TNA iMPACT! LD for 07/15

If you actually read some news you'd know that no KB, they didn't plan for it, at all.

Oh I see. I know how it feels man. Back in the day I was PISSED at Edison for releasing the electric light bulb before I could. BUt I came up with it first so I should get credit for it right?
Then why the fuck don't you EVER bring up this shit when the WWE pulls it? Ever? Oh, right, because you're completely biased and gleefully admit that anytime someone mentions it.

You know, you shouldn't be proud of being closed-minded. Not flattering.

The first part of this is bullshit as I blast WWE time after time for it.

The second part is absolutely hilarious. X telling someone they're being close minded.
Semi unrelated but regarding Russo being on vacation or whatever, this is from Bischoff's blog:

So if nothing else he's been writing or doing something for at least the majority of this month.
Made a thread regarding that. Russo got the position just before July 4th. His booking began with Victory Road. Easy to notice is an understatement.
You must mean Angles ability to draw a face reaction while being a heel:shrug:? Thanks for helping me.

Like I said last nights. Wolfe was decent upon his debut. Since then he's gone nowhere. Also I think the invasion is just stupid. Maybe it'll prove me wrong. I'll watch next month to find out...
The first part of this is bullshit as I blast WWE time after time for it.

Not even close to the amount you shit on TNA. For every one criticism of the WWE, there are 40,000 for TNA.

The second part is absolutely hilarious. X telling someone they're being close minded.

Oh yes, I am after all so close minded, right KB? Yep, I hate anything that's different, I hate gays, I hate blacks, I hate Jews, yep, that's me, Mr. Closed Minded. Not like I watch every style of wrestling from lucha to joshi to WWE to deathmatches, nope, I'm just a simple closed-minded fool I am, yessir.

Would LOVE to hear how I'm closed-minded KB. Is it when I give every single promotion a fair shake? Is that when I'm closed-minded?
You must mean Angles ability to draw a face reaction while being a heel:shrug:? Thanks for helping me.

The fuck are you talking about? Angle hasn't been a heel since Bound for Glory last October. And yes, Angle is a great draw as a face, have you forgotten his face run in the summer of 2001 already? He was getting Rock-like pops while battling the most popular wrestler of all time, and beating him clean for the title to one of the biggest pops I've ever seen in my life. And as a heel? Shit, you won't find a better heel than Kurt Angle.
Not even close to the amount you shit on TNA. For every one criticism of the WWE, there are 40,000 for TNA.

Hang on. Let me slap my hands on my face and do the Home Alone scream. YOU MEAN I THINK WWE IS BETTER THAN TNA??? AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yes, I am after all so close minded, right KB? Yep, I hate anything that's different, I hate gays, I hate blacks, I hate Jews, yep, that's me, Mr. Closed Minded. Not like I watch every style of wrestling from lucha to joshi to WWE to deathmatches, nope, I'm just a simple closed-minded fool I am, yessir.

Would LOVE to hear how I'm closed-minded KB. Is it when I give every single promotion a fair shake? Is that when I'm closed-minded?

I'd point to the massive post where you came in here and bashed everyone that disagreed with you because we just didn't get it apparently. Couldn't be that we just saw things differently and have our own opinions on it. Nah you must be completely right and we're completely wrong.
Well... Victory Road sucked. Raw sucked. NXT... didn't watch. iMPACT! sucked. Superstar's... still airs? Smackdown will probably suck. It's a bad week in mainstream wrestling. Don't blow a gasket people.
Hang on. Let me slap my hands on my face and do the Home Alone scream. YOU MEAN I THINK WWE IS BETTER THAN TNA??? AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, it's more just the fact that you pick out things to bitch about that TNA does, but then when the WWE does it, you have no problems with it whatsoever. The WWE is better than TNA, never said it wasn't. I'm just getting tired of your bias towards TNA, it pisses off me and as you can see, MANY other people in these LDs when you just spend 2 hours bitching about every single thing on Impact. Notice how these LDs seem to be going down and down each week? Yeah, some of us just don't feel like reading you cry for two hours.

