WWE General Complaints Thread

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I wouldnt put Swagger in "overpushed" category in the first place. Aside that MiTB and badly booked championship and recent EC chamber win, that guy mostly jobbed so i cant see him as "overpushed". Del Rio could be overpushed, some could even say that Sheamus or Ryback are, but a guy who jobbed on dailybasis cant be overpushed. I dont agree even within your definition of "overpush"

an over-pushed superstar is someone who is given prestigious accomplishments despite having either little to no talent, a terrible gimmick, or no crowd reaction.

because Swagger has talent and is good in-ring worker. He acctually can wrestle and that "All American American" part isnt just keyfabe. In order to generate some kind of crowd reaction he would need relevance and better booking and he is at right way now with Zeb. Heck, I like new Swagger and all those youtube videos with Zeb and I am not somebody whos opinion is that much at their side of the story. Just think its fresh and that they are at the right track with it. It generates good heel reaction or any reactio at all and thats good for Swagger.

Only problem is that I think that he blew it. He finally had something and can generate crowd reaction and yet he brought with him all that negative real-life publicity with that arresting. I dont think they would be keen after Wrestlemania to push him that far. Time will tell, but I dont see WWE investing in someone blew that much in the middle of maybe biggest push in his career...
For years now the WWE creative team has used racism in storyline's during feuds. Like the current one being use for the Jack Swagger/Alberto Del Rio feud heading into Wrestlemania 29 for the WWE world heavyweight championship. But does the WWE really need to involve racism to help make a heel more of a heel?

Does anybody remember 10 years ago to the date when Triple H feuded with Booker T over the WWE WHC belt with a racial storyline. With Triple H being the champion heel using racism to put Booker down within the feud made Triple H look like a big racist. The sad thing about that is Booker T lost that feud. And a year later during a feud between Randy Orton and Shelton Benjamin over the IC title. When a heel Randy Orton referred to Shelton Benjamin as "you people".

And I still can't get over three years ago on RAW when Ted Dibiase Jr. tried to pull in R-Truth to be his new "help" i.e. the new Virgil. Right before R-Truth slapped Teddy dead in the face! The Big Show/Eddie & Chavo Guerrero feud in 2003 on Smackdown. Rowdy Roddy Piper painting half of his body black in the 80's while feuding with Bad News Allen/Brown. To Tenshi/Sweet T making fun of asian people. When will it stop? But like they say, "it still exist". But in the WWE it should end!
Dear IWC AND WWE, Dolph Ziggler is no Shawn Michaels, he'll never be. He's not even Billy Gunn. So stop comparing the "show-off" (get it, because when he comes on I turn the show off) to the show stealer. He is not the best seller in the WWE. He has the charisma of Helen Keller. AJ Lee and Big E aren't Sensational Sherri and Diesel (I know he never had them both at the same time). Stop trying to make a rip-off of Shawn Michaels. When has anybody ever became a superstar by stealing a gimmick somebody else already made popular, and imitating it almost exactly? Oh yeah, never. If Dolph ZIggler wants to be a star, he needs his own character. And maybe a manager with mic skills, AJ Lee has some skill but she isn't elivating Dolph, that's for sure. Enough. Enoug with Dolph Ziggler, he is a dime a dozen. He is NOTHING SPECIAL. What do you guys see in him? Why? Because I DON'T see it. Here's some people better than Ziggler in the WWE right now: Tyson Kidd, Titus O'Neil, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, R-Truth, the list goes on. Who here is on the same page as me?
Dolph Ziggler comes from a REAL amateur wrestling background. When I casually re-tuned to the WWE around August of 2008, it was a matter of time before I started noticing this guy. I thought the same as you posted, about him being like a dime in a dozen. However, he came with an attitude of wanting to get to the top, while actually reminding people almost all the time, and he really did improve over the years, which is something I can not say the same of regarding people like Tyson Kidd or Cody Rhodes, whom marginally or steadily did get better, but in small increments at a time and not for very long. Dolph makes the best out of whatever situation he seems to be in, and he probably is the best seller in the company right now, as overselling is not as bad compared to under-selling or not selling at all. Plus, look at the conditioning of the guy. He is a real athlete, and doesn't get winded very easily.

