The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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how do you upload custom avatars and profile photos?

I've decided we don't need two different threads for questions or Complaints anymore, so we're just going to have one thread for both. If you have any questions for the Staff member here on the WrestleZone forums, or if you wish to dispute a Warning/Infraction, you may do so in this thread. Please be advised if you ask a question or lodge a Complaint, you may get an answer you don't want. Please be ready to take this maturely.

Also, to all regular members, please note the title of the thread says WZ Staff members. That means we'll answer the questions, and don't need regular members to do so.

Please read the RULES and the FAQ before posting your Question or Complaint in this thread. Failure to do so will result in an Infraction for Spamming.



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WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MAIN NEWS SITE. THIS INCLUDES CHAIR SHOT REALITY. Posting a complaint about what happens on the main page will result in an Infraction for Spamming.
I think I accidently gave Pro Wrestling Fan positive rep when I meant to neg him. Is there any way to check to make sure I didn't and if I did is there anyway this can be replaced with the intentional negative rep? The reason I ask is because it looked like after I added my rep another green square was added to his set of them.
I think I accidently gave Pro Wrestling Fan positive rep when I meant to neg him. Is there any way to check to make sure I didn't and if I did is there anyway this can be replaced with the intentional negative rep? The reason I ask is because it looked like after I added my rep another green square was added to his set of them.
Is there a way? Yes. Is it worth my time and effort? Not really.

Just be more careful in the future. It's just rep after all.
Hello, I just registered for WZ but when I registered, I entered my own password instead of the registration code in the email. I didn't see that until after I registered. How can I correct this issue so that I can start making posts?
Hello, I just registered for WZ but when I registered, I entered my own password instead of the registration code in the email. I didn't see that until after I registered. How can I correct this issue so that I can start making posts? already are making posts.
Same question I had last time except I can't solve it the same way. I got a picture in my rep thing from a mod. I don't care about getting a red rep but the picture (well it's a gif, but that's beside the point) screws with my phone since the gif is so big. I can't put him on my ignore list to make it go away. Anyway to remove the picture?
Same question I had last time except I can't solve it the same way. I got a picture in my rep thing from a mod. I don't care about getting a red rep but the picture (well it's a gif, but that's beside the point) screws with my phone since the gif is so big. I can't put him on my ignore list to make it go away. Anyway to remove the picture?

Yes, once you get 20 more rep, it'll go away.
If we create a signature using danasoft dot com, the signatures look like the two shown in the picture

Since it says "Create your own sign at danasoft . com", will it be a violation of the advertising rule, even though I'm not affiliated to the said popular site or have anything to gain from it?
If we create a signature using danasoft dot com, the signatures look like the two shown in the picture

Since it says "Create your own sign at danasoft . com", will it be a violation of the advertising rule, even though I'm not affiliated to the said popular site or have anything to gain from it?
You can't use HTML in your signature, so it's really not an issue (at least in the way I think you want to use it).

If you are just wanting to take a screenshot of an image, you can use a photo editing tool to block out the advertising.
Yes, the signatures require HTML codes to work... so I guess I can't use them. But that answers my question, so thank you :)
Because the user is using Wrestlezone Forums to gain hits/fans/followers for an external website.

Former G-mod D-man has his in his signature and has had for years. On your profile you can have MSN/AIM/Yahoo etc. if it was the latest version of vbullitin twitter would be an option too.
Is it possible to request a rule change?

Possibly, and more than probably, this will be shot down in flames. However, I am hoping to float the idea of a change to the signature rule to allow moving signatures.

I know that Sly has said before that it slows the speed of the page down and that it looks unprofessional and messy. However, what about, as an addendum to any possible rule change, a moving signature has to be in spoiler tags? That way it is only available to those who wish to view it and won't slow the loading time of the page.
I know that Sly has said before that it slows the speed of the page down and that it looks unprofessional and messy. However, what about, as an addendum to any possible rule change, a moving signature has to be in spoiler tags? That way it is only available to those who wish to view it and won't slow the loading time of the page.
Images in sigs are still loaded when the page is loaded, even if they are in spoiler tags.
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