TNA iMPACT! LD for 07/15

Please defend giving away 3 PPV quality gimmick matches for free (literally!), with no promotion. Either way, nobody's buying the PPVs and that's a problem when people don't attend house shows and can attend your TV show taping for free.

Why do I need to defend those choices?

If you wanted to call me out, X, you could have done it without being a passive-aggressive ass about it.

I had absolutely no intention of trying to "call you out" Guy, you informing me now that you were the one to say the ECW invasion angle as a ripoff of the NXT angle is the first time I'm hearing it from you, I had no clue who had said it before, just read it somewhere among hundreds of posts in a LD. I wasn't trying to be passive aggressive, I literally did not realize that you were the one to say that.

If you replaced Abyss with John Cena, Mick Foley with Wade Barrett, and the has-beens with the Nexus members on the first invasion, it's pretty much an exact copy of how it played out... which is where I was making the comparison.

I really don't see how you could compare Abyss' current character to Cena's current character. Vastly different situations there. Also RVD is on the ECW side in TNA, an he's the TNA Champ so it's not about trying to gain control in the promotion like it is for the Nexus in the WWE, they already have control and the angles have been hinting at that.

This is besides the point though, because like I said this ECW invasion angle rumor has been flying around TNA since last December, long before the Nexus group formed and even before the NXT show even began. That's why I'm saying that it's pretty ridiculous to call this a ripoff of a WWE angle when they've been kicking this idea around for 7 months or so.

And how do you know if this wasn't the long-term plan for the Nexus?

Because I read the news? Because more than one source confirmed that the original plan for the first season of NXT was for Daniel Bryan to win in an underdog fashion after a losing streak, but they had to change that once they realized they had to shorten the NXT seasons and that they were just going to bring Bryan to the main roster for a push before he was fired.

Deep down, I want to see TNA do well, which is why I'm still even talking about this. Competition is good, and there are a lot of talented guys on the roster. The response to focus groups saying they wanted TNA to be more like ECW, instead of fine-tuning the programming, the writing, and who got pushed, they went the completely lazy way about it, where once again, talented wrestlers will be gasping for airtime, just this time, without legitimate stars getting more attention than them.

Oh I agree the angle will likely suck and I've been saying that since the rumors started up. ECW is dead, let it stay that way.

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