He does come with a crappy gimmick, but so does nearly everyone else on the roster.
Kids don't do drink and drugs! Comparisons come in every sport and most forms of entertainment, if Ziggler gets to that main event spot when his career is over nobody will be saying anything on terms of him and Micheals. When athletes are ascending comparisons are always made but once they've finished that comparison has gone they leave their own legacy good or bad but the comparisons made during their rise are forgotten for the most part.

So chill out.
I think it's funny how this whole Ziggler and Big E thing is going considering what last month was, a black man being a white man's bitch can't wait to see where this will go cause Big E sure as hell don't need Ziggler
Kids don't do drink and drugs! Comparisons come in every sport and most forms of entertainment, if Ziggler gets to that main event spot when his career is over nobody will be saying anything on terms of him and Micheals. When athletes are ascending comparisons are always made but once they've finished that comparison has gone they leave their own legacy good or bad but the comparisons made during their rise are forgotten for the most part.

So chill out.
Agree. I remember a time when Chris Jericho was the next Shawn Michaels. No one would make that comparison now because Chris Jericho carved out his niche and he is no longer the second coming of HBK, but the only Y2J. It'll be the same with Ziggler. Either he'll be the first Dolph or he'll be forgotten (because he never makes it). Also, at one time, HBK was the next Curt Hennig, so greats do get compared to those that come before, but mostly just as a way to tell you what kind of worker they are. But like you said, once a guy establishes himself, the comparisons are forgotten.
You obviously have something against Ziggler. Like a previous poster stated there are always comparisons of up and comers to legends (Kobe/Lebron/Jordan). Ziggler is definitely the BEST seller hands down check out his monkey flips. You think Ziggler is the only guy to have a showoff gimmick? Gorgeous George, Buddy Rogers, Rick Rude, Rick Martel, HBK, Mr. Perfect, Lex Luger and even you boy crush "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. Do not let your personal hatred for a superstar cloud your judgement. Zig is one of the most talented guys on the roster.
Last night on WWE Raw, we had Ryback and Mark Henry once again come face to face, taking it in turns to show their power by decimating poor Drew McIntyre. The tension has been brewing between these 2 monsters for a few shows now and later on during Raw, it was announced that they will go 1on1 this Friday on Smackdown.

Now i'm sure i'm not the only person that feels that this is bad timing, and i can give 2 reasons why:

1) Its on Smackdown!! If they are trying to build this up to be as big as they can, then to have their first in-ring battle on a pre-taped show is just a terrible idea.

2) It's too soon!! Personally i would have continued building it the way they have been doing, i.e occasional backstage staredowns, watching each others matches from the stage etc.

I just feel tha once again WWE is rushing what could be a very good story/match. Monster vs Monster, A battle of Strength. It's only 4 weeks til Mania and a match like this would have been best saved for then.

The minute they ran the ad, I was disappointed. I hope and think it's likely that something happens to postpone the match and/or escalate the feud.

For me, two hosses colliding like this harkens back to my youth, when guys like Ultimate Warrior, Hercules Hernandez, One Man Gang, Bam Bam Bigelow, etc. would have tests of strength or no-sell running shoulder tackles.

A good big man match is a palate cleanser in today's age of workrate nitpickery. This one should definitely be reserved for 'Mania.
Last night on WWE Raw, we had Ryback and Mark Henry once again come face to face, taking it in turns to show their power by decimating poor Drew McIntyre. The tension has been brewing between these 2 monsters for a few shows now and later on during Raw, it was announced that they will go 1on1 this Friday on Smackdown.

Now i'm sure i'm not the only person that feels that this is bad timing, and i can give 2 reasons why:

1) Its on Smackdown!! If they are trying to build this up to be as big as they can, then to have their first in-ring battle on a pre-taped show is just a terrible idea.

2) It's too soon!! Personally i would have continued building it the way they have been doing, i.e occasional backstage staredowns, watching each others matches from the stage etc.

I just feel tha once again WWE is rushing what could be a very good story/match. Monster vs Monster, A battle of Strength. It's only 4 weeks til Mania and a match like this would have been best saved for then.


