TNA iMPACT! LD for 07/15

Hey man, its what happens. TNA is so shit you can just keep talking about it for days
:suspic: Yeah, well... I don't know. At least there's something to discuss. Goddamn Bischoff for taking the week off. And goddamn him for giving Russo his responsibilities.
I thought I saw Mahoney too.

Then quit running angles on Impact that are from Xplosion and expect us to know about them. They talk about not seeing Magnus forever, yet he's still feuding with Terry? TELL US THAT.

Mahoney was there.

The only angle that was carried over from Xplosion was the Taylor/Sarita thing that got backstage segments and a street fight.

You asked why Magnus came over to talk during Terry's match, he did mention he has his eyes set on the Global title.
Simply had to log in to respond to the inane bitchfest this LD was. You guys are some of the most negative ***** I've ever seen in my life, every one of you would be giggling like school girls if the WWE decided to have a RAW with several gimmick matches, but here it's a problem? Why? Every one of them served a purpose. Sarita and Wilde had a street fight because they've been fighting backstage for weeks and feuding, Williams and Kendrick had an I Quit match to follow up their series of gimmick matches they've been having revolving around submissions and high flying, and the ladder match was for the right for the winning team to pick the next match's stipulation. All served a purpose.

The ladder match had no flow or psychology? Don't know what fuckin' ladder match you were watching KB, the one I was watching made perfect sense from start to finish and was one of the better ladder matches from either promotions in months, on par with this year's MITB match atleast, which surprise surprise, you and a bunch of other people really liked despite the MITB matches being the literal definition of a spotfest with no flow whatsoever. But hey, TNA did it, so obviously it sucks because TNA is incapable of doing anything right in some of your eyes.

Now on to Becker: Shut the fuck up. You know absolutely nothing about professional wrestling, nor have you ever. You wouldn't recognize a good wrestler if he gave you a fucking Burning Hammer, every time you post in a wrestling thread you immediately lower the IQ of that thread with your inane bullshit with absolutely no basis in fact.

Tiger: I'm with you man, fun little ladder match. It had plenty of flow, would love to hear someone explain how it didn't other than the shitty explanation of "Uhhh well I thought it didn't look like it had flow...", like, what? How do you figure? Was it when they built up each spot to be more painful than the previous? Was that the part with no flow? Was it the perfectly booked ending to the match, giving Beer Money a win and a reason for us to see them wrestle MCMG again while still not making MCMG look like crap? Was that the part that had no flow?

Thank you guys, THIS is why I don't ever come on for TNA LDs anymore, because I don't feel like hearing a bunch of *******s with too much sand in their vagina whining for two hours nonstop about every fucking thing they see on their television set. Maybe I'll return to one of these when some of you get some brains, or atleast a vagina that isn't stuffed to the brim with sand as it appears most of yours are.

Phew, that feels better. Fucking atrocious LD.
I cant even belive the TNA zealots. this fuckign show has holes in it as big as the day is long. I dont understand HOW in the fuck you could possibly defend it
Simply had to log in to respond to the inane bitchfest this LD was. You guys are some of the most negative ***** I've ever seen in my life, every one of you would be giggling like school girls if the WWE decided to have a RAW with several gimmick matches, but here it's a problem? Why? Every one of them served a purpose. Sarita and Wilde had a street fight because they've been fighting backstage for weeks and feuding, Williams and Kendrick had an I Quit match to follow up their series of gimmick matches they've been having revolving around submissions and high flying, and the ladder match was for the right for the winning team to pick the next match's stipulation. All served a purpose.

The ladder match had no flow or psychology? Don't know what fuckin' ladder match you were watching KB, the one I was watching made perfect sense from start to finish and was one of the better ladder matches from either promotions in months, on par with this year's MITB match atleast, which surprise surprise, you and a bunch of other people really liked despite the MITB matches being the literal definition of a spotfest with no flow whatsoever. But hey, TNA did it, so obviously it sucks because TNA is incapable of doing anything right in some of your eyes.

Now on to Becker: Shut the fuck up. You know absolutely nothing about professional wrestling, nor have you ever. You wouldn't recognize a good wrestler if he gave you a fucking Burning Hammer, every time you post in a wrestling thread you immediately lower the IQ of that thread with your inane bullshit with absolutely no basis in fact.

Tiger: I'm with you man, fun little ladder match. It had plenty of flow, would love to hear someone explain how it didn't other than the shitty explanation of "Uhhh well I thought it didn't look like it had flow...", like, what? How do you figure? Was it when they built up each spot to be more painful than the previous? Was that the part with no flow? Was it the perfectly booked ending to the match, giving Beer Money a win and a reason for us to see them wrestle MCMG again while still not making MCMG look like crap? Was that the part that had no flow?

