WWE General Complaints Thread

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I find it funny how people complain that the rock came back to steal spots from other guys. Then when hes not on raw they complain that he is not there.

shouldn't these other guys who the iwc loves so much be able to run with the ball, so that you don't even notice the rock wasn't on the show.
It's the same thing the Cena lovers did when Rock was feuding with Cena. They look for any reason to bash the guy who is feuding with their hero. As soon as Punk starts his feud with Undertaker, look for the Punk marks to start bashing Undertaker.

If they want to call out Rock for using old catchphrases then how pathetic is it that a guy who isn't even a full time wrestler any more, that comes back and uses "old catchphrases" is a bigger draw than a guy who held the belt for like 430+ days?

Catchphrases always have and always will be a part of wrestling. I don't hear anyone calling out Trips and HBK when they're DX for saying "We've got two words for you....."

What you said about Cena fans is exactly right. They were all bashing Rock and his cue cards and all that, meanwhile everybody else was basically telling them to shut up... until Rock starts feuding with their boy and they say the same thing the Cena fans did.

I think the hate on the Rock right now is ridiculous and stupid. I can understand not being happy that your favorite lost the title but the bashing of Rock is getting so petty.

No reason for his no show, no video package, nothing but CM Punk and CM Punk only continuing there feud going into a PPV that they will main event.

I'm sure the WWE knew what they were signing up for when they made the Rock champion, with him not being on RAW every week. If you want to blame somebody for not doing a video explaining him not being there, that's on WWE, not the Rock. They have three hours on RAW and plenty of time for endless recaps, they should then have time to air a simple video package. I don't think it was necessary to include a video but if you disagree, then I don't see how you can blame Rock for there not being one
You had to know he wasn't going to be on every Raw between Rumble and WM. Just let it go, it's a temporary thing. He'll be on most of the shows, he'll be gone soon.

What would you have rather seen anyway. ANOTHER 10-minute rehash mic session between Punk and Rock or the Punk/Jericho match we got?
These kids today!! We live in the OnDemand Era, if you will. We want things right here, right now. Back in the day, you’ll be lucky to see the WWE Champion on Saturday morning. We had 4 to 5 PPVs a year to see the Champion in action. Now we have 12, sometimes even 13 PPVs a year. One year, I think we even had 15. Now, you’re upset because you didn’t get to see the Champ on free TV. This just in, Alberto Del Rio was on Raw. The (WCW) World Heavyweight Champion made an appearance last night, which brings me to my point. I think the WWE and World Champion should alternate weeks from now on just to give the Champ the well-deserved break.

Oh, and just to point out something real quick, who is anyone to say the Rock doesn’t deserve to be a part time Champion?? The Rock deserves to be the part time Undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion, who should only show up at PPVs.

As much as I hate to say it, and as much of a fan of the Championships I am, The Rock “lowered” himself to the WWE Title. It sounds worse than I meant it to come out, but it’s true. The Rock is no longer a WWE SuperStar, he’s a returning Legend now, who happens to be in shape enough to defeat the then current Champ. Sting has been TNA Champion. He’s even won the World Title at Bound For Glory a couple of times and most of you celebrated like it’s 1999. Now that it’s the Rock’s “turn”, you’re complaining as if it was Ric Flair coming out of “WWE” retirement, stealing Ziggler’s briefcase, cashing in on Del Rio, and then no showing the following Smackdown. Hmmmm…that actually might be a good idea.
Also while Rock isn't there, he is gonna be in full "promotion mode" how many of these movie junkets etc will he be wearing the title over his shoulder? How many filmed interviews for GI Joe or Pain and Gain will ask questions about him being the WWE champ as well as the movie's star? All of them! So he is still working for WWE - even if not in the ring this week.

Actually he taped the first commercial for his new series The Hero on TNT with the WWE Championship on his shoulder, and he's apparently going to be promoted as the WWE Champion. There's a picture on the right...

So as for now, hes doing what they want him to do, promote himself, being WWE Champion, which in-turn promotes the company. He'll be doing a worldwide publicity tour for Fast Six, G.I. Joe, not to mention during that time he'll be promoting Wrestlemania itself. Hell even after that milk commercial, I guarantee there were tons of people who Googled The Rock names, clueless to him being WWE Champion and were shocked to see it.

