TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD for 09.30

Because it's just an extension of iMPACT. It's like on a CD where two tracks flow into each other. You know you're listening to a new track, but a big voice doesn't yell "YOU ARE NOW LISTENING TO 'READY FOR THE WEEKEND' INSTEAD OF 'THE RAIN'".
did anyone see the name kevin sullivan in the reaction show credits? Isnt that a guy tna was trying to get?
The idea of wrestling is to create a suspension of disbelief. A match is supposed to draw you into it and make you enthralled or at least interested in what you see. We get to the climax of a match and we see the Spike TV logo because the show is changing. It breaks that suspension of disbelief which goes completely against the point.
It has little to do with him and everything to do with the environment he works in.

Oh no! An environment in which he's treated like a veteran, helping to put young stars over, and still is allowed to have good ten minute plus matches with William Regal on Superstars!

It's a disaster! :rolleyes:
20 minutes later we have something close to a valid point, why not start with that? If it was a classic match then I might agree but this is tv. The goal is to get you to stick with the program. They switched with angle getting near the moonsault position. There is nothing fake about that maneuver and no one that is watching is going to change. Personally, I suspend a lot more disbelief just seeing a move like the 5 knuckle shuffle than I do from a logo change.
And again I ask, what purpose does it serve? How does this benefit anyone at all? All it does is bring up a graphic and then take us back to the match. ReAction doesn't need to be on right afterwards anyway but that's another story.
And again I ask, what purpose does it serve? How does this benefit anyone at all? All it does is bring up a graphic and then take us back to the match. ReAction doesn't need to be on right afterwards anyway but that's another story.

That is obviously when it is going to get the highest rating for now. I think you are blinded by subjective quality concerns and are overlooking more obvious tangible business concerns that govern these decisions (AKA IWC Syndrome).
Oh yeah. That .5 it's getting is EPIC stuff indeed. I mean, I'm sure no one gets burnt out watching 3 hours or Impact or has to go to work early in the morning and can't stay up to watch Reaction or anything like that right?
What time slot would you put it in then from a business perspective almighty kb. I suspect they will move it later on but for now this makes the most sense all things considered.
Well for one thing I wouldn't have a show like Reaction but rather something like Xplosion where you can get these other characters ring time. I'd put it wherever Spike had something open that wasn't right after Impact. It needs to be a show like Superstars so you don't have to put everyone on Impact. Have some matches, have some segments, everyone wins. As for a time slot, maybe Saturday or Sunday. Again that's up to Spike and not TNA. In a perfect world, Sunday at 7 when the football games are over and you can use it as a lead-in to PPVs.
Eventually having it lead into PPVs is an interesting idea although weekend, not quite night, would be a big gamble target audience and material-wise. The rest I disagree with. I think the reaction format is gold, especially since it is cheap to put together. It would be nice if xplosion was on in the us but one step at a time. Especially since to launch it correctly they would have to take away from impact which is a questionable idea IMO. A block with xplosion and reaction combined might be interesting at some point. The first part of the equation is getting people to check out the ReAction product which is precisely why they are doing the things that bug you so much right now. TNA usually cannot afford immediate ideal solutions. That is simply a reality of the company.
Yeah it's so gold that almost no one watches it. The overall viewers dropped by about 300,000 last week and it's fairly steadily dropped since it debuted. People don't seem to care. I don't watch it and I'll watch almost any wrestling. Common fans watch wrestling to see wrestling. Unless you're a hardcore fan a lot of this stuff has no interest to them because they haven't seen every minute of every episode. TNA has a real problem with not attending to common or new fans. It's all for the people they already have or hoping that people catch on. If I was a new fan I'd have little clue why a lot of this stuff is going on or who a lot of these people are. If that's me, I'm going to be thrown into the show and have no idea what's going on and unless i'm blown away by what I see, odds are I'll change the channel.

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