TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD for 11.04.10

So I'm watching the rest of the show and something occurs to me.

One of, if not TNA's biggest problem, is that they don't listen to their fans enough. All that matters is getting the stuff out there that the company determines is right. Take the Fourtune match. Both guys get cheered, but they're heels. Why are they heels? Because the story says they are. The fans want to cheer Fourtune but they're heels so it make the whole thing looks stupid.

Look at Randy Orton in WWE. He was a heel but he started getting cheered very loudly to the point that he more or less was turned by the fans rather than a story. WWE went with that and the ovations got louder and louder. TNA's fans are telling TNA that they have something the fans like but TNA won't listen. By the time Fourtune does turn, and of course that's if they do, it'll be too late more than likely. Not good.
The President Obama of Head Trauma and the Russian with a Concussion.

Ladies and gentlemen, those lines were written by someone that made money off of them. Let that sink in for a minute. Someone was paid money to come up with those words.

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