I got to agree with that and I also agree with the Doc, in that I hope something happens where the match on SD doesn't actually happen and it takes place at WM instead. Logic seems to point to that, if they really are intent on having a WM between the two, but sometimes logic doesn't come easily for WWE creative, does it?
I really hope people like Ambrose, Rollins and Kassius can save the aspect of this entire shitty product. This is not ignorant thinking either, I'm saying this because this is purely based on my experience on watching this company doing horrible jobs at building stars, plus they're about the only guys on the roster with excessive talent, other than Punk, that I can see make that change happen.
^ agreed, the Shield are very fresh and I've enjoyed basically everything I've seen. Ambrose is gold on the mic but what sells me on him is he speaks with conviction. Love the intensity.

Since this is the general complaint thread here's my complaint:

During Cena's opening promo the crowd started the BORING chant seven minutes into it (according to my timer) my issue, what took so long? I was bored after a minute and 1/2

but props to the D.C. for telling em how they really feel. The alternating "Cena Sucks" "Lets Go Cena" is pretty awesome, but for me the novelty kinda wore off

I feel the BORING chant during Cena's promo was long overdue and very justified. I literally laughed out loud when it happened
This isn't really a PG related discussion, but with the lack of build up on Wrestlemania and overall lackluster story lines, many people have suggested that WWE aims these story lines for this huge portion of their viewers. Even Michael Cole on the recent article posted today stated over 50% of the viewers are kids.

I guess where I am getting at is that WWE are lying. Only on their corporate website does the true info regarding their demographics are displayed. Now with this new info, with 74% of the viewers over the age 21, why does WWE continue to clearly lie to its audience and design and adapt their product to 23% of their audience. I also understand that a large portion of their merchandise profits come from this section, but still, the facts don't lie.

WWE programming reaches almost 14 million viewers in the U.S. each week.
Balanced age distribution with 74% of the audience aged 21 or older.
23 % of our audience is under 18 years old
24 % of our audience is 18-34 years old
21 % of our audience is 35-49 years old
32 % of our audience is 50+ years old

Source: http://corporate.wwe.com/company/overview.jsp
I think a major problem in WWE is how fast they break up tag teams or groups. Teams like Cryme Tyme, Legacy, or Nexus or the Straight Edge Society.

I think a major issue is WWE trying to create singles stars. The drive for that is partly fueled by a weak tag team division. The problem is the exits some take from these groups always destroys the group and leads to grudges too many of the times. They should push a singles star and keep him in the team as a back up precaution. When you have these crazy break ups you got situations like with Cryme Tyme where JTG is kinda pushed and it goes no where and Shad is left to falter and get released. Then JTG has to continue to wrestle out of place with no purpose or presence. A Cryme Tyme reformation was in effect his insurance policy.

With the Nexus break up we got to see Skip Sheffield morph into Ryback and Wade Barret lead the Corre then become the new William Regal in some regards. But where did the dissolution of the Nexus leave Michael McGuilicuddy, Michael Tarver, Justin Gabriel or Husky Harris? David Otunga found relevance as a legal adviser to John Laurinitus but when Laurinitus was exiled where did that leave Otunga? A remaining Nexus could be presented with some issue that would require Otunga's help giving him new purpose.

Even Legacy remaining in some capacity would help McGuilicuddy if he is personally willing to be Mr. Perfect Jr. and Ted DiBiase could come out of obscurity with ease before he is released.

This is a plan to provide easy relevance to some wrestlers, help the tag team division, hopefully save some of these guys from a release, and provide creative with gangland style story lines to tap in to. Fifteen years ago I might not had suggested this but back then we did not have federations with two main shows then 2 or 3 smaller shows, brand extensions that toured separately and splintered titles (WCW had the NWA title as an extra World title but not enough tv hours) that were allowed to remain that way past a month.

What do you guys think?
I think many people have said this already. Rhodes Scholars is the most recent example. They were split up only to do nothing then half reuniting again because they had nothing else to do. I really liked Cryme Tyme as well before they were broken up, but they may have faded away the same way JTG has and could have been losing handicap matches to miz on main event.