Until all this happens though it's irrelevant to speculate, or make assumptions. Either way though, still the best guy to be the WWE Champion, off name power alone.

Lol i knew i would get Rock fanboys sobbing into there keyboards but i never thought the first post would be the blue marlin itself!

Back down dude, I don't want to get hurt by your dry sarcasm.

Heres breaking down his return:
- WM 27 - Host WM

His return alone made ESPN, Fox Sports, TMZ and E! News alone, four celebrity based mediums that don't typically touch wrestling unless something goes wrong. During that time fans also tuned back in, WrestleMania 27 drew over 1,000,000 buys, up 30% from the previous year, they did this with a pretty average card for a Wrestlemania to boot. In the build-up The Rock promoted it like gold, therefore WWE had one reason at the time to believe this guy is still the bonified draw he was ten years ago.

- WM 28 - Beats the biggest star after 10 years of not being in the ring, clean

Irrelevant in the grand scheme of things if they plan doing Rock/Cena II. If the program sees Cena defeating The Rock at WrestleMania after losing to him the year before, for the WWE Championship which John hasn't held in over a year, it means John has came over more adversity and therefore it enhances the story. On WrestleMania 28, it's the highest grossing WrestleMania ever. Of all-time. You can debate your personal opinion, you can't debate money and statistics.

WrestleMania 28 also made the New York Post, several media outlets including a majority of the ones named above, not to mention The Rock was featured on several shows abroad as in the UK and Ireland, including Sky Sports News which rarely covers wrestling orientated news. Hell The Daily Mail, which never covers wrestling covered The Rock beating Cena, because its discussion worthy news because The Rock is a figure in pop culture.

- RR - Beats the companies second biggest star, clean, in a mediocre match, looking gassed 5 minutes in

Well this confirms your a Punk mark. Being a Punk fan since his Ring of Honor days I realize the big picture here, being that if Punk were to lose the title to anybody It'd be better him losing it to the biggest name related to the company than someone whose been sitting on the roster the last couple of years. The Rock didn't look gassed at all, he came back from adversity and originally losing the match to pick up the win, therefore your view is once again irrelevant.

The Rock made ESPN again, both the website and daily television, The Examiner in England which doesn't cover wrestling, just Googling it alone I got results from USA Today, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, plus once again, after that milk commercial during the Superbowl people would have naturally Googled The Rock's name to see he was WWE Champion, another big bonus for the WWE.

- EC - Will beat Punk again
- WM 29 - Finally, loses to either Cena or Punk

Until its happened you can't comment, but just as another small statistic for you my boy on Punk/Rock related discussion, with The Rock as WWE Champion Raw drew their biggest rating since Raw 1,000 last Monday night. Without him the rating, as expected, slipped.

You can try all day and night long if you wish, stick on Living Color in the background and type your heart out until the skin begins peeling from your fingertips, you can criticize The Rock for not being the greatest in-ring performer since Bret Hart which hes never claimed to be and never has been, and you can cry about how he didn't show to Raw when you got people who experienced the Hogan era telling you not even he appeared on every show.

It doesn't change the fact hes WWE Champion, it doesn't change the fact WWE are gaining more spotlight from mainstream media, and it doesn't change the fact The Rock did off one victory what CM Punk's entire WWE Championship reign couldn't - grab peoples attention.
I complained here last week. I know what I am getting into with WWE on the Road to WM, so I will keep my bitching to a minimum after this week.

I stopped watching for a couple months but decided to start again at the Rumble and last week. I really don't understand the WWE. Another all face dominated show. They have to trot out Jericho to give a heel a victory. That is fucking stupid.

Antonio Caesario is far superior than any of the generic faces in the WWE and yet as US champ he constantly jobs. Wade Barrett is solid and he cannot buy a win and he is IC champ, so the secondary belts are fucking jokes.

ADR is now a smiling, happy go-lucky face. Oh but don't get him angry....it is never good when the WCW champ is getting What chants. Anyway, all the faces are the same. Dull. They all have the stupid grin (Orton has one look) and the same type of promos. Fuck, Sheamus had that grin running down into the ring at the end of the night.

