TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD for 09.30

Yes I do. Tell me, when did people want to see Vince vs. Stephanie in an I Quit match on PPV? When did people want to see Vince beat up a handicap man on PPV? When did anyone want to see Linda and Stephanie be focal points of a company? Russo booked himself, a writer, to be the world heavyweight champion. Russo booked an actor to be world heavyweight champion. Russo managed to lose 50+ million dollars in one year. So don't sit there and try to tell me that Russo is good for wrestling because that is fucking garbage.

Not getting into the exaggerated legend of what Russo contributed to wcw's demise here but on Vince McMahon, a few bad things here and there hardly negate Austin-McMahon which was probably the greatest story of the most profitable era of wrestling ever. But sure they should have kept him off tv...
Not getting into the exaggerated legend of what Russo contributed to wcw's demise here but on Vince McMahon, a few bad things here and there hardly negate Austin-McMahon which was probably the greatest story of the most profitable era of wrestling ever. But sure they should have kept him off tv...

Vince had his moments and yes the Austin/McMahon rivalry was great, but almost anything after that ended was garbage.

And there's little exaggeration to it. Russo played a huge role in WCW's demise.
[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2475698]It's because there's a dynamic of each guy having a totally different reason to win the title. Jeff wants to avenge RVD, Angle want's to prove he's the best ever and Anderson wants his first World title. Plus Jeff got knocked the fuck out last week.[/QUOTE]

There was very little Hardy mention today. They showed Hardy talking to RVD last week and getting knocked out but that was it.

I like Kendrick a whole lot, i hope he gets a real shot to shine
Because it comes off as so fucking stupid to say OH WAIT THIS SHOW IS OVER NOW LET'S START THE NEW SHOW! End the damn show when the match ends and then have the damn Reaction show. But no this is TNA so we have to have everything come off as REAL and unscripted where we have no idea what's coming.

Doesn't seem any more stupid to me than having a show end at 11:07 or whatever. To me that is what makes no sense. TV is all about lead ins. They are leading people into their show they are trying to build an audience for. Makes perfect sense to me.
Not getting into the exaggerated legend of what Russo contributed to wcw's demise here but on Vince McMahon, a few bad things here and there hardly negate Austin-McMahon which was probably the greatest story of the most profitable era of wrestling ever. But sure they should have kept him off tv...
Yes. One of the greatest feuds of wrestling, but at the same time, it created an "unnecessary requirement" of needing an authority figure on a high-profile role. There's an example now with Miss Tessmacher being named Knockout GM.

While it was a great feud, it laid a double-edged sword to storytelling on pro wrestling. Like when Austin coined "What?" Awesome back then, totally irritating today.
To be clear I am not saying that people booking themselves is always a good thing. Far from it. What I am saying is that the idea that these people being on tv is never a good thing is sheer lunacy.

I think Vince as the heel boss was the backbone of wwe for a long time. Not sure I agree about it messing up storytelling. Authority figures are a necessary staple of prowrestling.
Doesn't seem any more stupid to me than having a show end at 11:07 or whatever. To me that is what makes no sense. TV is all about lead ins. They are leading people into their show they are trying to build an audience for. Makes perfect sense to me.

If Impact ends at 11:07 and THAT'S IT then fine. I'd have no issue with that at all. These graphics and saying YOU'RE WATCHING REACTION NOW is just pointless and added on for no apparent reason which is what ticks me off about TNA more than almost anything. They throw things on there for the sake of throwing them on there. If Spike won't let Impact go on past 11 then end it at 11. The shows are taped so it's not like it would be difficult to do.
If Impact ends at 11:07 and THAT'S IT then fine. I'd have no issue with that at all. These graphics and saying YOU'RE WATCHING REACTION NOW is just pointless and added on for no apparent reason which is what ticks me off about TNA more than almost anything. They throw things on there for the sake of throwing them on there. If Spike won't let Impact go on past 11 then end it at 11. The shows are taped so it's not like it would be difficult to do.

Who is telling people what to think now? How many times do people have to explain to you why they do it before you quit pretending it is pointless and done for no apparent reason?
It really is pointless. everyone knows they're still watching iMPACT no matter what they see on the screen.

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