TNA iMPACT! & ReAction LD is Back for 09.16

Someone desperately needs to get Kevin Nash the fuck off of my television screen. Sting and Jarrett as well. Could they possibly be wasting Joe more if they tried? Nevermind, don't answer that, TNA could easily find a way to make this even worse I'm sure.
Someone desperately needs to get Kevin Nash the fuck off of my television screen. Sting and Jarrett as well. Could they possibly be wasting Joe more if they tried? Nevermind, don't answer that, TNA could easily find a way to make this even worse I'm sure.

Joe gets the loudest chants of the night but we need to make sure Nash doesn't lose to him because Nash needs to be protected.
Well it's clear they want Fourtune to look strong and they have two champions, one of whom never defends his title. Lethal hasn't been on TV in about three weeks, so yep I'd bet on a new champoon.
I really wish they would sell the finishers better. The commentators make it seem like just another move, at least during its execution.
Perfect, a title change. So, fortune sucks, and I don't need to buy PPVs since this is another title change on free TV.

Fortune loses power? Maybe they should have, oh, I don't know........EXERTED POWER by helping one of their own retain his title?

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