In order to get a strong heel they have to bring back Mark Henry. A guy who has been in the WWE for nearly 17 years and of course to job out a guy who always does whatever it takes to help the company.

Finally, we get a three hour show with nearly an hour of recaps and video packages. But I guess it was better than Miz TV. An overlong segment (Punk's opener where he insulted the fans over and over just to kill time was almost as egregious) that could have been done in three minutes with Brock just coming out and destroying him. But nope. You gotta drag it out.

Hopefully SmackDown will be better. I really want to watch and enjoy WWE TV until WM. But man, the last two weeks I would rather be locked in a room and molested by Ben Roethlisberger, stabbed by Ray Lewis and forced to watch Buckwild. Just shitty TV. TNA has been far superior as of late.

Oh but the Punk v. Jericho match was indeed sweet. The fans loved it. I have never understood WWE or TNA. The time when the fans are most into a show and most vocal is during wrestling matches and yet we get so little. It is befuddling. Then again I am no rocket surgeon so I am sure they have a master plan.
Wow..I was thinking basically all what u just said and then more....to add to that.... change mcgullicutty name to Joe Henning..partner him with Ted Dibase Jr.....let Natalya be there valet and call the team Generations.... u just gave 3 people in ur company things to do.... and like u said.. why have the 2nd teir champions job to people...it makes the belts worthless...for that matter..why make the Money in the Bank winner job to everyone...when he finally wins the belt..NOW HE IS A UNBELIEVABLE CHAMPION...
According to PWInsider.com, despite WWE's continued claims that TNA is not competition to them, it's being said that when TNA announced it would be taking Impact on the road, WWE began calling a number of mid-sized venues and placing them on hold so TNA cannot book them for events.

It's also being said that if TNA does in fact run shows every Thurday night that WWE is considering running events on the same nights in the same areas, possibly in an attempt to lure fans away from TNA.

If this is true, and WWE is doing this (which I do believe they are/will) then they are a very shallow company that need's to be taken down a notch.

WWE has absolutely no right what so ever to try in hinder any company's goal's to grow. There is a lot of people that work and depend on TNA IMPACT WRESTLING to keep them employed, and fan's that want to be entertained by someone other than the WWE.

It just goes to show how afraid Vince McMahon is of losing once again to another wrestling/ entertainment company. However you want to spell it out, WWE is bullying another company and trying to supress it's growth.

If I owned any of these venues that WWE is calling to reserve so they won't let TNA in their venue I would do what's right and tell WWE they have no right to block TNA coming to my venue.

To me it's just bad business coming from a company (WWE) that supposedly does so much charity work, and bullying program(lol), that those same people that watch WWE may enjoy watching TNA, or even going to one of their live impact show's but possibly can't because WWE is c@ck blocking them.

Screw the WWE. It's just wrong to pull crap like this to any other company, and expect to keep anyone's repsect. They don't have mine.

So what does everyone else think about the WWE low balling TNA's attempt's to grow?

This is not a forum for TNA haters. Just your opinion on what you think of WWE doing this to TNA, or it could be any other wrestling organization they may want to grow in the future.
According to PWInsider.com, despite WWE's continued claims that TNA is not competition to them, it's being said that when TNA announced it would be taking Impact on the road, WWE began calling a number of mid-sized venues and placing them on hold so TNA cannot book them for events.

It's also being said that if TNA does in fact run shows every Thurday night that WWE is considering running events on the same nights in the same areas, possibly in an attempt to lure fans away from TNA.

If this is true, and WWE is doing this (which I do believe they are/will) then they are a very shallow company that need's to be taken down a notch.

WWE has absolutely no right what so ever to try in hinder any company's goal's to grow. There is a lot of people that work and depend on TNA IMPACT WRESTLING to keep them employed, and fan's that want to be entertained by someone other than the WWE.

It just goes to show how afraid Vince McMahon is of losing once again to another wrestling/ entertainment company. However you want to spell it out, WWE is bullying another company and trying to supress it's growth.

If I owned any of these venues that WWE is calling to reserve so they won't let TNA in their venue I would do what's right and tell WWE they have no right to block TNA coming to my venue.

