TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD for 09.30

Anyone who claims seeing Russo didn't add an intrigue factor is full of shit. Thus, it was a good thing because the name of the game is getting people interested or to react.
No, dude. All he did was make one big ironic promo about what we already know. I get that it was a good idea to get a guy and talk about that stuff, but picking Mr. "I fired Hogan on PPV to fuel my ego and he did me wrong" himself was dumb.
I just realized something.

They guy who narates reaction also does the promotion for shit that's playing on FX.
Yes. If you're writing the show there is no need to put yourself on TV as you run the risk of making the show too much about yourself. Heyman is probably one of the few people that managed it well, but consider the McMahons, Kevin Nash in 98, Russo as the freaking world champion and Hogan having creative control None of those ended well.

First, there is a difference between booking, creative control and writing. Second, you really think Vince McMahon being on tv was a bad thing for wwf? That is crazy talk. Russo won the title on a fluke and and forfeited it immediately. Why does that matter so much? I guess I forget that no one is rational about Russo. Doesn't that make him perfect for a role in front of crowd needing to suspend disbelief though?
Watching Russo's comments. More stuff leading to BFG of course. I've said this since the beginning: putting everything you have on one show and giving the fans NOTHING until then is absolutely stupid. When you build it up this well it never lives up to the hype and considering who's running this place, I shudder to think what they'll go with at BFG. Everyone keeps telling me "have faith KB. It'll be different this time." Well I see the same damn problems I've always seen with these guys and every single time the TNA fans have said something different than I have in the past 9 months I've been right. This is not going to end well for them.
Watching late since I fell asleep. When they kept the show going on ReAction (HATE THAT) they showed new episode in the corner.. Thanks for telling me that this is a new episode and not a repeat of something that had the ending to a match that hadn't happened yet.
That's Spike's bad. If they're so hooked on iMPACT! being an actual flagship show, it wouldn't kill them to give them an extra five minutes like USA does for Raw.

And yes, the "New Episode" bumper is idiotic. But that's also Spike's fault.
First, there is a difference between booking, creative control and writing. Second, you really think Vince McMahon being on tv was a bad thing for wwf? That is crazy talk. Russo won the title on a fluke and and forfeited it immediately. Why does that matter so much? I guess I forget that no one is rational about Russo. Doesn't that make him perfect for a role in front of crowd needing to suspend disbelief though?

Yes I do. Tell me, when did people want to see Vince vs. Stephanie in an I Quit match on PPV? When did people want to see Vince beat up a handicap man on PPV? When did anyone want to see Linda and Stephanie be focal points of a company? Russo booked himself, a writer, to be the world heavyweight champion. Russo booked an actor to be world heavyweight champion. Russo managed to lose 50+ million dollars in one year. So don't sit there and try to tell me that Russo is good for wrestling because that is fucking garbage.
I almost said queue up kb complaining about this when it happened. The match is over by the time the overrun of raw would be over. Why is this so different?

Because it comes off as so fucking stupid to say OH WAIT THIS SHOW IS OVER NOW LET'S START THE NEW SHOW! End the damn show when the match ends and then have the damn Reaction show. But no this is TNA so we have to have everything come off as REAL and unscripted where we have no idea what's coming.
I love Russo as an on-air character. No one draws more heat than Russo. No one.
First off, quit telling people what they think or don't think. Second, bullshit. Russo pisses people off for the most part. He adds nothing good to anything he's in as his writing is fucking crap with nothing but twists for the sake of twists. He's one of the worst things in the history of wrestling and needs to go away forever if not longer.

How is pissing people off not getting a reaction?
Because it comes off as so fucking stupid to say OH WAIT THIS SHOW IS OVER NOW LET'S START THE NEW SHOW! End the damn show when the match ends and then have the damn Reaction show. But no this is TNA so we have to have everything come off as REAL and unscripted where we have no idea what's coming.
I still believe this particular problem is Spike's fault.
Why is TNA treating the triple threat as Angle vs Anderson.........and Hardy. Makes me think that they fear Hardy could land in jail and they are booking around him. I would compare it to HHH vx HBK ..and Benoit, but at least Benoit had the Rumble storyline.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2475617]No, dude. All he did was make one big ironic promo about what we already know. I get that it was a good idea to get a guy and talk about that stuff, but picking Mr. "I fired Hogan on PPV to fuel my ego and he did me wrong" himself was dumb.[/QUOTE]

Isn't it purposefully ironic to add another possible level to the deception story?
Why is TNA treating the triple threat as Angle vs Anderson.........and Hardy. Makes me think that they fear Hardy could land in jail and they are booking around him. I would compare it to HHH vx HBK ..and Benoit, but at least Benoit had the Rumble storyline.
It's because there's a dynamic of each guy having a totally different reason to win the title. Jeff wants to avenge RVD, Angle want's to prove he's the best ever and Anderson wants his first World title. Plus Jeff got knocked the fuck out last week.

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