TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD is Back for 09.16

Another 5 minute match where a champion loses clean. I get that they have a lot to fit in one show, but these short matches with clean endings are killing the credibility these guys have.
It's not you, they've won literally nothing since actually becoming a group.

Not to mention theyre feuding with a bunch of talentless hacks that belong nowhere near that ring. And it took every single member of Fortune to simply beat Tommy Dreamer.
Joe gets the loudest chants of the night but we need to make sure Nash doesn't lose to him because Nash needs to be protected.

Oh! But KB! HE MADE MONEY FOR WCW 15 YEARS AGO! What has JOE ever done besides be incredibly consistently popular, put on amazing matches and be one of the best wrestlers of the past decade? I'll tell ya what! NOTHING! Career pissant obviously! Nevermind that Nash booked WCW into bankruptcy, never actually drew jackshit for them in any feud whatsoever, and has been one of the biggest leeches in wrestling history; see...he was a part of the nWo! So like, yeah, gotta protect him obviously. Can't have him putting over young talent or anything ABSURD like that.

I wish...I wish I could defend this show anymore. I really wish I could, but it's just too fucking stupid. Thank Christ they still employ some good workers, or there would be no reason to watch this train wreck anymore.
Oh look, another title match 3 weeks before there BIGGEST FUCKING PPV OF THE YEAR! Save the title matches for the PPVs damnit!
Not to mention theyre feuding with a bunch of talentless hacks that belong nowhere near that ring. And it took every single member of Fortune to simply beat Tommy Dreamer.

Right, they'll exert power to beat up Tommy Dreamer, but not to help one of their guys hold a title. Makes sense, right?
I'd very much enjoy hate-fucking Taylor Wilde. Norcal knows what I mean.
Oh! But KB! HE MADE MONEY FOR WCW 15 YEARS AGO! What has JOE ever done besides be incredibly consistently popular, put on amazing matches and be one of the best wrestlers of the past decade? I'll tell ya what! NOTHING! Career pissant obviously! Nevermind that Nash booked WCW into bankruptcy, never actually drew jackshit for them in any feud whatsoever, and has been one of the biggest leeches in wrestling history; see...he was a part of the nWo! So like, yeah, gotta protect him obviously. Can't have him putting over young talent or anything ABSURD like that.

I wish...I wish I could defend this show anymore. I really wish I could, but it's just too fucking stupid. Thank Christ they still employ some good workers, or there would be no reason to watch this train wreck anymore.
Hate to rub it in, but in other words I've been right about this for months.
Little clip from the review:

I know I harp a lot on the matches being short, but in this first 40 minutes there are at least three distinct moments of wasting time. For one thing, the opening with Bischoff saying it’s a triple threat and then Dixie coming out to override him. That’s about two minutes you could add to the matches. A second instance is the brawl going on for about 2-3 minutes. That could have EASILY been cut down. Finally, the Nash/Sting promo where nothing was said. It was like thirty seconds long but adding 30 seconds to a two minute match is a big addition. This is what we mean by wasting time.
As my old friend NSL would say, Madison Rayne has a face made for *******.
Lacey is hot, but she has no in ring talent. Has she started her training yet? Because a few months back she had stated she hadnt even been trained to wrestle and would start soon.

Oh well shes better than Sharmel.

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