TNA iMPACT! LD for 06/17 Complete With New TNA Mod

Odd turn of events here, KB is trying to convince me that something about TNA was good and I'm saying it wasn't. Strange night altogether.

When it's true, it's true. He was solid all the way until he won the World Title from Sting. Then the stupidity took over. Just when you thought he'd be big.
Pretty good show tonight. The Flair and Lethal promo killed me. This show has logic which is what we haven't seen for awhile. It's too late to say this and it's been said before, but congrats IDR.
I really enjoyed TNA this week, a few things I did find strange was, how the fuck can you get counted out in a triple threat? and why wasn't RVD on the show? But I still like the Anderson tease, Abyss becoming heel but it might be too late and the Flair/Lethal segment.
One thing I realized: how stupid of Flair was it to say that every single potential member of Fortune isn't as good as the original Horsemen?

"Hey everyone. Come watch TNA. We have a bunch of guys that aren't as good as the Horsemen!" Does that make little sense to anyone else?
One thing I realized: how stupid of Flair was it to say that every single potential member of Fortune isn't as good as the original Horsemen?

"Hey everyone. Come watch TNA. We have a bunch of guys that aren't as good as the Horsemen!" Does that make little sense to anyone else?

I was wondering when you'd bring this up.

He was just being honest and like a drill sergeant degrading his pupils to try and make them angry at the world. That's what Drill Sergeants do right?
Yes, in the army. BUt this isn't the army. This is a wrestling company that Flair was brought into to help young talent. I missed the memo where telling the young talent that they're not as good as other guys is helping them somehow. You don't mention guys that are better than you because it will make the audience realize how inferior you are. Do you hear WWE talking about UFC? I don't think so.
I'm not talking about a kayfabe perspective. I'm talking about from a business perspective.

Take the Nitro/Foley incident. WCW mentioned FOley winning the title and people got interested. They don't mention it, the people don't think of Foley and they don't jump. They don't jump, Nitro might win. It makes them seem weak. What sounds better?

The promo you heard Flair give


"Ladies and gentlemen.....even you fat boy. Now sit down before I take your wife home and make a woman out of her. Ladies and gentlemen, before you today stands the greatest collection of talent the wrestling business has ever seen. With my hand guiding them, these men, these athletes blessed with gifts until now reserved to God himself, will become the greatest force this business has ever known. Kazarian, you are the greatest high flier this company has ever seen. You can do things in this ring that you need a dozen computers to make look real in the movies. Here we have Desmond Wolfe. My friend, with the talent you've got, I'm glad you're on my side. I want no part of you. And finally, we have Beer Money. What we have with Beer Money are two of the toughest, most rugged and damn near indestructible men that my eyes have seen in 35 years in this business. They are going to lay waste to TNA and anyone that steps in front of them. These men are not the Four Horsemen. They are BETTER than the Horsemen. They are....FOURtune.

Now which of those makes them sound better, and which makes you more excited to watch them?
That's my biggest issue above all others with TNA: they aren't building for the future but rather for quick wins right now. Flair buries talent other than a few people, RVD and Sting and now Jarrett, of which the youngest guy is what, 39 I believe have been feuding. Jarrett vs. Sting has been done. You KNOW Sting vs. Hogan is coming. Hogan makes a fortune and hasn't turned the ratings around one bit 6 months in. Wolfe is a total joke anymore. The Band would still be tag champions if not for Hall getting drunk again. You never get an end to angles and the ones that you do see come to an end always have holes in them, and I mean holes you could drive a bus through, and things are just forgotten about. There's no business plan in TNA. I know you're not a WWE guy, but the key thing there is that it's mainly about the young guys. SHeamus, Cena, Orton, Punk and so on are the focus, but you're seeing a bunch of young guys rubbing elbows with them so that once this generation gets old, there are new guys to pass it on to. You don't see that in TNA, which is where their biggest problem lies to me.
I don't buy that.

Look past Sting, RVD, and Jarrett ( I know it's hard do do since they were just involved in the main event) and you've got plenty of young talent that is getting pushed to be recognized like Abyss, Anderson, and Hardy. While the booking for some is shitty (Mainly Wolfe) quite a few are getting pushed. Sure, the push often revolves around old guys, but you said it yourself, the young guys are rubbing elbows with the young guys just with more old people involvement than you see in the WWE.
Ah yes. Ok so we have 36 year old Abyss who is a tribute to Hogan instead of his own character. He's also apparently now not wanting a beautiful woman around him that he gave a present to 4 days ago.

34 year old Anderson is over by making the crowd chant WE ARE ASSHOLES. I'll spare the analysis here.

And then we have Hardy, who actually is young so that on the chance he goes to jail he'll get out young.

That's three. Now let's take a look at some others.

We have Jay Lethal who spent three years as a tribute to Randy Savage who never showed up to pay off the gimmick and is now a tribute to FLair. Can't he just be himself? Have we ever seen Lethal just being Lethal?

Desmond Wolfe hasn't won a match on his own in how long now? Ah that's right: we need Abyss to beat him so many times that we can't keep count any longer despite the fans not reacting at all.

The Young Bucks and Machine Guns are incredibly fun to watch. Then they got popular so we had to get them off TV immediately.

Beer Money are guys I've been told have incredible potential and are both being wasted in a tag team. They've been wasted in tag teams since the company opened, in Storm's case almost literally.

AJ is now just trying to get Flair to smile at him, because being the best wrestler in the world isn't as important as having Flair's approval I guess.

So in other words, there are about three (if you want to call Abyss young) young guys that are getting decent pushes and have decent (although idiotic a good percent of the time) booking.

The last line you said sums it up: just with more old people involvement. WHat I want to know is why do we need the old people? Are you telling me AJ vs. Wolfe for 20 minutes doesn't sell itself? If TNA wants to be an alternative, then be an alternative rather than WWE/WCW from twenty years ago.
You know as well as I do that more people would pay to see people like Ric Flair and Hogan than they would to see BMI vs MCMG. It's sad but true. So yeah, I'm saying an hour long Styles/Wolfe match would get less ticket sales than Ric Flair/Hogan. I'm almost 70% sure I'm right.
Ok. So what I'd like to know is this.

With the ratings remaining about the same and even dropping since Hogan and Flair came in, what is the benefit of paying for them? If less people are watching, why pay them? Why not get let's say the same ratings with say AJ vs. Joe than the same ratings with Hogan and Flair being paid high salaries?

Also, it's not like many people pay for much in TNA anyway, so I'd also like to know how they plan to pay for Hogan and Flair other than house shows and PPV buys which I'd stake almost anything on being incredibly low.

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