NWO was also another group which could have been big if given more time to develop and more members etc.
I think WWE realized that in Team Rhodes Scholars, which is why they mutually broke up, so they would not be story slashing when/if they teamed again. The SES broke up because Serena and Luke Gallows left the company by their own actions/decisions. Nexus was really disappointing because there was so much potential. Cryme Tyme was disappointing to see, but WWE didn't believe they had work for them so they shuffled the cards and turned them against each other. Legacy was the same. This is a problem but it looks like they are looking to solve it, hopefully, so they don't disappoint again.
I'll say Tekno Team 2000. Sure, they looked goofy, but they were competent workers, and they were starting to get over. Plus, the tag team division needed a boost in 1996. An honorable mention goes out to The New Headshrinkers. Again, the WWF needed credible tag teams at the time. I understand why they pushed Fatu as a singles star, but he didn't amount to much before being turned into The Sultan.
All the teams/stables you listed ran their course when they were disbanded. They gave these wrestlers airtime even with all their glaring weaknesses. Tag teams/Stables were always made to be broken up. If individuals prove they can entertain or draw in them, he get promoted to singles, if the stable/tag teams can't draw or entertain, they get disbanded and hopefully can do better alone or with other wrestlers.

All the teams you listed lasted at least a year. Why should WWE provide television air time safety net to individuals for more than a year? If they couldn't cut it then they should go back to development to remake themselves or another promotion for another shot at the big time. Being part of a disbanded stable/tag team isn't the end of the world if you have the drive and talent to make it back on WWE tv. Look at Ziggler/Miz/Ryback etc.

Currently WWE have a handful of stables/tag teams using your 'policy' as a safety net/last resort for many wrestlers. Tensai/Brodus, 3MB, Shield, Big E. it has been WWE policy ever since the mid-late 90s'.
I think a major problem in WWE is how fast they break up tag teams or groups.

Obviously, there's an ongoing process Creative uses to determine who's going to be doing what.....and they must be changing formulas and tactics on the fly, much in the way we read that Vince McMahon often changes plans while a show is in progress(!).

Take the Rhodes Scholars. They announced they were breaking up in amiable fashion, only to be thrust together again immediately afterwards. It even culminated in last night's Smackdown where Rhodes and Sandow play clowns, mimicking the Funkaholics (or whatever the hell they call themselves). Given the character Damien Sandow had been portraying since he entered WWE, I can only imagine what he must have thought about being scripted to do pratfalls and acting like an ass.

But, clowning aside, why did the Rhodes Scolars have to announce they were dissolving their partnership? If there were no particular plans for them as individual performers, why couldn't they be a tag team that occasionally takes matches as individuals? Through WWE history, there have always been tag teams that do that. Why confuse the fans by telling them these guys will no longer be performing together? Was this the result of Creative changing their thinking.....or was it part of the ongoing plan?

Then, there's 3MB. Plainly, they were originally conceived to be more of a force than they've turned out to be. A couple months back, they were scripted to have some mic time to do a "State of 3MB" talking bit. Instead, those segments were deleted due to "time constraints" and 3MB's prominence faded fast, turning them into a jobber team, one that has the three of them in the ring at once losing to Ryback.

The concept of teaming the three seemed good. Heath Slater had a nice run as a flunky to wrestling legends, but that was finished and he needed something else. Jindar Mahal was going nowhere fast, having completed an unlikely series of matches with Ryback (yeah, right) and he also needed something to do. Drew McIntyre probably benefited most from this union because he had been involved in a losing schtick (a la Teddy Long as GM)....which was still better than what he had had the prior couple years, in which he was left home when the company toured Europe in 2010. (Imagine how he must have felt when WWE played Scotland and Drew was left behind in the U.S.). The 3MB offered him a chance to finally display some personality in the ring..... and he's come through.

Problem is, the group's demotion to jobber status might disintegrate any plans for these three to break out as individuals again, based on their planned success as a group.

My question about 3MB is in line with the question posed by this thread: Why did WWE create them if they were going to dissolve their initiative so quickly? Was it all part of a plan, or is the company just operating on the fly and radically switching programs as they go along?