I'd point to the massive post where you came in here and bashed everyone that disagreed with you because we just didn't get it apparently.

Really, is that what I said? That you "didn't get it"? Funny, I don't recall that. What I do recall is addressing several topics brought up, explaining my position on those topic and why I think you're wrong, and then moving on. Yes, how closed-minded of me, having an opinion and explaining it. I'm practically a Nazi!

Couldn't be that we just saw things differently and have our own opinions on it. Nah you must be completely right and we're completely wrong.

Apparently you don't understand the term "closed-minded". It has to do with being biased towards a topic or subject before addressing it, as you have gleefully admitted yourself MANY times.

Closed-minded would be me turning on Impact and defending the show and promotion before I've even watched it. That would be closed-minded. Not watching the show and forming my opinion and then explaining that opinion.

I'm not calling you anything you haven't freely admitted to being KB. Not sure why you're upset.
Well... Victory Road sucked. Raw sucked. NXT... didn't watch. iMPACT! sucked. Superstar's... still airs? Smackdown will probably suck. It's a bad week in mainstream wrestling. Don't blow a gasket people.

Really, you thought Victory Road sucked? I thought it was a pretty damn good PPV, best one in months. The MCMG-Beer Money match alone made the PPV worth watching, easily **** there. Angle/Pope had a good match as did several others, really the only disappointments I thought were the X-Division title match and the shitty main event. Aside from that though I thought it was one of the better PPVs in months from either promotion. What about it didn't you like?
If this doesn't end the fighting, nothing will:
Really, you thought Victory Road sucked? I thought it was a pretty damn good PPV, best one in months. The MCMG-Beer Money match alone made the PPV worth watching, easily **** there. Angle/Pope had a good match as did several others, really the only disappointments I thought were the X-Division title match and the shitty main event. Aside from that though I thought it was one of the better PPVs in months from either promotion. What about it didn't you like?
Bad overshadowed the good. The tag matches (both) were awesome. So was Lethal/Flair. And of course Hernandez flying all over the cage. However Ultimate X/Submission left a lot to be desired thanks in part to Kendrick falling and the main event match was really lackluster and just flat out dragged. I realize the show had great matches but the bad one's just dragged the show and made it seem like it was way over 3 hours long. Check my LD. It lasted well over 5 hours.
No, it's more just the fact that you pick out things to bitch about that TNA does, but then when the WWE does it, you have no problems with it whatsoever.

Yeah I know. Screw this whole I like WWE stuff. I'm biased and I know it. Don't like it? Stop reading my stuff.

I'm just getting tired of your bias towards TNA, it pisses off me and as you can see, MANY other people in these LDs when you just spend 2 hours bitching about every single thing on Impact. Notice how these LDs seem to be going down and down each week? Yeah, some of us just don't feel like reading you cry for two hours.

Yeah this LD hitting 750+ posts is it falling apart.

Last week: 429

Week before: 241


Really, is that what I said? That you "didn't get it"? Funny, I don't recall that. What I do recall is addressing several topics brought up, explaining my position on those topic and why I think you're wrong, and then moving on. Yes, how closed-minded of me, having an opinion and explaining it. I'm practically a Nazi!

So in other words, what I do every week and get bashed for it? Got it.

Apparently you don't understand the term "closed-minded". It has to do with being biased towards a topic or subject before addressing it, as you have gleefully admitted yourself MANY times.

Closed-minded would be me turning on Impact and defending the show and promotion before I've even watched it. That would be closed-minded. Not watching the show and forming my opinion and then explaining that opinion.

I'm not calling you anything you haven't freely admitted to being KB. Not sure why you're upset.

So, me watching the shows every week and criticizing them is....?
Well... Victory Road sucked. Raw sucked. NXT... didn't watch. iMPACT! sucked. Superstar's... still airs? Smackdown will probably suck. It's a bad week in mainstream wrestling. Don't blow a gasket people.

