TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD is Back for 09.16

Why is it so hard to keep the channel on for 10 more minutes Mark? It is not like they said tune in tuesday for the exciting conclusion.
Hard to say. It could be the awful hour and 45 minutes before we get to the solid main event that made me not want to watch. It could be how stupid it was to have a closing graphic then come back seconds later to the same show. Might have been the totally predictable and stupid ending. It may have been that if I wasn't watching the show live that I would have had to miss it.

Might be something else.
What for? Spoilers are events revealed before they air. iMPACT! just aired – anything that happened on it is up for review.

Like I keep saying – watch the show on time. :)

What the fuck?!
Hard to say. It could be the awful hour and 45 minutes before we get to the solid main event that made me not want to watch. It could be how stupid it was to have a closing graphic then come back seconds later to the same show. Might have been the totally predictable and stupid ending. It may have been that if I wasn't watching the show live that I would have had to miss it.

Might be something else.

mas·och·ism   [mas-uh-kiz-uhm, maz-] Show IPA
Psychiatry. the condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering, physical pain, and humiliation.
gratification gained from pain, deprivation, degradation, etc., inflicted or imposed on oneself, either as a result of one's own actions or the actions of others, esp. the tendency to seek this form of gratification.
the act of turning one's destructive tendencies inward or upon oneself.
the tendency to find pleasure in self-denial, submissiveness, etc.

[QUOTE="iMPACT! Player" Riaku;2438313]

What the fuck?![/QUOTE]

Hard to say. It could be the awful hour and 45 minutes before we get to the solid main event that made me not want to watch. It could be how stupid it was to have a closing graphic then come back seconds later to the same show. Might have been the totally predictable and stupid ending. It may have been that if I wasn't watching the show live that I would have had to miss it.

Might be something else.

But you said it was a one match show. If they build it around that match why is it so hard to do nothing for two seconds while they switch infographics and continue? It is a programming block, not two different shows. They are encouraging people to watch the last hour. What a horrible business practice...
But you said it was a one match show. If they build it around that match why is it so hard to do nothing for two seconds while they switch infographics and continue? It is a programming block, not two different shows. They are encouraging people to watch the last hour. What a horrible business practice...

Yeah actually it is a horrible practice. 3 hours is WAY too much in a row every week. There are people that aren't interested in the promos and backstage stuff (such as myself) so they wouldn't record ReAction. Too bad for them I guess and since TNA has SO many fans they can afford to tick them off too. I have no desire to watch 3 hours of TNA in a row other than a PPV. I'll watch two hours thouhg, but according to TNA that's not good enough.

And the match they built up to had no finish on Impact.
Umaga means "Shriveled up monkey penis" according to The Rock. I guess Samoa Joe means "Angry fat fuck who flies".
I'm far from a typical viewer. I watch just about everything. I'm not going to stop watching TNA no matter how much they annoy me.
So TNA should book their entire product for people that do not watch live and do not watch/record ReAction at all? There is a ton of money in that or not. If the match was so "bad" then wouldn't it actually be good for people to miss the finish? Apparently everyone knew this was happening anyway.
And with everyone knowing the ending (and seriously, who didn't?), making us wait even longer to get to the predictable ending simply made the rest of the bullshit of the show that much worse.

TNA needs to keep Impact and ReAction separate. Let one show be wrestling and another be a recap show. Quit overcomplicating things or just go three hours on Impact.
Reaction is clearly more than a recap show already. I fail to see anything a 5th grader would find complicated about this situation.

Didn't everyone "know" Angle was going to beat Hardy at the last PPV?
Pretty good main event, shit finish aside. Probably in the ***1/2 star range. The second I saw two referees in the ring I wanted to put a fucking gun in my mouth with how badly they telegraphed the finish to that match. Like the second I saw two refs and them both on the ground in a rest hold I said "Oh, awesome, ******ed double pinfall with two refs, great" and low and behold 20 seconds later we see just that. Bischoff comes out and announces it's back to a 3 way at BFG. Glad to know we've gone nearly 2 and a half hours into this block of programming and literally NOTHING has been accomplished, we're exactly back where we were when Impact started.

This shit is getting ridiculous. It's like TNA is giving you a handjob and they don't even have the decency to finish you off, they just leave you there with no pay-off after being jerked off for 20 minutes.
We'll also ignore giving the people that paid for Angle vs. Hardy a big middle finger by airing it again with the same stakes for free 11 days later.
Abyss acting like a "gimp" branding some random guy with a 10.10.10 branding iron was the worst thing I have ever seen. Shouldn't this guy be in jail or even fired? Not to mention TNA bringing up the ridiculous RVD picture of him laying in a blood bath. I thought I was watching scenes from a cheesy haunted house.

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