Does anyone know what's going on here?
Tag teams and stables weren't always meant to break up. The Four Horseman technically never broke up. The Road Warriors never broke up. Like I said before the historical dilemma with the tag teams were who was going to get the top title if in addition to tag gold everyone was wished the best in the singles division. This would lead to a clash between the tag partners but now you don't even need the tag titles to jump between both shows and you have a splintered World title. The WWE and World champion could share the tag team titles or just be a team period. Its not like WWE has the two top titles competing against each other for prominence.

And I don't think a stable or team has to have a defined ending, I think a random hiatus would be just as fine so that maybe the team or group isn't seen but if one member needs help and others interfere their re emergence would make sense.. This gives WWE or any company access to a type of "jolt to the system" tool for struggling stars. It gives everyone a good reason to be on tv.
Before I say anything I have a question for everyone to ponder. Would you ever see HHH,Undertaker,Shawn Michaels,John Cena,Hulk Hogan , Stone Cold, The Rock , and countless other legends in sports entertainment big main event players in the business , Would any of them ever lose to Fandango at wrestlemania. ask yourself that question. The truth is very unlikely... The correlation is that Chris Jericho is like on par with most of those guys in terms of legacy and career , maybe second tier not quite a Hogan or Flair or Stone Cold or Rock or Cena but hes right up there fame wise and hes a former world champion like 4 times and has main evented WrestleMania..

I get the whole "put younger guys over" schtick but this was just bad and sloppy for Jerichos legacy... I mean my god Undertaker could get shot ,stabbed,ran over by a car and still not lose at Mania. HHH has to be beaten to a pulp hit with like 4 tombstones before he gets pinned at Mania... Jericho gets rolled up and pinned by a gimmick comedy dancing character in his WWE debut match at Mania... Wtf am I the only one who is saddened by that reality.This has nothing to do with "Jericho is paying back the business by putting over younger guys" that's not what this is about. None of those other men I mentioned were losing to clowns like that.. Jericho is early 40's hes in good shape, he doesn't need to downgrade his legacy so soon by jobbing all the time..

Maybe he doesn't give a damn but the people who watched him all this time and bought his merchandise and paid for his music and his PPV's they care. Just at least have him lose on raw or smackdown or something or even a non traditional ppv .. Why have him lose at WrestleMania in that jacked up stadium he got a huge pop coming out. And I am not saying fandango/johnny Curtis is not talented and wont have a good career he very well might be a legend one day but RIGHT NOW hes not and the current dancing character isn't going to last... I think tonight was the end of Chris Jerichos legacy.. Sure he will probably beat Fandango at raw or something tomorrow or at the next ppv.. But its 2 late. The big stage the big moment he lost because he wanted too.. He wanted to put the guy over.. Chris you blew it.. Again he prolly doesn't care, hes rich , famous , married , has kids, hosts tv shows , travels the world with his band. But he still damaged his legacy and yes I am saying this 1 match hurt his legacy..
On one hand, I can kind of understand where you are coming from. It's surprising that Jericho lost to someone who's making their debut. On the other hand though, Jericho has always seemed as if he has the right head for the business, and he wants to pave the way for the younger people coming up behind him. Perhaps he still harbours resentment from the old guard who kept him (and others) down when he was in WCW, and this is his way of "paying back". I'm sure the fact that he's set to take off and tour again also factors into his thoughts.
Jericho's days as the Y2J from the past are over, and I think he'll be back and forth simply to put over the young guys, and it seems as if he's the one pushing to do that, or he wouldn't come back at all.
OK, first off, he has not damaged his legacy by losing to Fandango. In fact, it more than cements it because it's showing that he's willing to give the next generation the rub that he never got from guys like Hogan and Flair. Chris Jericho's legacy will forever be known as one of the best men that the wrestling industry has seen, a guy that has shown on more than one occasion that he cares more for the industry than a guy like the Rock who only comes in and works 4 matches in 2 years.

The only way that I would say that Jericho losing at Mania was garbage was if it was a throwaway match with no buildup. Instead, they built the match. It wouldn't surprise me any if Jericho asked to be the guy that put Fandango over, and to do it at Mania.
Seeing the look on his face at the end of the match, I'm thinking that Jericho is going to take Fandango under his wing, have him drop the dancing BS, and Curtis e comes a star. I think if they go this direction, it could save Johnny Curtis.

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