To me it's just bad business coming from a company (WWE) that supposedly does so much charity work, and bullying program(lol), that those same people that watch WWE may enjoy watching TNA, or even going to one of their live impact show's but possibly can't because WWE is c@ck blocking them.

Screw the WWE. It's just wrong to pull crap like this to any other company, and expect to keep anyone's repsect. They don't have mine.

So what does everyone else think about the WWE low balling TNA's attempt's to grow?

This is not a forum for TNA haters. Just your opinion on what you think of WWE doing this to TNA, or it could be any other wrestling organization they may want to grow in the future.

You really need to chill on the apostrophes.

WWE isn't doing anything wrong here. Wrestling is a business, and a cutthroat one at that. It's been like that for years. I'm stealing these from KB's reviews, but they'll get the point across.

As usual, this has a backstory attached to it involving Vince vs. Crockett. The NWA had a show called Bunkhouse Stampede, which was somehow worse than it sounds. Vince decided to give away a PPV level card (in his head at least) for free. The Royal Rumble was that show.

In something that amuses me greatly, Vince would be PISSED when the NWA did the exact same thing on March 27, airing the first Clash of the Champions, which really was a PPV caliber show at the same time as Wrestlemania 4, which this is the buildup show for. Anyway, the series has produced some great moments, primarily due to the idea of the iron man record, which is how long people can last in the match.

For those of you that have watched the Starrcade documentary, you know about how it was the biggest show of the year for the NWA. Now, Wrestlemania was bigger, but it wasn’t as old as Starrcade which came two years earlier. Wrestlemania 3 occurred on March 29, 1987 and smashed every record on the planet. No one, not even Vince, thought it would do as well as it did.

So, based on the strength of this, Vince decided to make a second major show which would be based around Hogan and Andre again. However, he wanted to save the actual rematch for a later date, so instead the WWF came up with this team concept that we now know as the Survivor Series. It would be headlined by Andre’s team against Hogan’s team. Now what does this have to do with the NWA you ask?

The answer to that is simple. Vince decided that he could kill two birds with one stone here, so he booked Survivor Series to go head to head with Starrcade. Then he got really ruthless. He told the PPV providers that if they didn’t air Survivor Series, he wouldn’t allow them to air Wrestlemania. Now this was a HUGE gamble.

If the companies stick to their verbal agreements with the NWA and air Starrcade, then Vince has no one to air Wrestlemania, and if he went back on his word he and the WWF as a whole look like they’re caving in and are therefore weak. However, if the PPV companies fold to his pressure and air Survivor Series, then the NWA is hit badly as they won’t make as much money and the WWF gets a huge advantage.

Based on the fact that the NWA is now on some satellite channel and hasn’t meant anything in nearly 20 years, I think you know what happened. Vince won, and we got Survivor Series instead of Starrcade. The NWA would fire back though on Wrestlemania night by debuting Clash of the Champions on FREE TV, headlined by a 45 minute classic between Flair and Sting which was Sting’s coming out party on the national level.

WWE isn't doing anything wrong, and I guarantee that if roles were reversed, TNA would do the same thing. It may not be nice, but that's how business works.
I know it's been talked about before but there are simply too many instant replays within RAW. I don't need to see what just happened a minute ago 3 times right after it happens and then 3 more times after the commercial. I don't have a problem with showing replays or highlights from the previous week or PPV if they advance the story. I don't even have a problem with them showing a replay of what happened at the beginning of the night (if it relates to the main event later that), right before the main event. I'm just so damn tired of seeing the same replays over and over again within the same show, same segment.
What pisses me off about WWE the most is that they give idiots like Santino Marella and a guy who doesn't even understand English and has no talent like The Great Khali, weekly tv time but couldn't bother to push some body who is legitimately a "word-horse", somebody who has earned their way to the top threw the indys, somebody who should be in the main event right now but instead he is never given even a damPn jobber match (maybe once a month or whenever they're in Calgary , if that).
I'm talking about Tyson Kidd.
PS: I'm aware that he is injured but that's no excuse for WWE they've had a long time to use him and never have... yet.
What pisses me off about WWE the most is that they give idiots like Santino Marella and a guy who doesn't even understand English and has no talent like The Great Khali, weekly tv time but couldn't bother to push some body who is legitimately a "word-horse", somebody who has earned their way to the top threw the indys, somebody who should be in the main event right now but instead he is never given even a damPn jobber match (maybe once a month or whenever they're in Calgary , if that).
I'm talking about Tyson Kidd.
PS: I'm aware that he is injured but that's no excuse for WWE they've had a long time to use him and never have... yet.

