TNA iMPACT! LD for 06/17 Complete With New TNA Mod

"What's causing this?"

This is a guy that's allegedly shot his father, had a coffin match with Sting, had electric shock treatment, had a shrink, and has broken a lot of stuff. HE IS A FUCKING PSYCHO. But hey, "The Professor" is surprised by this.

I love stupid commentary.
Congratulations on your return, Abyss. Now bail on the fucking ketchup and mustard once and for all, and for the love of God, no more American Made?
If this means Abyss goes back to his old theme and starts making people bleed, I'll be a happy man.
Only part I saw was the ME, which was solid for four minutes.

:( Funny, now that a heel is being dominate, I feel unfulfilled, why is that KB?

The part of you that's supposed to feel good has been sucked into an.......abyss?

My guess would be because this heel turn makes limited sense at the moment and is thrown on because of a lack of a main event heel rather than months of building to an eruption. Much like AJ, he's been successful and all of a sudden turned at the top of his game with seemingly nothing more to gain, making it illogical
The part of you that's supposed to feel good has been sucked into an.......abyss?

My guess would be because this heel turn makes limited sense at the moment and is thrown on because of a lack of a main event heel rather than months of building to an eruption. Much like AJ, he's been successful and all of a sudden turned at the top of his game with seemingly nothing more to gain, making it illogical

Sounds about right, you forgot to add in the fact that face or heel I think Abyss is one of the shittiest wrestler's I've ever had the displeasure of watching.
That's what the first line was about. Also, if you've never seen it find his match vs. AJ at Lockdown 2005. GREAT match.

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