TNA iMPACT! LD for 03.24.11

I just noticed you guys have a bot named Legion posting links. Thought someone should now but I'm away from a computer right now. Figured KB would see this in here.
Speaking of Crimson, where has he been? It could be I just started watching TNA again a few weeks ago and he might be injured, but did he just completely randomly disappear like Brian Kendrick? I miss that little guy.

I'm still praying that they bring him back to even out what could be a Lethal LockDown if AJ stays out.
The only time I have ever found Abyss even remotely interesting or entertaining was when he had James Mitchell as his manger
I like the shorter girls as well, but Deena does nothing for me. She reminds me of a hairless Furby for some reason.

I look at Deena like I look at Kate Gosselin. I would have sex with them for hours but if they talk once, they're done.

Who the hell let Hernandez near a mic? Why must you torture me?

I miss Konnan :(
So just so I have this straight, you broke up LAX, got rid of Homicide, and sent Hernandez to AAA for a year to return as the triumphant babyface...only to bring Hernandez back to be heel muscle for another Latin American stable. Ground-breaking booking guys, really.

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