I agree that Khali has no talent and is a pure joke but Santino fills a role that has always been part of wrestling: A comedy jobber. Santino Marella is actually a good wrestler too, unlike Khali who is just a waste of space.
How is it that Del Rio's face turn is working, but The Miz's isn't. funny both matches were back to back. Del Rio missed a kick and still got a huge reaction. The Miz, it seems they're trying so hard to get him over as a face. why is one working with one and not as much with the other. And as heels it seemed Miz was getting "heat" but Del Rio wasn't quite getting it like Miz was.
Del Rio changed a be came a nice guy protecting his friend Richardo. Miz hasn't he is still the same guy just makes fun of heels rather than faces. as for heels Miz is a cocky SOB and it works for him Del Rio was just rich thats all he did.
I didn't know were to put this, so I just put this here. I thought this was very interesting.

Louisiana State Law

RS 4:75
�75. Sham or fake contests or exhibitions
Whoever conducts or is a party to any sham or fake boxing contest or wrestling exhibition shall forfeit his license and shall not thereafter be entitled to receive any license pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

Acts 1974, No. 553,� 1.

So just to be clear: New Orleans's, were WrestleMania 30 is, it's against the law to put on a fake Wrestling show. :lmao:
The way the WWE books Heels in the company is frustrating and often pointless. In wrestling the story revolves around good vs evil. It's supposed to be about the Hero overcoming the odds and defeating the Bad Guy. But when I look at the WWE I can't stand to look at the Heels. Most of them come off like a bunch of fools. Creative have a way to book them so horrible that the heels look like a bunch of weak cowards who have no brains and quite frankly they don't stand a chance against the good guys. How do you get people involved in a story line? A good hero or an even better Villain? I don't want to recall the many frustrating times that the hero gets 5-0 or 3-1 victories over the heel in the feud and then we are supposed to believe that his upcoming battle with the Heel will be the hardest battle ever?

Give me a damn break.

There is one word among fans that we all know. Chicken-shit heel. And unfortunately that composes about 60-70 percent of the Heels that the WWE have produced in recent years. Not only are they so scared and run away every time they see a face. They also get pinned and tap out so much it's just pathetic.

Look at a guy like Dolph Ziggler. Do you honestly believe that the way they booked him has done him any favors whatsoever? He loses so much it's frustrating. And look at the amount of times he has been involved in a feud. With guys like Sheamus and Cena, and yet they beat him time after time and he keeps on losing to the likes of Kane, Del Rio etc. And then he is supposed to be some legitimate to the World Heavyweight Championship? Weak.

Look at CM Punk. In his feud with Ryback he has constantly looked like he was scared needed the help of the shield to win and kept on running and running. They butchered the Heel again. Only recently with the Rock he has stopped running somewhat but the main theme returns and the cycle repeats itself. Chicken-shit Heel.

I could go on and on but we all know the drill. The shield has shown some signs of this and I hope that they don't go the same route.
When was the last time besides Mark Henry that you looked at the Heel and you thought '' damn this guy is unbeatable I don't know how the Hero will beat him. '' Yeah I can't remember either.

It's sad but it's ongoing and really unfortunate. The WWE needs to build the heels up so that the Faces can have good adversaries. Where did you think the term Super-cena came from? and now we can apply this to many of the faces as well. More recently Super-Sheamus... Ugh.

What the WWE needs right now is a couple of Heels so strong and twisted that they are practically begging the heel to kick his ass. A heel so strong that we really doubt whether the Hero can beat him.

And that is what will involve the fans more and captivate the audience.

Let me know what you guys think. Are the heels too weak or is it fine as it is?
The way the WWE books Heels in the company is frustrating and often pointless. In wrestling the story revolves around good vs evil. It's supposed to be about the Hero overcoming the odds and defeating the Bad Guy. But when I look at the WWE I can't stand to look at the Heels. Most of them come off like a bunch of fools. Creative have a way to book them so horrible that the heels look like a bunch of weak cowards who have no brains and quite frankly they don't stand a chance against the good guys. How do you get people involved in a story line? A good hero or an even better Villain? I don't want to recall the many frustrating times that the hero gets 5-0 or 3-1 victories over the heel in the feud and then we are supposed to believe that his upcoming battle with the Heel will be the hardest battle ever?