Thank you guys, THIS is why I don't ever come on for TNA LDs anymore, because I don't feel like hearing a bunch of *******s with too much sand in their vagina whining for two hours nonstop about every fucking thing they see on their television set. Maybe I'll return to one of these when some of you get some brains, or atleast a vagina that isn't stuffed to the brim with sand as it appears most of yours are.

Phew, that feels better. Fucking atrocious LD.

Couldn't agree more
You guys are some of the most negative ***** I've ever seen in my life, every one of you would be giggling like school girls if the WWE decided to have a RAW with several gimmick matches, but here it's a problem? Why? Every one of them served a purpose.

I think Meltzer reported that the past couple of PPVs only did like 10,000 buys. People don't have a reason to buy PPVs if they give PPV matches that they don't even promote away for free on television.

And whenever the WWE does a Raw full of gimmick matches (Raw Roulette, for example), they promote the shit out of it and rarely give away something you'd pay for. They still put on good matches.
I cant even belive the TNA zealots. this fuckign show has holes in it as big as the day is long. I dont understand HOW in the fuck you could possibly defend it

No one is saying the show's perfect. But some of you fuckers bitch and whine about literally EVERY SINGLE MATCH, ANGLE, PROMO, and fucking SECOND of television. TNA has some holes, sure, they've got some stupid fucking angles, they're burying some talent they shouldn't be and some talentless fucks are getting pushes they don't deserve, but the way some of you are making this show out to sound you'd think I was watching WCW Thunder in 2000. TNA is not even half as bad as KB and others on here make it out to be. That MCMG-Beer Money tag match from Victory Road was far and away better than ANY tag match I have seen in the WWE in atleast two years, at LEAST. And you guys sit here shitting all over them for continuing the you have a problem with watching great wrestling or something?

Sometimes I feel like some of you aren't even wrestling fans so much as just critics.
And if you had paid attention you would see me saying the match was good but not great. BUt hey, why pay attention to what was said?

Also, the ladder match was the 4th in 3 months in TNA. Overkill much?
Semi unrelated but regarding Russo being on vacation or whatever, this is from Bischoff's blog:

Also, as I have posted on my Facebook page, really want to thank Vince Russo, Matt Conway and the team at TNA for picking up my slack and allowing me to spend some time with family and friends over an extended 4th of July break.

So if nothing else he's been writing or doing something for at least the majority of this month.
I think Meltzer reported that the past couple of PPVs only did like 10,000 buys. People don't have a reason to buy PPVs if they give PPV matches that they don't even promote away for free on television.

And whenever the WWE does a Raw full of gimmick matches (Raw Roulette, for example), they promote the shit out of it and rarely give away something you'd pay for. They still put on good matches.

A) The "10,000" buys rumor is absolute bullshit, as are pretty much every single report on TNA PPV buys. Why? Because TNA is not required to release their PPV buys like the WWE are, and they never do. The only fuckin' people who know what TNA is doing in PPV buys are the uppermost staff and thats it. I'm sure the PPV buys were low, but anyone claiming to know the actual number is lying.

B) Raw Roulette put on good matches? Huh? What show were you watching? That show was atrocious for the most part. Impact routinely beats out RAW in terms of quality in-ring wrestling and matches, routinely. Last night's Impact featured several good matches, all different styles of wrestling, all were given a good amount of time as well. But this is a problem...why? We got to see some hardcore wrestling, some technical wrestling, and some high-flying as well as some brawling. We practically saw every style of wrestling represented, and you guys bitch about how it sucks. Whatever.

And also to the jackass I saw in this LD bitching about the ECW invasion angle being a rip-off of the Nexus, you are a fucking moron, TNA has been planning and trying to get the ball rolling on this angle since fucking April, long before the Nexus was ever even contemplated about.
No one is saying the show's perfect. But some of you fuckers bitch and whine about literally EVERY SINGLE MATCH, ANGLE, PROMO, and fucking SECOND of television. TNA has some holes, sure, they've got some stupid fucking angles, they're burying some talent they shouldn't be and some talentless fucks are getting pushes they don't deserve, but the way some of you are making this show out to sound you'd think I was watching WCW Thunder in 2000. TNA is not even half as bad as KB and others on here make it out to be. That MCMG-Beer Money tag match from Victory Road was far and away better than ANY tag match I have seen in the WWE in atleast two years, at LEAST. And you guys sit here shitting all over them for continuing the you have a problem with watching great wrestling or something?

Sometimes I feel like some of you aren't even wrestling fans so much as just critics.

No I get what you are saying. I love most of the wrestling, the angles are just awfull, incosistent, and show egregious lack of compenancy in using people to the best of their abilities which is EXTREMELY fucking frustrating to me

At first I thought the best of 5 series was a bit much, but if they are doing gimmick matches, then that rocks like a motherfucker.

