WWE General Complaints Thread

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Are they ever gonna do anything big w/ Orton ever again? Im soooo sick of all this mid card crap hes done the past year plus. Hes still after all that over as hell which shows how respected he is by the fans. I know hes got the 2 strikes but I think hes smart enough not to get the 3rd as he knows it'll be his job.He deserves better.
Okay so I've been a bit irritated as of late with the way things have been going with the WWE and their "story telling" abilities. Obviously they know alot more about this than I do, but it doesn't take much to see they are really relying on a handful of guys to hold the organization together.

This topic isnt about those guys though. It is about some of the superstars who have gone to the back burner. Trust me I know the list is much more extensive, but these 3 really stand out at me.


Okay so we all know he's had his 2 years of fame and now Mr McMahon is going to move on with the part timers of this company to bring in the money, but why?!?! Seriously! CM Punk is pound for pound the best wrestler in the WWE (dare I say it, IN THE WORLD) but doesnt compete on a normal basis. Even with the title, he didn't compete, even in non title matches. Though I hate for Punk to lose the title, I'm hoping this will mean we get to see Punk perform in the ring a little more and talk a little less (tho I do enjoy his mic skills alot). I sometimes feel like Punk isnt acting when he gets mad about all the things hes mad about, and I wouldn't blame him honestly. All in all, get Punk back to performing. After all, it is what got him to the top in the first place.


Here's my real gripe. This guy gets huge pop pretty much everytime his infamous "FEED ME MORE" comes on, yet the WWE has no known agenda for him. Now dont get me wrong, I do think Ryback needs to be polished heavily as a in ring performer before they can really let him run and be who we all know he can be, but at this point I dont see him staying around to find out. He could be contending with pretty much anyone on the TNA/RoH roster for the Championship, but once again, the WWE would rather use its part timers for ratings and such, instead of developing this obviously talented guy.

Rey Mysterio

I dont know about all the rest of you, but seeing Rey at RR was a HUGE diappointment for me. I dont think they utilized him well at all. Obviously there have been personal issues keeping him out of the Ring, but with the return to the RR, it seems as tho he MAY be back. If this is the case, I cant imagine that they wont use him to a certain extent atleast until he is 100% and ready to be a every night performer again. I wish there would have been atleast one highlight from Rey being in the ring at RR. He was just kinda washed out, and got no noticable pop when he came out. This is a real bummer IMO. Hopefully we get some more Mysterio/Sin Cara action. Maybe they could give the TRS v THN a break or atleast shake things up a bit.

Any feedback is much appreciated. Maybe this thread can spawn into something helpful for the whole community here at WZ.



Okay so we all know he's had his 2 years of fame and now Mr McMahon is going to move on with the part timers of this company to bring in the money, but why?!?! Seriously! CM Punk is pound for pound the best wrestler in the WWE (dare I say it, IN THE WORLD) but doesnt compete on a normal basis. Even with the title, he didn't compete, even in non title matches. Though I hate for Punk to lose the title, I'm hoping this will mean we get to see Punk perform in the ring a little more and talk a little less (tho I do enjoy his mic skills alot). I sometimes feel like Punk isnt acting when he gets mad about all the things hes mad about, and I wouldn't blame him honestly. All in all, get Punk back to performing. After all, it is what got him to the top in the first place.

Wow, I don't agree with this at all.

What got Punk to the top is his mic skills, even over his great in-ring ability. His promos vs Jeff Hardy, his 'shoot' promo, his promos ever since turning heel, and especially his promos vs Rock which makes Rock damn near look like a nobody on the mic. And I don't understand how Punk has been put on the backburner....he just lost the title 2 days ago, and yesterday he was given 2 segments to work the mic and he nailed them both.


Here's my real gripe. This guy gets huge pop pretty much everytime his infamous "FEED ME MORE" comes on, yet the WWE has no known agenda for him. Now dont get me wrong, I do think Ryback needs to be polished heavily as a in ring performer before they can really let him run and be who we all know he can be, but at this point I dont see him staying around to find out. He could be contending with pretty much anyone on the TNA/RoH roster for the Championship, but once again, the WWE would rather use its part timers for ratings and such, instead of developing this obviously talented guy.