I enjoyed every single show you listed, maybe you should stop watching wrestling if you think all the shows suck.
A) The "10,000" buys rumor is absolute bullshit, as are pretty much every single report on TNA PPV buys. Why? Because TNA is not required to release their PPV buys like the WWE are, and they never do. The only fuckin' people who know what TNA is doing in PPV buys are the uppermost staff and thats it. I'm sure the PPV buys were low, but anyone claiming to know the actual number is lying.

Please defend giving away 3 PPV quality gimmick matches for free (literally!), with no promotion. Either way, nobody's buying the PPVs and that's a problem when people don't attend house shows and can attend your TV show taping for free.

And also to the jackass I saw in this LD bitching about the ECW invasion angle being a rip-off of the Nexus, you are a fucking moron, TNA has been planning and trying to get the ball rolling on this angle since fucking April, long before the Nexus was ever even contemplated about.

If you wanted to call me out, X, you could have done it without being a passive-aggressive ass about it.

If you replaced Abyss with John Cena, Mick Foley with Wade Barrett, and the has-beens with the Nexus members on the first invasion, it's pretty much an exact copy of how it played out... which is where I was making the comparison.

And how do you know if this wasn't the long-term plan for the Nexus?

Deep down, I want to see TNA do well, which is why I'm still even talking about this. Competition is good, and there are a lot of talented guys on the roster. The response to focus groups saying they wanted TNA to be more like ECW, instead of fine-tuning the programming, the writing, and who got pushed, they went the completely lazy way about it, where once again, talented wrestlers will be gasping for airtime, just this time, without legitimate stars getting more attention than them.
Eh.... Always seem to miss out on the fun with these things.

Look, I'm pretty indiscriminate, in saying both shows aren't that great at the moment. Just the way I work. Currently, I don't find much entertaining about the WWE, save for a couple glimpses, and I don't find myself much entertained by TNA, save for a couple glimpses. Is it pessimistic to notice those negatives? Yes, but I won't lie in saying it's my first response. I will say that after watching it over again, the show wasn't that bad. I'm still not going to give the thumbs up on this invasion thing, because I just feel it's a tad lazy. Having said that, I'm indiscriminatory, in that at the moment, I dislike both companies. Might make me more critical, but again, all of these boil down to singular, solitary opinions, that either may or may not be grouped into a larger collective. Whether it be the fact that the WWE has become formulaic, or that TNA is just left with little to no direction at the moment, I find myself in a lull at the moment with professional wrestling by today's standards, and consequentially, I'm left to my old tapes to remind me of why I love wrestling so. It isn't so much I hate TNA, I'm upset with both products as a whole, really. As a person who freely offers to hand my money over to both companies, and support the programming, I, like anyone else, am free to have an opinion that behooves the moment, even if it may be more pessimistic. Why? Because, simply enough, there's no need to support the program, even if something done is displeasing. There's room for both, and while praise is something one should express, so too should criticism.

And right now, I'm left with little more than displeasure at the current state of affairs, both in WWE and in TNA. And I don't know about you guys, but I find myself looking to one place to keep my wrestling interests alive. I'll see you there.
What's with everyone trying to get us to stop arguing, spirited debate is what forums are for, if we all agreed on everything this place would suck.
I can't get into this NX.....err I mean ECW invasion. These old guys aren't doing it for me. I loved OG ECW so it is somewhat nostalgic to see them again, but something is off. TNA, once again, living off the past instead of their young talent. Maybe this works better without something similar going on in WWE with the NXT.
Ahem...if you are sick of TNA like some people, or just don't care about WWE like others, then watch Ring of Honor.

Anyways, I liked a good bit of Impact this week, outside of Abyss beating his meat. I don't care if an invasion angle is happening in a different company, TNA is going to put it own twist on it so it won't be like watching the same thing again.

People bash TNA way too much. Is it perfect? Nowhere close. Is it enjoyable? Most of the time, yes. And why do people bitch about getting awesome matches on TV? Given the choice of having a great match on free TV or having it on PPV, I would choose free TV every time. It might not be good for business, but its awesome for the fans.

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