The joke is that he's put Coco on ignore.
I get it now. LOL
and you're angry about this because?
Anytime there is injustice, JGlass responds by dumping a bucket full of truth all over the situation.
Because a video game tournament on the internet MATTERS, DAMMIT. Chill the fuck out.

But when I got pmed by Becca to vote in the best poster tag team tourney I couldn't be arsed to make a decent post to explain why. People who don't have an opinion on the matchup aren't going to make a nonspam post explaining why Mario Kart > Zelda. That was the point of it.
I'm voting Mario Kart because I like racing games better than RPGs.
There's a non-spam post. Winner.
Because nobody's PMed for votes in other irrelevent tournaments here. Oh wait...
Further proof that this is one of the more irrelevant tournaments.
I didn't realize trying to treat everyone equally was douchey. Woe is me.
And that's got precisely nothing to do with whether or not one game is better to another. Coco knew that, which is why he wasn't surprised it was deleted. He was trolling, plain and simple. He stuck to the rules, but that's your next point.
It has everything to do with it. Without good cover art some games would likely go unnoticed by consumers. If a game goes unnoticed by most consumers it won't get the recognition it deserves. Because Mario Kart's cover art featured gameplay examples and the characters in the game people were more likely to pick up and enjoy the game.
And you come off as more than both. Funny how being angry about trivial shit a day later makes you come off.
I don't understand why people think I'm angry here. I'm merely defending the rights of our everyday posters. I am the voice of the voiceless.
Well, it's not like Coco's capable of being a dick within the rules is it?
You don't honestly believe that, do you?
There's no way that he's picked up infractions for "abusing the report button", or banned because IC25 had enough of him being a douchebag in theCageBar Room, and that was his EXACT reasoning. Go ask him about that next time the NJexus meets up if you want that confirmed.
My friends don't like Coco, so I guess I shouldn't either. Now I understand why you continue to let Lee anally penetrate you: neither of you are capable of independent thinking.
Coco is many things. One of them is being in the top 10% of posters in the forum. The other is a masterfully dickish troll. Don't white knight for him here, he's not an innocent victim. Lee thought he was trolling and deleted the post. End of story. You disagree? Take it up with him
Troll? Or truth warrior? I'm hardly white knighting for Coco, merely riding alongside him into battle in a war against oppression and lies.
Have you tried PMing him to ask why he closed it so soon? I mean it's not like he was going to have a chance to after he posted his shoot.
I prefer to conduct my business out in the open for all to see. You need to air out your dirty laundry to get rid of the stench.
Now sit down, take a deep breath, calm down and shut the fuck up.
Already sitting.
I'm not out of breath.
I'm not angry.
Go fuck yourself, if you think anyone with an independent thought on this site gives more than a shake of their dick about what you have to say you're shitting yourself.