Ryback, I also disagree with...just because the 'part-timers' are back (the real reason it seems like you're bitching) doesn't mean Ryback gets put on the backburner. WWE needs to keep him busy with other stuff until he's ready to get the title....right now, he's not ready, and WWE is doing a decent job with him.....he is getting OVER with the crowd, and that's all that matters. When he finally does get the title, it'll seem more important than if he was hot-shotted the belt too soon.
Wow, I don't agree with this at all.

What got Punk to the top is his mic skills, even over his great in-ring ability.

I cant believe that you honestly find this to be true! No one in life ever got to the top just by mic skills and for that matter no one made it to the top MAINLY because of their mic skills.
I have complained about this before. But I need to bitch some more: First World Problems.

I am watching RAW a day late and it is just awful so far. Comedy bits that sucked. The Rumble winner got booed and chants of you suck and Rocky echoed. Cena's promo was long and dull. He destroyed Rhodes. Then Barrett and Caesario lose.

I honestly don't know why the WWE has heels. Just have face v. face. Give Cena the belt and have him run through everyone. He will end up destroying the Shield sooner rather than later.

It is not difficult: Make strong heels. Make compelling TV and stop with the comedy shit and make Cena at least watchable. Ultimately, WWE will be better off without him for a bit. They can innovate and take chances.

On a positive note, maybe I will be wrong and the heels will get strong....Then again, the WWE rarely if ever has booked a strong heel.
This is frustrating for me. Probably for some of you too.

The word 'buried' gets thrown around a lot and that's basically what I'm talking about but a little bit different.

I'm not talking about guys like Ziggler who lose to Cena and Sheamus often because even though Ziggler does lose to those guys a lot he still gets a lot of matches per week and will actually win some of them, even a few on PPV.

What I'm talking about is HUGE dive-bombs certain Superstars have taken.

Look at guys like Yoshi Tatsu and Epico & Primo for example.

Yoshi Tatsu - Obviously, clearly a jobber but he's on the WWE payroll, right? He's not the "Joe Schmo" type of guy facing Ryback. He's actually been in WWE a few years AND when he first started he had some wins. He had a great feud with Tyson Kidd a couple years ago on NXT and Superstars. He can wrestle. You may not like his style but he can wrestle.

But I honestly don't think Tatsu had one single win in 2011. Not even of freakin' WWE Superstars!

But why? Easy answer is he's a jobber and jobbers never win. But that's fine if he's the one-day contract jobber but if he's on the yearly payroll why not throw him a damn bone on Superstars at least so when he faces off against Wade Barrett on SmackDown the announcers can say "Well Tatsu actually had a win on Superstars this week". We know Tatsu is still gonna lose to Barrett but at least there is a THREAD of legitimacy to Barrett's opponent otherwise they should just put him against "Joe Schmo".

Epico & Primo - Damn, how far they have fallen. They won the Tag Team Championships at a damn house show because Bourne got a wellness violation and they wanted the tag belts off them. But as soon as Epico & Primo won them they got almost ZERO promos and support. No wonder they failed.

Epico & Primo are both good wrestlers. They deserve a lot better than to be cannon fodder every single week. But they have. 2013 has not been good for them at all. I don't think they've won a match yet in 2013 and lost a lot of matches in 2012 as well.

So, they are not as extreme as Yoshi Tatsu's situation but in 2013 they are.

What I am trying to say is: Doesn't it make sense to give every active WWE Superstar even ONE win every 2 months or so? That way they seem at least half-competent.

Even guys like Santino who jobs a lot at least gets his wins here and there. Tatsu and Epico & Primo aren't comedy characters and they get less wins than Santino!

This is why I think tournaments are a VERY GOOD idea for WWE (Pro Wrestling in general) because if you had a, say 16-person tournament for even the damn US Championship you could put Tatsu in that match and say you put him up against Cody Rhodes ... no body is going to think Tatsu will win but you give Tatsu a win, even by roll-up and BOOM you give Tatsu SOME credibility. Rhodes doesn't get hurt that bad because he lost by roll-up and, if you want, they can have Rhodes interfere in Tatsu's next match and cause him to lose. No harm no foul but both guys look a bit stronger.