Give me a damn break.

There is one word among fans that we all know. Chicken-shit heel. And unfortunately that composes about 60-70 percent of the Heels that the WWE have produced in recent years. Not only are they so scared and run away every time they see a face. They also get pinned and tap out so much it's just pathetic.

Look at a guy like Dolph Ziggler. Do you honestly believe that the way they booked him has done him any favors whatsoever? He loses so much it's frustrating. And look at the amount of times he has been involved in a feud. With guys like Sheamus and Cena, and yet they beat him time after time and he keeps on losing to the likes of Kane, Del Rio etc. And then he is supposed to be some legitimate to the World Heavyweight Championship? Weak.

Look at CM Punk. In his feud with Ryback he has constantly looked like he was scared needed the help of the shield to win and kept on running and running. They butchered the Heel again. Only recently with the Rock he has stopped running somewhat but the main theme returns and the cycle repeats itself. Chicken-shit Heel.

I could go on and on but we all know the drill. The shield has shown some signs of this and I hope that they don't go the same route.
When was the last time besides Mark Henry that you looked at the Heel and you thought '' damn this guy is unbeatable I don't know how the Hero will beat him. '' Yeah I can't remember either.

It's sad but it's ongoing and really unfortunate. The WWE needs to build the heels up so that the Faces can have good adversaries. Where did you think the term Super-cena came from? and now we can apply this to many of the faces as well. More recently Super-Sheamus... Ugh.

What the WWE needs right now is a couple of Heels so strong and twisted that they are practically begging the heel to kick his ass. A heel so strong that we really doubt whether the Hero can beat him.

And that is what will involve the fans more and captivate the audience.

Let me know what you guys think. Are the heels too weak or is it fine as it is?

Yeah, the chicken-shit heel is a trope that a lot of folks are tired of. Personally, I think they've been doing much better. Antonio Cesaro, The Shield, Big E Langston, Mark Henry and the new and improved Jack Swagger are all new or returning heels that don't follow the chicken-shit mold.

Ziggler hasn't been done favors in terms of his win/loss record, but he's clearly a guy that WWE is invested in. You don't get the MITB briefcase, the top Diva as your valet, and a bodyguard unless the company thinks you're gonna make them some money down the road. He'll be just fine.

Punk's chicken-shit heel routine when he was facing Ryback was entertaining. It never quite followed that Punk would become a coward just because he stopped pandering to the crowd, but, Punk being Punk, it worked magnificently. It got Ryback over as a monster, and it cemented that Punk wasn't a tweener or anything like that.

Yeah, the way heels are booked in WWE is annoying at times, but it is what it is. The youngsters are the main demographic and for them, the good guys are made into ubermensch and the bad guys are just a rogues gallery to be defeated over and over again.
To veer off-topic for a moment, has anyone noticed how atrocious WWESHOP.com's international shipping fee's are? I live in Ireland and was planning on buying the new CM Punk hoodie which cost €30(Roughly $40) until I noticed that the cost of shipping it to me was the same price as the hoodie itself(combined with misc fees).

Does anyone know where to get WWE merch in the UK or know if WWE will change their prices in future?
6 months ago, I truthfully thought that WWE was really putting some work back into the tag team division. We had teams with star-studded guys, who were completely over, now feuding for the tag titles! We had the likes of: Prime Time Players, Team Hell No, Rhodes Scholars, Sin Cara and Mysterio, Team CoBro, International Airstrike, Kofi and Truth, Epico and Primo, and the Heatseekers, sorta. Fast foward six months, and we are left with very few teams who are not on the verge of feuding, and or hurt. All we have left is the PTP (Although there is the rumored break up, Epico and Primo. There have been few additons to the division with the likes of, 3MB, Tensai and Clay and I think that is it. Call me crazy but it seems as if WWE has halted the tag team push! There was so many possibilites of what WWE could have done! Do you think WWE missed the boat on this one? :banghead::banghead::banghead::wtf::wtf::wtf:
I recorded Smackdown last night and am currently watching it and am only 20 minutes in. I have no issue with the content or a Sheamus vs Sandow match as these two generally put on a great match. What I noticed right from the beginning was the horrible added in crowd noise, from the moment Alberto Del Rio's music hit there was this huge reaction from the crowd that I don't think I've ever heard him get unless it was in Mexico, and even then I could be wrong. The crowd noise was almost louder than his music. The next segment has Sheamus coming out to another unbelievable reaction, now I get Sheamus is on the of the top guys in the business and does get great reactions on Raw. But when Lilian Garcia announced his name the reaction got louder and lasted for a good 5-10 seconds.

