TNA iMPACT! LD for 07/15

So why is it so inconceivable for any of these ECW guys to put over a TNA guy? I'm in no way saying HHH and Shawn Micheals putting someone over is the same thing as Rhyno putting someone over, but how else do you put over young talent without burying other young talent when you don't have to stars to put them over?

First of all, what does beating any of these guys mean anyway? They're old, fat and haven't meant a thing in years. What benefit do these guys bring to TNA?
Have fun with that when they're off the air in two years because they don't make a dime.

I would love to know how you have that information

Well let's see:

Their ratings never got up past 1.2.
Unless they haave a counterfitting scheme going on they aren't making money
They keep changing the focus of the company every three months
They hire people that aren't worth a damn
They pay guys like Hogan to not even show up on TV

Is there a bottom to this at all?
You idiot. What KB is saying is that Eddie is in fact a great wrestler, but not a freakin' hall of famer. WWE did it for the marketing rather than because he deserved it. Maybe he would if he had more years, but he damn sure isn't a Paul Orndorf. Or an Iron Shiek. There are way too many guys out there who deserve the spot he got. Being inducted to the hall of fame makes him seem overrated, because he really didn't deserve it.

Had more years? The guy had been wrestling since 1989, he wasn't some upstart rookie that up and died. And you're right, he's not a Paul Orndorf, he was a lot shorter and a better worker, and Iron Sheik?? You're seriously gonna rank Sheik ABOVE Guerrero? The fatass shit worker who used the war and racism to get heat, you mean to tell me that guy is better? You are the idiot, sir. He DID deserve it, whether you like it or not, he worked his ass off, started from the bottom, and got all the way to the top.
Have fun with that when they're off the air in two years because they don't make a dime.

My concern isn't over making money - it's over being entertained. I'm entertained by an ECW invasion. I'm not entertained by 450 splash guy with the odd haircut.

When you say do exactly what WWE does, are you referring to make money, become a global company, have high ratings and bring in fans?

As for the alternative thing, nothing says alternative like making a stable of guys from a company that was put to rest by WWE less than five months ago

Nah, referring to book the type of angles 6-year olds like because they "get" it.

Then wholes in the TNA fans' arguments are larger than the gap in Jay Lethal's teeth.


1. A thing that is complete in itself: "a coherent whole".


1. A hollowed place in something solid; a cavity or pit.
First of all, what does beating any of these guys mean anyway? They're old, fat and haven't meant a thing in years. What benefit do these guys bring to TNA?

Entertain fans, create discussion. Even if people are watching just so they can bitch about how terrible and Nexus-like the angle is gets TNA ratings.
My concern isn't over making money - it's over being entertained. I'm entertained by an ECW invasion. I'm not entertained by 450 splash guy with the odd haircut.

So when they're off TV, have fun finding entertaining wrestling.

Nah, referring to book the type of angles 6-year olds like because they "get" it.

Yeah you're right. That DECEPTION angle really raked in the cash hand over fist. How did that bet from it go for you again?
Personal insults? Nice man, shows how great of a poster you are.

I really don't know how you can be expected to be taken seriously with a username like yours, especially where apropos of nothing, you toss out that you smoke weed. Sorry.

Comparing the Nexus guys to Cena, Batista, Austin, etc.? Okay, we'll see how that turns out for you.

Please, at least guys like Cena showed glimpses of a superstar in his fucking debut. These guys couldn't even get over on a fucking developmental show.

Did I ever say that the Nexus guys WERE going to wind up like them? No. But it goes to show that they started somewhere, which clearly, you're not grasping. The fact that they're being taken seriously as a legitimate threat can only help them. It takes months to truly get over, and a lot more seasoning.

As far as your second statement goes, did you watch FCW on a regular basis? Don't even bullshit me or anyone else because we all know the answer is no. However, if they couldn't get over on a developmental show, then they would have been Ryan Braddock'ed or Eric Escobar'ed out of the company. The WWE clearly has enough faith in these guys to be involved in the biggest angle of the flagship show, and their ability to hold their own with John Cena and Vince McMahon. Vince had enough faith in them where he was comfortable in taking some stiff clotheslines, getting dropped like a sack of potatoes, and a previously banned move in the 450 Splash.

You're the talent evaluator though. How silly of me to question you.

Oh, and out of sheer curiosity, did they ever explain Joe getting kidnapped by ninjas?
My concern isn't over making money - it's over being entertained. I'm entertained by an ECW invasion. I'm not entertained by 450 splash guy with the odd haircut.

Nah, referring to book the type of angles 6-year olds like because they "get" it.