Make sense? Or no?
I don't know exactly why I feel compelled to mention this ... maybe its because actually the most frustrated I get with the direction of the company the more I have to remind myself that Pro Wrestling is a volume business.

It didn't start out that way but since I'd say the mid-90s it became a volume business and certainly once WWE expanded to Raw and SmackDown shows and whatever else they decided to put out there.

Right now they do basically 5 televised and 1 internet wrestling show a week. They do Raw, SmackDown, Main Event and Saturday Morning Slam (kind of its own thing, but still) and for people outside of the USA they have an episode of NXT every week. They also have a few matches shown online each week for Superstars.

So say about 6 matches for each Raw and SmackDown, 2 for Main Event and 2 for Saturday Morning Slam and 2 for Superstars and 5 for NXT.

That means they have about 23 wrestling matches to book at week plus, of course, some promo segments.

Not trying to give them excuses but booking 23 matches that 'air' each week doesn't include the 3-4 house shows they do each week. I imagine house shows are easy enough to book since they can be fairly random because they aren't supposed to break any new storylines that isn't already happened on TV unless they just want to 'test something out'.

Anyway, I guess my point is you kind of have to look at it as a "take what you like and ignore the bad stuff".

Just like a Late Night talk show. You may like a certain host but they do 4 or 5 shows a week (they have an off-season) many weeks of the year and I'm sure you don't like every single show, every single skit, every single guest.

That's kind of what WWE is like.

You are going to like certain shows more (e.g. you may like Main Event more than, say, SmackDown because it is set up in a more 'to the point' kind of way with a promo then a strong match then another relatively good match to end things) and you are going to like certain 'skits' as in "match types" more than others and certain Superstars more than others but it's just very unlikely that you will like everything.

Is this something you have considered a lot?


Seeing as this is a volume business what is your favorite show(s) WWE puts out?

For me I usually enjoy NXT the most and Main Event (when I like the Superstars in the matches).
I want to say this is a great point and a great way to look at the WWE infrastructure. However, it doesn't excuse the lack of creativity at the very top. It can explain things like Brodus and Tensai, Hornswoggle, The Great Khali and other silly stuff but even if they were producing 50 matches and promos, the championships should all be top priority and should they should have a long term plan for how those titles and stories develop.

A perfect example is this recent International Cup. That was a great idea, and a great way to both introduce young, good talent and make the IC Title seem important. Then, after only 24 hours, it was canceled. That is ridiculous. The IC Title is, for all intents and purposes, the thid most important Championship in the company and yet they are booking it, literally, day to day. That is unacceptable.

NXT has shown me that there are some people within the WWE that know how to book a show, because the story-telling, promos, and matches on NXT are awesome. They have logical fueds, that have a beginning, a middle and an end, and they usually involve wrestling. They also mix stories together well, which can easily be done wrong. A great example of this is Kassius Ohno's 'feud/rivalry' with William Regal. It started out when K.O. first took out Tyson Kidd, and has been slowly building, with Regal rescuing guys that KO is looking to hurt. But while he is in a singles program with Regal, he has also formed a tag team with Leo Kruger and are gunning for the NXT tag titles. It's stuff like that that makes for interesting TV.

TL;DR there may be a lot volume, but the championships should be the #1 priority. NXT is my favorite, because it's great wrestling and good storytelling, in and out of the ring.
Would entirely blame creative for people's lack of attention span, and flip flopping on a given talent any given month, Punk is the flavor of the month, the next month he's the biggest detriment to the company for instance, you can blame Media for that and people wanting instant gratifcation every second of the day.

I'd say there's no excuse for not being able to keep things creative, and above all book your championships as often as possible, it only makes sense, if you want people to buy into the fact that the titles mean something like they use to pre Cena era, you book your champions to A) compete and B) defend the titles on a regular basis and look for ways to keep things moving, not book a Cody Rhodes as the savior and then he defends twice then nothing for 2 months and when he finally does he jobs to someone else who in turn jobs to someone else .They have the money to hire more people who are talented and there's less programming now then there was during the tail end of the attitude era.
then they had on a weekly basis
RAW, Smackdown, Sunday Night Heat, Superstars of Wrestling and then Shotgun Saturday and Velocity, both RAW and Smackdown had B shows of there own to book and they were effectively like Sunday Night Heat for the lower/mid carders of RAW or Smackdown. Not to mention 2 PPV's a month.