Now I understand Smackdown crowds are generally smaller than Raw's, and they want to try to get their faces over but you can't force feed faces or heels down the fans throats. If someone is going to get over they will get over based on actual live crowd reaction not canned crowd reaction or chants. So with that....

Does the canned crowd noise bother anyone else?
Would you rather hear the live reactions and build your opinion on a superstar or diva on your own?
I dont get you guys. This is the IWC, a place where we like REAL good wrestling like Chris benoit, AJ styles, eddie guerrero, christopher daniels, samoa joe, eddie edwards, kevin steen, el genericho and such.

But why is there so much damien sandow **** suckers here. He is a horrible :banghead:HORRIBLE:banghead: wrestler. The guyhas less moves then john cena:disappointed:, and his TOP move is a neckbreaker!, a fuckin NECKBREAKER. :wtf:

his gimmick is entertaining..ON THE MIC thats all. When ever he gets in the ring its so boring. I skip the match, i skip 30 seconds because thats how long his matches are.

Cody rhodes was the only good thing about sandow's career.

Damien sandow is the type of wrestler that we IWC usually hate. So why do u guys even give a shit about him. HE SUCKS

Heres his top moves list.


:worship:Now watch the fastest 5 minutes of your life...:worship:


So, why do some of u on here jump on his bandwagon, or his **** i should say. I mean hes good on the mic, but if u cant back it up in the ring, ur mic skills are pointless.

Oh and by the way, he only has 2 moves, all his other moves are strikes, just saying lol. I dont mean to be a hater, i just want to prove a point about how hes not that great. And JOHN CENA is a better wrestler than sandow.
Well, to be quite honest; That is pretty much what this business is all about. It's sports-entertainment. WWE producers feel the need (and they have every right) to do small things such as crowd reactions to enhance the overall feel of the show. Nobody wants to broadcast a show where the crowd is absolutely dead, we see this in some PPV's, it kills the overall vibe of the show. They want their product to seem like a spectacle, adding in crowd chants and cheers makes kids at home know who is good and who is bad, that's how they build up their faces and give heat to their heels.
It's just like laugh tracks on television. Your television is trying to convince you that something which sucks is actually interesting and entertaining, and it has a pretty good track record of success at that. I've sat through episodes where I just paid attention to how many different crowd noise tracks I could discern. You just caught an example of crowd noise being manipulated very poorly; when they're doing it right, you don't notice it at all.

Crowd noise isn't a button; there are several different kinds of cheers and jeers to convey distinct types of emotion. Believe it or not, there's even crowd noise for "shocked silence", which is actually a low, echoing murmur laid completely over live arena audio. This way, the audience at home doesn't hear "SOOOPER DRAAAAGON" while they're stretchering out the Big Babyface Hero.
I don't disagree that they have every right to, it's their show and they do have the right to do it. Maybe I didn't get my point out the right way, I think sometimes it's a little overdone. They just make it seem like every crowd for Smackdown is hot week in and week out and sometimes Raw, the flagship show, doesn't have nearly the same reactions. Now I also understand if Raw was taped we would have some of the same filters added in and normally when Raw is taped we do get that. But there's something to be said about the live reaction of the crowd that when you're watching Raw or even a PPV that just makes you stop for a second and just take it all in and say wow.
They've added fake crowd noise to every taped show for as long as I can remember, it's the same exact sounds every time and so clearly fake, they use the same audio when they have to edit out some licensed music on a ppv, Undertaker's Limp Bizkit theme for example.

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