The WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread

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Hi If I am looking to sell some extra Wrestlemania tickets. Is there anyway I can make a thread or something without it being banned?
WZ Admin,

I've been given a warning and possible infraction regarding putting an opinion to previous events stated in my thread. How do I edit my thread?
You haven't received a warning/infraction that I see. Was it through a PM? Also you're not allowed to edit your posts after a very short window.


Is there a reason to why YOU MUST give a reason to inc. factual content in your threads?


Is there a reason to why YOU MUST give a reason to inc. factual content in your threads?

To add argument to a non-spam post. For example the spam post "I think John Cena will win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship" is simply a statement. Even if the thread is about John Cena in a title match, we want to know why you think what you posted. Adding a reasoning behind it can turn it into a statement such as "I think John Cena will win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship because he is so passionate about the business and makes WWE a lot of merchandise money" adds an argument to your statement, proving to us why you think he will win. All we need is a reasoning behind an on-topic post, you do not have to submit a novel or lengthy answer.

Or if you want the shorter answer.... you must because that is what the rules said and will continue to unless the admins want to change it.
Show me what you're talking about.
This is my point:
They should focus on well developed storylines and development of the wrestlers.

This is why:
In years such as 2009, there was always a well built feud with plenty of time and effort put into it, in every single division. It's not time that's the issue, it's the booking. There's too much on the main story and non-title feuds. For the most part, the only story there is concerning a mid-card champion is the basic "challenger vs title holder." If you wanted to get rid of the X-Division with your reasons, they may as well exclude the tag-teams and Knockouts, which also have spontaneous matches and short stories.

Then this a day later:
If they want people to care about their mid-card, it is necessary that they focus on the talent as well as the story as I had previously stated.

As you can see, I have raised the point again but it isn't explained as I had already done so in the same thread. Spam or not?
You guys (the admin) are fkin jackasses,

Crazy shitè I took 45 minutes last night to write my first fkin thread only to find out it was completely erased this morning,

If the thread is not in the right section, how about changing it and send a warning e-mail, I don't say if someone has 1500 posts, but its possible that someone with 10 posts didn't read all your stupid rules and your over-the-top condescending posts about the rules. Believe me, my time is worth much more than yours, we're all doing you a favor by keeping this blog active. Be nice, helpful, jackasses.

You've lost a regular reader, I don't like jackasses, you must be sad fkin people.

Poor management, like CM Punk said : "You're a millionaire that should be a billionaire" you guys should be more popular than you are but you manage this site very poorly,
I'm not a staff member here but for what it's worth your post was moved to the Raw Review thread. It is common practice around here. I think you would agree that is a logical place for your comments.
You guys (the admin) are fkin jackasses,

Crazy shitè I took 45 minutes last night to write my first fkin thread only to find out it was completely erased this morning,

If the thread is not in the right section, how about changing it and send a warning e-mail, I don't say if someone has 1500 posts, but its possible that someone with 10 posts didn't read all your stupid rules and your over-the-top condescending posts about the rules. Believe me, my time is worth much more than yours, we're all doing you a favor by keeping this blog active. Be nice, helpful, jackasses.

You've lost a regular reader, I don't like jackasses, you must be sad fkin people.

Poor management, like CM Punk said : "You're a millionaire that should be a billionaire" you guys should be more popular than you are but you manage this site very poorly,
What are you babbling about? Are you talking about this post?
Lets say I want to write some articles about New Japan Pro Wrestling. Something like a post to explain the inner stuff of New Japan, such as their big shows, their big stars and some of it's history in a three/four part article to see if people can get into it.

Can I create a single thread for that? And if so, could the staff re-arrange the order of the posts to later have the four posts together or at least one after the other?

Keep up with the good work guys.
Hey guys I'm having a issue with one of the mods on the WWE boards that I'd like to maybe get looked at.

The mod "Dagger Diaz" has gave me 2 warnings now for spamming when I never spammed a board...I honestly feel he is just hitting me with the because he doesn't like my opinions and that's not fair.

The first warning he gave me was when I replied to a thread asking people to name the current era in WWE...I replied with "the internet crybaby era" as kinda a joke....He deleted my response and warned me even tho it was on topic and I didn't flame on anyone.

The second time I replied to a thread asking members if WWE should recognize Rob Van Damn ' wrestlemania winning streak and my response in that thread was "here's a quick one word"....He decided to warn me for that response.

I don't see how me replying to the threads is spamming and I don't understand why he is targeting me since the first warning in the same thread other members were posting simular posts as I did and he ignored them even when I pointed it out to him.

I'd appreciate it if somebody can either remove these warning or explain to me better at why I deserve them.
Lol alright man well if ur just gonna be a moron then maybe I should just really spam the boards to give a example of what spamming actually is.

You got your answer, even if it was a non staff member. For a post to be considered non spam you must explain your reasoning. The rules here are a little different, and they have been explained to you. If you don't like them take it up with Sly or KB, or simply cease posting here. Warnings mean nothing, but if you continue to post in this thread with this same issue, you will be infracted for spamming, and infractions do matter.
Oh wait now I'm spamming by explaining my situation now lol ok I'm just gonna assume that these forums are run by a bunch of damn ******s at this point seeing as your contradiction just made my head hurt...I'm gonna really spam the forum's now

The rules were explained to you, but you may be slow so allow me to explain them one last time.

1. General Rules

A. Spamming: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. The rules on spamming at WrestleZone Forums are somewhat different than those of most other forums. We require you give an opinion on the thread subject, but also to back up your opinion; simply stating that something is good or bad does not add to discussion. We want to know why you feel the way you do about a certain subject to allow other posters to debate your opinion. We do not require an essay for every post, we simply require you contribute to the topic. Spamming in a forum where it is disallowed may result in an infraction.

For you post to be considered non spam, you must explain your reasoning/opinion. I gave you an infraction for spamming and one for the prejudiced remarks. There are a lot of good people on the forums, I've made good friends here, and I genuinely want you to enjoy your experience here, but if you can't follow the rules I have no problems giving you another infraction for continuing to spam this thread.
I actually have a quick question that might be a dumb question, but...

When will we see new avatars go up? Because I, for one, would love mine to be Seth Rollins, and I'm sure there are Reigns, Wyatt, Ambrose, etc. fans who would love to have their guy represented in the avatars.

Thanks guys!
I actually have a quick question that might be a dumb question, but...

When will we see new avatars go up? Because I, for one, would love mine to be Seth Rollins, and I'm sure there are Reigns, Wyatt, Ambrose, etc. fans who would love to have their guy represented in the avatars.

Thanks guys!
Whenever I feel like it. That's not me being snotty, that's just when they go up. It's more likely during the summer time though. I didn't do it last year because there just wasn't much that had changed in wrestling.
Would you accept community contributions when the new batch of avatars are being created?
That's how we always do it. I'll post a thread requesting avatar submissions. Usually I'll have a quota for different types (for example, 20 for current wrestlers, 15 for old wrestlers and 15 for other types of avatars). People will post their favorite avatars (or create them and post them) and then I'll choose the ones which should get put up (the best quality and depending upon how many we already have of a certain wrestler).
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