TNA iMPACT! LD for 06/03

This whole arm thing is almost as dumb as that ring thing. Which thanks to God Almighty seems to have died.
Terry is actually starting to pan out into a good character if I don't say so myself. Damn shame Mankindof has to be on television here still.
Yeah; Terry hasn't actually sucked. The presumption is that he's terrible in the ring, but I haven't really seen enough recently to convince me one way or the other.
Yeah; Terry hasn't actually sucked. The presumption is that he's terrible in the ring, but I haven't really seen enough recently to convince me one way or the other.

Well the beauty of how they're booking him is that they're building him in feuds with guys who can punish him a bit to get him to the point he can hulk up to win. His ring work is minimal which is great for his character.
That was decent enough and yeah Terry is bad in the ring. One thing though: look at him and then look at the offense he uses. For what he's supposed to be, a genetic freak that's almost unhurtable, he's perfect.

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