The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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I have read all of the "WZ forums rule book" thread and I still have a doubts. Here some of them:

1. Can I swear when I post? I've seen many users do it but I don't know if they are getting infractions for it. There's nothing mentioned in the rule book about that specifically. Can someone inform me on this?

2. Is a short answer considered spamming even if I'm supporting another user's idea? I believe I have received 2 infractions for it (the only 2 I have received since registering in 2011) and spamming wasn't my intent. I have to explain why I'm supporting such idea even if it's obvious?

That's all for now. I like the changes that have been made since 2011. I started posting more frequently in these past 6 months because I've seen that the forums are more organized. Also, I don't see many users fighting each other, but I'm starting to see it again and it worries me. I don't care about "forum fights", it is pointless and stupid (should be considered spam unless it's a healthy debate).
I have read all of the "WZ forums rule book" thread and I still have a doubts. Here some of them:

1. Can I swear when I post? I've seen many users do it but I don't know if they are getting infractions for it. There's nothing mentioned in the rule book about that specifically. Can someone inform me on this?
You can swear, just be careful about flaming.

2. Is a short answer considered spamming even if I'm supporting another user's idea? I believe I have received 2 infractions for it (the only 2 I have received since registering in 2011) and spamming wasn't my intent. I have to explain why I'm supporting such idea even if it's obvious?
Yes. To comply with spam rules you have to have a position and support it. Otherwise, the forum would be overwhelmed with posts like "I like Daniel Bryan".

Also, I don't see many users fighting each other, but I'm starting to see it again and it worries me. I don't care about "forum fights", it is pointless and stupid (should be considered spam unless it's a healthy debate).
The fights mostly seem to occur in the Non-Spam Wrestling sections. There are plenty of other forums which are much more civil.
Okay so i read all of the rulebook and faq suff on reputation points. That said i'm still confused. I was looking at my amount of rep points, and i did the math based on who gave me the reps and it didn't come out right. I'll admit that I'm not a mathematician so if i'm just making a math mistake then sorry thats my bad. I was hoping someone could look at my rep point and explain how i got to the total amount of points i got , cause it doesn't make sense to me. Oh and just to clarify, I'm not confused cause i think i deserve more rep points. I'm confused cause i actually thought i was gonna have alot less.
I'm trying to add an image to my signature and it shows up exactly how i want when I preview it, but it is not showing up at all on my actual posts. I'm linking an image from photobucket and I'm only using the and BBCodes. Any advice? Thanks in advance.
I have a question,

Is Slyfox the top admin on this site?
Is it really that poorely managed?

Ig there's an admin above him I would appreciate to have a chat to describe how abusing Slyfox his and how disrespectful he is,

I would never have him as a manager of my blog. I think it's important that the people who he is impacting negatively are aware of his actions.

If Slyfox is the sole admin of this blog, hell, good luck...

Full disclosure : I think Slyfox is a tool :)
Yes he is.

No it isn't.

There is but he won't answer any attempts you might make to contact him.

We don't think it's important.

If you reply to this, you'll probably be infracted for spamming.
Someone gave me a rep with a picture in the comment section.

The picture is not offensive or anything but if I am using my phone it stretches the screen which is kind of annoying. Any way to remove the picture?
Someone gave me a rep with a picture in the comment section.

The picture is not offensive or anything but if I am using my phone it stretches the screen which is kind of annoying. Any way to remove the picture?

Try putting that poster on your ignore list. Their rep comment and the image will no longer show up.
I don't know if it is appropriate to ask this here or not, but I'll take the chance. (It will take some set up to get to the question.) So, I started watching wrestling (always WWF/WWE) when I was a kid. I'm 33 now. I grew up without cable, so what I saw was limited. In high school I had a friend record Raw for me, during Austin's time and DX's time. I watched all the way through college and a little bit beyond, and gave up wrestling around 2005, 2006 until I want to say 2011. My question is, I'm wondering if it would be ok to post a thread (including all that information), and asking what people think, in their personal opinions, is the most important stuff that I missed. If I can post that thread, where should I post it?
Not that everyone should ask but I want to know if I could prove myself worthy for about 3 or 4 months could I become a staff.I want to help you guy's out that's one of the things I want to accomplish on WZ forums.I understand if I get an infraction for asking but I read the rules and I will fully follow.So please give me 3 or 4 month's to show my worth and consider it please.That is all I ask.Thanks
Not that everyone should ask but I want to know if I could prove myself worthy for about 3 or 4 months could I become a staff.I want to help you guy's out that's one of the things I want to accomplish on WZ forums.I understand if I get an infraction for asking but I read the rules and I will fully follow.So please give me 3 or 4 month's to show my worth and consider it please.That is all I ask.Thanks
The Staff of the WZ Forums earned their position by demonstrating a commitment to the forums, dedicated posting and an ability to follow the rules. If you do those things, then you're doing the best you can do. After that, it's purely up to us.
Hello, I was wondering if a staff member could help me perhaps? I used to be a member on wrestlezone under the screen name Rizza. I haven't logged in for years now, but when i try for that account it tells me my password is wrong. Unless i'm remembering completely wrong, i know what my password is. So i seemed to be locked out. On top of that, my email associated with that account also has me locked out so i cant just retrieve the password.

So, is that account doomed? I know multiple accounts are forbidden, so i was wondering what would come of that. If possible i would love to be able to access that screen name, and do away with "Markadile" As i created this one just to try and get some help. Any answers or help would be great. Sorry for the trouble as well. -Rizza
The Rizza account is open and active. What was the e-mail account associated with it?
Well, thats a bit of the problem, im not quite sure. I had many email accounts before my main one now but I believe it was [email protected]. but since hotmail changed to outlook, i haven't been able to get in it once.

If its open and active is there anyway you could send my password info to my current email? Just wondering if thats a possibility. Thanks again for the help.
It's not mark_the_ripper. And I will not do that until I can be sure it is really your account, especially since your locations are so different. Just a safety precaution thing.
No problem, i totally understand. Salida CO is quite a distance From GA. lol. If my email isn't [email protected] or [email protected] then i'm not sure at all what it could be.

Where to we go from here now? Is the account done for? Does info about the old account help my case? i know it was called Ric Camel and then possiibly Rizza-Ric(not sure if i actually made that change or just thought about it) and the old location on it was highway 293 GA. Just let me know if there is anything i can do. I appreciate the help.
The e-mail starts with a V.
Can you not just open that e-mail account and get your password reset?

As you can see i got back into my account, after some search i found all the info i needed in my laptop. Sorry for all the trouble, but thanks for the help.I will be not logging into the "Markadile" account anymore. I apologize for making that as well, as i thought it was the only way to get my account back.
Hey guys, thought you should know:

As you can see i got back into my account, after some search i found all the info i needed in my laptop. Sorry for all the trouble, but thanks for the help.I will be not logging into the "Markadile" account anymore. I apologize for making that as well, as i thought it was the only way to get my account back.
Sounds good.
Hey guys, thought you should know:

Meh, that happens from time to time. Someone probably linked to an image hosted on that site.
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