The problem is the people being hired are Soap Opera writers and reality TV writers not writers who know how to write for a Sports based entertainment, and ofcourse they like there target audience probasbly has ADD and can't recall what they did the night b4 let alone book something for a few months into the future.
I tend to prefer NXT and Main Event, simply because there is no time for the skits. It's wrestling and promos and none of the other crap like dance offs. A couple of weeks ago we saw Antonio Cesaro on Raw, Smackdown and Main Event, wrestling Orton and Khali, and feuding with Miz. For the casual fan this is a great way to book someone. Make him look powerful, increase the importance of the title belt, showcase him with former world champs and really build him up. I also like the old headliner coming onto NXT, although I'd love to see Ohno, Kruger, Steamboat etc beat one of the main roster guys CLEAN. And any time you get to see Tyson Kidd or Justin Gabriel is worth the effort (shame they let Trent Barreta go). And good to see Derrick Bateman back - quality wrestler who can cut a hilarious promo.

You can tell I prefer the wrestling and promos, so I'll say the shows that have the least room for indulgence are the best for me. I fast forward through a LOT of Raw lately, but I'll watch 90% of the so called B level shows.
The biggest problem with WWE is that they've created an environment where only the main event guys matter.

It seems like they've built up too many people to look like main event players, but it's had a weird effect on the entire roster. It's created a very obvious "US" and "THEM" in regards to who gets showcased.

It seems like everyone is either main event, on the fringe of the main event, depushed from the main event (Barrett, Miz), or just a jobber. There are no pure, strongly booked midcarders aside from Cody, Kofi, Sandow and Cesaro, and they're mostly fighting against main eventers as well because everyone else is so far beneath them.

What WWE tends to do is build up a bunch of guys to main event level, and then have them float around. They end up in this weird middle spot where they're "too good" for the midcard, but won't be wrestling for a major title any time soon. They don't get a midcard title either, but in the event that they do, it's never a factor in anything that they're doing. They just float around in meaningless feuds with each other to stay semi-relevant, and/or squash the midcarders and make them look like jobbers
Couldnt help but notice the NEW WWE Champion was absent from RAW this week.

Seriously, have no problem with him missing house shows, but to miss the flagship show of the brand in which you are now the champion of, it plain and simply sucks.

No reason for his no show, no video package, nothing but CM Punk and CM Punk only continuing there feud going into a PPV that they will main event.

He can tweet all he wants about the "Big Picture" but atleast the rest of the roster turns up.

Call this a fanboy rant if you want, but the fact of the matter is The Rock does not deserve to be a part time champion, if hes going to come back, it should be full time or no time!
Yeah, its a fanboy rant. An unneeded one where you'll end up looking foolish at that.

The Rock was never scheduled to feature on tonight's Raw, his schedule was mapped out over two months ago and fans knew the dates he'd be appearing on Raw, the only alterations made to the schedule are the announcement of new dates, for example hes scheduled to appear on the Raw dated April 8th, this was announced last night by the Izon Center.

He doesn't need to give a reason. He's the WWE Champion, but he also has commitments outside WWE to adhere to. There were reports since late summer that officials knew this was coming, hes to promote several films over the coming two months in the lead-up to Wrestlemania and in that time span will be missing like one more edition of Raw, which shows nothing but commitment on his part.

So please, shut the hell up about whether hes there or not. It doesn't change the fact hes WWE Champion, it doesn't change the fact he brought more publicity to the WWE off one win than CM Punk's entire WWE Championship reign. And he'll be on Raw next week so stop trying to make yourself out to look like an idiot, not knowing he was going to eventually miss an edition of Raw.
They'll let Lesnar beat down on people for a few weeks to enhance his on-screen persona, then bring in the protagonist to the story either at, or the night following Elimination Chamber I imagine. It'll be either Trips or Taker, depends on whether WWE will go for the Cena/Rock/Punk three-way or simply Rock/Cena II.
I'm just glad The Rock is back, even though he isn't appearing on every single Raw some Rock is a lot better than no Rock at all. Same with Brock Lesnar. WWE are quite clever to be honest to have Brock appear when they know The Rock will not be appearing.

