most about the product.
I agree with you on certains being from montreal, I've got even less options about the companies that are doing live events, what I'm saying it's not to stop chanting for your favorite but at less show respects to the performers that bust their ass to entertain the fans. Chant like "you still sucks" or "you can't wrestles" are disrespecful to the performers, chanting for anybody but the performers in the ring is disrespecful. Chanting boring durig a match s disrespecful. I agree that fans paid to see the product but that doesn't give them the right to chant what ever they want. That what I meant with my previous post. If you hate the product that much that you want to disrespect the performers then go watch something else. In the us, they have so much options as far as indy promotions that you can support and they let you chant what ever you want. That's all I want to say, modern fans especially those from the iwc seem to lack respect for the wwe performers and that what I hate the most about the product.

I have no problem with fans booing or cheering, make whatever noise you want really...but make noise and lots of it. What will kill your promo or match is when fans sit on their hands, that's the freakin worst reaction they can give.

Take a look at how quickly pushes on people like Bo Dallas died because none of the crowd really gave a fuck. I believe we're on the same path with the Vaude Villains if you want to see it in real time.

So when Roman comes out and you want him to fuck off down the card, remember booing is keeping him there, silence and they'll get the message quick smart. Any wrestler worth his dime on the mic anyway knows how to turn the crowd, take a look at Rollins last night. Even though Reigns was in the ring the crowd still couldn't bring themselves to cheer for Rollins after he turned them.
Fifteen minutes into NXT Takeover: R Evolution, I have plenty of complaints about WWE and the main roster.

1 - Dead Crowds - These happen way too often. How many times on Raw is the crowd sitting there, doing and saying nothing?

2 - Commentary - They an't go 10 seconds without a Network plug or Twitter hashtag being mentioned. Focus on the match, please.

3 - Arena Set-Ups - Every single set looks the same. Presentation used to mean something, but now sets are just boring, dull, and uninteresting.

4 - Pointless, Short Matches - What's the point of this? Last Monday's Raw featured Sheamus vs. Zack Ryder. Did anyone care? Nope. Why should they? The match was pointless and short, a total squash. Did Sheamus need the rub? No. Did it accomplish anything? No. No point at all. A waste of time.

5 - Long, Meaningless Promos - Stephanie McMahon is the queen of these. She rambles on and on and on for absolutely no reason. What's the point?

6 - Champions Losing Clean - How many times has Charlotte lost clean in the last two weeks? A win over the champion used to mean something. Now it's just a participation award. They devalue the titles, and the titles mean nothing as a result.

7 - Lack of Surprises - Raw needs something to get people talking. Like a return, heel/face turn, debut, title change, etc. Something. Anything to get people talking about the show. How many times have you watched Raw and can't remember anything that happened the next day? Why would you? It happened last week and will probably happen again the next week. Note - Just don't do these too often because then they aren't a surprise.

8 - Seeing Same Matches Over and Over - Ambrose vs. Jericho wrestled on Smackdown. Then again on Raw. What's the point? I've already seen this. Give me something new and different and fresh instead of the same freaking match every week. They get old really quick.

9 - Devalued Finishers - Nowadays, everyone kicks out of finishers. What's the point of doing them? They rarely ever get a pin.
at last night's WWE Draft Raw got almost all of the top Superstars that are still in their prime and every top up and coming NXT wrestler Smackdown got one Superstar that's in his prime and the rest are big names that are older and near the end of their careers and a bunch of mid carders. "Brand Competition"? ..... BS.
Another complaint is how I've become "The Beast Incarnate" of the Wrestlezone forums everybody is too afraid of me to even comment on anything that I say or they think I'll Suplex City the crap out of them.

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