TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD is Back for 09.16

him leaving was from a few days ago.

Also, how much would anyone like to bet we still wind up with a three way at BFG?
Saw Lacey pulling up her bra and thought I missed something, but it was nothing. Sorry. :(

Dude, everyone in here quickly went from 6 to midnight and all you got is "sorry". There's gonna be a bunch of blue balled wrestling fans coming after you for that one!
Dude, everyone in here quickly went from 6 to midnight and all you got is "sorry". There's gonna be a bunch of blue balled wrestling fans coming after you for that one!

How was I suppost to know. I was looking through the LD, looked back to see her pull up her bra. I was just wondering if anyone else saw something.

Sorry guys.
Jesus tapdancing Christ you guys, you're on the fucking INTERNET. There are literally BILLIONS of breasts you could see at the touch of your fingertips in about .5 seconds. Are we REALLY this desperate for skin? Seriously?
Jesus tapdancing Christ you guys, you're on the fucking INTERNET. There are literally BILLIONS of breasts you could see at the touch of your fingertips in about .5 seconds. Are we REALLY this desperate for skin? Seriously?

No, which is why my comments were completely out of sarcasm. I just don't put that sarcasm tag on my shit when I type it. I sincerely hope I don't need to, because it should be pretty fucking obvious when I do it.
I was joking, relax bro. It's all good.

One of the very, very few good booking decisions TNA has made recently was having Dreamer lose clean to AJ in that I Quit match. One of the few.
No, which is why my comments were completely out of sarcasm. I just don't put that sarcasm tag on my shit when I type it. I sincerely hope I don't need to, because it should be pretty fucking obvious when I do it.

With some of the stuff I've seen on the internet, I thought you were serious.
Out of curiosity, would any of you say such nice things about a group of 5 guys who has been kicking your ass into oblivion for weeks?

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