This title reign of The Rock might be classed more as a Nostalgia thing, but at least we know that he will be participating at the first 3 PPV's of 2013, which will put more bums in seats and more people tuning in on TV.
Even in kayfabe it makes sense. CM Punk was never Rocky's concern, the title was. He came for the belt and won it. It only makes sense that Punk would run around seething while The Rock would be sending people tweets about a milk commercial. If the old 30 day rule is still in tact, The Rock technically doesn't even have to defend his title until the end of this month, so really when you think about it he's being generous.
Yeah, its a fanboy rant. An unneeded one where you'll end up looking foolish at that.

The Rock was never scheduled to feature on tonight's Raw, his schedule was mapped out over two months ago and fans knew the dates he'd be appearing on Raw, the only alterations made to the schedule are the announcement of new dates, for example hes scheduled to appear on the Raw dated April 8th, this was announced last night by the Izon Center.

He doesn't need to give a reason. He's the WWE Champion, but he also has commitments outside WWE to adhere to. There were reports since late summer that officials knew this was coming, hes to promote several films over the coming two months in the lead-up to Wrestlemania and in that time span will be missing like one more edition of Raw, which shows nothing but commitment on his part.

So please, shut the hell up about whether hes there or not. It doesn't change the fact hes WWE Champion, it doesn't change the fact he brought more publicity to the WWE off one win than CM Punk's entire WWE Championship reign. And he'll be on Raw next week so stop trying to make yourself out to look like an idiot, not knowing he was going to eventually miss an edition of Raw.

First off it's no different than when Hogan was not on TV regularly as champion, you saw him in a match 1 out of 4 shows. Granted he was working a full time road schedule, but you had to pay to see the champion...

Then, you have to take into account that they have a lot of other matches and feuds to seed for Wrestlemania and Elimination Chambers, not just Rock/Cena which is pretty much a given at this point barring injury. So the focus of the shows SHOULD be on the other guys - this week you saw big developments in the Elimination Chamber card for example.

It is so easy to take the belts for granted because they are so visible - I can see them invoke the 30 day rule again as a storyline to cover it, as it should really be. The show should in the main be about guys striving to meet the champion and it being a big deal when he is on the show. If the belt is there every week then it becomes expected and loses it's aura.

Also while Rock isn't there, he is gonna be in full "promotion mode" how many of these movie junkets etc will he be wearing the title over his shoulder? How many filmed interviews for GI Joe or Pain and Gain will ask questions about him being the WWE champ as well as the movie's star? All of them! So he is still working for WWE - even if not in the ring this week.
But if he was there he'd have been taking the spotlight away from Ziggler, Bryan, Barrett etc... right? :rolleyes:

I do admit however I'd rather have seen him there tonight but have him miss a Raw or 2 on the road to WM given from EC to Mania there must be what 6 or 7 Raws? I'd imagine one reason he wasn't there last night was because we had Brock plus the announcement of Bruno Sammartino in the HOF. Not saying you can't have loads of stars at one show but that announcement especially is a huge thing for the WWE. He's classed as the best ever by many so by having Rock there also as one of the best ever maybe wasn't needed. I don't know maybe I'm just making excuses for him not being there but I understand why he wasn't. Its funny how Punk didn't even seem to mention he wasn't there though.
The cost of Rocky Appearing on RAW won't be made up by the ratings boosts.

personal thoughts aside, that's just how the business works with part time appearances, cost vs profit is all the schedule is.

I think the WWE is cooling it on the "He's never here" speeches, because it's been the main point of every feud they use part timers in now, and it's disrespectful even when it's true.
Lol i knew i would get Rock fanboys sobbing into there keyboards but i never thought the first post would be the blue marlin itself!

Everyone keeps going on about Rock being Champion and what it brings to the business, you know what it brought from the mainstream media, next to frigging nothing, the only major headline was a guy that got shot mentioned it!