I, however, am a wrestling fan in comparison to a critic. Like I said, I enjoy the show, dont mean its not shit. drivel.
And also to the jackass I saw in this LD bitching about the ECW invasion angle being a rip-off of the Nexus, you are a fucking moron, TNA has been planning and trying to get the ball rolling on this angle since fucking April, long before the Nexus was ever even contemplated about.

Yeah I'm sure WWE just threw that angle together at the very last second. They didn't plan that at all.
LOL, I know a lot about professional wrestling. I know Angle's a hack. Wolfe sucks in TNA. Styles is rather good. Cena's the best in the world. Brian Kendrick sucks and likes his marijuana. I know Ravens old as shit and has been shit for years. I know no one cares about Stevie Richards unless your name is Lee. I know D-Lo Brown sucks.... O and Tommy Dreamer was never good. That results in one big fail of an angle when your biggest stae is someone who was never more than a mid carder. Success baby.
Please elaborate on these holes.

people and pushes randomly appearing and disappearing with no explanation

angles starting and going away the same way

a ranking system that makes fuck all sense, rhyme or reason

allegiances / rivalries struck up with zero motivation or explanation

turns done forecfully or weakly

lack of putting titles on the right guys, emphasizing the titles, and giving them distinct roles (with the exception of the tag title)

Stop the fucking presses! SO MUCH OVERKILL! The WWE would NEVER do that...I mean, it's not like they'd just start creating PPVs for the sole purpose of having half a dozen of the exact same kind of gimmick match on each PPV...the WWE would NEVER do that. Nope. What's that? Nonsense, the Hell in a Cell PPV, TLC PPV, Elimination Chamber PPV, and Money in the Bank PPV would never overkill a match. EVER!

I sincerely hope you are kidding with that criticism KB. Because if anyone goes into gimmick overkill, it's the WWE. They just about single handedly killed the most looked-forward to money match they had (Hell in a Cell) in one night by putting on three sub-par Cell matches.
Where did I say WWE was innocent? That's right: I didn't. But hey, who cares about what was said or not said when you can bash a TNA critic?
Yeah I'm sure WWE just threw that angle together at the very last second. They didn't plan that at all.

If you actually read some news you'd know that no KB, they didn't plan for it, at all. The original NXT plan was for Daniel Bryan to be the underdog and win the first season, and for the majority of the rest of them to go back to Florida for more training. Obviously they had to change that when NXT was shortened and Bryan was fired. It's been reported week-after-week for months now that the WWE's creative team is literally coming up with each week's show on the fly, and almost every angle (including the NXT one) is being booked on-the-fly.

This has been reported by like fourteen different sources man.

LOL, I know a lot about professional wrestling.[/qjuote]

You clearly do not, as every one of your wrestling posts proves time after time after time.

I know Angle's a hack.

Not even a paragraph into your post and you've already proven my point about you being a fucking moron when it comes to wrestling. What a shocker. Yeah, Angle sure is a hack, what with his great mic skills, amazing in-ring skills, and his ability to draw as either a face or a heel. Yeah, what a hack! :rolleyes:

Wolfe sucks in TNA.

I'd venture to guess you've never seen a single Nigel match or promo before he arrived in TNA. His first few months were great he had several FANTASTIC matches with Kurt Angle. He's been treated like a jobber since, but that's not his fault. How has he sucked in TNA? Is it the entertaining promos he cuts? The fact that he makes the best out of a REALLY shitty situation each week?

Styles is rather good. Cena's the best in the world. Brian Kendrick sucks and likes his marijuana. I know Ravens old as shit and has been shit for years. I know no one cares about Stevie Richards unless your name is Lee. I know D-Lo Brown sucks.... O and Tommy Dreamer was never good. That results in one big fail of an angle when your biggest stae is someone who was never more than a mid carder. Success baby.

Kendrick sucks? Someone's never seen Kendrick cut a promo on his own. As for the ECW invasion angle, tell me Becker, who the fuck else would they have leading the faction other than some of their big names from the past that are employed by TNA? Sorry, would you like Stone Cold, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit to be in the faction as well?

The angle is CLEARLY focused on RVD as the main focus. Not sure how much more obvious that could be. You know, that guy that's more over than anyone in TNA and who can still put on a great match.
Where did I say WWE was innocent? That's right: I didn't. But hey, who cares about what was said or not said when you can bash a TNA critic?

Then why the fuck don't you EVER bring up this shit when the WWE pulls it? Ever? Oh, right, because you're completely biased and gleefully admit that anytime someone mentions it.

You know, you shouldn't be proud of being closed-minded. Not flattering.

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