1. A thing that is complete in itself: "a coherent whole".


1. A hollowed place in something solid; a cavity or pit.

You know you got nothing when you make fun of a posters typo. Seriously, that Angle was shit, and was nothing more than a ripoff of what went down like a month ago. Seriously, no one gives a damn about an irrelevant Raven and a never was in Richards.
Well let's see:

Their ratings never got up past 1.2.
Unless they haave a counterfitting scheme going on they aren't making money
They keep changing the focus of the company every three months
They hire people that aren't worth a damn
They pay guys like Hogan to not even show up on TV

Is there a bottom to this at all?

Ratings have been steadily rising for them the last three weeks. Scored a 1.15 last week with the main event pulling a 1.21.
Barrett would have a been a star without Nexus

Again with the crystal ball, it must be wonderful being able to see into the future like you do.

Even if I agree with you about Barrett, there's no doubt that this angle will tremendously speed up the push he will receive. And that's not seeing the future, that's just obvious fact. If he goes on to fight Cena, or Orton, or some other super-face in WWE due to this Nexus angle, he'll clearly be pushed farther, faster than he otherwise would have been.

GC says it the best. Look at the superstars that WWE produced that appeared from the outset to be nothing. Hell, add Rocky Maivia and Hunter Hearst Helmsley to the list. I think it's wrong to outright dismiss the rest of Nexus without giving them a chance. And the Nexus angle gives them this chance, whereas the ECW angle doesn't elevate anyone.

1. A thing that is complete in itself: "a coherent whole".


1. A hollowed place in something solid; a cavity or pit.
That's the only post off mine you've responded to in this thread.

You clearly have nothing of value to say.

Tiger, Van Dam should be having competitive matches with guys who can return in kind. A nail ***** hanging from the heavens match with his old road buddies involved in the feud is not that. It's playing to a stereotype of days gone by while continuing to marginalize the only guy of the bunch who still has any real value.

You don't know what a full stop is?
On those notes I'm going to bow out due to not being able to see straight anymore. Have fun with your defense of TNA guys. It's hilarious.
So when they're off TV, have fun finding entertaining wrestling.

I'm just as entertained by Pope, AJ, Flair, Kazarian, Morgan, Anderson, Hardy, and the rest of TNA's roster, so I doubt I'll be searching very long.

Certainly better than watching Ted DiBiase try rekindling his fathers flame to which he ironically couldn't hold a candle to, or watching Michael Cole blab out the "anonymous GM's" orders every nine minutes when he gets an obnoxious iPhone text from him/her/it.

Yeah you're right. That DECEPTION angle really raked in the cash hand over fist. How did that bet from it go for you again?

So the only way to determine value now is by money alone? I wonder how valuable the rest of Nexus would be if they were in a no-name company without a national television contract and a twenty year legacy... Wonder how quickly they'd be booed out of an ROH building?
Again with the crystal ball, it must be wonderful being able to see into the future like you do.

Even if I agree with you about Barrett, there's no doubt that this angle will tremendously speed up the push he will receive. And that's not seeing the future, that's just obvious fact. If he goes on to fight Cena, or Orton, or some other super-face in WWE due to this Nexus angle, he'll clearly be pushed farther, faster than he otherwise would have been.

GC says it the best. Look at the superstars that WWE produced that appeared from the outset to be nothing. Hell, add Rocky Maivia and Hunter Hearst Helmsley to the list. I think it's wrong to outright dismiss the rest of Nexus without giving them a chance. And the Nexus angle gives them this chance, whereas the ECW angle doesn't elevate anyone.

Hows your crystal ball in saying that Ecw wont elevate anyone
I'm just as entertained by Pope, AJ, Flair, Kazarian, Morgan, Anderson, Hardy, and the rest of TNA's roster, so I doubt I'll be searching very long.

Certainly better than watching Ted DiBiase try rekindling his fathers flame to which he ironically couldn't hold a candle to, or watching Michael Cole blab out the "anonymous GM's" orders every nine minutes when he gets an obnoxious iPhone text from him/her/it.

So the only way to determine value now is by money alone? I wonder how valuable the rest of Nexus would be if they were in a no-name company without a national television contract and a twenty year legacy... Wonder how quickly they'd be booed out of an ROH building?
I'm talking about when the whole company goes under.

With DiBiase you get Maryse. That's never a bad thing.

Even I'm not defending that infernal noise.

I thought all angles were aabout making money.
Why do you care, you don't find TNA entertaining, you don't like the wrestling in ROH, the only thing you will ever like is the WWE.

No clue, my sig looks the same.

I do find TNA entertaining actually. And I've reviewed three ROH shows. I think the lowest I've graded them is a C.

I might have to change that soon, with your permission that is.

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