Heres breaking down his return:
- WM 27 - Host WM
- WM 28 - Beats the biggest star after 10 years of not being in the ring, clean
- RR - Beats the companies second biggest star, clean, in a mediocre match, looking gassed 5 minutes in
- EC - Will beat Punk again
- WM 29 - Finally, loses to either Cena or Punk

Point im making is that people are always going on about how hes bringing in mainstream attention, to what? He can go over the two biggest stars clean, how he is going to be champion for 60 days then disappear after WM season till its time to come back to promote more movies. He would bring in no more buys or attention if he had a match where he put up and comers over, two people were discussed as going over as main eventers by getting the WWE title last year, Bryan and Ryback. They've been pushed back for The Rocks mini run. Its helping the brand with some short term ratings, PPV buys but hurting in the long term by taking main event spotlight from up coming talent.

He doesnt promote the WWE people, He comes back to promote his movies and get the WWE fanboys to go see it by saying his catchphrases, calling people stupid nicknames and doing his 10 year old schtick. It would be the same if Lesnar come back to win the title then disappeared to have some UFC fights and come back to drop the belt to Cena.
I do not buy into this 10 year schtick :lol:

How long have we have to suffer Punk saying he's the best in the world? Superstars have catchphrases that stick with them. When Foley comes back its 'Have a nice day' or 'Right here in......' Bret 'The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be' DX 'Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages and so on' Austin 'And that's the bottom line cos Stone Cole said so'

Many more of course. My point is the Rock certainly isn't the only one who comes back and uses his old catchphrases but of course the resentment and clear jealously takes over from the internet fans when it comes to the Rock.

The ratings last week spoke for themselves dude.
Cry me a river, you Punk Mark.

Hey, I couldn't help but notice that The Undertaker was absent from last night's RAW. HE DOESN'T "DESERVE" to main event Wrestlemania if he's never going to be on RAW or Smackdown!!!! See how dumb that sounds?

This isn't a business about who deserves anything. When you start talking like that, you sound like a crybaby. THIS IS A BUSINESS and your precious little CM PUNK doesn't draw the way a "PART TIMER HOLLYWOOD A-LIST ACTOR" draws. How sad is that? It's all about money. The Rock is an A list actor. He's come back for a short run. No one ever said he has come back to be a full time actor. Don't twist what he said a couple years ago about never leaving. You meant that he'll distance himself from WWE the way he did in the past.

Punk lost. It was part of the script. Punk is an amazing talent and will have a program with Undertaker before jumping back into the title scene. Grow up and stop whining.
I do not buy into this 10 year schtick :lol:

How long have we have to suffer Punk saying he's the best in the world? Superstars have catchphrases that stick with them. When Foley comes back its 'Have a nice day' or 'Right here in......' Bret 'The best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be' DX 'Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages and so on' Austin 'And that's the bottom line cos Stone Cole said so'

Many more of course. My point is the Rock certainly isn't the only one who comes back and uses his old catchphrases but of course the resentment and clear jealously takes over from the internet fans when it comes to the Rock.

The ratings last week spoke for themselves dude.

It's the same thing the Cena lovers did when Rock was feuding with Cena. They look for any reason to bash the guy who is feuding with their hero. As soon as Punk starts his feud with Undertaker, look for the Punk marks to start bashing Undertaker.

If they want to call out Rock for using old catchphrases then how pathetic is it that a guy who isn't even a full time wrestler any more, that comes back and uses "old catchphrases" is a bigger draw than a guy who held the belt for like 430+ days?

Catchphrases always have and always will be a part of wrestling. I don't hear anyone calling out Trips and HBK when they're DX for saying "We've got two words for you....."
I'm sorry you feel this way. The WWE title must be very special to you. I am just struggling to understand how you can be so upset with The Rock's one week absence and at the same time be so upset over his presence pushing guys like Bryan and Ryback back. Do you want him there at all? Shouldn't you be thrilled that The Rock is bringing in more audience so that guys like Ryback and Bryan are seen by more people so that when The Rock walks away they will have more of an audience to shine in front of?

Sorry, I'm just being crazy. Please go on with your thoughtful expose in to the evil that is Dwayne Johnson.

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